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Voice morphing - request for a new buying option and request of different purchasing method

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Good day. I only use one morphed voice out of any pack so I would like to request two things:

1) That single voices are made available at a hopefully a smaller fee (even L$100 per month for a single voice would be a tolerable cost. The current fee is quite prohibitive if one only has stipend income.

2) That a "standing order" or "direct debit" style arrangement for could be put in place so that the voice subscription is automatically renewed, (taking funds from ones L$ wallet, not from RL) without the need to go to voice island. If there aren't sufficient L$ then the subscription would cancel. Pretty simple arrangement.

This latter facility would be very useful for a club or group subscription too, especially where one gives away something very decent once a month to subscribing members. I can see benefits to LL and users of putting this facility in place, not only for voice purchasing.

I would welcome feedback, support for the idea, criticisms etc.

Regards Scy

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How about you save up your pennies and purchase the software for use on your PC. This way you pay for it once and can use any of the available voices this company offers.



I personally like using the cute Fox Female voice when being incognito during Halloween.

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KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

How about you save up your pennies and purchase the software for use on your PC. This way you pay for it once and can use any of the available voices this company offers.


I personally like using the cute
Fox Female
voice when being incognito during Halloween.

 Great...another way for men who are playing women to hide in SL....


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Tex Monday wrote:

KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

How about you save up your pennies and purchase the software for use on your PC. This way you pay for it once and can use any of the available voices this company offers.


I personally like using the cute
Fox Female
voice when being incognito during Halloween.

 Great...another way for men who are playing women to hide in SL....


LOL - Well I didn't mean to give the males in the audience another tool for deceiving others. It just happened. :P


P.S. Even with Voice Morphing Software it's pretty easy to identify its use in SL. The converted voice just doesn't sound right to my ear.

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KarenMichelle Lane wrote:


LOL - Well I didn't mean to give the males in the audience another tool for deceiving others. It just happened.


P.S. Even with Voice Morphing Software it's pretty easy to identify its use in SL. The converted voice just doesn't sound right to my ear.

 From my little experience I agree.  I once went shopping for voice morphing software on an island here in SL with a male friend of mind who was getting a female voice for his teen avi.  He would try each voice and ask me how it sounded.  Most sounded ridiculous - some too squeaky and some so deep they sounded like men or very old dowagers.  We finally settled on one that didn't sound too bad.  A lot better than the one he originally had.


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KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

P.S. Even with Voice Morphing Software it's pretty easy to identify its use in SL. The converted voice just doesn't sound right to my ear.


 Using the demos that were on the website, I think the male to female sounded pretty good. The female to male voice sounded very digitized to me.


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The use of the voice wasn't the point of my original post, that's up to the individual, but yes I guess you are right. Did you ever ask yourself what you would do (I'm assuming you are male) if you fell in love with another man? Now there's a dilemma! lol. Isn't it the mind of the person you fall for? Or is it a more base desire that you are fulfilling?

I was after ease of use and for keeping the costs down of any voice. There's no fun in paying so much just for a pixie (or a female voice if that is your requirement) just for occasional use. An automatic payment would be really useful if one is a consistent role play character than never changes their voice.

But while on the subject of female voices, how many of your men friends are really men? And if they are friends then what does it matter if they are female? They're obviously interested in the same stuff! It widens our horizons and helps extinguish any prejudices we may harbour :))

My first friend in SL happened to be a gay man. Excellent guy, really one in a million. We discussed how we would never have met in RL and become friends, that would have been a great shame. I know my life was enriched by our friendship and hope the opposite was true too.

As a hetero guy I have male and female friends, gay and straight (most people don't mention their preferences but I know of a few that do). To be honest I really don't care what the avatar looks like because I'm not wanting to get anyone into bed! :)) Is that your aim?

I'd much rather have amazing friends from all parts of the rainbow thank you lol.

Said with a big grin.

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Scythe Elfenbeim wrote:....

,,,,,I'd much rather have amazing friends from all parts of the rainbow thank you lol.

Said with a big grin.

I so agree. I made the decision long ago to accept everyone as they choose to present themselves in SecondLife. This made the whole world much more fun from my POV as a DJ. It has been interesting that some of my acquaintances will share with me the truth of their 1st lives after my acceptance of their 2nd life persona. I consider this a complement.  :D

P.S. I'm not looking for Mr. Right in SL so the whole notion of "You should be exactly who you are in RL"  doesn't affect me emotionally. After all, I'm no Spring Chickie in reality anymore but my avatar is. Mmmmmm such fond memories.

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I had a female friend on here. We were best friends. Shared secrets and it was always a blast with her. One day someone outed her on the forum. She was not a she but a he. I didn't care if it was a guy or a girl. To be honest if you are a good person then that's who you are. However I was hurt, for her being exposed with out her permission but also hurt that all those hours of us spending time together and becoming RL friends did she tell me that she was a man in RL. No it wasn't my business at all but the fact that she felt she couldn't share it with me, the fact that she felt like I wouldn't love her the way she was... That hurt. Sadly she was so embarrassed by being outed that she left SL but she left me a letter I hold dear to my heart. She lives in a close minded town where if you utter the word gay, transgender, cross dresser or anything that isn't bible thumping you were shot or beating. SL was a way for her to be who she was with out the judgment. To be the woman she felt she was inside. Its a shame SL could use more sweet people like her. I understand that some people use it to be hurtful but sometimes there are other reasons for it. *Off of soap box.

PS. This wasnt directed at you just to add my two cents here..

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Alicia Sautereau wrote:

Men who have a female avi and have the need to hide it even further by using a morpher to mislead others aren`t men, but ***********


 I can't totally argue with you Alicia...but I can't totally agree either.

I know a lot of people who are men who play women in SL..heck, I've done it a few times myself...and most of them do it not to mislead, but because they can't do it in RL; they are gay, transgendered or just crossdressers. I think it would make them feel more comfortable in their SL skin if their voice could match their look.

On the other hand, which also goes to Sephina's point, people feel "cheated" if they become very close and the person isn't  who they say they are. When my old AV (female) had a Mistress, I toid her eventually that I was really a guy..she was ok with it...it could have easily gone the other way.

Why the hell does it quote you now Tex? frigging forum...

Not sure what you mean here..I guess that it won't quote me?? Otherwise, I've really upset you... (in which case, I'm sorry...):matte-motes-sunglasses-3:

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That is very sad... To feel female on the inside while ones body is male, or the opposite is such an incredible trial. I am not surprised that she didn't reveal all Sephina, to do so would be to break the mirror of her SL life.

It is the person inside that is the real person, and it is the body that is out of sync with the mind, not the other way round. Of course there is a whole range of positions on the sexuality as well as the gender scale, but for those that feel to their roots that they are a different gender inside from that of their body are often tormented.

For these individuals they are not gay, they are a different gender from that of their body. That's a very different perspective from person who prefers the same gender. All go through hell because society assumes we are what we appear as but there is a difference between someone who has a mismatch between gender and sexuality and those who prefer the same gender. It's a shame that this distinction isn't often made because it would help everyone to be more informed.

I hope your friend finds courage to return inworld where she can be who she is Sephina. SL can be a valuable life-line and a place to find how one can exist happily. Thank you for your post.

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Voice is provided by a third party, Vivox, not Linden Lab.  The voice morphing packs and service are  too.  They are the ones that you are paying.  To my knowledge, there is no way for anyone other than LL to set up a reoccurring debit on someone's Lindens account and have the money go to them. A good thing IMO   That is why many SL real estate companies have web sites set up where you can set up an auto debit of your paypal, credit card or bank account for your tier.

Probably LL does not want to bill on behalf of another company and have to do the bookkeeping involved.   However perhaps there would be a way for Vivox to offer single voices and auto debit a paypal account or credit card for those that use their services.  However I am sure it would depend on their contract with LL.  You can contact Vivox  if you wish to pursue this further.

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You could learn to do it old school..... just make up a voice with your voice. I use voice altering stuff in my youtube movies here: http://www.youtube.com/user/SodaGnome but then I've met a lot of people. well animals/elves etc who just make a new voice on their own. I've met a few people who do cartoon voices for tv and it's amazing what you can do with your own voice if you pratice or try. 

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There are a LOT of bigoted women on SL aren't there. How about this - have a conversation with a human person regardless of male or female and make your friends or relationships accordingly. You know that drop dead gorgeous guy - he probably doesn't look like that in RL. What a bunch of hypocritical bigots! Ugh!

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This is a heart rending story - it is too bad that the small minds are able to drive out a warm caring person like that. I also am a male with a female avi. I have always played females in ANY game where that is an option. It has nothing whatsoever to do with getting into someone's drawers - it has to do with wanting to be comfortable with who I am inside. I have a male avi - he is not me and I am not comfortable playing him. Frankly, I have had only two people that I've been really close to and before it went too far I told them. One is now a FB friend as well. There are so many crass, self righteous bigots in SL it is sickening. But since I choose my friends based not on their age, race, nationality, sex, sexual preference, or any other meaningless category that people wish to use to justify their narrow minds, I have quite a few good friends and two that are totally special.

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TReardon wrote:

There are a LOT of bigoted women on SL aren't there. How about this - have a conversation with a human person regardless of male or female and make your friends or relationships accordingly.
You know that drop dead gorgeous guy - he probably doesn't look like that in RL.
What a bunch of hypocritical bigots! Ugh!

Oh yes I do!

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TReardon wrote:

There are a LOT of bigoted women on SL aren't there. How about this - have a conversation with a human person regardless of male or female and make your friends or relationships accordingly.
You know that drop dead gorgeous guy - he probably doesn't look like that in RL. What a bunch of hypocritical bigots! Ugh!

Love the sarcasm and point made. Well done, bravo!! 

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SodaGnome wrote:

You could learn to do it old school..... just make up a voice with your voice. I use voice altering stuff in my youtube movies here: 
 but then I've met a lot of people. well animals/elves etc who just make a new voice on their own. I've met a few people who do cartoon voices for tv and it's amazing what you can do with your own voice if you pratice or try. 

Watched the video you posted in the "fox" thread; then watched all of yours I could find.  I really enjoyed them - some where laugh-out-loud funny.  Your voice is half the fun.  Hope you make some more.


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