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Double checked, followed the pics in his profile, post removed.


"ETA I wonder if your post is not another way of saying if your not with us, you are against us.   Go figure.  A typical strong-arm tactic."

No that was the NOT the idea.  I will continue to go after anyone who is ripping content off the web and making a profit off it.  I still say selling Boston Red Sox clothing on the Marketplace is wrong,  more so it has always broken the TOS for Second Life.

Ok done posting from my kindle its just aggravating. Good luck to ya all :)

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Catherine Cotton wrote:

Double checked, follwed the pics in his profile, post removed.

I do have 2 B Strong tees that were free.. untill someone bought 100 of each to "give to my friends." yeah.. i believe that too, so now they are 10L each.. easily giftable and i have already donate 100 USD to the Boston Strong fund.. so basically anyting i do make on them wont come close to what i donated. so i am not making a profit. just to be clear.

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Catherine Cotton wrote:

Double checked, follwed the pics in his profile, post removed.


"ETA I wonder if your post is not another way of saying if you're not with us, you are against us.   Go figure.  A typical strong-arm tactic."

No that was the
idea.  I will continue to go after anyone who is ripping content off the web and making a profit off it.  I still say selling Boston Red Sox clothing on the Marketplace is wrong,  more so it has always broken the TOS for Second Life.

Even though you whacked your post, my post will stand!   Your attempt to discredit people who will not or did not join the 'cause' is in-line with what I have read from others.  Pathetic. 


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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Catherine Cotton wrote:

Double checked, follwed the pics in his profile, post removed.

I do have 2 B Strong tees that were free.. untill someone bought 100 of each to "give to my friends." yeah.. i believe that too, so now they are 10L each.. easily giftable and i have already donate 100 USD to the Boston Strong fund.. so basically anyting i do make on them wont come close to what i donated. so i am not making a profit. just to be clear.

Shakes head,  no comment.  Someone else deal with this.

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Catherine Cotton wrote:

You know what back off, he just discredited himself in his final post.  You can't sell copy right materials in SL for any reason what so ever. 

Its an idea,  not a logo.. i made the logo myself.

ETA.. 1. the logo is not and can not be copyrighted. You can not copyright a city name.

2. the fund is called The One Fund. 

3. I made that logo from scratch. There are hundreds of places to get the same Tee in RL all donate to the fund.

4. it was free untill someone was caught selling them in a shop inworld. i guess i should have made them no trans, but i didnt think of that. sue me.

You go from apologetic to nasty in 3 seconds with out doing any digging.

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Catherine Cotton wrote:

You know what back off, he just discredited himself in his final post.  You can't sell copy right materials in SL for any reason what so ever. 

A Boston Strong T is analogous to a yellow ribbon, or a pink ribbon for breast cancer awareness.  Don't over stretch with your statements.  The more you write the more I can understand they were intended to be nasty and discrediting.  


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@ Trinity; I've been wondering if it would come to this, and seems it has.   I get (as I assume everyone in the group does) a crazy amount of group notices, daily.  I know how to turn off notices, but didn't want to miss something important, so I haven't.  Today I got one that appeared, if I read it right, to say that I'll be removed from the group if I don't join a guild.  I don't intend to join a guild.  I don't intend to join on Google+, or anywhere else.  I'd like to keep up with whatever the group is doing, but I don't have the RL time to give to this, that appears to be required especially since I am not a content creator but an interested party only.  I'm on the board of Virtual Ability, and would love to stay abreast, but I can't devote the time that seems to be required.   So if I read the notice correctly, and that means I will be removed from the group, go ahead and remove me.  I wish the group well and my interest in the issue remains.  I'm at a disability conference in Denver right now, and that's where my available time is directed.  Do take care, cheers and best wishes.

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Treasure Ballinger wrote:


@ Trinity; I've been wondering if it would come to this, and seems it has.   I get (as I assume everyone in the group does) a crazy amount of group notices, daily.  I know how to turn off notices, but didn't want to miss something important, so I haven't.  Today I got one that appeared, if I read it right, to say that I'll be removed from the group if I don't join a guild.  I don't intend to join a guild.  I don't intend to join on Google+, or anywhere else.  I'd like to keep up with whatever the group is doing, but I don't have the RL time to give to this, that appears to be required especially since I am not a content creator but an interested party only.  I'm on the board of Virtual Ability, and would love to stay abreast, but I can't devote the time that seems to be required.   So if I read the notice correctly, and that means I will be removed from the group, go ahead and remove me.  I wish the group well and my interest in the issue remains.  I'm at a disability conference in Denver right now, and that's where my available time is directed.  Do take care, cheers and best wishes.

oh wow ! no.. i havent said ppl will be removed from the guilds. 

i just removed the ppl in the google communities that i cant link to a sl avatar in the group and asked them to send antoher request and im me at the same time for i know who they are in google and so can accept their request

Noone will be removed from the group.

this was just a technical clarification bec i have hard time to investigate from scratch who is who in google if they dont have the same name in rl.. no more

dont worry, you wont be removed from the group and noone will be.

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Catherine Cotton wrote:

I will let everyone else judge for themselves ok.


i dont think this is the place for a Drake's trial.

this thread is about the tos and the battle against this.

Thank you

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"it sucks and i wish they would change it back..."

Amen to that.

Muttering out loud and I've not had time or the inclination to check further, but something that has been eating at me. The lawyers stated at the presentation that the terms "sell" and "resell" in the ToS concerned patents and not copyright and thus LL may have been sloppy in their wording.

I'm wondering if this couldn't have been more intentional than that. There have been many inventions in the form of scripted systems that are indeed able to be patented. In fact Amaretto vs. Ozimals was about game mechanics, a case in which patents could have been applied should they have decided to go that route.

While I can chalk many things up to incompetence when it comes to LL, their ability to change the ToS at any time may indicate that this might be something to ask a lawyer. Are they chipping away at patent rights as well?

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Just a note that there are plenty of people who have a Google + account and NEVER GO THERE or use it. I have to have one as YouTube seems to require it (and other sites -- and I prefere Google + over Facebook which I haven't logged into in years). YouTube automatically puts my videos in my Google + page (there may be a way to turn that off but I haven't found it).

Other than that I never look at it. So counting on Google + too much may not be a good thing :D. Just saying.


EDIT: I DID turn off notices as they were capping my messages. I assume anything that is important will show up here from you or Toy

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Chic Aeon wrote:

Just a note that there are plenty of people who have a Google + account and NEVER GO THERE or use it. I have to have one as YouTube seems to require it (and other sites -- and I prefere Google + over Facebook which I haven't logged into in years). YouTube automatically puts my videos in my Google + page (there may be a way to turn that off but I haven't found it).

Other than that I never look at it. So counting on Google + too much may not be a good thing
. Just saying.


EDIT: I DID turn off notices as they were capping my messages. I assume anything that is important will show up here from you or Toy

you still can check notices in the notice tab history anyway. or you will miss important infos probably.

About google +, there is no perfect solution.

the google + communities are tools for every guilds. we need a place where discussion can happen. we first thought to a forum, but it was tricky to find a provider and to create one, since we are not rich and free ones seems a hell.

So we choosed for google communities bec they still have a not bad interface, and allow a lot of interactivities between the members.

A lot of ppl have already a google account and its not a big deal to create one if you dont have one. Even if you dont like their tos since you will only use it for the communities i dont see where there will be a problem. and you are not forced to provide your real identity either. 

so well there was not perfect solution, we just choosed the one that seemed better for us.... 

Btw i still dont understand ppl that complain bec of notices or nc... in such important battle you would think that ppl wants the more infos they can get... infos is power... no infos you are powerless... that leaves me speechless everytime i hear a rant about that. maybe ppl just want to say to themselves they join the battle but then wash their hands ? i dont know, so i cant even have an opinion about that... that just let me speechless everytime. 

(not directed to you of course, i understand the im capping thing of course, you could fix this btw with checking the lil box in preference menu for your ims are sent to your emails when you are offline, they keep landing there even after the caping limit, so you wont miss any of them :smileywink:)

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Dartagan Shepherd wrote:

And yet she has contributed some good thoughts on the subject in general, as well as giving us some historical tidbits on times past in SL. Have I missed your thoughts on the matter? I mean besides the ones directed at the people involved.

I take nothing away from what she has contributed in the past, her longevity in SL (although according to her profile feed she left for inwordz over a year ago,) or what she will contribute on this forum in the future.    I was addressing her false accusations leveled at another player of this game.  (I feel like this forum just went through this exercise with Phil.)

My thoughts on this matter have been expressed in any number of the umpteen OP's penned.  And I have read them all!  Whether I am involved or not, I am paying attention.   

I hit the "I AGREE" button when it was presented on this MMORPG.

Like any other 'just' cause, there exist the fringe and extremists; the idiots; the rah rah girls; the religious left; the religious right; the non-believers, but hey, it's a party people; etc.   On this MMORPG, I am enjoying role-playing with them^^. 


ETA You were asking about my thoughs on this matter so I assumed you were referring to the ToS issue.  If you were referring to the Boston Red Sox issue, then I would have to say: Lets go Cards! 


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Oh, good, well as I said, I may have misunderstood the notice, glad to hear it.  About something else you said, later in this thread:  I'm sorry it appears that one wants to be in the group but not work in it.  Sometimes, one must choose.  My SL is pretty full what with Virtual Ability; work full time in RL.  I saw you mentioned that you will be inworld most of the day today, for example.  I can never, ever do that as much as I'd like to.  So while I am sorry if you're left speechless, I do, as I'm sure others do, have to choose levels.  Yes, this is an important 'battle' or issue, and I am truly sorry that I can't commit more to it.  But thanks for clarification that I won't be remved from the group.  :)  

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Well, I've done the rah-rah thing but that gets old with a losing team. I suppose we may be the tea party of SL, but that's fine. Personally I think people label their own boxes very clearly and those who try to re-label them tend to get them wrong.

One persons tea party is anothers consumer protection or IP rights, I suppose.

None of which really has much to do with the fact that the ToS is indeed perceived as an overbearing agreement. So say most aware users, most lawyers and consumers of various companies and products that do try to pull this kind of thing on their users. Thankfully there are resources to help combat just this kind of thing.

To what degree people participate or don't is really not the issue here. Thank you for playing.

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Dartagan Shepherd wrote:


None of which really has much to do with the fact that the ToS is indeed perceived as an overbearing agreement. So say most aware users, most lawyers and consumers of various companies and products that do try to pull this kind of thing on their users. Thankfully there are resources to help combat just this kind of thing.


Dartagan, I have never seen a ToS or contract that wasn't perceived as an overbearing document.  Never!  Not one.  And as contributor to 'open source' software I have exposure to many.

 PS You're welcome.




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Treasure Ballinger wrote:

Oh, good, well as I said, I may have misunderstood the notice, glad to hear it.  About something else you said, later in this thread:  I'm sorry it appears that one wants to be in the group but not work in it.  Sometimes, one must choose.  My SL is pretty full what with Virtual Ability; work full time in RL.  I saw you mentioned that you will be inworld most of the day today, for example.  I can never, ever do that as much as I'd like to.  So while I am sorry if you're left speechless, I do, as I'm sure others do, have to choose levels.  Yes, this is an important 'battle' or issue, and I am truly sorry that I can't commit more to it.  But thanks for clarification that I won't be remved from the group.  

im happy you told me about that notice so i could correct my error. ive been working for 8 hours on it today and althought i try my best i m not perfect and after rereading my notice i understand it was confusing. 

About what let me speechless its not ppl like you who work for a cause that they believe in. sure not... i understand totally the priority thing we all have to do one day or another. What let me speechless is the fact that ppl dont want to have infos. And i also said that i dont have any opinion about this.. wether its bad or good, just it let me speechless, meaning im never expecting this in such situation.. i should anyway, ive seen this often.. but well i cant get used to this.. that was what i was meaning in my answer to Chic (and was not a direct answer to her btw either, just a thought i had after some feedbacks i had inworld today, after i sent 2 notices (the only 2 ones that have been sent today in the group))

about my presence inworld today, i have to add that like a lot of other ppl i have a rl job. i was working rl today. Im lucky, im manage the library i work in and today library was closed to the public and my assistant was off, and i had anyway to bring my laptop there bec i have to work on a design for the library on photoshop and we dont have this software there. So i stole some hours to my rl work for doing something i think is really important for me and since i have a high multitasking ability i could still do some work for the library too. I did my choice for today and put my priorities where i wanted them to be. So i wont certainly not blame you when you do same. :smileywink:

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