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Project Sunshine


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Forgive me if this is in the wrong forum ahead of time..

Well I know what you might be thinking, 'she lives under a rock' or, 'you don't go on youtube that much!' Well the youtube part is true but I recently got back into SL and heard about 'project sunshine' which must have already happened if I'm not mistaken due to the video being uploaded in May of 2013 and it's August, but.. who knows people can work on things for a long time. 

Now I watched the video but I only have to question it, about the whole avatar loading faster or that you won't be stuck as a cloud for to long. (if I am wording it correctly) does it only affect computers that run SL better? Like the whole loading part of it? Because if it happened the project, I don't see that much imporvement, but it could just be my crappy laptop. 

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BloodyKitty230 wrote:

Forgive me if this is in the wrong forum ahead of time..

Well I know what you might be thinking, 'she lives under a rock' or, 'you don't go on youtube that much!' Well the youtube part is true but I recently got back into SL and heard about 'project sunshine' which must have already happened if I'm not mistaken due to the video being uploaded in May of 2013 and it's August, but.. who knows people can work on things for a long time. 

Now I watched the video but I only have to question it, about the whole avatar loading faster or that you won't be stuck as a cloud for to long. (if I am wording it correctly) does it only affect computers that run SL better? Like the whole loading part of it? Because if it happened the project, I don't see that much imporvement, but it could just be my crappy laptop. 

The roll out of Project Sunshine is being done very slowly both Server and Viewer side.  It is only live on about 10% of the Grid.

While theoretically it should speed up rezzing, the goal is to eliminate Bake Fail, not speed it up.

There are other projects that will have a greater affect on speed, mainly the Interest Lists project.

But the primary goal in all of this is reliability, not speed.

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Oh really? Wow! That is interesting to know, I hope it comes my way soon if it hasn't already. Well thanks for clearing that up for me, because I would've been mad for no reason than. Haha.


Well I can't wait for those when they come eventually, and kudos to when it happens if they plan to do it. Oh, well again thanks for clearing things up for me

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BloodyKitty230 wrote: [...] I hope it comes my way soon if it hasn't already [...]

In a way, it probably has. The currently most known and discussed feature of the whole Project Sunshine is the new Server-Side Baking / Appearance (SSB/A) and, as Perrie indicated, is already active in some regions, those running certain Release Candidate versions of the server software; if you're curious, go to menu 'World''About Region' third tab, and if you see there either 'Magnum' or 'Le Tigre', then you're in a SSB/A active region... you'll also notice your whole base avatar briefly turning grey when you arrive but (hopefully) loading quite faster than in non-SSB/A regions.

It is expected than in a few weeks SSB/A will be active in all regions (grid-wide). Other parts of Project Sunshine will be rolled over consecutively, as Linden Labs tests and asserts their readiness.

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Oh wow, thanks for telling me that Ren! Well I can't wait for it to be released on the regions that don't have it yet. I hope this makes the SL users happy somewhat with all the things they put in the project.


Well hopefully that's true! I can't wait for it to be active in all the regions grid wise like you said.

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Ren Toxx wrote:

BloodyKitty230 wrote: [...] I hope it comes my way soon if it hasn't already [...]

In a way, it probably has. The currently most known and discussed feature of the whole Project Sunshine is the new Server-Side Baking / Appearance (SSB/A) and, as Perrie indicated, is already active in some regions, those running certain Release Candidate versions of the server software; if you're curious, go to menu 
'About Region'
 third tab, and if you see there either 
'Le Tigre'
, then you're in a SSB/A active region... you'll also notice your whole base avatar briefly turning grey when you arrive but (hopefully) loading quite faster than in non-SSB/A regions.

It is expected than in a few weeks SSB/A will be active in 
regions (grid-wide). Other parts of Project Sunshine will be rolled over consecutively, as Linden Labs tests and asserts their readiness.

Actually, SSA is only on Magnum regions at the moment.


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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Ren Toxx wrote:

BloodyKitty230 wrote: [...] I hope it comes my way soon if it hasn't already [...]

In a way, it probably has. The currently most known and discussed feature of the whole Project Sunshine is the new Server-Side Baking / Appearance (SSB/A) and, as Perrie indicated, is already active in some regions, those running certain Release Candidate versions of the server software; if you're curious, go to menu 
'About Region'
 third tab, and if you see there either 
'Le Tigre'
, then you're in a SSB/A active region... you'll also notice your whole base avatar briefly turning grey when you arrive but (hopefully) loading quite faster than in non-SSB/A regions.

It is expected than in a few weeks SSB/A will be active in 
regions (grid-wide). Other parts of Project Sunshine will be rolled over consecutively, as Linden Labs tests and asserts their readiness.

Actually, SSA is only on Magnum regions at the moment.


What?! Le Tigre was the first one that got SSB implemented and after that did the Magnum regions get it. Have they "removed" SSB on the Le Tigre regions recently?


"Release Notes/Second Life RC LeTigre/13

LeTigre is on a new server maintenance project.

Scheduled 2013-08-14 for RC LeTigre

It only includes a few internal bug fixes which shouldn't show any visible changes to the residents.

This is the server side appearance project

Scheduled 2013-07-31 for RC LeTigre and RC Magnum

New Features

Enabled server side appearance."





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Voff Uggla wrote:

What?! Le Tigre was the first one that got SSB implemented and after that did the Magnum regions get it. Have they "removed" SSB on the Le Tigre regions recently?

Yep... for the moment it's only on Magnum... Deploys for the week of 2013-08-12.

Second Life RC LeTigre

LeTigre is on a new server maintenance project.  It only includes a few internal bug fixes which shouldn't show any visible changes to the residents.



Second Life RC Magnum

No updates on Magnum





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I'm not understanding why you hope these changes are true... The Lindens have told us they are making them and some of us have helped with the testing. Plus we have parts of the project in place now.

Sunshine is more than just reliability. The SSA (baking) is about reliability and to a lesser extent quality. But there is a part of the project that is about updating how SL uses the HTTP protocol so prevalent on the Internet. Monty Linden has made changes that are currently in testing that use 75% less connections and those made persists longer. This should make some visible change in performance and allow some older routers to work better with SL. Users of those routers will see fewer lost connections.

The Interest List is a list of the things you can see that the server uses to prioritize what it sends you. When it is working well, we should see areas rez faster. This is mostly implemented on the server-side. There are changes that need to be made to the viewer to take full advantage of the server changes. Those are in progress now.

You can keep with technical changes in SL by following my blog.

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Voff Uggla wrote:

SSB/A will be rolled out on the main channel today. *Crossing my fingers*

In Second Life Server forum there was some confusion will the SSA be also in RC channels.   At first Caleb Linden said that it will be only in the main channel.  Then he corrected his statement in other post and said that SSA will indeed be everywhere in the grid - in main channel and also in RC channels. So after Wednesday's RC channels updates the whole grid will have SSA enabled.

Here's the post by Caleb Linden:



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I have an additional question about the Project Sunshine. I do a lot of content creating in SL, and ever since the new viewers have come up for PS (project sunshine), I can no longer upload textures as temproary to test them on my creations to see if they look correct. So my question is, with this new way of rendering, did they remove the ability to upload temp textures for testing? Any info on this would be great.


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Kwakkelde Kwak wrote:

You can use local textures instead, in the "pick texture" window when you edit a texture, choose "local" instead of "inventory".

Good to point out a couple of caveats.

1) Your friends won't be able to see your local textures. They'll just see "unloaded grey".

2) local textures will auto update inworld when you change the local file. Make some changes in photoshop, save over the old file, and the results will automatically load in SL for you to see!

3) You can use these local textures on skin and clothing layers too, but as of today, only you can see them. (the new avatar baking method is all server-side, so it doesn't see your local textures, and it can't include them).

4) If you crash or relog, the viewer will forget your local textures. This can be good, because all you have to do to find out if you've replaced all the local textures, is relog. it can be bad though, because you'll have to re-add them every time you relog if you're working on a long project.

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Having quite a crop of issues with whatever happened today.  As of 2:30 am last night, everything was working great.  Now:

When i log in, i am an orange (or green on regular sl viewer) cloud.  I have done a full re-install of both SL, and firestorm, and cleared the caches of both.  Furthermore, both hud elements, and body parts (which i can't see) will get stuck.  they can be added , and listed as worn, but will not remove, wether right click ->Detatch, or done through inventory.

The only (very temporary) solution i have found so far, was to use the Avatar health ->Force avatar into default female shape option, which will uncloud me until i relog, after which it will go right back to the same set of problems.


Further steps taken:

Full system virus scan, disk defrag, spyware check.  (Clean).

Gfx card driver update.

Reboot (Several.)

Reset router.


Running both the most current versions of SL and firestorm.   Any other ideas?

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Temporary textures are disabled but there are many builders who rely on temporary textures during the build process to get the build done correctly.


Feel free to join in the online petiton where we are asking LL and third party viewer makers to try to get temporary texture uploads reinstated.


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TimBuilder wrote:

Temporary textures are disabled but there are
builders who rely on temporary textures during the build process to get the build done correctly.


Feel free to join in the online petiton where we are asking LL and third party viewer makers to try to get temporary texture uploads reinstated.

1)  There's nothing to reinstate... it was never a feature.

2)  The way SSA works means that for which you're petitioning is impossible.

3)  Count yourself lucky LL decided to give us the local texture option, they could have left us with nothing.

4)  Beta grid has always been available for testing and collaborative purposes.

5)  Don't you have anything better to do?


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TimBuilder wrote:

Temporary textures are disabled but there are
builders who rely on temporary textures during the build process to get the build done correctly.

 Feel free to join in the online petiton where we are asking LL and third party viewer makers to try to get temporary texture uploads reinstated.

They  are more than disabled, they are dead in the water.  The means to implement them died like a Vampire caught in the Sunshine.

LL knew before it broke that there would be wailing and gnashing of teeth. They chose not to include away of implementing it in Project Sunshine.

Sure it would be nice to have the ability back, but I doubt it will happen.  But they may surprise us yet.  I would think it would be a very low priority item even if they thought about doing it.

Personally, I'd rather they drop all the other projects, and by all I mean all, and fix SIM Crossings and Group Chat.

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I thank everyone for the replies! Sorry that I haven't answered them right away, I have been busy with school and was meaning to log on but never got to the chance. So its interesting to see whats what around here. I don't know if the update I got just now was for Project Sunshine but if it is great!


And I hope any errors people have are fixed, errors stink!

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