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New Official Viewer Update Giving Out Malware Warnings?

Chic Aeon

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So I got logged out of the Aditi grid this afternoon and had to update (well I didn't HAVE to perhaps but I did and may do a restore here soon) the viewer.

The new code is making my virus scanner (AVAST) very unhappy. It keeps popping up with suspicious files including the crash logger and some other files I don't recognize.

Not a big deal as I usually use Firestorm. BUT NOW , while using Firestorm I am still getting those messages. I need the official viewer to see materials (merchant) but this is not fun.


Any info an fix time is appreciated. Thanks.

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I could uninstall the virus scanner but it has been working well for YEARS with never an issue until right after I installed the update to the viewer. I did a restore and in theory went back to the LL viewer before the newest update and so far (SO FAR) things are OK.

I only use the LL viewer on the beta grid and FS works fine there lately so not a big deal except for the materials.

It is most likely a conflict between the newest LL viewer code and the virus scanner. The virus scanner had NOT updated before the problems occurred so it seems like it is more on the LL viewer side than scanner software.

Leaving this here for others to find.


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I was having that problem with a different anti-virus software and switched to Avast and have had no problems at all with it. Don't know why what works on one computer will drive another one crazy, but Avast has been really great for me after that last one made it hard to use SL at all. There are a lot of free ones, try another one and see if you have better luck. I use Niran viewer and the LL viewer.

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Chic Aeon wrote:

I could uninstall the virus scanner but it has been working well for YEARS with never an issue until right after I installed the update to the viewer. I did a restore and in theory went back to the LL viewer before the newest update and so far (SO FAR) things are OK.

I only use the LL viewer on the beta grid and FS works fine there lately so not a big deal except for the materials.

It is most likely a conflict between the newest LL viewer code and the virus scanner. The virus scanner had NOT updated before the problems occurred so it seems like it is more on the LL viewer side than scanner software.

Leaving this here for others to find.


I use Avast also and have not gotten any warnings with SL.

There are some other AV's that get **bleep** and flag anything they don't recognize.

It could be possible if you have Avast set to the highest level of protection that you could get a warning.

In other words, Avast is saying, we don't recognize this so we are being safe.  It's not quite the same as saying, "This is Virus XYZ as it exists in our data base."


ETA, kind of like this Forum.  Sometimes it **bleeps** the most scurrilous words. 



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You are getting a false positive. AVAST and a couple of other anti-viruse programs tend to make this mistake. 

The typical problem file is slplugin.exe. White list this file and the warnings should go away. You can white list the entire SL Program folder. But, that significantly reduces your protection.

You might want to check out recent anti-virus reviews and decide if AVAST is still the best choice. That would be smarter than waiting for a major fail before changing.

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Orca Flotta wrote:

I was always happy with the free
, enjoyed the placebo security of modern up to date virus scanners. Now I switched to Linux and don't have to worry about annoying stuff like that anymore. Really have better uses for my small bandwith.

I always love the smug attitude of Linux users about Viruses.  Kind of similar to the attitude Mac users used to have.

While there are fewer viruses written that target Linux and it may be harder to get infected, they are out there and they are looking for you. 

Happy surfing!

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I always love the smug attitude of Linux users about Viruses.  Kind of similar to the attitude Mac users used to have.

Thx for calling me smug and not just stupid cow, I appreciate that. :heart: Yes, I know there are viruses for Linux, exactly 47 at the last count. But even those few won't make it into the system, so we just shrug 'em off.

But similar attitude to Mac users? No no no!!! These wannabe linuxers are not on the same level in so many points. I consider them sheeples falling for a closed restrictive system. They are in fact the nemesis of the Linux/GNU and open source philosophy. :smileymad:  Worse than MIcrosoft. At least on my Win system I could run a lot of open source software, so much that Win7 was the only surviving commercial piece of software on my computer. Was just a logical step to get rid of it as well. :smileyvery-happy:

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I am not technically savvy but I still tried Linux once. Frustration beyond compare, I don't like what MS does with the OS a lot of the time but at least I can use it. Just installing something in Linux was beyond me. And when the one I was using upgraded, what I had gotten to work, no longer worked. Like I said, I'm not technically savvy, so I just gave up on it and reloaded winders.

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Why ever would I compare you to a stupid cow?


Oh, if you knew me you would! Most do so. So in order to be a member of the cool kidz club you should adjust your attitude towards me. I'm loud, I'm harsh, I'm a spoiled brat, I'm a techno commie, I'm subversive, passive aggressive, often angry, impatient and spiteful. I'm the USA's worst nightmare. Need more?

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I am not technically savvy but I still tried Linux once. Frustration beyond compare, I don't like what MS does with the OS a lot of the time but at least I can use it. Just installing something in Linux was beyond me. And when the one I was using upgraded, what I had gotten to work, no longer worked. Like I said, I'm not technically savvy, so I just gave up on it and reloaded winders.

Oy vey, Teagan, that must've been years ago. Nowadays installing a Linux OS is easier and faster than installing Windows and needs little to no maintenance once it's on your system. Anti Virus, Defragger, Speed-Up, all that  crap I used to keep my Win happy is not needed anymore, not at all. And system updates are a one-click affair, and you do them when you find the time, not when MS decides it's time to shut down your system. Also the updates are updating all your software (which is usually automatically installed with the OS) at the same time. So no need to scamble the interwebz to find new versions and stuff. I rather spend my time working on my pc than maintaining it.

I even got SL to work on my machine, it was the only additional software I couldn't find in any repo and had to get from  the Singularity download site. Not a problem after I received some help from other Linux users in SL.

And rest assured, I'm just a stupid housewife, as ungeeky as they come and learned all I know about komputahz and the interwebz in my time on SL.

May I recommed you have a looksie at this vid?


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Except that half the world makes programs for windows and most games are for windows, ofcourse you can run those but with degraded performance is it needs to run in an emulator
Managing your hardware is also as fun as it gets, try running sli setup and have another gpu dedicated for physx and power 2 side monitors and manage the desktops

Plug&play hardware, that is not to much fun as it`s make believe, swapping out hardware, changing partitions, managing raids etc, in windows it`s easy as it gets, in linux it`s a frigging headache
Sure it works, but after fighting doing that with my home server, i haven`t that pos in 2 years eventho i have several TB hdd`ss lying around collecting dust, oh, 3TB hdd and larger, in windows that is a snap aswell
The games he mentioned are 10 years old, ofcourse they will run duh, go play crysis 3 that can put holes in your fps with windows, let alone in linux with an emulator

The thing every time with linux is with a stack of hardware: what is wich piece???
You get a pile of mount points with reference names and are left with half a guessing game

As it`s been awhile since i actually ran a desktop they improved by adding gui`s so that you don`t have to do half the stuff trough the shell command, but a simple google to run multiple gpu`s for different things or do a simple thing of adding a 3TB hdd, it still can only be done trough the shell prompt with the guessing game "wich is the right hdd"

I hear every one start saying already that for every windows there is a linux version, to be fair, that is true, but to be honest, they always felt "gimped" compared to "corperate" version and you go back to an emulator to run windows (might aswell stay in windows)

Server enviorement it is simply aswome, for development it`s also great, for normal users, don`t bother and get a cheap pc to learn it all on befor you waste time doing it directly on your primary pc and start cursing for a week and install windows again...

Personally i`m in doubt every few days, but get reminded of the headache i`ll have setting up my pc again with all the hacking and slashing in the console, nah...
I almost forgot the great linux security system, SELinux... grrrr
Running weeks on end, true, but why would you run your pc for weeks on end eating electricity and making noise during the night as a sales point? i turn my pc off when i leave the house or go to bed...

That vid makes you believe linux is awsome for every one and can do everything, false, he even has to use windows for his youtube vids, great sales pitch

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True, Linux sucks if you are running very exotic hardware but for the run of the mill everyday user it's computing heaven. I have 2 external HDDs running, one for movies and one for personal data and stuff and we're exchanging USB-sticks all the time ... it's just plug and play. Super simple. I haven't used the console a single time since I installed Linux, just clickerclacker mousing around.

Can't say much about games since I'm not a gamer but from what I hear you get many games from Steam and if not, many are supposedly running more smoothly under Wine (which is not an emulator) than under the original Win.

Let half the world make programs for windows, there are still more than enough programs for Linux ... in any way more than there are for Apple. LOL.

Maybe my expectations and my usage patterns aren't those of a power user, but for my needs I always found every software in the Linux repos. I also shut my computer down for the few hours when I'm doing non-computer stuff, like doing dishes, cooking, sleeping ... Anyway, I guess what he meant with "running for weeks on end" was that Linux is super stable and reliable. I could keeep the system running for years if I wanted.

I only,  have one monitor connected to my desktop, wouldn't know what to do with more, so I can't say anthing about multiscreen setup. AFAIK it works since I've seen Linux systems running on multiple screens.

So, maybe Spatters used Win to record his YT clip but there are enough YTers who run completely on Linux.

Let's have a look at what most ppl in SL/this forum are doing with their computers. A bit of office work, some image managing, email, skype, surfing, facetwitting and SL. Easy modern Linux OSes like Mint, *buntu, Fedora, Open SUSE, Debian are perfect for 90% of PC users!

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The point i wanted to make tho is that it is a decision for each person them self, but changing a hdd on it self could result in a headache as you don`t have a bloated windows doing it all for you and tells you "i found a new device, here it is!"

I made my post with abit of the label "linux sucks for desktops" because usuall when some one is such a fan one way, befor people give it a try, they should know that it is nothing like windows and that they would most likely be changing back but with a little voice in their head "linux sucks" and they won`t attempt it again or tells others is sucks

Neither window or linux is great as a desktop, but it is the users choice to pick one that works for them, bloated crap or efficient but alot to learn with manual setups/adjustments you might to do in a text based environment (shell)

If linux would finally get a smarter gui for managing hardware and the new games become available on linux, i`d sure dump that bloated pile of crap :P

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Changing hardware wasn't a problem for me, neither on Win nor on Linux. When I made the final switch, after running dual boot for 1 year, everything ran right outta the box. Linux found all the hardware and installed it right away. Ok, my desktop is from 2010, so no stone old exotic stuff in it. It just works, which wasn't always the case with Win.

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't always a windows hater, I actually enjoyed working with Win7. But my Linux Mint 15 is much smoother, what can I  do?

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