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Aliewnare Prize in SL10 Birthday

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The prize is being given away by Dell/Alienware, a US Company, not LL.  They are the ones that set the rules, not LL.  Contests have all kinds of laws they must follow when giving away valuable prizes.  Even in the US the people  who live in the state of Rhode Island can't participate.  Letting everyone world wide enter would mean that they would have a patchwork of hundreds of laws about contests they'd have to comply with and probably some countries' laws would not allow such a contest.  Plus there would be tariffs and tax laws to comply with, plus very expensive shipping, all making it not feasible to offer it world wide.

In addition to participate you have to sign up for an Alienware account and give your email, which I am sure Dell/Alienware wants the information for marketing to US residents which I'm sure is the purpose of this. 

US residents can't participate in contests in most other countries for the same reasons. 

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I'm a bit bemused as to why you seem to think that people asking why this competition is only available to some US residents is bashing the US, it's not, it's a perfectly understandable question regarding a competition that is advertised on MOTD login and the adverts in this forum where it doesn't mention the US restriction until you follow the links.

I'd wager that if US residents were excluded, and let's not forget that Alienware and Dell are global brands, there would be people posting complaints.

As it stands the competition is only available to US residents, I don't have a problem with that, I do think it's a poor choice of promotion for SL10B, but exclusivity to the USA is not something I have a problem with.

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Ciaran Laval wrote:

I'm a bit bemused as to why you seem to think that people asking why this competition is only available to some US residents is bashing the US, it's not, it's a perfectly understandable question regarding a competition that is advertised on MOTD login and the adverts in this forum where it doesn't mention the US restriction until you follow the links.

I'd wager that if US residents were excluded, and let's not forget that Alienware and Dell are global brands, there would be people posting complaints.

As it stands the competition is only available to US residents, I don't have a problem with that, I do think it's a poor choice of promotion for SL10B, but exclusivity to the USA is not something I have a problem with.

Well first of all I don't recall people asking, it was a rant and how unfair it is to them and how LL doesn't care about Residents in other countries. That's just silly. Please keep in mind where companies are based before acting like it was an unjust. To me it's perfectly understandable, see, this is why, I am in the US and I would not even blink an eye if I found out my country or state was not eligible to participate in something. Many contests, Credit cards, all kinds of offers or contests do exclude certain US states when the contest is based in the US.

I would think you would lose that wager because most US citizens understand why the US or their state would be excluded. Let me ask you this, how many times when you are signing up for something, or even inquiring, you go through many steps before that fine print hits you? A lot I would think as I have experienced that myself.

If you don't have a problem with the contest being available to US residents only (with the exception of Rhode Island, a US state) but how SLB10 marketed this, then why did your post start out so conflicting? Read the first lines of your post.

edit phrase

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Alienware and Dell have an international presence, there are compeitions on that website for people outside the USA, some of them even exclude people from the USA as they're for European customers, different competitions.

I don't have a problem with this particular competition being USA residents only, same as I don't have a problem with the Amazon promotions excluding folk outside North America, I think Canadians were included in the Amazon promotions, but maybe not.

I'm not surprised people are asking about this compeition though, it has been on message of the day and I have no doubt whatsoever that Americans would complain if Linden Lab were running a competition that excluded them, there would certainly be posts asking why.

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Ciaran Laval wrote:


I'm not surprised people are asking about this compeition though, it has been on message of the day and I have no doubt whatsoever that Americans would complain if Linden Lab were running a competition that excluded them, there would certainly be posts asking why.

No, I'd think it was cool that LL was doing something for my SL friends outside of the U.S.

But yes, there probably will always be somebody somewhere who will complain about something despite anything they do.

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BrainPhrozen Woodsheart wrote:

Bloody unfair that this prize is not open to the whole of the sl community across the world and not just US Citizens. Does anyone else agree?

No, I don't agree. You should try reading the actual contest page and rules and regulations. It's not like the lab is hosting the contest.

I'll say the same thing I said before.

Not fair?

Life's not fair...

Suck it up, buttercup.

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I understand, but asking and wondering why is one thing, but to act as though people in other countries don't count is just ridiculous. That was my point. I don't get joy out of people being excluded I feel being informed before all the "hate" words come out to play a little education in the contest or whatever the issue is helps. Knowledge goes a long way for all of us.

edit: If the contest was not available to US residents, and I wanted to enter it, I would find out why before I started posting stuff about LL or any company having this false vendetta about why I could not enter.

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Some people seem to feel bashed, but in the OP is nothing about LL or the americans in general. Seems some people can't read or work for Alienware. :)

To the OP: I agree and I already noticed that. If someone treats you 2nd class, just don't buy their products. So for me I see no problem. :)



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Nova Convair wrote:

Some people seem to feel bashed, but in the OP is nothing about LL or the americans in general. Seems some people can't read or work for Alienware.

To the OP: I agree and I already noticed that. If someone treats you 2nd class, just don't buy their products. So for me I see no problem.



Excluding someone from a contest because of location is hardly treating them like second class. Do you feel the same about all contests? There are contests in other countries held by companies with a worldwide presence that exclude the US. Should we feel like second class because some restriction prevents our participation? I hardly think that's a reasonable response.

Should the residents of Rhode Island feel like second class? I mean, they're part of the US and they're not allowed to participate either.

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BrainPhrozen Woodsheart wrote:

Bloody unfair that this prize is not open to the whole of the sl community across the world and not just US Citizens. Does anyone else agree?

I should also state, it's not only open to Sl residents, either. If you actually read the rules and regulations on Alienware's end of things, anyway. I'm not certain why the lab tacked tidbit along with their post, because it's not true. The first time I saw the contest it was in an email from a friend who entered, and is not an sl resident, at all.

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Nova Convair wrote:

Some people seem to feel bashed, but in the OP is nothing about LL or the americans in general. Seems some people can't read or work for Alienware.

To the OP: I agree and I already noticed that. If someone treats you 2nd class, just don't buy their products. So for me I see no problem.



facepalm smiley.gif

Apparently my first post on this giving some pretty valid reasons for this sailed right over you head. 

I see non US websites all the time offering contests that US citizen's can't enter. Do I get upset about it? No.

I see contests in the US I can't enter because I don't qualify for one reason or another.  Do i get upset about ?  No.

I don't see any people from Rhode Island on here complaining.

Contests put restrictions on who can enter them all the time.  That's why there are qualification rules.  If you feel like that makes you second class that is more your problem than anyone else's.  Children think that everything should be on a level playing field then they mature and realize life is not fair and that is not the way it works.

Who ever told you life was fair?  Life is too short to get worked up over such petty stuff.



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Ciaran Laval wrote:


I'm not surprised people are asking about this compeition though, it has been on message of the day and I have no doubt whatsoever that Americans would complain if Linden Lab were running a competition that excluded them, there would certainly be posts asking why.




From what I read about this promotion, it's more like a paid ad than a prize for SL residents.

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Carole Franizzi wrote:

Okay, so the pc prize was maybe more a publicity vehicle for the pc company than an actual SL birthday competition prize, but, just out of curiosity - what kind of prizes has LL been offering residents in anniversary-linked contests? 

The last thing I got for free from LL was one of these Troobles.

They were a little stringy but still very tasty.

Shopkeeper Linden  has had some freebies available.

Oh and I see now they have alien t-shirts available. 

Better get them before supplies run out!


alien shirts.JPG


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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Nova Convair wrote:

Some people seem to feel bashed, but in the OP is nothing about LL or the americans in general. Seems some people can't read or work for Alienware.

To the OP: I agree and I already noticed that. If someone treats you 2nd class, just don't buy their products. So for me I see no problem.



facepalm smiley.gif

Apparently my first post on this giving some pretty valid reasons for this sailed right over you head. 

I see non US websites all the time offering contests that US citizen's can't enter. Do I get upset about it? No.

I see contests in the US I can't enter because I don't qualify for one reason or another.  Do i get upset about ?  No.

I don't see any people from Rhode Island on here complaining.

Contests put restrictions on who can enter them all the time.  That's why there are qualification rules.  If you feel like that makes you second class that is more your problem than anyone else's.  Children think that everything should be on a level playing field then they mature and realize life is not fair and that is not the way it works.

Who ever told you life was fair?  Life is too short to get worked up over such petty stuff.

Your "pretty valid reasons" would be good reasons to keep things in perspective if the post you were responding to was complaining about competitions in general. The point that seems to be eluding you is this isn't any promotion, but a co-sponsored promotion being promoted by Linden labs to a large proportion of its membership who are excluded.

It is not actually a problem of false perception that someone being excluded is being treated as a second class citizen. It is a direct consequence of the exclusion, a matter of definition not perception.

You seem rather irate about the original post and those showing sympathy with it which is rather amusing when your last line seems to be agreeing with the original post that excluding the international community is indeed unfair.

In response to the original post.

It is pretty poor of Linden Labs to be promoting something so publically that excludes large numbers if not the majority of the people it is advertising it to. That is bad and thoughtless marketing, especially after the thoughtless way they handled the third party exchanges and those that needed to use their services.

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Suspiria Finucane wrote:



From what I read about this promotion, it's more like a paid ad than a prize for SL residents.

It's a promotional for sure, and that's why i don't mind things like this, even if I can't participate, it advertises Second Life on outside properties. Linden Lab aren't sponsoring the competition.

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Carole Franizzi wrote:

Okay, so the pc prize was maybe more a publicity vehicle for the pc company than an actual SL birthday competition prize, but, just out of curiosity - what kind of prizes has LL been offering residents in anniversary-linked contests? 

In the snapshot contest it was free use of a homestead for four months top prize and free use of a homestead for two months for two runners up.

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Perrie Juran wrote:



Carole Franizzi wrote:

Okay, so the pc prize was maybe more a publicity vehicle for the pc company than an actual SL birthday competition prize, but, just out of curiosity - what kind of prizes has LL been offering residents in anniversary-linked contests? 

The last thing I got for free from LL was one of these Troobles.



They were a little stringy but still very tasty.



Golly. I'm so...erm...jealous. I've always wanted a whateverthatis on a stick.

So, the lappy-toppy was THE big prize, by the looks of things. If only LL had the resources to offer a nice 'important' prize to all its residents...something which didn't ruffle the surface of national laws regarding contests. Something...I dunno...which didn't require packing up in bubble wrap and brown paper...something....not actually physical. Something made of...what's that stuff called? Ah, yes - pixels! 

alien shirts.JPG


T-shirts?? Uhm. I was thinking more along the line of a piece of land or substantial top-level creations purchased by LL from its finest artist/techy residents. 





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Ciaran Laval wrote:

Carole Franizzi wrote:

Okay, so the pc prize was maybe more a publicity vehicle for the pc company than an actual SL birthday competition prize, but, just out of curiosity - what kind of prizes has LL been offering residents in anniversary-linked contests? 

In the snapshot contest it was free use of a homestead for four months top prize and free use of a homestead for two months for two runners up.

Four months? Two months? Golly gosh. I'm whelmed. Not over-whelmed. Just whelmed.

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