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How do you get your RBG Values?

Sephina Frostbite

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If I'm not mistaken Firestorm has a color picker built in.

Develope > Show Info > Show color under cursor.

There are many other programs to do this too. But I find nothing will really match you exactly. Monitors are all to different.

Get close and adjust.

ETA Some shoe creators will have a NC with the values but even these need to be adjusted, for me at least.


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The problem with color pickers is that they report the rendered pixel color, which is not necessarily the color of the underlying texture. The rendered color is a product of the texture and the lighting. If you make a texture full-bright, the rendered color is the texture color, but that's not possible for avatar skins. I just noodle with the RGB values under various lighting conditions until I get an acceptable match. It'll never be perfect because your skin probably has shading that's not present in a prim's texture. The lighting angles will not be the same at the joint between the prim and the avatar either, which will cause subtle shading differences. It's always a compromise.

If you are trying to get the RGB value to input into something else that can't be tuned easily, you might try coloring a blank textured prim and wearing it so that it just peeks through your avatar skin at the point of interest. Then you can dial the RGB values around until you get a good match.

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If you use Firestorm there is a quick setting to turn on 'color under cursor'.  Look on the tool buttons and find the one that has a picture of the phoenix or if you are using names rather than pictures, Quick Prefs on it and click it.  You will see the choice to turn it off and on in a little dialog box that will open. Its down near the bottom right above the windlight setting drop downs.

Once you turn it on the RGB values will be shown on the bottom of your screen right above the toolbar in small white text.  You want the first three numbers displayed.

If you don't have this button on your toolbar, you should because its very handy for a quickly setting a number of preferences on the fly.  To add it , right click your tool bar and choose Toolbar Buttons then find the button and drag it to the tool bar.  I understand the next release of Firestorm will allow you to customize the QuickPrefs button and add or subtract preference options to set it up for what you need the most.  Its one of the great extras in Firestorm IMO.

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I have used Colorpic http://www.iconico.com/download.aspx?app=ColorPic&type=free

for about anything that I need skin colour for, I usually put a good windlight setting with no shadows, like Nam

and then pick the colour nearest to where you want to match, Colorpic is really easy to use, depending on the skin, there are also RGB availables in the web already done for you

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Kind of depends what you're trying to match. For shoes, try standing on a pose stand. Choose the brightest windlight setting you can find (I use Nam's Optimal Skin 2). Wear your shoes, use the develop menu to choose "Show color under cursor," and hover your cursor towards the back of the ankle, just above the shoe.

That usually gives a pretty good base. From there, you can tweak the color visually.

Anymore, though, I mostly eyeball the whole thing. I only use RBG when I'm getting frustrated with a particularly stubborn color picker.

Also, keep in mind that for that to work, you need a white base. If your shoe or other attachment has preset tones and you can't get a basic white, it doesn't work. I'm not going to swear to that because I'm not inworld to double check, but it didn't the last time I tried it.)

ETA: If you're tryiing to match prim or mesh breasts, it IS possible, but difficult. Your best bet is to look for a skin with appliers. Many quality skin creators are making appliers for Lola Tango mesh breasts - the most popular on the market at the moment - to match their skins. In that case, it might be time to look for one that has matching appliers, either included or purchased separately.

No prim attachment will look the same on everyone's screen, so find what you're happy with and go with it. Be aware that it won't necessarily look exactly the same to others as it does to you, though. (If it's a really good match, it probably won't be wildly different, but it won't be the same, either.)

To get the true RBG value, you can IM the skin creator and politely request the base they used. Include all information in your original IM or notecard, so they don't have to waste time going back and forth; many creators are very busy. Make sure you tell them which skin and tone you want to match, and I'd include why - I'm trying to match my shoes/hands/boobs/whatever to your skin. They may give you the information; they may not.


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If you are working on matching body parts,  such as mesh/sculpted breasts, shoes, or feet, I think most people mess around with the sliders on the accompanying  HUD till they get it as close as possible. However, with shading and such, the RGB is going to vary over the area in question.  If it looks good to you, the go for it.  But remember while it looks good to you, others may not see it the same as you do due to varying graphics capabilities of each resident.

You could try contacting the creator to see if they would kindly give you the base skin RGB.  If all else fails, you could try looking at the many RGB color charts out there as a starter.  Here is one example.



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