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Hi my fellow second lifers,


I am currently in the process of writing a sociology paper analyzing the structural content of online cutural scenes and their place in institutional surroundings, and I could really use a few interviews with Second Life users to help support my paper. Please message me if you are interested, we can meet in game somewhere and it will only take 10 or 15 minutes at most. I'd really appreciate it!


-Bobby Lapis

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Hi bobby.  I'm in the process of enjoying my Second Life being carefree, doing pretty much as I want to (within the ToS), and avoiding johnny come latelys wanting a return on my exploits, endeavors, and experience who just don't seem to have the time in their tight schedule to do the "hard work" on their own.

Sorry.  Get your paper data the hard way.........do it yourself.  Or go jump in a lake.  :matte-motes-big-grin:

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bobby Lapis wrote:

Hi my fellow second lifers,


I am currently in the process of writing a sociology paper analyzing the structural content of online cutural scenes and
their place in institutional surroundings
, and I could really use a few interviews with Second Life users to help support my paper. Please message me if you are interested, we can meet in game somewhere and it will only take 10 or 15 minutes at most. I'd really appreciate it!


-Bobby Lapis

What do you mean by "institutional surroundings" ?


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Bobby, you will get a lot of responses like the ones before mine, and small wonder. That's not to say you won't get a few positive responses. There are some people who will be willing to work with you—I don't happen to be one of them (although I've participitated in a few surveys here)—but I imagine there will be some.

I won't participate because number one I have nothing at all to even speculate about, let alone discuss, on the subject of 'online cultural scenes and their place in institutional surroundings', but even more than that, I won't participate because you should already know some answers!. You're almost into your fourth year in SL. You belong to a number of groups, and they include at least a reasonable variety of interests. Presumably you already know what you mean by 'institutional surroundings', given that's the topic of the paper you've taken as your assignment.

You must have met a great number of people in your almost four years here. Ask some of them, or better yet, go through your IM logs and see what convos you can find that might be relevant. Think for yourself! Asking strangers like this strikes me as almost unforgivably lazy work.

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Well, at least you have a relatively developed profile, not like the completely blank ones that one usually sees with the people coming here looking for help writing their dissertations...

Could you expound on your subject matter? "The structural content of online cultural scenes and their place in institutional surroundings", and all of its separate parts, could mean so many things.

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One of my favorite subjects in college was Sociology...easy A for me ;-). Since I was taking a lot of extra classes, I took one almost every semester, so I understand why you would want to interview various strangers. I would be happy to help you out. If you can catch me in-world, as RL is keeping me really busy at the moment, I will be willing to give you 15-20 of my time. Good luck with your paper!

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Bobby, you will get a lot of responses like the ones before mine, and small wonder. That's not to say you won't get a few positive responses. There are some people who will be willing to work with you—I don't happen to be one of them (although I've participitated in a few surveys here)—but I imagine there will be some.

I won't participate because number one I have nothing at all to even speculate about, let alone discuss, on the subject of 'online cultural scenes and their place in institutional surroundings', but even more than that, I won't participate because you should already know some answers!. You're almost into your fourth year in SL. You belong to a number of groups, and they include at least a reasonable variety of interests. Presumably you already know what you mean by 'institutional surroundings', given that's the topic of the paper you've taken as your assignment.

You must have met a great number of people in your almost four years here. Ask some of them, or better yet, go through your IM logs and see what convos you can find that might be relevant. Think for yourself! Asking strangers like this strikes me as almost unforgivably lazy work.

I'm with you. I was actually just thinking that we haven't heard from students in a while. Guess the time is coming again.

Good luck with your paper..but I can't or won't (your choice) help.

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For those who are willing to participate OP is required to provide you with some basic information before asking you to answer any questions.  Basic among those is the name of the institution where the research is being conducted, the name and contact information for a person at that institution that you can contact if you have concerns about the research, and a statement that says you may with draw from the research at any time if you feel uncomfortable. 

Most students running off to conduct online research in support of a paper for class are unaware that they are required to obtain institutional approval for research with human subjects or risk sanctions from their institution. 

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