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"Ignoring" people doesn't really do much of anything, does it?

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Laetizia Coronet wrote:

There's always people you would like to avoid, and being a relative noobie on the forums (despite my 6+ years in SL) I thought the "ignore" button would help. But does it actually do anything?

I don't know if it actually does anything, I've never used it. I've seen people say they use it, just not sure how functional it really is. But, I have to ask, because I'm curious, why can't you just overlook the people you want to ignore? I'm not judging, I swear, it's an honest curiosity. I know there's some people on the forums I'm not all that fond of. I see their name, I keep scrolling. Sometimes I'll reply to something they say, if it's a conversation or topic I'm actually interested in. But if I really want to ignore someone, I do.

It's probably a lot easier to rely on your own internal ignore than a feature on a website anyway. But, take my opinion with a grain of salt because I also don't use the mute option inworld. It's easier for me to just pretend people don't exist, lol.


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It blocks private messages from those being "ignored".

If you are receiving messages that you'd prefer not to receive, you can add the sender to your Ignored Users list. The system blocks all messages from users on your Ignored Users list.

ETA: The above is what the Ignore feature on the Forum does. Maybe another Ignore function is being discussed? I dunno. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/help/faqpage/faq-category-id/pm#pm

Tari Landar wrote:

But, I have to ask, because I'm curious, why can't you just overlook the people you want to ignore?

Some people just can't help themselves.

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Laetizia Coronet wrote:

There's always people you would like to avoid, and being a relative noobie on the forums (despite my 6+ years in SL) I thought the "ignore" button would help. But does it actually do anything?

The "Ignore" button on things like dialog boxes is only there because older viewers didn't put close buttons on popups. It really is made to do nothing.

Over time some but not all of these promts have grond Mute or Block buttons. Those really can do something, but the effect of muting varies a little between viewers and no viewer succeeds to block every kind of spam yet.

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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

It blocks private messages from those being "ignored".


The other alternative to the ignore button is laziness. I read my forum IM's about once every 6 months and generally just delete most without reading them, there are 36 unread right now accross the 2 accounts I use on the forums, but I know most of it is just going to be mods moaning or other forum users complaining and what not. Can't be bothered with it. There are too many ways for people to communicate in SL You've got inworld IM, local chat, voice chat, inworld conference, notecards, group chats, feeds, forums, forum IM and web profile IM. I expect I am missing some but that doesn't matter, the point is there are too many options IMO.



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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

It blocks private messages from those being "ignored".

If you are receiving messages that you'd prefer not to receive, you can add the sender to your Ignored Users list. The system blocks all messages from users on your Ignored Users list.

ETA: The above is what the
feature on the Forum does. Maybe another
function is being discussed? I dunno.

What Griffin said.  Also the ingore button should not be confused with block or mute.

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Laetizia Coronet wrote:

We should restrict all messages to mesh tablets with the message in relief, made by the sender in Blender. That should take care of the fluff.

Or LL could offer a facility on the website to forward all private messages from inworld, the forums, the profiles and where ever else, to 1 email address. They create all these multiple options for users to communicate with each other but no tools to manage and coordinate it all..... unless this already exists and I am just missing it..

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My stuff all goes to one email address, but I have notifications turned on for everything.

It's just profile feed posts that get truncated if they go over X characters that need be read on the feeds (and often, they're gone before you can get to them :smileyvery-happy:).

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Laetizia Coronet wrote:

There's always people you would like to avoid, and being a relative noobie on the forums (despite my 6+ years in SL) I thought the "ignore" button would help. But does it actually do anything?

On the old forums the ignore button kept any posts written by the one ignored from being seen by the ignorer  (for want of better words).  On these "new and improved" *coughs* forums, all the ignore button does is prevent the person from sending a PM via the forum system.

I would prefer the original method.

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I would too. From what I've gathered there are some communities in which that is the way it works. Yes, true, it's possible to just mentally ignore someone's snarky comment that you know is directed at you or a friend, and I do try (not always with success). But it would be ever so much easier if I never saw it to begin with.

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On the old forums the ignore button kept any posts written by the one ignored from being seen by the ignorer


That's what I thought an ignore button would do.

The system as it is now is based on a misconception about trolling: it is the public aspect of it which makes the troll tick. Never have I received any private message from a troll or a bully or whatever. So yes, I would prefer it the 'old' way.

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on boards where can ignore what people post then I not use it. mostly bc I not want to miss out (:


I got PM turned off on here. bc I never remember to answer them when I did have it turned on

which a bit rude really. like not reply if you allow PM

is a bit like having leave a message on your phone and never reply. so I think is better for me to not have PM at all


also for me I find that if I cant say what I want to say in public then am not going to say it in private either. but that just me

some other people need PM bc they a bit shy. and not want to climb into a public forum for every little thing they thinking about or wants to say to someone else. can also get quite robust sometimes in the public. so it ok for these and some other reasons




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