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A walk in the dark


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idk why I'm weighing in, but . . . it always seemed to me that the point of my2L was to draw bandwidth away from inworld bandwidth. So people could continue their drama without logging in, for a start, and also save all the greifing that happens by throwing prims about when they can't control their rage.

But I'm only guessing, it was just an impression I got and still have. I could be wrong but even so, I hope it has managed to go some way towards achieving that anyway.

{^?^}  do you think?


Thought POLICE

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ThoughtPOLICE wrote:

idk why I'm weighing in, but . . . it always seemed to me that the point of my2L was to draw bandwidth away from inworld bandwidth. So people could continue their drama without logging in, for a start, and also save all the greifing that happens by throwing prims about when they can't control their rage.

But I'm only guessing, it was just an impression I got and still have. I could be wrong but even so, I hope it has managed to go some way towards achieving that anyway.

{^?^}  do you think?


Thought POLICE

I do not think there is a 'point' to my.secondlife.com other than to provide residents with an alternative meeting place.  I go inworld every day, nearly, and shop inworld, too.  I do not have time for twitter, fb, or other social media.  Do you?

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Since the statement was not clarified by the poster I will take based on action as being "private business" once disclosed is open for everything from everyone. Harassment, slander, belittling, and whatever else suits the general public.

Well since they what to own everything, does that include "everything? I'm asking so I can't really answer you.

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Oh YES the feeds lol.

*Ruled by failed business owners, self made imaginary *heros and *once were elite performers in rl dreamtime.

No doubt neglecting their houshold obligations to their spouses. Prolly for about ten+ years lol.

The last bastion of the entirely irrelevant. The hallowed basement of the truly elite.

Where else can you go with a rolling pin heading for your noggin at light speed?

The death rattle of the unloved beckons you.. home.. sweet home.

My feed is still open, after all this time :smileyhappy:

Do drop by and leave your mark once again dear rulers *lilcough

As usual, I will check in in about another 2 years I suppose:matte-motes-inlove: <thats a "love" btw


*edit: Will I put an e in household? nuu doesn't matter.



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LeeHere Absent wrote:

baby Kranfel wrote:

I wonder that if I was inflected with say diabetes would the same person be willing to share with me?

What?  You lost me there.

LeeHere Absent wrote:

baby Kranfel wrote:

Knowing something does not give license to ridicule, does it.

knowing give you license to do?


baby Kranfel wrote:

Since the statement was not clarified by the poster I will take based on action as being "private business" once disclosed is open for everything from everyone. Harassment, slander, belittling, and whatever else suits the general public.

Well since they what to own everything, does that include "everything? I'm asking so I can't really answer you.

 I'm sorry, but I'm having a devil of a time understanding you.

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Porky Gorky wrote:

I don't use my feeds, but I do follow allot of the more "colourful" feeds and I must admit I find it very entertaining. It's like watching a bad soap opera where the majority of the "main characters" are played by adults with the mentality of children. You see the cliques and groups form and they bully each other or individuals, then they return to the comfort of their groups to pat themselves on the back and to mock their victims, all the while it is them who are being mocked by the rest of us viewers who are watching the show.


I guess I should feel sorry for the people who are harassed and victimised, but at the end of the day I don't know these people personally and they are not being forced to use their feeds. They are choosing to expose themselves to an un-moderated environment inhabited by losers who have nothing better to do than create drama to enhance their otherwise dull existences. I for one hope LL allows it to continue as it's good entertainment and helps pass a slow work day. 



Hello Porky,

You do make an excellent point when you indicated that this can be perceived as good entertainment.  It would make sense then not to feed the beast, so to speak.  I imagine my heart does go out to those who are truly harassed and victimized even though I do not know them. 

While I do agree that the drama is fabricated for entertainment purposes, I feel that it is unfair (I know, I know, what in this world is fair?) that just because one chooses to utilize this application they must be prepared to endure the harassment. 

I believe that there are some cases here, where word jousting is entertaining and I do find myself eagerly awaiting the next blow, however in many cases, the smile of anticipation diminishes when the blow is hit below the belt, and that invisible line in the sand is crossed.  The real people behind the keyboards have a responsibility to both know when to stop typing, and know when to stop reading, but that does not make it an acceptable situation. 

I think that the feeds could be a better place minus the drama.  There could be enough self perpetuated drama from the ones who keep stirring the pot to make it interesting, but why not leave out the ones who don’t want to play?  

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Storm Clarence wrote:

MissManaged wrote:

Hello again Storm,

 ... I would much prefer a dance partner who steps on my toes over one who dances me through the sewer.  Wouldn't you agree?

Hi again MissManaged

No, I do not agree. 

Who else would you expect to find in the darkest, dirtiest of back alleys (and sewers) that you analogized in your OP? Prince Charming?  Do you expect a matron in the washroom, too?  Don't go to the sewer and then you won't be dancing in a sewer.    



Like I wrote, perception is everything.  


ETA a hi.


Good day Storm,

I once found a beautiful vintage bicycle in the alley behind my home; it was leaning against some rubbish bins behind the neighbor’s house.  I inquired as to the status of said bicycle, and was informed I could take it.  A new chain, and a little grease, and I had a lovely vintage bicycle that I’ve enjoyed quite extensively.  I do not always expect to find sewage in the alley. 

When it comes to dancing, well, I only danced in the alley once, it was raining, and I was alone.  It was a Pennies from Heaven moment, and well, you kind of just had to be there.

That aside, I did not introduce the dancing metaphor, that was yours.  Had I chose that particular subject to voice my thoughts, I probably would have picked a setting other than an alley. 

I do see a lot of people attempt to justify their actions by diverting the readers attention from the original topic.  It is a tactic I have become familiar with in my observations. 

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baby Kranfel wrote:

Does not good dancing result from both people dancing to the same music? If that's not the case then the result is only mayhem, I would think.

Are we discussing the act of the dance or the environment?

Hello Baby,

Your comment here made me think of an interesting experiment that I must try at some point.  I wonder how silly it would be to give two individuals an MP3 player with two different genres of music playing and ask them to dance together. 

I was discussing the environment. 

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MissManaged wrote:

...  I imagine my heart does go out to those
who are truly harassed and victimized
even though I do not know them. 

While I do agree
that the drama is fabricated
for entertainment purposes, I feel that it is unfair 

You can't have it both ways.  Sorry.   Because this is a virtual world the harassed and victimized are truly fabricating their ghosts.  

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MissManaged wrote:

Storm Clarence wrote:

What a fun thread.  And what a great audience.  I think the feeds are great; a wonderful way to communicate opinion, in-world pics, factoids, humor, sl adventure, drama, satire to name a few.  All of this comes with a scrollbar, too.


Hello Storm,

I'm pleased you are enjoying the thread.  You are correct that the feeds are a wonderful way to communicate opinion.  The problem is when opinion is transformed into harassment and belligerence.   Most people who like to perpetuate drama would prefer willing partners to participate. 
Who really wants to dance with someone unwilling?

Methinks it is *you* that introduced the 'dancing' metaphor.  I expanded on it.  

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MissManaged wrote:

Hello Porky,


While I do agree that the drama is fabricated for entertainment purposes, I feel that it is unfair (I know, I know, what in this world
fair?) that just because one chooses to utilize this application they must be prepared to endure the harassment. 

You are hardly enduring it now are you? You are embracing it, You have a flair for the dramatic as evidenced by the prose of your OP, your character in this soap opera is the victim, but you are still choosing to play the role, rather than just walking away. You are embracing your character and your part in the drama by launching this spin off show on the forums in which you engage in "banter" with some of your tormentors whilst most onlookers don't really care or are too busy playing "guess the Alt".

If you truly are a victim in this scenario then here is some advice, walk away from the feeds and never look back, disassociate yourself from your tormentors rather than just openly inviting them onto your spinoff show here. It's not fair, it's not just, but life rarely is. You have the power to extradite yourself from your current situation in an instance.

Yet the show must go on, right?

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LeeHere Absent wrote:

LeeHere Absent wrote:

baby Kranfel wrote:

I wonder that if I was inflected with say diabetes would the same person be willing to share with me?

What?  You lost me there.

LeeHere Absent wrote:

baby Kranfel wrote:

Knowing something does not give license to ridicule, does it.

knowing give you license to do?


baby Kranfel wrote:

Since the statement was not clarified by the poster I will take based on action as being "private business" once disclosed is open for everything from everyone. Harassment, slander, belittling, and whatever else suits the general public.

Well since they what to own everything, does that include "everything? I'm asking so I can't really answer you.

 I'm sorry, but I'm having a devil of a time understanding you.

It is ALWAYS difficult to understand when some people cross-post, isn't it?  I don't wonder why it is against the Community Standards to cross-post threads.  Actually cross-posting can be AR'ed for exactly that: cross-posting.  And there is precedent, ya know.  



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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Ah, the feeds. Where everything is black or white.

Where who or what you "love" can get you shunned... or brand you a criminal.

Where "loyalty" demands that one condemn those that they themselves have no issue with.

Where reading a single post on someone's feed can equal "watching" or "stalking".

Where mutes and unfollows are threatened and announced, and rescinded, daily.

Where perceived association with someone labels you their "cheerleader" or their "attack dog".

Where, if you don't like the way a discussion is going, you can just delete all of your comments.

Where one's political affiliation can be used as a club in a discussion that has naught to do with politics.

Where people who have their own feeds closed complain about other people having their feeds closed.

Where you can blame your own bad behavior on alcohol or opioids or having a bad day or...

Where cliques are bad. Unless it's your clique, of course.

Where people whose friends just can't seem to "scroll on by" advise other people to... "scroll on by".

Hello Griffin,


That is an interesting list you’ve compiled.  I see some of the behaviors you’ve mentioned here displayed by almost all who participate on the feed.  Let me try to tackle this one line at a time.  

Everything is black or white~ Not necessarily.  I think that there are levels of involvement; some are deeply entrenched and quite deliberate in their attempts at hounding and harassing, while others are causal observers who somehow get caught up accidently.  Nothing is strictly black and white in this alley.

Who or what you “love” can get you shunned ~ Context is everything. From my observations, I’ve learned that I would certainly be very cautious what I would or would not love for fear of offending someone I care about.  We should keep in mind, however “You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time”. John Lydgate via Abraham Lincoln

“Loyalty” demands that one condemn those that they themselves have no issue with. ~ I believe there is a difference between condemning a person and condemning an action.  I may like you, but I don’t have to love everything you say, nor agree with everything you do.  I may, in fact, really thoroughly dislike something you say and do, and therefore feel a need to condemn your words or actions. 

Reading a single post on someone’s feed equal “watching” or “stalking”~  This one made me chuckle a bit.  I suppose I myself could be deemed a “watcher”.  I think you may cross the line into stalking when it becomes necessary to log in as an alt simply to view the feed of someone you dislike and then criticise them on your own feed for what they have said.  This seems a bit like stalking to me, in a childish sort of way.  I must say though, I have also seen someone be accused of stalking for simply being on the same sim as someone, when the accuser was not even online.  As Storm said earlier, “perspective is everything”.

Mutes and unfollows are threatened and announced, and rescinded, daily ~ Ah, yes.  Some people seem to use friendship as if it were a leveraging device, while others who would be better off muting someone refuse to censor.  This is a case of, “damned if you do, damned if you don’t”.  While I believe those tools are useful, the announcement of using them is simply ploy for attention, as is the public announcement that you have been muted, unfollowed.  Dynamics change, people move on, people become disillusioned with the actions of another, such is life.

Perceived association with someone labels you their “cheerleader” or their “attack dog” ~ Again, I’ve seen both “sides” throw this one out.  I would only say “Actions speak louder than words”.

If you don’t like the way a discussion is going, you can just delete all of your comments. ~ I have seen this one.  It seems that this can be a way to get at the OP as well as a means of self preservation.  Given the nature of the feed in association with the muting practices, it seems one could easily mute someone and then carry on spamming their inbox in a thread they are now locked out of.  In addition to this, some people simply tire of endless back and forth followed by back patting and withdraw their comments to avoid further notifications.  I can see the plus side to this one.

One’s political affiliation can be used as a club in a discussion that has naught to do with politics. ~ I think this goes for more than simply politics.  I’ve seen the club wielded for many subject that have nothing to do with the OP. It happens here on the forum and elsewhere in life.  “Your opinion doesn’t count because you’re wearing a red shirt!” 

People who have their feed closed complain about other people having their feeds closed.  ~ This is a bit like a never ending circle is it not?

You can blame your own bad behavior on alcohol or opioids or having a bad day or…~ the weather, or traffic, or your boss, or the dog, bad take out food…

Cliques are bad.  Unless it’s your clique, of course ~ this sounds a bit like a gang. Crips and Bloods?

People whose friends just can’t seem to “scroll on by” advise other people to…”scroll on by”. ~ Interestingly enough, I saw this one yesterday in my daily perusing of the feed.  Again, it works both ways.  I would suggest to those who do that “practice what you preach”. 


Thank you Griffin for some interesting perspective.

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Oh. Hey, Tish.

Tweet any screenshots or blog links lately?

You locked your Twitter down, so you can understand how it might be hard to keep up.

Laetizia Coronet wrote:

Ah, the Forums, where people who use alts and twitter to futher harrass their victims come and RP how all that stuff is way beneath them!

Yep. Familiar with the tactic. I believe some of your friends are, too, although maybe not all at once. Just not very good at multitasking, I suppose.

"I've had my private info revealed, and repeatedly so; I've been slandered in the worst possible ways, I've been threatened. And nothing will be done about it..."

Sounds like someone else that we both know. Why do I not think that you're losing sleep over that?

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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

baby Kranfel wrote:

Everything has checks and balances, the above mentality would not last in RL (liable is legal action), it would not last her in SLF because the mods would apply the ToS to correct it and the poster, but it does happen in the feeds because no rules apply.

I'll assume you mean

You mean like... someone, completely unfounded, alleging that someone is a pedophile?

Yeah. Utterly disgusting.

Precisely why the feeds need to be cleaned up, would you not agree?  I’ve seen some equally disgusting things stated.  Some of those participants can get down and dirty with some pretty nasty comments made, often on topics that should be off limits. 
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ThoughtPOLICE wrote:

idk why I'm weighing in, but . . . it always seemed to me that the point of my2L was to draw bandwidth away from inworld bandwidth. So people could continue their drama without logging in, for a start, and also save all the greifing that happens by throwing prims about when they can't control their rage.

But I'm only guessing, it was just an impression I got and still have. I could be wrong but even so, I hope it has managed to go some way towards achieving that anyway.

{^?^}  do you think?


Thought POLICE

Hello Thought POLICE,


That is one possibility.

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Porky Gorky wrote:

MissManaged wrote:

Hello Porky,


While I do agree that the drama is fabricated for entertainment purposes, I feel that it is unfair (I know, I know, what in this world
fair?) that just because one chooses to utilize this application they must be prepared to endure the harassment. 

You are hardly enduring it now are you? You are embracing it, You have a flair for the dramatic as evidenced by the prose of your OP, your character in this soap opera is the victim, but you are still choosing to play the role, rather than just walking away. You are embracing your character and your part in the drama by launching this spin off show on the forums in which you engage in "banter" with some of your tormentors whilst most onlookers don't really care or are too busy playing "guess the Alt".

If you truly are a victim in this scenario then here is some advice, walk away from the feeds and never look back, disassociate yourself from your tormentors rather than just openly inviting them onto your spinoff show here. It's not fair, it's not just, but life rarely is. You have the power to extradite yourself from your current situation in an instance.

Yet the show must go on, right?

Thank you Porky for your thoughts and suggestions,

I am simply an observer, there are others like me out there, I have just made the choice to express my thoughts here.  While I, personally, am not a character in this show, I have seen some who do walk away, yet they still seem to be listed in the credits. 

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