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What Type of Griefing is This?

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So I emerged from my home in the sky where I lead a somewhat hermit lifestyle with the intent to check out some SL locales I'd been meaning to see for...years.  One of my destinations was Torley Linden's home/sim which is open to the public.  Amazing!!!  Definitely a place I need to explore again when I have more time.  So I was looking around to see if a Torley Linden bear was sitting out somewhere and the next thing I know, my screen (I had general chat minimized) was flooded with one word in HUGE letters: NOOB - over and over and over and over....ad infinitum. 

At the same time a blue drop down box appeared saying <name> invites you to the website:

Something like a kazillion 0's and 1's eventually followed by what appeared to be a website. Of course I knew better than to click the link or even go to the site.  There was a "Cancel" button on the drop down, which did nothing but bring up the identical blue box.  Checked on radar and, indeed, the person was in the area.  Next checked the land info and saw that it was marked for object creation, etc. for everyone.  For some reason, ARing didn't come to mind.  I hadn't been griefed in so long I was startled.  I muted the person responsible, then logged off to, hopefully, clear the screen of text and make the blue drop down box go away.  Logged back into the same location - the text was gone but the blue drop down box still there.  Griefer was gone.

I sent an IM to Torley as an FYI of the situation and tp'd home at which point the blue drop down box was gone.

So, what is this kind of griefing called and how does one guard against it and/or make it disappear without having to tp to another sim?


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When you find out let me know, I have had a guy make a prim follow me with floating text insulting me for the last week, no matter how many times I AR him it continues he even knows I am doing and said "I make the lindens 30k a week so can do what I like to you".

But this seems a new kind of greifing that makes prim follow you with insults or selling crap.

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Czari, I think you'll find the catagory here:




8.3 You agree that you will not post or transmit Content or code that may be harmful, impede other users' functionality, invade other users' privacy, or surreptitiously or negatively impact any system or network.

You agree to respect both the integrity of the Service and the privacy of other users. You will not:

(i) Post or transmit viruses, Trojan horses, worms, spyware, time bombs, cancelbots, or other computer programming routines that may harm the Service or interests or rights of other users, or that may harvest or collect any data or personal information about other users without their consent;

(ii) Post or transmit unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, or promotional materials, that are in the nature of "junk mail," "spam," "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," or any other form of solicitation that Linden Lab considers to be of such nature;

(iii) Use robots or other automated means to increase traffic to any Virtual Land;

(iv) Engage in malicious or disruptive conduct that impedes or interferes with other users' normal use of the Service;

(v) Attempt to gain unauthorized access to any other user's Account, password, Virtual Land or Content; or

(vi) Violate our Second Life Mainland Policies, each of which is incorporated into this Agreement.

Any violation by you of the terms of this Section may result in immediate suspension or termination of your Accounts without any refund or other compensation.


Didn't you get a new computer?  Out road testing it?  :)

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Thanks for your responses everyone. :)  I didn't phrase my question well upon a re-read...I was wondering how someone manages to spam my local chat box when I didn't click on anything, other than the "Cancel" tab of the blue drop down box which, now that I think about it, a skilled griefer/coder could likely have coded something in that activated when I clicked "Cancel."  To be clear...the spam appeared before I received the drop down box so clicking "Cancel" didn't cause the chat spam, afaik.  Eh...fairly harmless...just annoying.

@Peggy - I'm still in the searching phase but narrowing in.  I found a woman with a small PC shop who builds and repairs PCs.  She and I sat down and I explained what program I needed the specs for, she pulled up SL's web page with the specs listed and is working up several prices - one for a high end PC and several mid-range choices.

Oh yeah...when I get the new PC I'll be buzzing all over SL.  Currently it's not a lot of fun with the lag and not being able to see much.  Although, I was amazed while at Torley's sim; I could use a MUCH higher draw distance and still move well than I can elsewhere.

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

When you find out let me know, I have had a guy make a prim follow me with floating text insulting me for the last week, no matter how many times I AR him it continues he even knows I am doing and said "I make the lindens 30k a week so can do what I like to you".

But this seems a new kind of greifing that makes prim follow you with insults or selling crap.

I'd like to know how someone manages to do that, too...I suppose there's a way to code a prim to follow someone.  Gah.  Sorry this is happening to you. :(

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

I was wondering how someone manages to spam my local chat box when I didn't click on anything, other than the "Cancel" tab of the blue drop down box which, now that I think about it, a skilled griefer/coder could likely have coded something in that activated when I clicked "Cancel."  To be clear...the spam appeared before I received the drop down box so clicking "Cancel" didn't cause the chat spam, afaik.  Eh...fairly harmless...just annoying.

All the griefer would need is your uuid, which can be picked up easily enough with a radar (i.e. llSensorRepeat or llGetAgentList).   You don't need to touch anything to start the spam -- just appear on his radar.

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Innula Zenovka wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

I was wondering how someone manages to spam my local chat box when I didn't click on anything, other than the "Cancel" tab of the blue drop down box which, now that I think about it, a skilled griefer/coder could likely have coded something in that activated when I clicked "Cancel."  To be clear...the spam appeared before I received the drop down box so clicking "Cancel" didn't cause the chat spam, afaik.  Eh...fairly harmless...just annoying.

All the griefer would need is your uuid, which can be picked up easily enough with a radar (i.e. llSensorRepeat or llGetAgentList).   You don't need to touch anything to start the spam -- just appear on his radar.

Ah ok.  Thank you Innula. :)

BTW: Zenovka's rock!!! ;)

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Oh yeah...when I get the new PC I'll be buzzing all over SL.  Currently it's not a lot of fun with the lag and not being able to see much.  Although, I was amazed while at Torley's sim; I could use a MUCH higher draw distance and still move well than I can elsewhere."


A very good example of well made textures and builds.  Torley, is a very good photographer as everyone knows.  But he's also very knowledgable about what it takes to make a texture "user friendly" (I'm talking about optimized textures).  That leads to a tremendous improvement on the lag that everyone experiences in SL (even the users running SL on gaming rigs).  He's also a pretty good builder.  :)

I'm getting excited about your new computer..........heck I'm doing a lot of looking myself.  The bug is contagious  haha.  Let us know when you get it.  :)

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:


Oh yeah...when I get the new PC I'll be buzzing all over SL.  Currently it's not a lot of fun with the lag and not being able to see much.  Although, I was amazed while at Torley's sim; I could use a MUCH higher draw distance and still move well than I can elsewhere."


A very good example of well made textures and builds.  Torley, is a very good photographer as everyone knows.  But he's also very knowledgable about what it takes to make a texture "user friendly" (I'm talking about optimized textures).  That leads to a tremendous improvement on the lag that everyone experiences in SL (even the users running SL on gaming rigs).  He's also a pretty good builder. 

I'm getting excited about your new computer..........heck I'm doing a lot of looking myself.  The bug is contagious  haha.  Let us know when you get it. 

You are so right and I didn't even realize the reason I could bump up my draw distance with no issues at Torley's sim was due to a builder who knew how to optimize resources...and there was a TON of things going on there which would involve scripting - another culprit oft mentioned that contributes to lag.

In addition to lots of textures, there were particle beams, prims that fell from a platform and bounced off the floor, a gorgeous glowing tree, and a lot more things I was going to check out before I got hit with the text spam.

Point being, like you said, all the scripts, textures, particles, etc. didn't lag my avatar at all.

When I get my new PC, if you can't hear my shout of glee where you are....I'll make sure to post a thread. *Grins*

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As Innula mentioned, a bit of Scripting can do exactly what you describe. The "Cancel" button was no doubt part of the scripted menu presented to you via your Avatar's UUID.

The correct button to click would be the "Ignore" button. That's a smaller button placed below the others and always present in a scripted menu. Unlike the normal size buttons that are controlled by the script, the Ignore button sends nothing back to the script, it simply dismisses the menu. Cancel would have sent back your response which immediately caused the script to redisplay the menu.

On most Viewers the text of the menu will also include the name of the Object Owner. You can then use this information to find and mute the Owner and all their objects. So before you "Ignore" the menu, note the Owner Name and mute them .. then proceed to Ignore the menu.

You can also then use the Owner Name for an AR. Being spammed like that is definitely an AR-able offense. It's a cryng shame that someone would deface the beauty and wonder of Torley's sim in such a manner, but there are many people in this world that find it quite acceptable to deface any form of beauty. In fact, they seem to need to do so ... and that's even more deplorable.

Hurry up and get that new PC! I can't wait to see what wonders you discover when the new Star Light arrives. *grin*

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This type of attack I believe if its the Blue Box is called the Dialogue Spam Box.

Dialogue Spammers can do a bunch of different things the original grief back before FireStorm had anti Spam was to crash a persons viewer, now its not so easy anymore if you have your settings correct.

However there are exploits which can be used to keep a object from being able to be muted and use it to constantly send green messages, and possibly dialogue/objects to a user over and over again which can't be muted, and the time it would take Linden lab to respond this could go on for hours. I had some griefer do this to me for about a week straight it wasn't as bad because I found out how to deal with it but still it was annoying.

To be honest there really is no way to fully guard against griefer attacks you need to learn how to use your viewer settings properly, how to use Advanced settings, God Tools, and Advanced Debug Options, and Derendering options.

Knowing how to use these will keep your sim from being griefed as bad it will also prevent you form having to be graphics card crashed, CTRL +S for example I think it was is a shortcut for sit down, basically this fixes it so objects cant push you around no need to rez a cube anymore can be used in mid air, and things like Derender graphics card crashers, and opening your FireStorm settings setting antispam to low.

Then for example if you get dialogue spam, Look in your local chat for a green name, or object name if you see this click it and click mute owner.

Besides you can always disable dialogue perm. for awhile in your viewer settings so you don't get any at all if you are getting griefed and turn them on later thats how you prevent it I am sure.

Also do yourself a favor go into your FireStorm Privacy settings and turn off broadcast look at so people cant see whom your looking at, and turn on show look at.

Learn the commands like FLR, GTF,DD X Draw Distanc Here, GTH "Xmeters Here" these text commands can be changed, but will be very helpful.

Other Things like WireFrame, and Double Click Teleport Enable are also great too.

OverAll what I am saying is once you know your viewer straight up you will be able to laugh at all these griefers fail toy huds there isn't a thing they can really do to you, and of course you need to be able to do things like disable ur rendering types in a matter of Seconds, go to ground in 1-2 seconds and be fast at it.

Whatever you do do not click the link.

For your own safetly.

1. Do not click links in dialogue boxes as these can log a persons IP address, browser, and or viewer information.

2. Watch out for Redirect Links which can route a person to a fake marketplace login which can be used to phish account information.

3. Always turn off media before you go on another persons parcel in Second Life, this prevents CDS, Red Zone, and any other IP logging system from logging your information, a lot of clubs in Second Life use alt detectors even some RP sims this will prevent it from being able to detect who you are if you havent been logged already.

4. Do not use your in world browser as having to have (JS) Javer Script & Cookies on puts your computer at more of a risk than using external browser so use with caution.

5. Watch out with VOIP as IP can possibly sitll be obtained from there, and watch out for fake Linden Employee they will never ask your for any account information.

6. Common sense one, DO not accept unknown objects from strangers, Wear or Rez them they can grief others get your account suspended or do malicious things to your land if you have land rights and such.

7. Also wearing any Hud in Second Life, or any type of RP meter can give away your IP address, and personal information including alts who have also been logged so watch what you use too this actually goes for any object but it would mostly be a hud or RP meter that would have such in it.

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Hi there, Darrius :)

The correct button to click would be the "Ignore" button. That's a smaller button placed below the others and always present in a scripted menu. Unlike the normal size buttons that are controlled by the script, the Ignore button sends nothing back to the script, it simply dismisses the menu. Cancel would have sent back your response which immediately caused the script to redisplay the menu.

In this case there was not an "Ignore" button on the blue drop down box, only "Accept" or "OK" - one of those two and "Cancel."  I've seen the "Ignore" button, usually on animation-driven furniture but sadly this box didn't include that option....probably by design.

On most Viewers the text of the menu will also include the name of the Object Owner. You can then use this information to find and mute the Owner and all their objects.

Yep, it did, which was how I saw the griefer was within the sim and within range.  As mentioned I sent an IM to Torley just to let him know.  I have no earthly idea why I didn't think to AR.  I was trying to recall everything I'd read about how to deflect certain griefing so I'll plead that my brain was focused on one thing and you know I can't think of two things at the same time.  :matte-motes-silly: 

When I logged out and back in, the griefer was gone.  I did mute the griefer prior to logging out.  What I did find interesting was that the blue drop down box remained on my screen within Torley's sim but went away after I tp'd home. 

It's a cryng shame that someone would deface the beauty and wonder of Torley's sim in such a manner, but there are many people in this world that find it quite acceptable to deface any form of beauty. In fact, they seem to need to do so ... and that's even more deplorable.

Agreed!  Which is why I sent an IM to Torley so he can ban the person if he chooses, although not sure what the policy is for Lindens to be able to ban.  By the way, if you've been there, any idea where the Torley bear is?  I have other Linden bears but Torley's is the one I would cherish the most.

Hurry up and get that new PC! I can't wait to see what wonders you discover when the new Star Light arrives. *grin*

Working on it. :) I mentioned the woman with the PC shop with whom I was impressed and am pretty sure I will order a custom built PC from her.  Just for a bit of comparison I looked at the handful of desktop PCs at Office Max this week, which were primarily HPs with AMD processors and integrated graphics cards.  Bleh.  I have a few specs on what the "tech" considered a "gaming" PC, but I'm still not impressed with the specs.  Will run them by you later on if that's ok?  Regardless, I'm confident I'll get more of what I want by going the custom-built route.


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Thanks, GothGirl.  These are very helpful tips.  Being an "oldbie" I know some of them, but not all by any means.  Not having been griefed in literally years, this episode although more annoying than harmful, thank goodness, really took me by surprise.

Dialogue Spammers can do a bunch of different things the original grief back before FireStorm had anti Spam was to crash a persons viewer, now its not so easy anymore if you have your settings correct.

ACK!!  Thank goodness it didn't crash my viewer.  I'm still using Phoenix - the last Phoenix viewer before SEE2 was required.  I was able to successfully mute the griefer so the green text disappeared.  I couldn't help laugh at the irony:  The text was a wall of the word NOOB in huge letters, sent by someone with a "Resident" last name to a person who has been in SL over 5 years.  I do realize, of course, the griefer could also be an "oldbie" with a disposable alt account.  It just struck me as humorous at the time.

To be honest there really is no way to fully guard against griefer attacks you need to learn how to use your viewer settings properly, how to use Advanced settings, God Tools, and Advanced Debug Options, and Derendering options.

Is there any Wiki, web site, forum post, etc. where these settings as they pertain to guarding against griefers are listed?

Thank you again for this info. :)  I'm going to keep this post handy and check out my viewer settings to see if I can better tweak something to be as prepared as possible.


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Czari Zenovka wrote:

In this case there was not an "Ignore" button on the blue drop down box, only "Accept" or "OK" - one of those two and "Cancel."  I've seen the "Ignore" button, usually on animation-driven furniture but sadly this box didn't include that option....probably by design.


I am sorry, but there must have been an "Ignore" button.   The llDialog function puts it there, and the script can't change that.  All it does is dismiss the dialog menu in the viewer without sending any information back to the script; there's no way to know if it's been clicked or not (much to the irritation of makers of legitimate scripts). 

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Innula Zenovka wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

In this case there was not an "Ignore" button on the blue drop down box, only "Accept" or "OK" - one of those two and "Cancel."  I've seen the "Ignore" button, usually on animation-driven furniture but sadly this box didn't include that option....probably by design.


I am sorry, but there must have been an "Ignore" button.   The llDialog function puts it there, and the script can't change that.  All it does is dismiss the dialog menu in the viewer without sending any information back to the script; there's no way to know if it's been clicked or not (much to the irritation of makers of legitimate scripts). 

I honestly didn't see one.  I know what they look like because I use them all the time to bat an unneeded dialogue box out of my way.  It's possible, of course that I missed it, but as I recall there were just the two big buttons for Accept and Cancel.  Now I'm wishing I'd taken a screen shot...lol.

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Cerise Sorbet wrote:

This box probably came from llLoadURL(). These prompts look just like dialogs, they have "Go to page" and "Cancel" buttons, but they do not have "Ignore" or "Block" on them.

That was it!!!  Thanks, Cerise. :)  The blue drop down box *was* to direct me to a web page and I just kept clicking "Cancel" which brought up a new one. :matte-motes-sour:

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  • 2 weeks later...

And this?


That is how my region looks at the moment. I reported it als land encrochment -> objects.

But it is as well:

unfair use of region recourses
object littering (the object go from red to blue and back all the time)
visual spam
audio spam (they also make a terrible noise)

It is like this for hours already. I AR-ed, filed support ticket.. the only thing that happens is that the pile objects keeps on growing.



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