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Viewers slow down and crash constantly

Darius Vayandar

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Alright so i have asked everyone i can think of, talked to as many people i can contact and im here as a last resort, i cant figure this out...

Exodus Viewer - Stable for a little bit, slow down when looking out away from my avi unless my draw distance is at 64 and with max number of non avatar imposters turned down to 1, then after a bit of that i crash. 

Singularity - Works great! 60+ fps, then it goes to 30 when moving around normally. then it drops down to 15, and after about a half hour it turns to 2, then 1.5, then goes down till i cant run it and must restart though never crashes during this.

Firestorm/Pheonix - Works for about 10 minutes before it slows down to snail's pace when i have my draw distance out over 24, unusable unless im building on a platform or something.

Regular sl viewer - Works great but crashes every half hour or so.


Stats for my computer taken from my singlarity 

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 870 @ 2.93GHz (2933.64 MHz)
Memory: 16374 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 560 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
Windows Graphics Driver Version: 9.18.0013.0697
OpenGL Version: 4.2.0

Viewer SSE Version: SSE2
libcurl Version: libcurl/7.21.1 OpenSSL/1.0.0g zlib/1.2.5 c-ares/1.7.1
J2C Decoder Version: OpenJPEG:, Runtime:
Audio Driver Version: FMOD Ex 4.42.02
Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded)
Packets Lost: 8/35860 (0.0%)

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You can check temperature with a free program called SpeedFan.

You can get System Explorer (also free) to watch how memory and page faluts are working. You will be able to see if you are suffering a memory leak or some other problem is causing your system to start swapping memory to disk, which slows things down.

You did not give us the version of the SL Viewer you are using. The 3.4.3 version have a horrible memory leak. Some of the other viewers replicated the same memory leak. So, viewer version is important.

You can try the Beta Viewer, which has many fixes, to see if it works better. You might also try the Development Viewer.

Some of us are running the nVidia 310.90 driver. So far it seems to be working well. I've got the GTX560Ti and I'm not seeing slowing.

If you are using a cloud drive, like Skydrive, that is the likely problem. SL and cloud drives are currently incompatible because of some memory process conflicts that are Microsoft-Linden Lab issues.

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I remember that memory leak! It's a thing of the past though. The OP said there's roughly 16 gb of ram in that machine.

That computer, running correctly, should fly. I wonder if maybe sl's not making good "use" of the video card. There have been posts in other threads about sl just not seeing the card properly. There's not enough information in this thread for me to know if that's the case or not. But if only sl is giving the OP issues, it's something else to look into.

I assume all other programs that are installed are behaving properly?

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I can give more information if you guys want, i installed the new updated video card driver and there is less crashing, but things still move at a snails pace at times. I can barely break 15 or so fps which is what i used to get when i had my old gtx 260. Other games do great, Eve Online, Dishonored, Moden warfare, Anno 2070, all high graphics games do a great job on my rig. Just SL seeming to give me issues, and differnt issues on differnt viewers. All updated Save for the normal SL viewer, it flys untill i tp to a differnt sim and back, then the fps halfs 

Jus tlet me know what you need to see, i can give the dxdiag report if you want. 


I ran a test on my computer from futuremark, the 3dmark 11. here are the results


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Sounds like general overheating to me. When did you last dust out your computer with a can of air duster compressed air to rid it of its cat hair,dust bunnies and crummies? Its great having loads of memory to use, but once it gets untidy your computer will slow down a lot faster too, which means you need to regularly clear out unecessary programs, disk defragment your system too. And if its overheating, then your graphics card will suffer.

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For me, both the regular LL viewer and the Beta viewer aren't working properly.   Avatar textures not rezzing properly, frame rate gets slow and freezes up, 'entering sleep mode' message appears, and it takes ages to log out of SL. 

I tried Firestorm and that went well to start with - a few days ago, but that's gradually go worse and how has the same problems as the LL viewers.

I've done all the usual things that we try, but none have improved the situation.

SL worked well on my comp until recently and I haven't altered anything that could have affected performance - not knowingly, anyway

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