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Regulation of SL Market - When ?

Damien Cygnet

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Madeliefste Oh wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:


Really smart people skip the whole time-wasting business of coming out with innovative products first, and just copy what others do, at half the price. 


(I am not one of those really smart ppl.)

The smartest ones to putting thier time in this
blind alley
at all, and move on to greener coasts.


(I'm not that smart either)

This is a direct result of LL's socialist central planning. It didn't used to be this way. As long as LL continues down this path, the value of products will continue to decline, and so will LL's profits.

Regulations, as put forth by the OP, is just another part of socialist theory. This thought process comes about by the very problems the initial socialist implementations result in.

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Madeliefste Oh wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

Really smart people skip the whole time-wasting business of coming out with innovative products first, and just copy what others do, at half the price.


(I am not one of those really smart ppl.)

The smartest ones to putting thier time in this
blind alley
at all, and move on to greener coasts.

(I'm not that smart either)


Do you know what the dumb ones do? They do things like putting up long, incoherent forum posts that do nothing except advertise their competition's temporary half-off sales, or fill the forums with posts that are so over-the-top melodramatic that customers decide to write off that merchant even if they decide to offer everything for free.

I"m not a merchant; I have great respect for those who are and who produce great products. However, I read the forums a lot and if a merchant posts often I often start to check out their products. Do you know what? I've yet to see a situation where I go, "Well, so-and-so's a real pain on the forums, but they make the best whatever I've ever seen." I haven't seen any irreplaceable merchants out there and if someone's forum posts make me dislike them I'll be more inclined to look to their competition, even though for all I know their competition may be even more obnoxious -- but they're QUIET about it.

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Medhue Simoni wrote:

This is a direct result of LL's socialist central planning. It didn't used to be this way. As long as LL continues down this path, the value of products will continue to decline, and so will LL's profits.

Regulations, as put forth by the OP, is just another part of socialist theory. This thought process comes about by the very problems the initial socialist implementations result in.

/me laughs..... seriously Medhue ? are you thinking LL has a socialist way of managing ? This is the more funny things ive read this whole week.

No, i dont think it has smth to do with socialism or whatever economic or politic theory. I think that they dont have any skills for management and the managing of the MP is a big mess and suffer from a big lack of seriousness... Nothing more. And its really far from anything socialist, very very far.... and the day i will see smth from US having a socialist side, even a tiny one, i ll be more than surprised lol.

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Typical, as most people don't understand the distinct differences between Free Markets, and Centrally Planned markets, or Capitalism vs Socialism. Our news media distorts the 2 theories, and implies that the US is a capitalistic economy. The reality is that the US has a socialist ecomony with the largest sectors being Crony Capitalism, which is socialism and fascism mixed together. As we move closer and closer to a fully socialist economy, things decline more and more. It has no way to recover, other than the government spending more and more to cover up the mistakes they make in picking the winners.

I understand how hard it is for the average person to lose their socialist thoughts, as the news media bombards people's brains with emotionally driven rhetoric. When you study true Free Markets, or Austrian theory, you plainly see that Free Markets and Capitalism is the most just and moral theory possible. This is a system of voluntary exchange, where every1 benefits, and no1 loses.


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Medhue Simoni wrote:

Madeliefste Oh wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:


Really smart people skip the whole time-wasting business of coming out with innovative products first, and just copy what others do, at half the price. 


(I am not one of those really smart ppl.)

The smartest ones to putting thier time in this
blind alley
at all, and move on to greener coasts.


(I'm not that smart either)

This is a direct result of LL's socialist central planning. It didn't used to be this way. As long as LL continues down this path, the value of products will continue to decline, and so will LL's profits.

Regulations, as put forth by the OP, is just another part of socialist theory. This thought process comes about by the very problems the initial socialist implementations result in.

Any time you try to make an Economy fit an economic model, you break it.  It's like putting someone in a full body cast and then telling them to run a hundred meter dash.  Just like a body has to be free of encumbrances in order to run, so does an Economy.

To paraphrase Teddy Roosevelt, the role of Gov't (Linden Lab) should be to keep evil (fraud) out of the corporations (Marketplace).

Linden Lab would benefit the Market and the Economy more, improve it's profitability to all involved by focusing on fraud control, not Market manipulations.

In the context of Second Life, fraud control means two things.

1. Protection for the consumer:  Products do what they say they will do.

2. Protection for the Merchant:  Swift action on DCMA's within the bounds of the DCMA and swift and decisive action against offenders. 

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Medhue Simoni wrote:

Today, things are much different. Both the marketplace and inworld search, are now based on socialist principles, where LL directly influences who gets seen by the public. Possibly, LL just doesn't have any1 at the Lab that has seriously studied Austrian economics, but my guess is that they are all just Cali commies and think what they are doing is best for all, much like our current US government.

When you start seeing Commies around every corner like this it's probably time to turn off Fox News, can you name any of the socialist priniciples you are refferring to, as far as I am aware preventing search gaming is not a socialist priniciple. Have you turned over your inventory to LL to sell and now just receive a set wage every week?, how come the rest of us havent received a share of your income

Medhue Simoni wrote: 

For example, when the marketplace was Xstreet, and privately owned, the owner had a big incentive to make as much money as he could. 

It's still privately owned and the owner still has a big incentive to make as much money as he can




Medhue Simoni wrote:


Today, I have no idea, or can make any sense at all of what they are trying to do.

Neither can anyone else, so it's unlikely it being planned so a particular group gains and to what end ?



Medhue Simoni wrote:


In truely Free Markets, the consumers decide. The consumer is KING. In a centrally planned economy, no1 wins, especially not the consumers.

What Central Planning do you believe is taking place? are you really suggesting LL is making some products popular? which ones ?





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i dont think im sm1 who doesnt understand the distinct differences between free markets and centrally planned and i still dont agree with you. i have some knowledge in economic and great one in politics (ive been an active millitant for 15 years, not as socialist btw but i had to meet them a lot) and i really dont see how you can see socialism in US governement, neither in SL.  IMHO what is happening in US and in alot of other countries is wide capitalism... when capitalism is not following its own rules itslef and so its "walk or die and if for walking you have to walk on other pp's head it doenst matter..." It means the stronger will survive while the more weak will die. You could see some reactions about this in another thread lately, i just remind you. I can tell you that US govt or SL managing has nothing to do with socialism. Even if im not likely to defend socialism, i still cant understand how you can say things like this. I dont know how socialism is teached at school in your country but its really not the way ive learnt here and has really nothing to do with what ive learnt from socialist millitants. And trust me, ive met a lot of those ones in the past. We can find a lot of reproaches to do them, and its possible i find even more than you, but not they are governing US or SL.

Trust me, something said like this in socialist group meeting will prob make some of the millitant die from laugh.

That said, it could be an interesting topic btw lol, but  i guess this would bore a lot of pp :smileywink:

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Medhue Simoni wrote:


This is a direct result of LL's socialist central planning. It didn't used to be this way. As long as LL continues down this path, the value of products will continue to decline, and so will LL's profits.


I see this different, Medhue. Ofcourse a change like in world search has a big influency on the economy. It shifts the visibility of shops. But I doubt it has much influence on the demand site. The same amount of money is going around, but it is spend in different shops, because those gained visibility above others.

The value of products declines when de demand is declining, and that is going on for some years now. In rl there exists no economy where producers keep on producing while the demand is on return, or where sellers keep filling their shop with more and more stuf when the demand is declining, because that is just asking for a bankruptcy. 

In SL though, the economy is of a different nature then we know in rl. The SL economy is an artists economy. Artists are problably the only occupational group in rl that keeps producing there is no demand for their work. They are not driven by economical impulses in the first place, but the need to produce comes from inside. (I state it all very black and white now, ofcourse there are individual nuances and exceptions among artists).

What artists want, even more then money, is recognition. To get this recognition your work must be seen first.

In SL is 'being seen' connected with 'being bought'. The more people buy your stuf, the more recognition you get. So, when people don't buy their stuf (anymore) at a market conform price, SL artists will sell below the average price. That gives them (back) the attention they are looking for. That is to say, for as long as it last... because it won't take long before another artist arrives who needs even more recognition and starts selling under the lowest price, or decides to give his stuf away for free.

Besides of that there are other aspects make it hard to gain visibility, for exemple cluthering. You will never tear your pants in SL, even after years your jeans will look brand new, as if it was just bought yesterday. Hair doesn't need to be cut, a storm won't ruine your garden, your car will never get rusty and so on.

The time that people dropped in in droves with empty inventories is long past. The demand is declining since 2008, but the pile of products keeps growing. So there are more and more products for people to spend their money on, while there are less people willing to spend their money on virtual goods. It is predictable that this will lead to less turnover per merchant.

The whole point is: the grow model doesn't work any more. But we have no alternatives. At that point there is a parallel with the rl economy again.



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For 1, I'm not a republican and I don't watch Fox news or any TV at all. Fox news is simply a socialist propaganda station, masking itself as the counter to NBC, and all the other socialist news stations. I'm a Libertarian, who's sole principle is none agression. If we take away coersion from society, we get a system of mutual benefit for all. When we are children, we are taught that stealing is wrong, and hitting is wrong. In adulthood, when analysed, we see that the opposite applies, but it is hidden behind the made up needs to control things. Taxes are theft, irreguardless if some entity is granted that special privelege to steal.

The path to full socialism is a long 1. No person in the world would except a fully socialist society. What the controlers have to do is move things in a socialist direction. Even total socialist will agree that some capitalism is good. Most governments will never go fully socialist, as then they lose completely. By always keeping things partially socialist, by picking the winners and losers, they avoid the total lose when a business goes under.

The marketplace is owned by what is our government. Yes, our government is a private company. By them owning the MP, they can choose to run it however they want. If they think that lower prices benefits their other avenues to create profit, then they will do that, which is what is happening.

Although gaming can be brought up as a problem, in the overall scope, it is tiny and hardly worth addressing. Plus, there are ways to address it without completely controlling the system. The bottom line is that gaming takes time away for making new product or innovation. So the end result is that the people that engage in gaming don't innovate or have a smaller selection. If you bring consumers into the mix of ranking merchants, than the people that game the system will always continue to sink in the rankings.

Even though I have completely explained how LL is controlling the MP, I'll reword it and hopefully you will understand. IMHO, LL believes that cheaper products help their own business model. I can imagine that they think that if people spend too much on MP products, they will have less to spend on sims. So, they create an algorythm that pushes free or cheap products over quality products. What LL fails to see, is that good products promotes the need for more land. This also promotes the growth of more industries that use those products in their business model. Windows, Apple and almost all growth industries get that way be others create profit off their products. LL thinks, like many, that this takes away from their own profits, which is ignorant and completely false. It's provable simply by looking at the history of the platform.

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To return to the primary subject : "regulation of sl market", I will try to explain in what I believe about marketplace :

it is impossible that developers of second life lost their skills when they work on marketplace. They prove they are nice developers. So bugs are not true bugs, but just a mask for another thing. So yes marketplace is under heavy regulation but regulation to create unfair condition except for big shop. I am sure of that now.

The pseudo random system is a fake, there are no random system, just an algorithm that calculates how much impression will be available based on several criteria, number of products, how money spend in ads, how manoy spend spend in classified, size of land, and so one. but they have the cynicism to make same price to everyone !

Concerning support, it exist only if you an enough size. I have a half full sim, I can proof I use legal software, I have premium avatar, I spend many money here, and in 28 ads too, in classified too. That's not enough. I would noticed that.

So yes there are a true regulation, but not in the equity sens.

For example, how explain you can have two products with same UUID on marketplace ??? this will be a good regulation, for example.

Another example, how explain anybody can have a shop on marketplace without any verification elementary, as premium avatar, just for the open the shop, in the first month. It will be a good filter no ?


To conclude in my side, this my best advise for Linden Lab, to improve cynicism at the maximum level.

When avatar login on marketplace and check if their products appears, I suggest to LL to modify a little the algorithm and check the name in the login and if the avatar have a shop on marketplace with adds in progress. If the check show that avatar have shop and ads, I suggest to LL to force the show of product on homepage. So the avatar will have the illusion to believe ads subscription works ! not necessary to thanks me LL for this awesome cynicism  idea.





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criticize is a thing, prove another.

It's not my style to criticize without proof, as I give you absolute proof.


108 impressions but ads is expired !

One Prim TRUE Tree, True 3D Trunk, True Foliage, 2 Foliages and 3 Shapes, Special Winter Edition, Copy&Modify     
Feature this item on the home page (L$1,699 every 15 days)     108 / 1515 / 6707     0 / 6 / 36     active

expired since : December 08, 2012

One Prim TRUE Tree, True 3D Trunk, True Foliage, 2 Foliages and 3 Shapes, Special Winter Edition, Copy&Modify     Feature this item on the home page (L$1,699 every 15 days)     November 23, 2012     December 08, 2012     expiring     Edit

On an another thread a people explain clearly 2500/2800 impression per weeks is okay.

November 23, 2012 to  December 20, 2012 , 6707 impressions. Almost 1700 impression / week in my side.


I can say yes marketplace is under heavily regulation, without bugs ! It is calculate, for sure.

It is how that's work.

But if they will take my idea, next time when I check again, perhaps I will see my products, and I will have the illusion to be in fair system ... too late, I know now !






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There is no limit to the wants of people. This is at the core of what drives every economy. Yes, we don't have the same real world deteriation of products, but we do have a system that changes and things become outdated. Some of this is done by LL with their improvements, and some of this is done by merchants that innovate.

Prices, overall, decline for 2 major reasons. 1 of those is more competition, and the other is less need/want/demand for the product. That said, prices can be forced down by the controllers of the system by artificially promoting cheaper products. Prices are pushed up by features and quality, but those can't influence the market if they can't be found, or other products are artificially promoted ahead of them.

Yes, technically, we are all artists, but we have 2 major categories. Those are the professionals, that lives off their sales of their art, and then we have those that simply create purely for attention or pleasure. This is not the mideval times when artists has benefactors. Every1 must earn their livings and this is a big part of how and economy functions, and why prices are what they are. The professionals do not create strictly for profit, but also for pleasure. If we did things strictly for profit, we would likely be in a different industry.

The demand in SL drops because consumers can't find the best products, hence making their experiences in SL less enjoyable. It is a domino affect. LL should be focused on it's residents finding the most enjoyable products, which increases the value of LL's land. The core of the whole virtual economy is how much people enjoy their experience, which is a direct result of the products they find. What LL doesn't understand is that the only way to know what the best products are, is by allowing the consumers to point out the best products. If they can't find those products because of LL's manipulation, then we have what we have now.

The facts are that we could have growth, if LL would allow the consumers to point out the best products. Even today, we have thousands of new people coming into SL. This has never changed. It is more people than most games will ever see. The only difference between the time we had major growth, and now, is LL's control and manipulation of the markets. In theory, the natural flow of a truely free Market, is slow growth with gradually lowered prices on products that don't improve. When products do improve, you will see a constant price, or increase in prices.



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Medhue Simoni wrote:

For 1, I'm not a republican and I don't watch Fox news or any TV at all. Fox news is simply a socialist propaganda station, masking itself as the counter to NBC, and all the other socialist news stations. 


Medhue Simoni wrote:

Even though I have completely explained how LL is controlling the MP, I'll reword it and hopefully you will understand. IMHO, LL believes that cheaper products help their own business model. I can imagine that they think that if people spend too much on MP products, they will have less to spend on sims. So, they create an algorythm that pushes free or cheap products over quality products.

LL are pushing the marketplace at the expense of inworld land holdings, land holdings are dropping and continue to drop, marketplace sales were rising, we don't get the stats anymore but it was the big growth area. Search has no way of knowing which are quality products, it never has done and it never will do. 



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It is why the regulation system is design to improve vendor visibily, when they spend plenty of money on ads and classified.

But of course, LL can't make for ads on marketplace the same system for classified.

So they create an illusion of equality with same price for subscription, and when illusion doesn't work they invoke bugs ...



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Ciaran Laval wrote:

Medhue Simoni wrote:

For 1, I'm not a republican and I don't watch Fox news or any TV at all. Fox news is simply a socialist propaganda station, masking itself as the counter to NBC, and all the other socialist news stations. 


Medhue Simoni wrote:

Even though I have completely explained how LL is controlling the MP, I'll reword it and hopefully you will understand. IMHO, LL believes that cheaper products help their own business model. I can imagine that they think that if people spend too much on MP products, they will have less to spend on sims. So, they create an algorythm that pushes free or cheap products over quality products.

LL are pushing the marketplace at the expense of inworld land holdings, land holdings are dropping and continue to drop, marketplace sales were rising, we don't get the stats anymore but it was the big growth area. Search has no way of knowing which are quality products, it never has done and it never will do. 



I do not believe this is true, and I base this on evidence, and what I think is sound theories. Some version of the MP has always been around. The MP saves people massive amounts of time. I would agree that disconnecting merchants from the land is not a good things for LL. This would not be an issue, but for LL's decision to lessen the affect of the inworld search, by lessening the influence of total land holding by merchants in the search algorythm. So, LL hurts themselves twice by disconnect the influence of land holding on they 2 systems that rank merchants.

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I am not sure it is a problem of how think LL management, but how they calculate in fact.

In my side I think it is cynicism no more and they create illusion to make believe anybody have same luck or just luck.

It is not the case, the luck is calculate and criteria can be only how many L$ you spend.

I think it is sort by : how L$ spend in

1 : classified

2 : ads, subscription

3 : land

4 : number of products ... perhaps

after they apply a weighting factor, and that calculate how many time your product appear or a probability.


It is so easy to make it.





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Medhue Simoni wrote:

Actually, the marketplace and the inworld search are not based on Free Market principles. Years ago, when the marketplace was Xstreet, and inworld search was based solely on stature, we had a completely Free Market. Probably the closest thing to a Free Market the world has ever seen. Today, things are much different. Both the marketplace and inworld search, are now based on socialist principles, where LL directly influences who gets seen by the public. Possibly, LL just doesn't have any1 at the Lab that has seriously studied Austrian economics, but my guess is that they are all just Cali commies and think what they are doing is best for all, much like our current US government.

This is not my recollection of search, search was based on keywords and traffic. Old search had the advantage that people who searched for your keyword, would have a chance of finding your keyword, rather than LL deciding that they might mean another keyword in the form of stemming (which came later). This gave smaller business more scope to be found, but when words matched the deciding principle in rank, was traffic and some people gamed that with bot farms, which had nothing to do with quality or even whether they had many items in the category you were searching for, people would even use the old tactic of using keywords for items their parcel didn't contain, all to boost their traffic scores.

LL moved to a system that resulted in fewer people and products being seen, they also moved to pushing the marketplace at every opportunity, even to the extent of having a shop link in the viewer that takes people to the marketplace, not an inworld search of shops.

The result is fewer people having the need to own land and knock on effects for social venues who could partially subsidise tier from renting out store space.


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Toy, have you done any research into Austrian theory? Have you read any books by Mises, or Rothbard, or Hayek? These are the most respected economists the world has ever seen. Do some research buddy. If you have, then specifically explain to me why I'm wrong. Tho, I am a pretty silly boy, as I love doing research and learning about economic theory. I especially love it when those theories don't involve coersion.

Here is a popular funny rap video on the 2 most adhered to theories of economics:

Keynesian theory is what most governments engage in today. 1 my favorite quotes, "the economy's Organic". It's a pretty brilliant video, especially the end where the ref hold up Keynes' hand, even tho he was KO'd.

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The old search engine, before any GSA, was based on how many of the keywords were on your land, that people were searching for, how large the parcel was, how much traffic the parcel got, and how many Picks people had of that parcel. This was a great system as it included all the key factors that showed who the best merchants were. If you did a search for almost any word, the results ranked all the best merchants with the most keywords on their land. A merchant always knew where he stood and how he might improve his ranking honestly. Of course, not all keywords or markets worked this smoothly in the inworld search. This search engine was custom made by a resident who was directly involved with LL, as I remember it, and read about it online.

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Perhaps I am in wrong way but bot are forbidden no ?


Of course I make shopping sometime, and I saw many shops use pseudo manekin, in fact true bots.

But it is forbidden by the TOS no ?


I am in wrong for sure, if you spend 20000 l$ / week in classified, you have the right to use bots ^^

It is the variable geometry of TOS ^^


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Directed at no one in particular.

One Linden employee did actually admit that they'd like to see the average price of merchants goods to be around L$160 I believe. Sure there's market manipulation going on. The balance between ad and commission sinks to suck money back out of the pool of purchased L$, attempting to maximize spending, luring new users at reasonable price points for goods, over selling and over billing advertising, etc.

Relevance nearly takes a back seat to other factors in both marketplace and in-world search.

The icing on the cake is that now other LL products are a competitor for instance Patterns now competes with merchants on customer spending.

An ironic little twist is that now Phil Rosedale himself is investing and partnering with Ozimals to bring breedables outside of SL (as if breedables didn't exist outside of SL before one was ever spawned in SL), so now we've got the chairman of the board using Strangelings from within SL to upsell a venture outside of LL.

It's so far removed from anything resembling an economy that I get the elements of economy and there's not really a better word to describe it, but basically it's a mess of over-done game monetization mechanics, mixed in with subscription models (ads and tier) along with LL monetizing merchants themselves as well as their goods.

I think merchants have become the least attractive necessary evil at this point, they're out of ways to reasonably suck more out of them, thus the billing games, extra products and competition with their own user base.

If they ever do go bust it will be one of the best examples of what not to do, if it isn't already. Of course on their end, it's a great success financially, even while declining.

But economy this isn't.. There are too many manufactured factors and very few that are naturally occuring.

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wow wow wow...

but what have the forumers here have eat, drink or smoken ? I see pp really upset, throwing rage again and again and so giving to read some awesomely funny thing ...

1-its known that LL doesnt read a lot this forum... but...they should do for this thread, and id really like to be a lil fly in LL office to see them laugh while they are reading they are socialist ! i guess this give them a huge amounts of fun.

2- Now we are arrving to the LL conspiracy.... they are giving hand to big brands for killing small ones..

we are in pure madness lol

Let me tell you my point of view... at this point of madness, lets have fun :

LL, as an US corporation is a capitalist one (yes Medhue), all they want is to make run their business on purpose to get money from it. Because in our societies, the real god is money. No matter what can happen to the SLers, all they want is the money they can get from us. They dont care if you are disabled, sick, poor and cant afford new pc for making work sl with new improvements. They dont care if you spend all your time creating and cant be known. They dont even care if you are happy to have a second life or not. No. All they want is to run their business and get money from it. No more. 

Now, how do they manage their business ? Not as socialist for sure....Not even as rational way. They have indeed good devs, but im wondering why if their devs were so great, their viewer is so bad compares to other ones.

the MP team is not only devs, but also pp who manage the mp. If we look closer how they manage it, we can really wonder if they have even a logical for the managing. All what is displayed from this managing is a lack of seriousness. Just a look back in recent threads from the merchants forum and this appear as more than obvious.

On top, when its a matter to communicate with SL users or merchants.... geeee ! their skills is close to zero. We ve seen this on a recent thread started by Toysoldier, asking to Rodvick itself to come in the forum and give us answers. His answer talk by itself. no more than lip service.

As all capitalist corporation, LL wants to spend less money in purpose to earn more money. They have less employees than before and deed less investissements to sl since they are focused on 4 new products that have only one relation to Sl : they take the money from SL.

So no Mitsuko, this is not a conspiration, bec for this they should have more skills and more projects for sl than what they have. This is just bad management, and prob incompetence.

And no, Medhue, this is not socialist management. The day you will see a socialist company firing employees to make more benefits, call me, but this never happened already. Really, id like you explain what is socialism theory for you.. what are the principes ? 

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I will try to help them so, with 0 L$ products '_'

Okay it is joke, but for sure, I will spend my time and money to create for now outside second life and go to marketplace as turbo...  (no publicity '_' )


And concerning my outfit in mesh I will purpose it outside second life rigged for opensim ... but for sure it is compatible. ^^


It is the good point with mesh, marketplace and have a land is now not mandatory !

And Google are enough and certainly more fair !


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