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What do people look for in a home in Second Life?

Ashtyn Ninetails

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That's a question I ask myself every time I build a house that I will later put for sale: What do people look for in these things?


SL has obviously different requirements than RL as far as houses go - it's perfectly Ok to build a house in SL without a bathroom, but you wouldn't want one like that in RL.  ;)


So I was wondering, what do you folks think are "must have"s for a home in SL, and what is completely unecessary/optional? Is it prefereable to have a mansion with 20 rooms or just 2 or 3 huge open spaces? RL-like realism as far as rooms go (living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen, closets and all), or functional SL spaces?  ...that kind of stuff.


Share your thoughts!  :)

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For me it depends on the type of house.  For example, if is Japanese, I would look for traditional Japanese elements: simple, minimalist design; large rooms (if a small home even 1 or 2 would work, for a larger home more, but still open spaces); no doors, but walls that slide open and closed; nice details like a koi pond or a sand garden are nice touches.

Now if it was a Victorian theme, then I would expect at least 2 stories; many rooms, but smallish, maybe a balcony (I love balconies no matter what the style); wallpaper consistent with the period, perhaps chair railings, etc.

I also love unique skyboxes.  Personally not big on contemporary homes but if a kitchen/bathroom is included, that would be the style for it.  Actually the Victorian could have a cute bathroom with a vintage claw foot tub and similar accessories.

I personally never want a kitchen in my SL home and never a toilet.  I like pretty bathtubs.  I also like houses from other cultures such as Middle Eastern, Indian, already mentioned Japanese.  Really anything that is either exotic or somehow different from RL houses.

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I like homes with pretty interior textures, i seen so many with ugly floors and walls,adustable lights are nice, color change and Windows that can be made transparent or closed

Kitchens are good but I find them hard to furnish myself, prefer them already included and would pay more if  a good one comes included with animations

Can you put a link here for your store, I love shopping :-)

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To have the footprint/required lot size listed on the photo or someplace easily found on the vendor. Thats the very first thing I'm going to look for before anything. I dont buy lots to fit houses. I buy houses that fit lots. It becomes relevant in a time period where it could be "critical" to the buyer to remain in a given tier amt.

After that I look for it to be  modifiable.  You can be the best  builder and have used all the best textures but it will never stop me from either getting bored with a given texture set  or just plain wanting my own for a very personal feel. Its not just textures. I'm one who likes to take out a wall. Add a wall. Remove one section of floor and put a staircase there. The very "best" house I ever bought in terms of being satisfying was rather "boring" in terms of its textures at the time of purchase (ok they were hideous). And I was fine with that. It had a great /interesting shape though , the facial structure of the building (if buildings can be ascribed facial structure... ) was "awesome" AND I could switch up the textures to whatever I liked and rip and add walls. Interesting archetectural shapes then is a big one for me.

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I don't need some huge mansion for a home. Most of the time, for me, it's usually 2 or 3 people in the house. I like a couple bedrooms...furnished, so I don't have to think about what to put in there. In fact,  I have one HUGE empty room in my house that I can't figure out what to do with..partly because I'm too cheap to buy anything for it.

I recently asked for my house to be expanded...added a huge 3rd bedroom (which I gave to one of my girls) and a maid's quarters with a number of beds. It looks great..but I still have that damn empty room...:matte-motes-sunglasses-1:

Don't know if that answers your question, though....

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Personally I would love more environment changing houses, that gives you the option of the normal house and 1 covered in snow.

Also, and this niche is lacking so ridiculously much it makes me sad because I'd buy it, is windows with environment. I found a skybox or two where you could touch the windows and select between normal, rain, frost and snow. It's perfect if you don't want particles all over the place or accidently raining into the house.

Only found this with a few skyboxes so far, and no house. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

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iCade wrote:

Personally I would love more environment changing houses, that gives you the option of the normal house and 1 covered in snow.

Also, and this niche is lacking so ridiculously much it makes me sad because I'd buy it, is windows with environment. I found a skybox or two where you could touch the windows and select between normal, rain, frost and snow. It's perfect if you don't want particles all over the place or accidently raining into the house.

Only found this with a few skyboxes so far, and no house. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

(Emphasis mine)  YES! Love this idea.

I recently went to a shop I adore - the merchant began creating particle-related items (he's a master in that) then expanded to unique fountains and all kinds of items for home and garden.  On this recent visit I saw that he created a house that fits on a 512 parcel, was designed as a sky home (not sky box) but can easily be used on the ground as well.  It has a lovely balcony/patio (depending on if one is in the sky or on the ground) that leads into a large open concept living room.  Stairs lead up to a loft bedroom.

The really cool things about this house is that it is totally furnished including patio seating with animated chairs plus the ability to rez a candle, champagne, etc.  The patio also has a fountain where the water goes into a koi pond.  The living room has a working fireplace...I'm pretty sure it is furnished as well.  Bedroom is furnished - the contemporary artwork above the bed changes scenes as well as color/lighting.  Bed is animated.  Includes a ceiling fan.  Lighting effects throughout the house.

But what really caught my attention is that the patio has options for two types of rain - a light rain and a thunderstorm, complete with lightning; snow; falling autumn leaves; and a few other similar effects.  I must have spent at least a half hour or more playing with all the environment effects.  I love, love, love rain and rainstorms.

Ok, I've talked myself into it...going to go grab that house.  And the cool thing is, it isn't very expensive, especially for how well done it is and what it offers.

 ETA:  Correction, it does not include snow, but other patio effects such as hearts, dragonflies, fireflies, suspended stars, and dandelion seeds.

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iCade wrote:

Personally I would love more environment changing houses, that gives you the option of the normal house and 1 covered in snow.

Also, and this niche is lacking so ridiculously much it makes me sad because I'd buy it, is windows with environment. I found a skybox or two where you could touch the windows and select between normal, rain, frost and snow. It's perfect if you don't want particles all over the place or accidently raining into the house.

Only found this with a few skyboxes so far, and no house. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

That is a fascinating idea, and it's not the first time I hear it. Maybe you're up to something!


A variation of that idea that I heard before was not only a house that changes the enviromentals with the seasons (snow, fallen leaves, etc), but that actually shows signs of wear and tear after a while. We never got into how the owner would then repair the house, to bring it back to its pristine condition, but I guess it could be like those virtual pets that people have, that you have to buy virtual food for them and all that - just in this case you'd buy virtual cans of paint or something.  ;)

...if someone starts making buildings like that, I call dibs on the idea and demand a percentage of their profits!  ;)

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I'd really love a link to that house, too! :o

And the environment houses are great for people who love to enjoy different seasons without having to place down new houses. It's winter time? Have snow fallin in front of the windows and a thick layer of it on the roof.
Enjoy Autumn? Have leaves fall in front of the windows and a thunderstorm.
Or spring with light drizzles.

It's surprising that not more builders have ran with this concept thus far o.O;

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There is really no answer to this question as there are as many answers as there are people.

Personally, I would rather live in a smaller house that is extremely well furnished with a lot of RL type details to show it is lived in, than a large house with lots of rooms I'd never use and sparse furnishings because of prim limits.  I only have use for one bedroom as we have no 'kids' and no overnight guests  (We have a guest cottage for anyone that stays with us temporarily, which gives everyone privacy).  The only use I have for a kitchen is as background scenery and only have one if there are prims to spare after I furnish the rest of the house and landscape the grounds to my satisfaction. Even then I mostly skip it.  The same with bathrooms, although a beautiful tub can be nice to have as an option. Having separate rooms is only good for me if the rooms are large and are arranged for a good flow.  Otherwise I prefer an open floor and I'll define the rooms myself using rugs, furniture arrangements, open room dividers etc.  I must have a great porch and/or patio and lots of windows as well as good walkable stairs -not ramps if the house is two stories. 

On the other hand I know people that want their house to be exactly like a RL house, including a working kitchen and full bathroom, with multiple bedrooms as well as specific rooms such as dens, studies, libraries, playrooms etc.

One thing I have noticed over the years I've been in SL.  The longer someone is in SL the less they desire the RL replica dream house/mansion and the more they want a smaller SL type house with only the rooms they use.  The exception being people that use the house for roleplay.


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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

One thing I have noticed over the years I've been in SL.  The longer someone is in SL the less they desire the RL replica dream house/mansion and the more they want a smaller SL type house with only the rooms they use.  The exception being people that use the house for roleplay.


I have found this to be true as well.  I have a ton of large houses of various types/themes in inventory but, since I just want a "home base" on SL now and don't have visitors, etc., I use simple skyboxes with minimal furnishings and use the prims on my parcel for other things.


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  • 1 month later...

There have been many great ideas in the other posts here and some I agree with are:

Making sure to list the foot print size

Making sure it is Copy/Mod

Fully furnished is a nice feature, but not a requirement for me since I like to decorate and things change often when I have a house.

Adding in environment effects are good ideas as well, the main downside I noticed with that though is the environment systems tend to be a bit on the primy side.  I have that system, it does amazing things but I found I have a hard time using it because I hate adding the extra prims.

I suppose the absolute main thing I look for most in a home in SL is realism (and no I do not RP, I just like feeling at home).  I own hundreds of houses and skyboxes but I got to the point where they just annoyed me.  Most of them are so big or laid out in such an unusable manner that for awhile I just stopped using homes at all.
  But recently I found a house that has just made me feel like I am home.  The look is ultra realistic, the feel is warm and inviting and the layout is exceptional, I have never, ever seen another house like it in SL but I wish more creators would build like this and it's 100% mesh so you get all the tiniest details, like window latches, bolts and beams without the huge prim count you would have if it was prims and sculpts.  So what I am looking for is more houses like this one, you have to see it to understand just how real it looks. I am including the url to the house in SL and on the marketplace.





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Fully furnished is a nice feature, but not a requirement for me since I like to decorate and things change often when I have a house.

Adding in environment effects are good ideas as well, the main downside I noticed with that though is the environment systems tend to be a bit on the primy side.  I have that system, it does amazing things but I found I have a hard time using it because I hate adding the extra prims.

You are thinking about a whole system when I was speaking about the illusion of one. The only prims that would be added would be a very little amount for the snow on the roof. For the windows though? No added prims as they'd simply change texture, the animation script would loop the rain/snow animation and such and there would be 1 big script to set off the changes.

So all in all my idea would add a max of 10 prims if it's a large house and there'll be a lot of detailed snow sculpts added.

The skybox I found with the snowy frozen windows, normal windows and rainy windows stays at exactly the same prim count no matter which animation you choose.

That's what I'd like to see more of :)

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