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Pamela Galli

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I have only put the on-rez script in my transfer items.  I had not considered that I need one for the purpose of monitoring Marketplace software. If the script is made copy in a copy item, tho, it will send a notice every time the box is rezzed, not just the first time.

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@ Arwen

Yes I recall the thread very well and that "notify and self-delete" concept.  I recall zanara's paid for version of a script that could do that and that someone even posted the script for free since its actually a very simple script.  BUT... if you recall, that notify and delete is of no value for any mrechant that sells a product whereby the customer is buy full-perm texture or sculpty packs and whereby the customer's common habit is to rez a copy of the box they bought from inventoy and use the content in it then simply delete the box they rezeed. 

The script will execute on-rez, I will get notified, the script will then delete itself from the contents of the box that was rezzed....  BUT the script did not delete itself from the contents of the original box the customer bought and keep rezzing when he needs it.

As such, every time the customer rezzes a copy of the original he bought, I will get notified of him doing so.  forever and ever.

Its no good for me.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

I have only put the on-rez script in my transfer items.  I had not considered that I need one for the purpose of monitoring Marketplace software. If the script is made copy in a copy item, tho, it will send a notice every time the box is rezzed, not just the first time.

It could be done. I wish I had more time this week, otherwise I'd whip something up, but some kind soul may if such a beast doesn't exist already.

What you'd need is a script that makes HTTP calls to your web script which checks whether the object has already registered as rezzed.

Taking it one step further it could optionally let you record mutliple rezzes, and the avatar, time, location, etc. of each rez.

It might even make someone a decent third party service to provide to merchants.

Maybe run it by the scripting forums and see if someone would do it on a donation basis.

Or hit up Darrius or Sassy here for more input ;)



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For the past 2 days I'm having exactly the same problem as Pamela described. Getting delivery notices from the MB, but marketplace orders log show "Delivery Failed".  No funds transferred to my account.  Checking with those customers (about 10 so far) confirmed the item was indeed delivered and a little while later their money was refunded by the Marketplace saying the delivery failed.  No money has been credited to my account (seller).  I also filed a support ticket. 

I even tried buying one of my own products with an alt and confirmed delivery followed by a refund.  I've tried resetting my MB and confirmed I am still having the problem.  It is still going on and I am still losing sales.  If this persist I am going to have to unlist all my items to prevent further freebie giveaways. Fortunately, some of the customers who got the items free have offered to pay me directly, but I have not been able to contact them all.  This is REALLY BAD.

Note that prior to 10/6, MP deliveries were working fine.  Since then, 100% are failing.  I wouldn't even have noticed this if one of my customers hadn't contacted me to say they got my products free.  Since Pamela, and maybe others, have seen the same problem, I assume it may be widespread so everone should check their Marketplace orders log for a lot of failed deliveries and file support tickets to get some attetion to this problem.

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Thanks Fred -- I think at this point we need to file a bug report as well. This is not the sort of thing ppl will notice unless they are monitoring emails (as I do). I am sure many others are affected.


(PS  Got a rollback, have my Kiosk back!)

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Unfortunately with LL removing the resident JIRA, the only place to talk about a bug and make sure the community is aware of it and collaborate on the bug is to post it on the forum.

I would rename this forum thread to :  MP BUG ALERT:  MagicBox Items Delivery But Merchant Not Being Paid

Then post your details here for any merchant that is being impacted.

Also, Fred and Pamela, provide more details.... Exactly when did both of you see the bug start?  What sim and is that sim on what Channel of the grid (an RC or the main channel)?  Pamela, did your customers get their money back too?  If you both have filed support tickets... maybe there is value to post them here in case - heaven forbid - a Commerce Team member reads this thread and wants more details.

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Toysoldier.  I have opened a JIRA bug report (https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-343) as well as filing a support ticket. My environment details included in BUG-343.  As I mentioned in my post, this problem started on 10/6/12 and is still ongoing. 100% of my MP transactions are failing in this manner.  Its even worse than items delivered and no payment. The customers are getting the items for free.

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Fred Allandale wrote:

Toysoldier.  I have opened a JIRA bug report (
as well as filing a support ticket. My environment details included in BUG-343.  As I mentioned in my post, this problem started on 10/6/12 and is still ongoing. 100% of my MP transactions are failing in this manner.  Its even worse than items delivered and no payment. The customers are getting the items for free.

Its good to mention the jira even though only you and LL can see the details. 

The only other details you didnt mention was what channel is your sim on?  an RC or main... and which RC if an RC?

The 6th is a Saturday and if I recall, LL does not work weekends... at least not the Commerce Team nor the team that releases sim patches.  So unless they were working extra hours and quietly released a new patch without telling the community (cough cough - Commerce Team would never do that to us right??)... then the root cause to why it started on a Saturday is even a bigger mystery.

Pamela... when did your MagicBox problems start (date and time of first failure)?

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FYI, Fred - since the changes to JIRA, none of us can see the JIRA you created. It says "project does not exist". Basically, with the new JIRA process, every single person who experiences this issue will need to create an individual JIRA and support ticket.  At least as I understand the new process.


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Pamela Galli wrote:

Oh yes the customers say they received the houses and kitchenswhen the order says the delivery failed.

This is very very common.. and to add insult to injury sometimes people get hostile if you cannot redeliver it because the transaction " failed"  but they accidentally declined the item and then try to get you to redeliver it.

I have 86 pages of Partially failed deliveries, 7 pages of failed deliveries, 6 pages of delivery expired, 6 pages of User exceptions, 8 Pages of aborted transactions and 2 pages of "being delivered" ....

I suspect that most of these items were delivered without me getting paid and most of the ones that were not delivered were paid for by the customer without refund....










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Sorry its been a while since I have opened a JIRA report.  I didn't realize the rules had changed for who can see a bug report.  So I guess visibility into bug investigation and fix status has gone from "not much" to zero.  Well I won't go there off topic here.  Here is some additional info on the current topic:

Environment where my MB is located:

Firestorm 4.2.2 (29837) Aug 27 2012 19:20:05 (Firestorm-Release)
You are at 287,971.0, 278,690.0, 105.8 in Distorted located at sim7345.agni.lindenlab.com (
Second Life RC BlueSteel

The first failed delivery occurred on Oct 6, 2012 at 7:58 AM PDT.  Since then, 100% of my MP deliveries have failed in the same manner, i.e. I have not been paid and the buyer's money has been refunded.  I have personally contacted several of my customers and all have confirmed they received the item and also the refund.  I have also confimed this behavior with an alt.

The start of the problem is roughly coincident with my adding a new product to my Magic box on 10/5.  It initially did not appear in my listing management page on the MP, however it was there the next morning so I was able to complete activation of the new listing.  Note however, that deliveries are failing on ALL of my products, not just the one added recently. Once I discovered this problem, I tried resetting my MB, but the problem continued thereafter and is still ongoing. 

I think this covers all the questions raised on this forum topic.  If I missed something, let me know and I will provide it. I have yet to hear anything back from LL on my support ticket.

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Dartagan Shepherd wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

I have only put the on-rez script in my transfer items.  I had not considered that I need one for the purpose of monitoring Marketplace software. If the script is made copy in a copy item, tho, it will send a notice every time the box is rezzed, not just the first time.

It could be done. I wish I had more time this week, otherwise I'd whip something up, but some kind soul may if such a beast doesn't exist already.

What you'd need is a script that makes HTTP calls to your web script which checks whether the object has already registered as rezzed.

Taking it one step further it could optionally let you record mutliple rezzes, and the avatar, time, location, etc. of each rez.

It might even make someone a decent third party service to provide to merchants.

Maybe run it by the scripting forums and see if someone would do it on a donation basis.

Or hit up Darrius or Sassy here for more input

Dammit Dart! Stay outta my head! (Although probably my fault for leaving the door open again ... *SIGH*) LOL

It's in the works .. stay tuned.

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OK, I think I've solved the problem, at least for now and for me.  I downloaded a new MB v3.0.11, rezzed it, loaded it, synced it, and deleted my older MB v3.0.7.  I then tested deliveries with an alt and confirmed they are now working normally.  I still have a couple of transaction stuck in "undelivered" or "being delivered" status.  I am also stuck with trying to contact everyone who bought an item in the last 2 days, asking them to check their transaction logs and begging them to pay me directly if they received the item and were also refunded their payment.  Hopefully most of them will do the right thing, but its a pain for both me and my customers to have to put up with this.

I guess I'll start migrating to direct delivery.  Hope there are not a whole host of new problems waiting there.


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That is good to hear Fred.

Actually that might make sense although i dont know what it started on a saturday....  Ever since the past 1-2 months of many bug and performance improving sim changes, my usually very stable Mysti tool has went bonkers on me 3 times.  Corrupted the scanning script in it every time. 

and there have also been a rash of major sim "STALE SERVER" issues (maybe related to path-finder, or the new hardware, or something else.  And you are on a RC sim... so maybe a recent upgrade messed with all but the newest MB version.

just a thought


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If this had something to do with the fact that all my Magic Boxes are 3.0.10 instead of 3.0.11, and that caused them to malfunction, then I don't know why only one of them malfunctioned. And why suddenly this afternoon -- I have had them for years. Nothing has changed with the Magic Boxes to explain this.





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I know, it really sucks how they doing that.

I notice this happen before too quite a few times. You only seen first time today?

LIndens do nothing just keeping our money, just another their many ways of ripping us off *sighs* :catsad:

In other news my latest creation (not for SL) is 'waiting for review' :catvery-happy: exciting times! :catvery-happy:

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Howdy again, Miss Pam

You realize of course, that this is a scary problem.  I'm 100% Direct Delivery now and in the 8 days so far in October, I've enjoyed really good sales days!  I don't have any "Delivery Failed" notices listed on my Orders or Transactions reports, but I'm wondering if when Direct Delivery fails, it fails silently.  I hope that's not the case, but, hells bells, with the marketplace going like it has been, who knows (besides Linden Lab, and they aren't talkin)?  

I remember last November this happened with a buddy of mine.  He bought a sculpt pack off the Marketplace, received it and then later received a refund.  I'd be willing to bet that the order showed as "Failed" on that merchant's transaction report.  So, I think this has been going on longer than any of us realize.  

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Most of my things are already on DD -- when I update something I transfer it. I will transfer the rest today.

But yes, there were reports earlier of several people with DD who discovered by chance, when someone contacted them for support, that people were getting deliveries that did not show up anywhere on the orders. Some of those were stale shopping carts but some were not.


At this point I want to know if LL intends to honor its part of the deal, and collect the now $60 that they refunded to customers and pay me.



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Pamela Galli wrote:

Most of my things are already on DD -- when I update something I transfer it. I will transfer the rest today.

But yes, there were reports earlier of several people with DD who discovered by chance, when someone contacted them for support, that people were getting deliveries that did not show up anywhere on the orders. Some of those were stale shopping carts but some were not.


At this point I want to know if LL intends to honor its part of the deal, and collect the now $60 that they refunded to customers and pay me.



Yeah, no doubt on your last sentence there!  I really HOPE they do, Miss Pam.  It's the only right thing for them TO do.  But...I wouldn't doubt that they hide behind their TOS again and say that "...any losses incurred as a result of our systems are not our responsibility and those losses will not be handled by us." (or words to that effect).  It's a sad sad thing with Linden Lab.  :(

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Marcus Hancroft wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

Most of my things are already on DD -- when I update something I transfer it. I will transfer the rest today.

But yes, there were reports earlier of several people with DD who discovered by chance, when someone contacted them for support, that people were getting deliveries that did not show up anywhere on the orders. Some of those were stale shopping carts but some were not.


At this point I want to know if LL intends to honor its part of the deal, and collect the now $60 that they refunded to customers and pay me.



Yeah, no doubt on your last sentence there!  I really HOPE they do, Miss Pam.  It's the only right thing for them TO do.  But...I wouldn't doubt that they hide behind their TOS again and say that "...any losses incurred as a result of our systems are not our responsibility and those losses will not be handled by us." (or words to that effect).  It's a sad sad thing with Linden Lab.  

Well I am not asking them to take it out of their pockets but only to record the transaction, charge the customer, and pay me as they have agreed to do.


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