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Trouble maker

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This guy was pushing people off the dock into the water. He called himself griefer or words to that effect. He was very prowd of what he was doing and said you can not get banded for pushing people off into the water. I reported him with pictures but do not think it would help. If he is banned he just has to make another avatar.  I am sure he is just a young punk but I still do not understand this. I was never like this when I was young.  Got into trouble but learned very fast.  This was just being nasty. Why do they do this?  To what end?  Just do not understand it.


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Casandra Kumsung wrote:

This guy was pushing people off the dock into the water. He called himself griefer or words to that effect. He was very prowd of what he was doing and said you can not get banded for pushing people off into the water. I reported him with pictures but do not think it would help. If he is banned he just has to make another avatar.  I am sure he is just a young punk but I still do not understand this. I was never like this when I was young.  Got into trouble but learned very fast.  This was just being nasty. Why do they do this?  To what end?  Just do not understand it.


Even people with a degree in psychology would find it hard to fathom out why some people do what they do.

Linden Lab must get very frustrated by the volume of abuse reports they received every single hour of every single day, because you can be sure that someone somewhere is at any time of the day causing grief to someone else.

The best thing anyone can do when a griefer is around is...

...... absolutely nothing.

A griefer wants a reaction, validation, attention. People shouting "I'm reporting you", or "you are muted/blocked" will give the griefer a thrill because someone has noticed them, and therefore they exist.  In real life they may not have made their mark, or maybe they are hen-pecked at home or in the office.  There are many possible reasons why griefers do what they do.

And so, isn't it wiser for people to silently sit on the nearest prim - a wall, a bench, the floor - and stay silent?  Blocking/muting the griefer without telling them you are doing so, and ignoring them altogether, will not feed them, and they will eventually have no choice but to give up griefing.

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I have no earthly idea why griefers grief, but deliberate pushing most definitely is ARable.  I'm not in world atm but there is someplace on the SL menu (I'm assuming this would be in most, if not all Third Party Viewers as well) that shows if you've been pushed and by whom.

As a precaution against being pushed, there are several methods - rezzing a box and sitting on it is the simplest but not possible in no-rez areas.  I thought the Phoenix viewer had an option for "locking" ones avatar so as not to be pushed, but not sure about that.  Years ago I purchased a Mysti-tool (HUD) which I LOVE - the Swiss Army Knife of SL - it does sooo many things.  I don't wear it all the time anymore since Phoenix has the built in radar system but I do use it for specific things.  Mysti has a "lock" mode which prevents one from being pushed, it also has an option (again, I'm rusty on what it's called - something like "personal vehicle) which really isn't a vehicle in the car, motorcycle, etc. sense but, when clicked, it creates a bubble one can stand inside.  The bubble is invisible but shields the person from everything including being pushed, orbited, caged, etc.  (I used mine once when I saw a noob with a "freenis" hanging out approaching me.  Stepped inside my bubble, which again cannot be seen, and watched noob try to push me and bounce off my bubble. I also have a "Point and Laugh" animation I activated.)

To your point, it is sad that the majority of SL residents even need to have any type of precaution.

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Oh yes, you just made me remember "Phantom" mode, which is/was in the Phoenix menu.  Rather marvellously it stopped people from pushing into you, and caused them instead to pass through an avatar as if it were a ghost.  Absolutely perfect for welcome areas and sandboxes. :matte-motes-big-grin-squint:

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Thanks. Just venting. 


I usually just leave but did not want to be forced to leave. He also somehow stood on people and would not get off. Saying he was a pest would be an understatement. He was there 45 minutes latter doing the same thing.  Eventual there was no one left but him and the people that TP in then left after being harassed.  Still do not see the purpose of this.

I reported him but did not announce it except in Private IM to someone else who said they did to.


In a sim a I spent a lot of time in, two people were creating things all over and yelling to people to stop it.  They claimed it was how they enjoyed SL and we were wrong in stopping them!    (One person trapped them until the owner showed up)   The owner, I knew because I had a vendor there and helped with the SIM with the previous owner. So she banned this person and his helper.  I am sure they were kids. But what is linden to do ask for IDs from everyone at an office?

I know Linden could not support a teen grid anymore but this has ruined the fun for us.  I make money in SL and take it seriously.  These kids just are messing it up for everyone.  What is wrong with kids today!  (cannot believe I said that).



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Echo Hermit wrote:

Oh yes, you just made me remember "Phantom" mode, which is/was in the Phoenix menu.  Rather marvellously it stopped people from pushing into you, and caused them instead to pass through an avatar as if it were a ghost.  Absolutely perfect for welcome areas and sandboxes. :matte-motes-big-grin-squint:

Thanks, Echo.  Was pretty sure there was something like that available in Phoenix (had seen in somewhere when looking through the menu) but so used to just attaching my Mysti.  /makes note to locate Phantom mode.  That must be a hoot to see people pass right through you...and confuse the "pusher." ;)


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It is a pretty sad state of affairs that with all this wonderful modern technology at our fingertips, some people just cannot find anything more stimulating, satisfying, or intelligent to do other than spoil things for others. 

I try not to blame it on the younger generation, but the number of griefing incidences increase enormously when schools are on holiday.

It would be rather fab if LL could introduce a feature for sim owners/estate managers to be able to freeze an avatar for longer than 30 seconds; say a couple of hours, or send them off to individual empty sims where they would be stuck in limbo with no company and no way of communicating with anyone for the duration. Maybe that way they'd learn that it's not fun at all for those whose SL is marred by their petty stupidity.

Now I am just venting :matte-motes-agape::matte-motes-wink-tongue:

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Casandra Kumsung wrote:

Thanks. Just venting. 

I know Linden could not support a teen grid anymore but this has ruined the fun for us.  I make money in SL and take it seriously.  These kids just are messing it up for everyone.  What is wrong with kids today!  (cannot believe I said that).


I wasn't a proponent of bringing teens onto the grid, but to be fair, there was a ton of griefing going on years before the kids arrived, so while some "may" be kids, all are not.  I personally don't run into much griefing anymore because I rarely go to the main griefer hangouts - info hubs, sandboxes, and such.  I realize some griefers target other sims for who knows what reason - easy target, vendetta against the sim owner or someone on the sim, or just for the lulz, which sounds like the griefer you encountered.

Within my first month or two in SL, I was riding my new AKK horse on that sim and encountered some dude who wanted to trade his "protection" system for my horse.  I said no thank you and this guy proceeded to follow me, continuing to ask for a trade.  I didn't say anything else to him, and the next thing I knew I was way up in the air and had no idea what had happened.  My first, and only, experience with being orbited.


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Echo Hermit wrote:

It's brilliant if you place yourself near to a sheer drop, like the end of a pier, and set yourself in phantom mode. Seems to temporarily put a griefer off his/her stride and is jolly amusing to watch.

Now that's the way to defeat a griefer and enjoy a few chuckles myself.  I myself am a proponent of this method. ;)


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It's probably a little irresponsible for me to say this on a public forum, but there was a dude (and probably more than one) who used to go around dry humping people in sandboxes and public areas.  He'd video it, and I think those videos are still on youtube somewhere.  He dry humped a Linden though, and got banned for that. (And the rest of what I was going to say there, I cannot put on a public forum.)

Poor blighters must be quite talentless really, if they can't find anything better to do. 

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Thinking about the time I found a new gesture, I thought it was the funniest thing. I played that gesture, like a jester. 

idk, it was late :matte-motes-yawn: , I was tired :matte-motes-asleep: , I was feeling less than serious.


Possible reasons why:


  1. They are joking
  2. they are unloved
  3. they are 85 pounds in RL
  4. WoW banned them
  5. The dog chewed the Xbox power cable
  6. It's not his account, his sister is at work.
  7. The lack of any measurable skill or talent, allows for free time to push people.


You did the right thing by Reporting Abuse, including photos, is a good example of Quality reporting.

LL is like Santa Claus, they're keeping a list, seeing who has been naughty, or nice.

The regulars at the Forum, are like the Elves, we answer the "Second Life cannot be accessed for this machine " questions.

Like elves, we don't get paid.



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Innula Zenovka wrote:

I could be mistaken, but I thought "phantom mode" was broken recent server-side changes.   I've always found simply sitting on something works for me, and I think "ground sit" makes you unpushable, too.

You're probably not mistaken; it is such a long time since I even thought to use it, and Czari's post reminded me about it.

Sitting is my preferred (non-AR-able) method of dealing with a griefer.

Reminds me of an old saying: never stand when you can sit, never sit when you can lie. :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:


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Personally I feel people who grief get no attention in RL or SL and have such low self esteem that they have to tear others down or give them a hard time hoping to make them look foolish just to feel better about themselves. They may be kids, or not.  But if the are the age of an adult they are very immature, socially underdeveloped and probably don't have any real friends or someone that loves them. I pity them.

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Personally I feel people who grief get no attention in RL or SL and have such low self esteem that they have to tear others down or give them a hard time hoping to make them look foolish just to feel better about themselves. They may be kids, or not.  But if the are the age of an adult they are very immature, socially underdeveloped and probably don't have any real friends or someone that loves them.

Some folks think that describes anyone who uses Second Life. ;)


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Casandra Kumsung asks: This was just being nasty. Why do they do this?  To what end?  Just do not understand it.

My answer is, that people who feel bad about themselves or their lives, who have grief in their own life, just want to transfer this grief and bad feelings to another person.

"If I am not happy - you should not be either"


Just my five cents of guess about the reason, why we have to deal with those griefers, in rl and in sl too.

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Perhaps griefing also is about having some talents, that can't be used for something constructive.

I once went for a lonely walk in a nice forest, when suddenly I was griefed. The griefer made me shout a lot of nasty words, and I could not stop it. Words I would not ever use myself. I had to tp away and relog.

Afterwards I thought, what a shame that griefing person did not use his/her talents in a constructive way instead. But perhaps there is no place for him/her at the labour market, and the person instead in his/her anger got destructive, programming griefing situations for others in the greatest virtual world on the Internet? Do you follow me here?

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