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This forum over SLU

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Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:

Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:

see how you are CN? you seriously cant think outside your profit motive driven mindset !! your mind is so thoroly parasitized by the greed based ideal that you cant even imagine anything else .. i
be getting paid to waste my time posting on this forum huh? this would be hilarious .. if it wasnt so sad ..   Jeanne

See, how you are Jeanne?  You seriously can't think outside your communism motive driven mindset!!  Your mind is so thoroughly devolved by the freebie based ideal that you can't even imagine anything else...I must be "parasitized" to waste my time creating in SL..huh?  This would be hilarious ...if it weren't so sad.

LoL 'i know i am but what are you' ?? is that really the best you can do CN ?? parrot me?


Why bother?   You have shown that you are unable to think outside your own mindset.  Which is why I replayed back to you your own words.  The irony of what you wrote.

You'll just do the usual insults by telling me and the other's that we're suffering from parasites and stockholm syndrome.  So, no reason to engage you.  Once someone resorts to insults to wage their little battle, they've lost it.

it isnt my fault if the truth insults you CN


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Ah the whole homestead debacle. That is actually what I was thinking of when I said some things were just flat badly handled by the Lindens at the time. So much miscommunication and stupidity in that mess (on all sides).

I didn't hate add farmers. I hated the adds and the ridiculous prices they would charge for a one square parcel to be rid of them. Not to mention many of the adds were badly scripted and laggy. Lets face it 100,000 L$ was a bit much for one square of land.

I really don't for a minute believe the add farms being done away with killed the malls. Malls were killed by a combination of many things. Big ones being copybotted goods and BIAB setups. When you went to 5 malls and 4 of htem all had the same badly made crap you sort of stopped going to malls. The shops with quality unique goods stayed around. Also the boom in population only lasts so long and LL did not anticipate this and kept adding mainland regions so there was a land glut we still have today. The forced moving (and technical problems that went with) of adult content venues to Zindra was another big kick to land market and the malls.

Many things were done over the years that hurt SL and its residents. Some had to be done such as the seperation of adult content and some didn't. The one consistent thing was LL not handling things well and residents going into panic mode over it.

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I think it gave land value, it was a form of leveraging, gave a company a higher value, plus could be discounted, it's value was a perceived value, a bubble, no diff from what the banks have done with property now, closing the add farmers ment that bubble burst, people had lost a fortune over night, dropped in value and took most dealers down with it, it was add land that gave ordinary land its value so when the add land bubble burst so it took down all land prices, that had the same affects as in real life, many sat on worthless plots of land.

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You and I will have to agree to disagree on that one. The only land add land gave value to was land that was nowhere in sight of any add land. I know well I couldnt unload any land anywhere near an add farm unless I took a BIG loss. So no I can't agree on that one. You are however completely entitled to your own opnion on it.

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I didn't mean it gave land next to it value I mean it gave value to it as a whole, for example large plot of road side land would go up for sale in the auction, it would rise fast as all those bidding intended to cut up the bit along the road into 16sqm plots, this gave road side land a large value but all prices are relative, road side was at the top and all other types valued accordingly, when the top collapsed so all roadside land lost it top spot, this put a large amount of land on the market at once and this drove down prices over all, does that explain it better.

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It was all a natural correction in the market. I am not saying the ending of add land was in no way a factor but it was not the determining one. Reality is a bunch of extra land hit the market all at once (add land being let go and land from adult shops that were forced to go to zindra) a the same time LL was cranking out new mainland at a ridiculous rate and had started Linden homes. The demand dwindled tremendously overall and the supply increased astronomically..

Nothing in SL is as cut and dried that you can point a finger to exactly one thing that caused it. SL like real life it is a complex system to the point where I doubt even its makers have a clue what ALL the driving forces are.

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Also I was not an add farmer as such I was more a dealer, my business then was land, add land can be used a hedge, while the value rises faster than its cost so it is an investment that pays so is long, the moment it changes it becomes a liability so is short, it is a game and form of gambling, I rent it out or I put a huge 80 meter obelisk advertising needles estates, but to me it was a hedge against the changing rent prices for private islands, not a place to put ugly pictures, so in a way I was your friend using it like that, but it did rely on others using it to put ugly pictures so giving it's rise in value, for that I am guilty.

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I was not being judgemental. You did what you did business wise just as I did back then. Heck I made most of my L$ doing adult animations back in the day when there were like 3 of us doing them so I am in no position to throw stones.

My point was that the land market is far too complex to be collapsed by any one event.

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Anubis was a god feared by all other gods, his real name was Anu, he had an interesting life, he was very vain, a bit of a spoilt child, he was big and strong, he used his strength to challenge the rightful heir to a wrestling match, bit unfair really as he was big and fit and the rightful heir was a bit of a wimp, the rightful heir had ruled for 9 shards when he was challenged, anu beat him with ease, forced him to leave the kingdom of the gods, anu was not bright, you know one of these guys on steroids, huge but an idiot, one day I might tell you all of what happened after that, lol, depends, upset me and I won't lol.

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Darkness Anubis wrote:


Nothing in SL is as cut and dried that you can point a finger to exactly one thing that caused it. SL like real life it is a complex system to the point where I doubt even its makers have a clue what ALL the driving forces are.

thats easy! electricity is the driving force .. pull the plug & see what happens



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Darkness Anubis wrote:

Hmmmm well considering the fact that back in 2004 when I joined there was no such thing as a free account the argument that its stupid to pay for something free doesn't hold up for everyone in SL 

Realistically as an adult, I don't mind paying for something that has given me over 8 years of entertainment. That is how I look at it anyways. 1 year of premium at $72 bucks is a far better deal for my entertainment money than going to a movie with my other half and dropping $30 or more in one night.

I am not exploited or brainwashed. I simply and rationally chose SL as better value for my entertainment money. Oh and given that I am and OLD account I get back MORE than my $72 premium in a year in my 500L a week stipend. So effectively I am MAKING money not spending it. But yeah I like a sheep shelled out $9.95 back in 2004 to get an account in SL.



You've added some fabulous reasoning to this thread. Regarding SLU, the CEO's attitude, a bit of history further back in SL than I go (I only go back to 2007).

And it really has been great value for money for me. I had to pay to upgrade the graphics card and power supply on this computer, but have had far more money back than I paid in, from when I had a while of buying and selling land.  Hobbies previously weren't computer-linked at all, and frankly led to a lot of untidy clutter in my home.  SL also has exercised the grey matter more. 

You may have reminded me where I put my 'oomph' :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Storm Clarence wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Echo Hermit wrote:

And I love my t1ts


It looks like you have beautiful t1ts!


I, too, like her t's and 1's.  


It looks like she is gathering a qlaque now.


Ohhh crikey moley, I didn't realise! I was five pages behind in this thread when I logged in today.



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Dilbert Dilweg wrote:

Echo Hermit wrote:

Occasionally, I have thought I must be missing something by not participating in the SLU forums, but whenever I've popped in, there have been more childish and counter-productive threads that have driven me back here, to the official Second Life forums. 

However, it is bad form that the CEO would rather tweet on Twitter than use the Second Life feeds, and it is bad form also that he would prefer to participate on SLU than here, even if SLU has been in existence for longer. 


I totally agree . I have seen how some of the SLU users try to turn these forums into their drama playground in the past.

I visited SLU one time and was turned off immediately.. It reminds of of "The R3al H0usewives of New jersey" . Constant bickering and negativity . Typical " I am better than you " posts, and direct attacks on users for extremely childish reasons. . I just can't be around all that kind of negative hateful bickering. Life is too short. Enjoy it. Second Life is an awesome place but not the place for bullying that's for sure. Everyone can get along if they wanted to but some chose not to LOL. But that is par for the course. I would rather lead than follow that's for sure.

As for the CE0 . Yea. All that has me scratching my head as well. Makes you wonder. I would imagine maybe he didn't want to give new players the impression that there was a problem with getting people to stay? LOL but I guess transparency is not in order.

But I wouldn't spend my time in here constantly accusing people of things they didn't do. Or constantly post negative things about LL,. Or post about users leaving here and going other places, and negative things about users in here. That in it self just breeds negative responses thus leading to a stack of haters. Second Life is an awesome place. It is what you make of it. Altho some of the recent changes are incredibly crazy. It still rocks.......
I enjoy tying to help anyone who needs it here in the forums.  . Thats what the community should be all about. Users helping users. Everyone working towards a better community, instead of building a caddy, drama, cliqued, invironment. That's why I would rather be here @ Second Life forums than SLU.

And please forgive me, Dilbert, I posted a bit negatively over on another thread in response to your post, and this thread is restoring my mojo.  Second Life still is an awesome place, in spite of me feeling left behind, and disgruntled with all the changes (some for the better, some for the worse) this year. 

I still love my country, even though I may not like the current Prime Minister.

I still love my SL, even though I do not have much regard for the current CEO and his ... ways.

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JeanneAnne wrote:

Arkady Arkright wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:


i tried SLU .. there was a thread about child abuse .. ppl were defending the catholic church re: abusive priests .. i suggested that they must be child abusers themselves .. to be defending pedophile priests .. so the cliquishness set in & i got dogpiled .. so i didnt really care to participate in a forum where the regs defended pedophilia .. so i asked the boss Nazi dude to delete my account .. he said he couldnt do that cuz id posted & ppl had responded to my posts .. but he said he could ban me .. so i said please do & he did ...sooooo .. been there done that



Funny isn't it, how people tend to get all riled up when you suggest they might be pedophiles :matte-motes-bored:

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Perrie Juran wrote:

16 wrote:

Kenbro Utu wrote:

The reason for Rod not posting here is clear to me.  Anything that he might post on the "official forum" would and should be taken as company policy.

^^ that

I do to a small degree understand this sentiment but for the most part disagree with it.

In the past things have been discussed with Torley and other Linden's and we all understood it was being discussed, not that it was "policy."

And while we may not have all liked the outcome of the discussion, for instance, bringing back last names, we all understood it wasn't policy until the point he said it was.

Regardless of where he posts, Rod is the CEO.  Part of his job description is "picking his words carefully" no matter where he speaks. 

There's an old saying, "The suggestion of a General is tantamount to an order."  Any one in management who doesn't understand this, well, needs to learn it fast.

Because Second Life's success is so dependent on it's users...that we 'create' the World we live in and the World that new users enter, it requires interaction with it's customers above and beyond what the CEO of what a pre planned MMMO would require.

Lastly, as a foot note, because it is the existing users who build the World that the new user enters, the imperative should be on retaining existing users, not attracting new ones.  Nothing equals the enthusiasm of a satisfied customer in bringing new business.  I know that's how I found Second Life.  I saw  someone else's enthusiasm for it.

Kenbro explain a bit more a bit later on in next post in this thread about how linden should be communicating more with us in an official capacity. I agree about that as well


at this time Rodvik as the linden CEO is communicating via other means in a seeming ad-hoc way. all his recent engagements on the other channel are defensive of whatever is the latest linden position. he is quelling fires before they erupt into a raging inferno when he does this. this is working very well for him on SLU and on the other channels he is doing it

tbf he still does get some continued criticisms of the linden position from people who are sticking to the subject. but he is also getting heaps of adulation as well from people who basically just wet themselves whenever he shows up on their channels. regardless of whatever it is that he is saying. so seems to me anyways that altogether this is working for him in defending the linden position


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UncommonTruth wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:

Arkady Arkright wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:


i tried SLU .. there was a thread about child abuse .. ppl were defending the catholic church re: abusive priests .. i suggested that they must be child abusers themselves .. to be defending pedophile priests .. so the cliquishness set in & i got dogpiled .. so i didnt really care to participate in a forum where the regs defended pedophilia .. so i asked the boss Nazi dude to delete my account .. he said he couldnt do that cuz id posted & ppl had responded to my posts .. but he said he could ban me .. so i said please do & he did ...sooooo .. been there done that



Funny isn't it, how people tend to get all riled up when you suggest they might be pedophiles :matte-motes-bored:


Okay, I really did laugh out loud, and thank you for that. I'd seen the post in question earlier today and was so astonished at the incredible effrudity* of that line I had to practically sit on my hands to keep from responding. You, on the other hand, came up with a perfect response, and now that the work day is over and I'm home, logging back in and seeing this really was a treat.


*I thought I'd try a made-up word. Not all that cool, now that I see it. Effrontery combined with stupidity.

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Boss Nazi lol, that is about right. I don't think I am banned but who cares ahehe.gif

Some really experienced and nice folks there, but you know you are on a winner when the whiners write comments like "well I don't even log in to Sl any more but ...rah rah rah"  o.0

I did pop in to catch up on the Rodvik post and it was the same old "look at me! look at me!" tripe. Apart from the awesome creators & helpers it's just made up of disgruntled ex Zindra folk, people who got rorted and erm.. priests :o

It's much more fun watching & ignoring the SLU wanna be's closer to home.

Whuups that was meant to be a general reply sorry.

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