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tipping DJ's, entertainers, etc.


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Hi, this would be my first post!

I am a tipper, I like spreading L around. When I go to events and I enjoy them I give tips to those doing the event. I generally tip 50L, sometimes more if I really like what is being done.

Now my questions is, do others tip much, what kind of tip do you give? I don't think 50L is not that much. When I give tips a am thanked for my generosity for the "huge" tip in the chat window, but I never see others being thanked.

Am I unusual in my free spending ways? It's not like it really is that much real world money. I spend a heck of a lot more just maintaining my SL home.

Your thoughts?




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A few years ago, tips were good... the DJ and host usually would get 100L or more from many patrons.  If you DJ'd and had a request, and played the request, you would get tipped an additional 100L or more for each request (many times the host would receive an extra 100L for the request as well).  Nowadays, I Dj and get someone requesting 5 songs only to receive a 50L tip from that person (sometimes only a 5L tip).  Times and economy have changed the way people spend lindens. You just have to tip whatever you feel comfortable giving, and what your SL finacial situation allows.

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I usually tip around L$100, but only if I've enjoyed being at the club. I'm not embarrassed to tip nothing (usually because I've left the club due to not liking the music/DJ/begging for tips/chatspamming partons and/or staff).

When I DJ, I usually average around L$100 per tip. Some tip more... I've had people drop by for a couple of songs, make no requests and still drop L$500. People who request songs seem more likely to tip *something* but even then there's no guarantee. Most of the time I'm happy enough that people are responding to the music I play - tips are just a nice bonus for me.

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Sithiaven wrote:

So, it's not so much my tips are that big, but more that so few people tip now-a-days, or just give a token tip of an L or two  that when someone get's $50, $100, etc. they are super gratful.

yeah .. more or less ..i guess .. altho usually the tipjar itself will automatically thank you for a tip .. no matter how dinky .. & the DJ or hostess will thank the tipper even tho they may be thinking 'whata tightwad' for the dinky tip ..

most DJs arent in2 it for the $L .. they enjoy sharing music & make far less than minimum wage for their time .. if you are in it for the L$ clubs & public venues arent very lucrative .. private parties are where the big tips come in

i have a stream via SAM & Icecast but dont DJ in SL .. its too much trubble & isnt worth it ..



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Jeanne is right I guess. I'm not going out often, only for live music ... ofcourse I tip for that. I attend like 2 weekly private parties and tip the DJs like 200 and sometimes 100 more if they play some quirky or favourite tune. On the rare occasion of parties at my café I tip a bit more ... but then usually the DJs are putting their tips forwards into my venue tipjar.

BTW, all DJs I usually deal with are into the music, not the money. So they would stream anyway, no matter how much they get back in monetary revenue.



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I like tipping too, and usually do, but not always. I don't if I turn up midway through a DJ's set, especially if it's the last 5-10 mins, and it's a DJ/club I don't know. I feel a bit embarrassed then, but hope that the regulars know that I just walked in,and wasn't hanging about getting free entertainment. I hope that''s never taken personally.  If I hear good stuff, I'll be back. I always tip live singers/musicians as (ducks the cabbages) they deserve it more than djs. Sorry. I expect that someone will educate me better, and soon :)

For me.....a live performer....$L100-$L300

................DJ................................$L50 - $L100

...................Building classes (most important to tip for).........$L100- $L300 ( the best classes are free....but it's really important that they are supported)

........................anyone who asks for Linden Love... $L0 and heaps of invisible scorn heaped down upon their soul

I do skim it back if I'm at a club and they want a tip for dj+performer+club+host, because it really adds up. I used to hate tipping hosts/hostesses because I thought "why the hell do they deserve money just for copy/pasting "Good evening Ms X" to me but I've come to know that good hosts do a lot more than that to make the club smooth-running, and it's not always visible.

Anyway...tipping is not in my RL culture...but I've grown to see it as a part of the thingo that greases the wheels of SL, and keeps it going for us all.




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Sithiaven wrote:

Now my questions is, do others tip much, what kind of tip do you give? I don't think 50L is not that much. When I give tips a am thanked for my generosity for the "huge" tip in the chat window, but I never see others being thanked.


I'm sure there are several reasons.   As others have said it may be great just to get a tip these days. 

 There is also a bit of psychology, first, helping you as the tipper feel good about your tip.  $L50 is a trivial amount of RL money for most folks, but if the DJ/Host gives you a big virtual hug and makes you feel a little special it helps encourage continued tipping in the future.

Second, I don't know how much you gave but if you are thanked for a "huge" tip I am encouraged to look at the larger suggested tip amounts when I tip.  So a cheapskate like myself may tip more than they would otherwise. 

Also it makes sure everyone else in the club know that tipping is going on.  I sure had no clue when I went the first few times.  I was kind of embarrased that I hadn't tipped my first two/three times just 'cause I didn't know I should.

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If I am at an event, say it's an hour long, I typically will tip anywhere around 500-1000L for the hour. But I like to do it in 100L increments so they keep playing what I like. LOL  Honestly, even at 1,000L I look at it as a cup of cofee from starbucks, so why not. It's a drop in the bucket and it helps someone else out. I guess the only thing I'm not a fan of are the auto thank yous. I know they need to because it can get crazy busy, you start talking and don't even realize you got tipped but I'd rather just get thanked once as a crowd at the end of the night, then the individual auto thank you's that the dj probably didn't even notice.

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anyone who asks for Linden Love... $L0 and heaps of invisible scorn heaped down upon their soul

Yes.  Although I'll still tip a performer or DJ even if the host is stupid enough to use the "Linden love" phrase.

I used to tip hosts, but I'll never do that if they're using gestures (especially ASCII "art" or anything that has a sound, either of which causes me to leave the premises altogether), and that's universal enough that I rarely get a chance to tip them any more.

Amounts? Usually in L$250 increments for DJs, more for live performers.  Less for "dancers" on the rare occasion I'm somewhere that has a dancer, unless they're actually emoting enough non-gesture text to show some creativity.

And if I can find a tipjar for the venue, it usually gets L$250, too.

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Danced in a club for a few months, most nights the total in tips I got, excluding those from other staff (management paid us by tipping us) was 0.

Few nights I did get something, it was a single person paying on average no more than L$150, that happened at most once a week.

Occasional dancing at other venues as a freelancer show similar patterns, if not worse.

Small sample set I know, but from talking to others holding similar jobs, it does seem typical. Hosts and DJs tend to get more, not so much more tips as higher tips.

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Tipping is great - whether a little or a lot - it's a tangible way of thanking folks for making the experience more fun.  Lots of people depend on tips to support their SL experience.  They commit to actual work - whether it is djing, hosting or dancing - arrange their SL and sometimes RL to accommodate these commitments.  

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I would love to tip more than I do but I have to live within a RL budget.  Once a month a buy "x' number of Linden Dollars and that's it.

Some DJ's do an awesome job of 'creating an experience.'  They will get larger tips from me than a DJ who it seems has just randomly set up and que'd a play list.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

I would love to tip more than I do but I have to live within a RL budget.  Once a month a buy "x' number of Linden Dollars and that's it.

Some DJ's do an awesome job of 'creating an experience.'  They will get larger tips from me than a DJ who it seems has just randomly set up and que'd a play list.

i randomly stream my main playlist mostuv the time but every song has been vetted & is a good one

some evenings i queue up a playlist of blues or celtic or long 'epic' songs or pagan spiritual or world beat or spanish language .. but iv carefully selected those tunes & the order they play in

but i agree w/ you Perrie .. for Djing to really be an art the DJ needs to be there, be interacting w/ her audience, setting a mood, building energy & modulating it, adding & removing songs from the queue as the moment suggests, taking requests & fitting them in seemlessly & conveying the sense that shes having fun ...

there are some really good DJs who are skillful @ all this who do very well in tips .. but they are selective about where they perform & for whom & what crowd .. mostly youll find them doing private rezz day & anniversary parties .. etc .. & doing fundraisers for good causes



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JeanneAnne wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

I would love to tip more than I do but I have to live within a RL budget.  Once a month a buy "x' number of Linden Dollars and that's it.

Some DJ's do an awesome job of 'creating an experience.'  They will get larger tips from me than a DJ who it seems has just randomly set up and que'd a play list.

i randomly stream my main playlist mostuv the time but every song has been vetted & is a good one

some evenings i queue up a playlist of blues or celtic or long 'epic' songs or pagan spiritual or world beat or spanish language .. but iv carefully selected those tunes & the order they play in

but i agree w/ you Perrie .. for Djing to really be an art the DJ needs to be there, be interacting w/ her audience, setting a mood, building energy & modulating it, adding & removing songs from the queue as the moment suggests, taking requests & fitting them in seemlessly & conveying the sense that shes having fun ...

there are some really good DJs who are skillful @ all this who do very well in tips .. but they are selective about where they perform & for whom & what crowd .. mostly youll find them doing private rezz day & anniversary parties .. etc .. & doing fundraisers for good causes



It's also a matter of the shared experience.  Grooving together to the music with friends or with a date.

I worked as a dancer for a little while in a club (I was their first and last male dancer) and I have also hosted.  Hosting can actually be a lot of work if you are doing it "right."  Everything from helping the Newb find the dance balls to dealing with bite and spam complaints from the guests when a$$hats decide to be annoying.  It really does require your full attention if it's a popular place.


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Perrie Juran wrote:

It's also a matter of the shared experience.  Grooving together to the music with friends or with a date.

I worked as a dancer for a little while in a club (I was their first and last male dancer) and I have also hosted.  Hosting can actually be a lot of work if you are doing it "right."  Everything from helping the Newb find the dance balls to dealing with bite and spam complaints from the guests when a$$hats decide to be annoying.  It really does require your full attention if it's a popular place.


true for sure Perrie! iv been asked if i wanted to hostess but im not sure i could sustain the required focus & attention for 2 hrs. .. iv heard many say that being host or hostess is harder than DJing .. & it usually doesnt pay as well ..

i prefer to be sortuv an unofficial hostess @ my sisters gigs .. i say 'hi' to ppl & try to be friendly & chat w/ ppl & dance w/ them if they ask .. iv been told that this is valuable & even more valuable than any tips i might give .. in fact iv been told not to tip .. or if i want to tip i should tip the venue .. & iv had tips returned or been given a present worth more than my tip .. iv also been mistaken for the hostess & tipped .. in which cases iv 4warded the tip to the actual hostess or returned it if there wasnt a hostess .. by being there & being attractive & pleasant i help bring in traffic for the venue & tips for my sisters & this is my contribution towards rent where we live .. i dont often tip but the exception is for fundraisers .. i always try to contribute what i can for a good cause ;)

i have a stream up ~Annie's Majikal Muzikal Medley~ but i havent actually DJed in SL yet .. im not familiar enuf w/ SAM yet .. & im shy about it .. & i cant really compete w/ my sisters who are true pros .. but i may start DJing .. friends who have a ltl dance club on a private sim have told me that i can start out there .. there wont be any1 i dont know or any1 who would laugh @ me there .. so i may try that .. if i become a SL DJ i wont be the 1st who learned it from my sisters .. they have taught several pretty popular DJs how to do it .. just like theyve been teaching me :)



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  • 2 weeks later...

I tip a minimum of L$1000. Not because I'm a big spender, but because I try to consider what I might tip a person in a similar real life situation. What's L$50? 20 cents? That seems cheap to me. L$1000 to start. If they play music I enjoy, another L$1000. If they do it competently, another. 

Granted, I don't get out much, and if this was something I did very frequently, I probably wouldn't be throwing 10-15 real dollars around each time. But still, I think people forget what those L$50 tips are actually worth - not much. 

Like Qie said though - start throwing around those "whoooooooo" gestures with the ASCII text, and I'm out. I stopped using IRC for a reason.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would leave it alone. Even if you did have compelling evidence that he was operating the alt himself, and receiving the tips paid to it, I'd be more concerned about how such a response would reflect on your own character. At any rate, revealing the names of a person's alternate accounts without their consent or when they haven't publicly done so themselves is in fact a violation of the Community Standards:


4. Disclosure

Residents are entitled to a reasonable level of privacy with regard to their Second Life experience. Sharing personal information about your fellow Residents without their consent -- including gender, religion, age, marital status, race, sexual preference, alternate account names, and real-world location beyond what is provided by them in their Resident profile -- is not allowed. Remotely monitoring conversations in Second Life, posting conversation logs, or sharing conversation logs without the participants' consent are all prohibited.

EvaFord wrote:

There is a DJ in SL who uses an Alt as his Hostess/Partner. He claims "She" is voice verified implying that this ALT is female.  I find this unethical. Guests are being asked to Tip the DJ's Alt.  I see it as a Scam. 

Since this is a Public figure in SL. Someone asking you for L$, is it ok to post information about this in your profile?  I feel that people who ask to be compensated in SL, need to be required to be honest as to where that money is going.


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