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Earth changing event

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The maker of the video has taken deaths of astronomers that are unconnected, mostly older men that died in various ways over a long time period, the first death I can see occurred in the late 90s. He has somehow strung them together to form a conspiracy. A conspiracy of what?...

How many nuclear physicists die every year? How many agricultural scientists die every year? Aeronautical engineers? So what exactly does it prove anyway? And died from everything from artery failure to a normal car accident, that's in your video.

The last statement reads that they all died together. Wrong, they died years and continents apart.

And where does this leave us? Lets say for a moment that you are absolutely right and that we are all going to be dead in a few months time. What do you propose that we do? Stop paying the bills? Because of a youtube video? Commit suicide? Go and stock up on oxygen and canned food? Ferment a revolution? get the russians to nuke the hell out of the USA? becuase a few astronemers died? becuase of a website and youtube video?


You have ignored my well thought out response and responded in a theatrical fashion with an over dramatic Hollywood style video that actually says nothing and proves yet again that you are full of ****

Word of advice, life is largely a series of unconnected events that form a whole, trying to read into patterns too much is likely to have people questioning your sanity as they are in both threads. There is no silver bullet and you cannot bend metal with mind power. The chosen one is a figment of Hollywood's imagination. This is not the matrix and superman fell off his horse and died...Want more?

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It plays just fine in situ, but what point are you trying to make with it?

You said, "over 20 astronomers from the south pole have died in accidents since it was spotted, well all the top ones that were looking for it." That video provides no evidence whatsoever to support your claim. It doesn't even provide evidence to support its own claim that astromomers are dying in pairs. All it does is show a load screenshots - one for each atronomer that died. The detail can't be read because it skips along so quickly that you do very well to read each headline. Not only that but you said over 20 atronomers from the south pole... The video only mentions the south pole for one or maybe two atronomers.

All that video does is show that some astronomers have died. It doesn't even show a time period and it certainly doesn't suggest that they all worked at the south pole. It picked on astronomers but it could equally well have picked on any occupation and come up with the same sort of video. So, as evidence for your statement, it fails 100% - pretty much the same as you previous piece of evidence - the Horizom programme.

But I have a question. Since you believe that all those astronomers died either because they were astronomers, or because they had something to do with your large object, or because they had something to do with the outer reaches of the solar system, who do you think has been killing them? Governments?

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

Most had been there, but you only concerned in trolling me, so this is the last time I will answer you.

I'm not only concerned with trolling you. I'm not trolling you at all. I'm actually dicussing your position with all your beliefs with you. It may feel like trolling to you but that's only because (a) I've been asking some genuine but hard questions that you can't answer and (b) I've been showing the gaping holes/chasms in your arguments and what you think of as evidence.

So, if you will calm down and answer me, what makes you think that most of those dead astronomers had been to the south pole? It doesn't say that in the video. Can you show us something that shows that all those people were linked by the south pole?

And I'll ask my previous again. If all those astronomers were killed, who do you think has been killing them? Governments?

You might as well answer me because I'm not going to stop asking genuine questions and showing the flaws in your arguments if and when I see them.

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

Grow up.

You see why nobody can possibly take you seriously. The above was your response to someone finding flaws in your evidence. If you had any answers at all, instead of just blind faith, you could have written a reasoned response but, instead, look at what you actually wrote.

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

LOL, do you know how to use search, this is just one of many, think your the troll dear.


for some odd reason it wont show here, so click the title and watch it on youtube.

I've not watched this vid as I am on my phone and it doesn't like streaming. However the first frame in this vid that I can see without playing it lists the headline "Japanese Astronomer From Alma Project Dies Mysteriously" I recongnised this exact headline. this is a story featured on the website http://beforeitsnews.com. That tells me everything I need to know about this video, primarily that it is a load of bollocks. 

Lets just have a look at some of the other headlines featured on http://beforeitsnews.com today....

Prepare Now For Mega-Comet Of Doom

UFO Takes Out Jet Fighter, Giant UFO In New Zealand, UFO Fleet


Major Super Quake In The West Coast In The Next 60 Days After Obama Is Re-Elected

59 Alien Faces On Mars And The Moon

Bigfoot-Like Beast Has Hikers Running Scared In Utah's Provo Canyon

Huge Alien Spaceship Arrival To Earth Very Soon

Vampire Skeleton Found In UK

Man Calls UFO Using His Thoughts, Los Angeles, California Nov 4, 2012, Video

Hurricane Sandy; Only the Beginning, More Judgments Coming

Enough said.

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Leia36 wrote:

In summation, you are are troll, a funny one, but none the less a troll

That was written to Boudicca and I have to disagree with it :)

A troll, in my understanding, writes things that are designed to extract a response. They write things with the intention of winding people up. That's my understanding of a troll.

I am certain that Boudicca believes what she writes and, therefore, on the whole, she is not a troll, imo. She is certainly something that's quite uncommon but I don't believe that she's a troll.

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

Sorry but I have had enough with the bullies here and have made an appointment to see my solicitor about this forum

That's a pity. You've made some very big statements - things that you clearly believe - and I would have liked to see some evidence. I'm sure that everyone else would have liked to see some too but, unfortunately, you haven't been able to provide any, so I have to put your beliefs down to blind faith.

Perhaps this thread has taught you that, making such bold statements in public is likely to falls on deaf ears, and even scorn, unless you can back them up with evidence - either your own or someone else's.

Nobody has been bullying you. You only feel that way because you've been repeatedly asked to back up your claims with evidence, and you found those request too hard because you have nothing to back the claims up with. It felt like bullying to you. I can understand that.

You are free to consult a solicitor, of course, but my advice is to do it in a way that doesn't cost you any money, because any cost will definitely be down the drain. I think you may be a compatriot of mine so might I suggest the Citizen's Advice Bureau. They provide free legal advice.

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I may have made big statements but they did not insult anyone, but the replies I got were just abuse and this forum did nothing to protect me, I think they broke UK and EU law, this I will check.


I already have a solicitor working for me on another matter plus she is holding a lot of money for me, so wont really cost anything

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Believe it or not I actually have some sympathy with how you are feeling, I have been in a similar place before on this forum and I learned a valuable lesson. I hope you see it and that it doesn't cost you to much in the way of legal fees to realize this. As for abusive IMO nobody has crossed that line here, I for one asked you on the first page to give it up and 22 pages later you have finally seen fit to end it.

While it was entertaining at times and I am sure you enjoyed getting your licks in as much as the rest of us and your own derogatory comments, it is time to end it and say see you next time because that's just the whole point. There will be a next time and a time after that. There is no end of the world in sight.  Have a great day

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

why swear, no i think your just another out to troll me, keep it up, check the law on internet bullies.

I don't consider the word Bollocks to be a swear word, it doesn't have any imported meaning to it and is a perfectly acceptable word to use in an instance where someone is talking nonesense or lying.

As for bullying, this is just a nice little smokescreen word that you like to hide behind when people dispute the validitty of your opinions. I've seen you do it multiple times. You start a thread on a contentious and sometimes ludicrous topic then claim you are being bullied when peope dispute what you say.

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To be perfectly honest, I haven't seen any insults against you, although I haven't read the early pages of posts. You've been called a troll, which I don't think you are, but you call other people trolls too, so that's a bit 'pots and kettles', isn't it.

I suspect that what you see as insulting is merely people not taking your word for things. Things that definitely sound preposterous to say the least. Things that you won't provide any evidence for that is actual evidence. You won't even say how you came to your conclusions. Perhaps you are offended that people won't take your word for things, and you feel it's insulting. Still, if you want to waste your money, see a solicitor that you have to pay, but I do suggest using the free Citizen's Advice Bureau's solicitors instead.

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Oh. Leia36's post just reminded me of something.

If you want to see some real forum bullying, I could point you to an old thead in the original forum in which the whole world came down on me like a ton of bricks. They were all wrong, and some of them apologised to me afterwards, but there was a bandwagon effect at my expense. If you think you've been bullied in this thread, you merely had a ride in the country on a fine summer's day by comparison.

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

Did you not say all abuse me, sorry mate but you are one of the people I will be asking about, and my solicitor is very good, it took just one letter from her to win my case and the others paid up straight away, that being the money she holds.

Oh feel free. If she has money of yours, she'll have less of yours afterwards because she'll charge you for her work :D

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

I heard a broadcast on the Republic Broadcasting Network by john Moore, that the large body that lucinda talked about here some months ago is real and about to get very close and pass us, causing the pole to shift a bit and huge waves will go many miles inland at a height of 400 feet, he also says many coastal bases are being evacuated this week and next week, I live in the UK I have heard troops have trained for evacuating London in October.


Seems many people are confirming what lucinda said here many months ago, what do you all think and those that live in the US, is it true are bases near the coast being evacuated?

And revisiting the OP again, which was written 3 months ago, what happened? US coastal bases were to be evacuated a week or two after the post, and London was preparing for evacuation in October. Also, 400' waves were to sweep into America and the pole was to be shifted. What happened?

I do know that the paths of heavenly bodies can be calculated very acturately years ahead so, since the calculations for this event were only needed to be a few months ahead at the most, what happened to this large body?

Lucinda must have been totally wrong, eh?

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

I may have made big statements but they did not insult anyone, but the replies I got were just abuse and this forum did nothing to protect me, I think they broke UK and EU law, this I will check.


I already have a solicitor working for me on another matter plus she is holding a lot of money for me, so wont really cost anything

Did you report the posts as abusive? If not, then you have no recourse. If so, and they didn't get pulled, you also have no recourse as you agreed to let LL be the final moderator in any dispute, per the TOS.

Tighten your tin foil hat, put on your big girl panties and deal with it.

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MoiselleErin Teardrop wrote:

People who sit around and think the world is gonna end this year better hope it happens.

When this year is gone, I wonder what people are going to say? "Oh no, I never said the word was gonna end" 

The Seventh Day Adventists claimed that the 'faithful' would be taken up to heaven by <date early in the 20th century>, and many of them were on their roofs waiting for it to happen. It didn't happen, so they modified what they actually meant, claiming that the word "by" meant "near", which it does in some cases., and they redid the date. It didn't happen on the new date either. I've forgotten how they got around that one.

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

Most of the worlds problems come from the American empire and its thirst for greed, like all those that believe in god and things like the rapture, what has always puzzled me is why every other part of the world has very old cultures but that large lump of land called north America had only nomads on it, well seems clear now, it is only stable for a few 1000 years, and is regularly washed, about every 3600 years, check out the sea shells inland, they are only a few thousand years old, so how did they get there? Simple really.

OK so rather than mocking your absurd opinions I am going to try and help educate you instead, We'll ignore your comment about sea shells and the 3600 year cyclic flooding of the Americas as that is conspiracy related, however one of the things you said in this post is historically innacurate so we'll start there.

 You said "what has always puzzled me is why every other part of the world has very old cultures but that large lump of land called north America had only nomads on it, well seems clear now, it is only stable for a few 1000 years, and is regularly washed, about every 3600 years,"

 The truth is that the native American tribes were more advanced in many ways than the majority of the "old world" European cultures that "discovered" the Americas.

Think about what technology Europeans had in 1400s and what technology the natives had had in the same period. They had sanitation systems when Europeans were dumping chamber pots out windows onto streets below. They stayed healthy because they bathed regularly and ate well. Europeans were suffering from plagues as a result of filthy living conditions and frequent famines. Native people were using medicinal plants and things like aspirin, syringes, and surgeries when Europeans were still doing blood letting and other questionable practices.


Natives had built cities larger than most in Europe at the time. They successfully created cultures where everyone was taken care of from the very young to the old and infirm. Europe had class systems where the very rich feasted while the very poor starved.


They had complex forms of governments. The Haudenasaunee People's Confederacy served as the model and inspiration for the US constitution. They have the oldest (909 CE) continuous democracy in the world.The Haudenasaunee Confederacy (Iroquois) while most of Europe was still bowing down to royalty and having frequent bloody wars with everyone around them.


They invented snowshoes and snow goggles and canoes and toboggans and kayaks and had homes all across the continent ideally suited to the climate and purpose. They used olefin hydrocarbons and methane to make petroleum jelly, and used it to hydrate and protect animal and human skin.


They were also more superior agriculturally. Today 70% of the worlds crops originated in pre contact Americas, including the potato (hundreds of varieties were cultivated in south America and later north America), corn, which was cross pollinated to produce varieties able to withstand different climates, tomatoes, wild rice, rootbeer, vanilla, chocolate, chewing gum, coffee, etc 

They understood crop rotation and the importance of leaving ground fallow and fertilization as well as the medicinal uses of thousands of plants etc. 


Many of their cultures were matrilineal and women and men shared power and duties equally. The women had equality thousands of years before European women would begin to fight for their own equality. In fact, it was native women who inspired them to do so.


I could go on, the list is quite extensive. But as you can see the native Americans were far from the  uncultured nomads you think they were. They had advanced societies that had developed over thousands of years that were superior in many ways to those in the old world.


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