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You keep deleting my planes while I'm flying them and you won't let me re-rez them!

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Ok, this happens all the time. While i'm flying the airplane (doesn't matter which one), it gets deleted in midair while im flying it. Then you won't let me re-rez it so i can contunue. I went to over 10 neighboring sims (most of which are nothing but water) and it still won't let me re-rez it. The question:



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I didn't do it. >.>

But really, you can only fly over areas that allow object entry and aren't coated by banlines. It IS difficult to fly along mainland at any height below about 150m for both of these reasons.

This is assuming you're flying over mainland, because as I say, I'm not the one deleting your planes. There's no reason to be angry here; we're residents like you.

Other landowners also have no obligation to allow you to fly over their parcels. If they do, great. If they don't, then it's your responsibility to route around, find a place to re-rez, and etc. Nothing can be done about this.

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No, "You" as in Second Life and/or Linden Labs. I was flying at 500 meters over water of the mainland.

Somebody at Linden Labs or somewhere has got to be up to something. Deleting my planes in midair then not letting me re-rez them over 10+ sims whether they're land or water? Some strange coincidence? YEAH RIGHT!

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ProfessorSchaeler wrote:

No, "You" as in Second Life and/or Linden Labs. I was flying at 500 meters over water of the mainland.

Somebody at Linden Labs or somewhere has got to be up to something. Deleting my planes in midair then not letting me re-rez them over 10+ sims whether they're land or water? Some strange coincidence? YEAH RIGHT!

You didn't got it, right? There is no "You". Second Life is not a being you can refer to as "You" and Linden Lab doesn't really care or read this forum. And I'm pretty sure they don't care a single bit about your airplaines.

This is the wrong place to scream at others. Nobody here has done anything to you.

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i really doubt LL staff are deleting your plane otherwise they'd be deleting every plane train boat automobile bike and vehicle on the roads in the skies and water it's very plausible you are straying on to land where the owner not LL has set object entry to group or no one this means what ever you ride will go poof if you are near a linden road they often have rezz zones so you don't have to keep restarting where ever it is you restart

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Search for Blake Sea in your map.  There are tens of sims where you can fly safely.  There are even many airports there.  What's more, in almost every region there, there's a small rezzing area in north east corner of each region where you can rez stuff.  You need amphibian plane though as the rezzing areas are mostly at sea.  Happy flying.  :matte-motes-big-grin:


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There are scripted attachments that will locate rez-enabled parcels. Somebody with stomach for the dread Marketplace may be able to find one for you, or may know of one to recommend.

I've never bothered with that because usually, when my vehicle disappears, it's because I've just had a bad region crossing and I'm stuck unable to move nor teleport and have to relog anyway.

Otherwise, it's actually very difficult to have a vehicle get deleted. The creator could script it to llDie, but other than that, once you're sitting on something, it's pretty immune to spontaneous deletion -- except when it goes off-world or to the 0,0,0 black hole of one or the other sim when crossing a border. 

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It happens when I'm over water (Blake Sea), so there are no "forbidden" areas beneath me. It's an anphibian plane so if they'd let me re-rez the damn thing I wouldn't be as angry. I'll try the NE quadrant like he was saying, but there's still no reason for it to be happening.


Also, what if I'm not flying a seaplane? I'll have to somehow get it back in the air after I finally figure out how I'm gonna re-rez it in the water. Convenient, huh?


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ProfessorSchaeler wrote:

It happens when I'm over water (Blake Sea), so there are no "forbidden" areas beneath me. It's an anphibian plane so if they'd let me re-rez the damn thing I wouldn't be as angry. I'll try the NE quadrant like he was saying, but there's still no reason for it to be happening.


Also, what if I'm not flying a seaplane? I'll have to somehow get it back in the air after I finally figure out how I'm gonna re-rez it in the water. Convenient, huh?

Wow. That sucks. And it sounds like you were in the right area. I don't know enough about how the game engine deals with vehicles to be of help. I WILL say however that the inability to really "use" vehicles in SL is one that particularly disgusts me though.

Maybe it all would work better if vehicles were "wearable" so you could travel places without someone flipping out that you "rezzed" something someplace or are "bringing" items onto x or y land?

ALL I know is I  miss ridin a hover bike lol

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I'm not having problems with prim planes or boats.   But for almost 3 weeks there has been a problem with anything mesh when flying or sailing in the Blake Sea/USS areas.

Ever since the beginning of "The Week from Hell" (slowly turning into the month from hell), when LL started upgrading servers, MANY sims have been running older versions of the system and will not accept mesh objects at border crossings.

So if you are flying or sailing in prim vehicles and cross a border wearing prim clothing, don't be surprised if you reach your destination and hop out finding yourself nakies.

Great job LL.  Push mesh and then screw things up so it won't work in some of the most heavily traveled sims in-world.

How about getting the old project right before you start something new for a change.


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I've been in SL for six years now and sim crossings have always been a pain.  Many times your vehicle goes one way and you go another.  So your plane may actually not have been deleted but just crashed some where.

I love to sail and one thing I have learned is that some boats are better than others for sim crossings due to design and scripting.  I have boats that are wonderful to sail but you can bet your life that they will disappear if you cross a sim line.  Sometimes they get returned to my lost and found later because they just crashed someplace and I couldn't find them to retrieve them..  I have others that don't always crash,but appear to want to turn into a sub or a plane when crossing sims.   I have finally found a great brand that I can sail across sim lines without much problem as long as I'm not going too fast.  I just have to slow down a bit and go over the line a little easy. My partner and I have a few of their models and they are all great.

You may want to try to find a plane that is not quite so ready to poof and crash all the time.  It will keep you from going bald by pulling your hair out.

All in all though I sympathize with your frustration.  After all this time you'd think LL would have their act together with sim crossings.  They really should have fixed this as well as many other things like it before bringing in mesh or the facetwit feeds and stuff.  It would make a lot more people happy than the new features do.


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I'm sorry this keeps happening to you, and I know how frustrating it is. I've been sailing a lot recently in the Blake Sea with few problems (touch wood), and you are definately trying to fly in the right spot. I don't know what is causing your plane to be deleted, but some possibles are-

-you may be flying off the actual sea, and into "non sea" areas that look like sea from above, but if you check your map, they are flat blue rather that textured. This means they arent really areas connected to any server,

-you may be flying into private parcels with either banlines or object entry turned off, or with security orbs,

-you may have a lot of scripted attachments that are making sim crossings dodgy.


I'm planning to start compiling a folder of landmarks for rezzing a boat in, as it can be hard, especially if you like hopping out and exploring, and then can't re-rezz a vehicle. It's harder for a plane, I know, unless it is a seaplane.

Do you know Santa Catalina Airport? It's a great place to fly from :)

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I wonder if this is happening when you cross sim borders and one of the regions is a Magnum Channel region. There has been some problems between the 2 server channels handing off mesh object information... Not sure if it has been remedied yet. But sounds like a real pain in the arse

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Dilbert Dilweg wrote:

I wonder if this is happening when you cross sim borders and one of the regions is a Magnum Channel region. There has been some problems between the 2 server channels handing off mesh object information... Not sure if it has been remedied yet. But sounds like a real pain in the arse

Mesh vehicles can enter RC Magnum regions from any other server region. But mesh vehicles cannot get out from RC Magnum region to any other region (except to another RC Magnum region).  This PITA will not be solved until all regions will be running the same Havok version.  So the suffering still continues for unknown length of time. Grrr...


This affects only mesh vehicles, not worn mesh items.  So we are not ripped naked in sim crossings.  And we can freely cross regions borders between any regions without a vehicle.  :matte-motes-big-grin:

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ProfessorSchaeler wrote:

Ok, this happens all the time. While i'm flying the airplane (doesn't matter which one), it gets deleted in midair while im flying it

I am share your pain

in last week my simboard been getting killed on linden water sim crossings in fly mode when I am hit them at speed

if I am in sled mode like schooming on the top of the water then not so bad. speed I think is killing me in fly mode. more than what it was the week before



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Try a different plane.


I've tried all sorts of fancy vehicles but I often have the best luck with the really ancient freebies. The Model T car by Aimee Weber, I think it is. I'm not sure but I think there are some ancient freebie planes and helicopters that are pretty stable, too. A script is a script is a script (usually.) And the servers recognize the old stuff (most of the time.) Go to NCI and load up on freebie vehicles until the hiccups are sorted.

Or you could shake your fist at the sky and say, "Curse you, Red Baron!"

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