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Deploys for the week of 2012-07-16

Oskar Linden

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This week we have a full load. We have a main channel roll on Tuesday morning and 3 RC's ready for Wednesday.

Second Life Server (main channel)

We are promoting the Creator Tools project. These new features are being shipped disabled. These features are being enabled on LeTigre this week.


  • Added three new LSL functions:
    • llAttachToAvatarTemp(integer attach_point) -- Follows the same convention as llAttachToAvatar, with the exception that the object will not create inventory for the user, and will disappear on detach, or disconnect. It should be noted that when an object is attached temporarily, a user cannot 'take' or 'drop' the object that is attached to them. The user is 'automatically' made the owner of the object. Temporary attached items cannot use the llTeleportAgent or llTeleportAgentGlobalCoords LSL functions.
    • llTeleportAgent(key agent_uuid, string lm_name, vector landing_point, vector look_at_point) -- Teleport Agent allows the script to teleport an agent to either a local coordinate in the current region or to a remote location specified by a landmark. If the destination is local, the lm_name argument is a blank string. The landing point and look at point are respected for this call. If the destination is remote, the object must have a landmark in its inventory with the teleport agent script. lm_name refers to the name of the landmark in inventory. This function cannot be used in a script in an object attached using llAttachToAvatarTemp.
    • llTeleportAgentGlobalCoords(key avatar, vector global_coordinates, vector region_coordinates, vector look_at) -- Teleports an agent to region_coordinates within a region at the specified global_coordinates. The agent lands facing the position defined by look_at local coordinates. A region's global coordinates can be retrieved using llRequestSimulatorData(region_name, DATA_SIM_POS). This function cannot be used in a script in an object attached using llAttachToAvatarTemp.
  • NOTES:
    • The new LSL functions work with the current runtime permissions system and are precursor to future work with experience permissions. More information about the runtime permission is here:PERMISSION_TELEPORT.
    • These functions only work on the RC regions and not grid wide.
    • These functions have an on/off switch. This release has the functions disabled by default.
  • Bug Fixes
    • SCR-342: llTeleportAgent() does not fail gracefully when specifying an invalid landmark name
    • SVC-7966: Magnum RC, llTeleportAgent gives a wrong message
    • SVC-7987: llTeleportAgent always points in the positive Y direction on teleport

2012-07-17, 5:00am: Release Notes: 



Second Life RC BlueSteel

This channel will have a maint server with bug fixes. This is the same project that was on here last week.


  • Bug Fixes:
    • SVC-7792 : HUD Attachments Receive Infrequent Updates when Camera is Zoomed Out
    • SVC-7853 : [PUBLIC] Newly created notecards dont auto open in the viewer on
    • SCR-311 : llGetAgentList() with scope AGENT_LIST_PARCEL or AGENT_LIST_PARCEL_OWNER returns empty list when attached to avatar
    • SVC-378 : Role 'Everyone' in new groups should not have ability "Pay group liabilities and receive group dividends"
    • SVC-7847 : Top Scripts Refresh in Region/Estate Tools Broken
    • SVC-7793 : Scripted agents can't abandon land on private estates
    • SVC-7792 : HUD Attachments Receive Infrequent Updates when Camera is Zoomed Out
    • SVC-7837 : Filtering by object name or owner name in top scripts/top colliders no longer works
    • SVC-6894 : Excessive EnableSimulator message spamming to viewers
    • SVC-7917 : Please automatically unmute avatars who have muted themselves, and prevent this from occuring server-side.

2012-07-18, 7-11:00am: Release Notes: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_RC_BlueSteel/12



Second Life RC LeTigre

This is the Creator Tools project with the LSL calls enabled.


  • Added three new LSL functions:
    • llAttachToAvatarTemp(integer attach_point) -- Follows the same convention as llAttachToAvatar, with the exception that the object will not create inventory for the user, and will disappear on detach, or disconnect. It should be noted that when an object is attached temporarily, a user cannot 'take' or 'drop' the object that is attached to them. The user is 'automatically' made the owner of the object. Temporary attached items cannot use the llTeleportAgent or llTeleportAgentGlobalCoords LSL functions.
    • llTeleportAgent(key agent_uuid, string lm_name, vector landing_point, vector look_at_point) -- Teleport Agent allows the script to teleport an agent to either a local coordinate in the current region or to a remote location specified by a landmark. If the destination is local, the lm_name argument is a blank string. The landing point and look at point are respected for this call. If the destination is remote, the object must have a landmark in its inventory with the teleport agent script. lm_name refers to the name of the landmark in inventory. This function cannot be used in a script in an object attached using llAttachToAvatarTemp.
    • llTeleportAgentGlobalCoords(key avatar, vector global_coordinates, vector region_coordinates, vector look_at) -- Teleports an agent to region_coordinates within a region at the specified global_coordinates. The agent lands facing the position defined by look_at local coordinates. A region's global coordinates can be retrieved using llRequestSimulatorData(region_name, DATA_SIM_POS). This function cannot be used in a script in an object attached using llAttachToAvatarTemp.
  • NOTES:
    • The new LSL functions work with the current runtime permissions system and are precursor to future work with experience permissions. More information about the runtime permission is here:PERMISSION_TELEPORT.
    • These functions only work on the RC regions and not grid wide.

2012-07-18, 7-11:00am: Release Notes: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_RC_LeTigre/12



Second Life RC Magnum

This channel will again have the Pathfinding project. 


  • Features and Changes
    • Havok's AI library has been added so that navigation meta data for an entire region can be computed. This data is called the "navmesh".
    • SL objects can be turned into "characters" which use the navmesh to navigate the world and avoid obstacles.
      • New LSL calls have been added to create/update/delete character behavior.
      • Characters cannot be used as attachments.
      • Characters are incompatible with some features, such as keyframed motion, being used as attachments, phantom, size changes, and others.
    • Not all objects in the world contribute to the navmesh calculations.
      • The terrain always contributes
      • By default objects are ignored for the navmesh calculations.
      • Objects may be flagged to modify the navmesh calculations in one of 4 ways:
        • "Walkable" objects add navigable zones to the navmesh.
        • "Static Obstacle" objects cannot be navigated, and create a hole in the nav mesh
        • "Exclusion Volume" objects are like static obstacles, except that they are phantom (meaning that pathfinding characters cannot move through them but other physical objects and avatars can)
        • "Material Volume" objects are phantom objects that can be set to change the walkability coefficients of an area of the navmesh
        • Material volumes and walkable objects have 4 walkability coefficients to determine how expensive they are for each category of character
      • Objects that contribute to the navmesh have special restrictions:
        • Objects that contribute to the navmesh cannot change their physical shape via LSL script (changing object position, shape parameters, scale, rotation, physics shape type, and linking/unlinking is generally blocked)
        • Objects that contribute to the navmesh can be physically changed via the build tool by avatars who have modify permission and if the avatar is in the same region as the object.
        • In other words: objects that contribute to the navmesh cannot be physically changed by avatars who are located in a different region than the object, and therefore such objects cannot be moved across region boundaries.
      • When the navmesh has been modified, either because the terrain has been edited or because an object contributing to the nav mesh was rezzed/modified/deleted, it must be manually regenerated.
      • The pathfinding project viewer can be used to modify the pathfinding settings in a region:http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers#Pathfinding
      • Parcels that are set No-Entry for objects will cut the navmesh at their borders -- characters will not be able to navigate across it.
    • The collision pipeline has been reorganized. This may affect avatar collisions/control, vehicle movement, and collision callbacks in LSL scripts.
    • The terrain collision shape has been changed from a "heightfield" to a "mesh" to provide more efficient collisions, ray-trace, and navmesh computations.
      • This may change some collision details. In particular see the "Known Issues" list below.
      • When changing the terrain its visible appearance will update immediately, but its collision shape will not.
      • The server will wait at least 10 seconds since the last change before computing the new shape, and the computation time may take several seconds.
      • Where there is a discrepancy between visible and colliding terrain shapes object and avatar collisions may appear incorrect.
    • Fix for PATHBUG-77 "llCastRay returns RCERR_CAST_TIME_EXCEEDED until the sim is rebooted"
    • Avatars which are sitting on an object can no longer freeze it by selecting it, if they don't have permission to freeze it while standing.
    • More details about pathfinding can be found at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Pathfinding and its linked pages
  • Changed prim accounting for legacy prims which use the new accounting system
    • All legacy-style prims have their streaming cost capped at 1.0 (except for sculpts, which will be capped at 2.0). This provides the benefit of not penalizing prim-based creators for optimizing their content by opting into the new system and will make the streaming cost more reflective of the true network cost of the objects.
    • Server cost will be adjusted to MIN{ (0.5*num_prims) + (0.25 * num_scripts), num_prims }. This preserves the current value for unscripted linksets and reduce the cost for linksets containing fewer than 2*num_prims scripts. It provides the benefit of rewarding creators for reducing the number of scripts in their objects.
  • Fixed the following bugs since the Pathfinding RC
    • PATHBUG-122 Ground Sit in a pathfinding region causes appearance to not match real location
    • SVC-8023 Sim crossings by objects is broken
    • Other internal bugfixes

2012-07-18, 7-11:00am: Release Notes: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_RC_Magnum/12


We will be monitoring this thread during the next week so please feel free to post issues that you feel have been introduced by the new code. Please file a JIRA for issues you find and post the JIRA link into this thread. It really helps us out. When determining if issues are relevant or not research is key. Tracking down exactly the right situation where an issue is occurring greatly speeds up the development process to get fixes in place.

I appreciate your help. Have a good week!




p.s. If you are interested in helping test SecondLife in beta please join the group "Second Life Beta" in-world. We also have an email list where we communicate upcoming projects and how you can help. (https://lists.secondlife.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/server-beta ) Once a week we meet on ADITI to discuss new features, new bugs, new fixes, and other fun stuff. You are more than welcome. Information is here:https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Server_Beta_User_Group


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We ran extensive tests of region crossings using mesh cars between the Pathfinder sandbox regions. If the crossing didn't crash you it would rubber band you to the far side in the region and back. Non-mesh cars fared a little bit better this only happening about 50% of the time. Simulator stats appear normal at the time with an avatar population of 2 to 3.

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@the seventh attempt via two bounces from the "help" page.  I know this is not "your" problem Oskar but this really does need fixing.


So...LL will roll Pathfinding to LeTigre tomorrow?  With all the problems reported from Magnum, you still push ahead!  It is not just dragsters that are busted, it is ANY object that interacts with SL land.  SVC-8048 is just ONE aspect of many issues.

I am deeply disappointed in Linden Lab.  I really thought that you would realise that as it stands Pathfinding is simply too damaging to existing inworld content.  It seems that I am wrong and that I will just have to stand by and watch as my objects break.  Some of the creators are no longer active in SL, so rescripting these No-Mod objects will simply not be possible.

If this was the Real World I would be speaking to my solicitor(lawyer to you) tomorrow, regarding a wilful damage claim.

I do not know how Linden Lab has the gall to Advertise SL as "Your World, Your imagination" and at the same time have such ToS.  It is utterly hypocritical.

Oh and by the way the Grid Status page still has made no announcement of the Main Server Roll.


Edit:  I note that now the GSP boasts an announcement post backdated to yesterday...it WAS NOT THERE yesterday!

I do wonder if the people at Linden Lab can make logical connections:

1) Broken SL; therefore:

2) No Residents; therefore:

3) No SL; therefore

4) No Linden Lab; therefore

5) No jobs..QED

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A. Once again I'm not having any issues with the forums or posting to them. I've tried chrome and safari and have had no issues.

B. everything I see on the GSP was there yesterday except today's rolling restart announcement which always posts after I go to bed USA time.

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As I said last week..."Good for You".  The Forum issue is not universal and I have no idea why it occurs; it may be a response timeout for all I know related to the fact that I am in the UK.

All I DO know is that I am not the only one with this issue and no changes that I make to my browser's settings have had any effect.

The GSP post was NOT on the page (I know I looked) yesterday (strictly this UK morning) so it must have been back dated. Now we can debate the importance if you wish, I prefer not to.

My primary concern is the rolling of an extremely damaging (and KNOWN to be damaging) piece of code to LeTigre sims tomorrow.  When that occurs (and it seem that Linden Lab will proceed regardless) we will see how much harm is done.

I am easily found inworld if you need to do so and we can survey the aftermath of the restart tomorrow. 

I am not a doomsayer, I simply do not want my objects in my inventory damaged by an entirely avoidable action on Linden Lab's part.

Oh, and one final thing.  I fully expect Linden Lab to ignore all the warnings for caution that have been given by people far wiser than I.  I am not simply posting here to vent, I believe my point is extremely valid.

Sooner or (much) later Linden Lab is going to start caring about its residents of SL, but by then it will be far too late.

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Any change of a timeline for the pathfinding roll out? Will it be heagint o Blue Steel next week, the main the week after, or both next week (assuming no showstoppers)?

Just trying to make sure what to advise folks traveling the roads and waterways of Bay City, which is a checkerboard of server versions. :-)

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Now I am VERY confused.

When I look at the proposed roll to LeTigre today I see no mention of Pathfinding at all.  Does this mean that The Lab is NOT after all rolling the Pathfinding code to LeTigre today?

I could have sworn this is what was announced until I went to bed at 1am BST last night.  I am beginning to doubt my eyes.

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I haven't checked the detailed layout, but areas such as the Blake Sea and Bay City maybe ought to have the RC Layout checked before the next planned upgrade of Havok code. I only noticed a couple of Magnum regions in the Blake Sea, but neither were adjacent to another Magnum region. There must be others, but if you don't have adjacent regions. how can you expect people to notice sim-crossing problems which don't arise from code compatibility issues?

Oh, right, Pathfinder sandboxes. Seems to miss the whole point of the RC system.

Anyway, if the Lindens want people to test this stuff, it needs something more than a near random scatter of regions across the Grid. It needs a roadway crossing several regions. There ought to be an airfield, and its approach/departure regions, so that we can see how that last-minute sim-crossing on short finals works. Maybe a cluster of water sims big enough for competitive sailing. And, when you have something like that, you need to tell people how to find it.

Else-net, some aquaintance are swapping stories about bad business management, and I've seen a couple of stories about bad managers forgetting that customers are part of the business. 



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WolfBaginski Bearsfoot wrote:

I haven't checked the detailed layout, but areas such as the Blake Sea and Bay City maybe ought to have the RC Layout checked before the next planned upgrade of Havok code. I only noticed a couple of Magnum regions in the Blake Sea, but neither were adjacent to another Magnum region. There must be others, but if you don't have adjacent regions. how can you expect people to notice sim-crossing problems which don't arise from code compatibility issues?


@ Oskar

First, my non geeky brain says that this seems to make sense.....clusters of SIM's on the same release candidates.  It would seem to me that this would bring to light problem faster before releasing new code to the Main Channel and save you from some of the Main Channel roll backs you have had to do recently.

Second.  I and many of my friends continue to have trouble with clusters of failed teleports. (This is the only issue that I agree with Lydia on ;) ).  All we get is the error message "the system was unable to complete your request at this time, etc."  Are you aware of the problem?  What information can we provide you to help?  Where do we find the info?  Help us to help you please.



p.s.  I do see one possible common denominator, but it is not always present.  The longer I am on a crowded SIM, the more likely this is to happen.

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  • Lindens

>> I see that the Grid Status Calendar is showing Blue Steel and Le Tigre rolling on Wednesday (today) and Magnum rolling on Thursday (Tomorrow). It there any particlur reason, or is it just the rollout process is still slow?

That must have been mistake on the calendar.  All 3 RCs are being deployed today - BlueSteel and Magnum are being rolled,  and LeTigre is getting a config update which doesn't require a roll.  Looking at the calendar now, all 3 RCs are listed for today:

Wednesday, July 18
 BlueSteel Roll
 LeTigre Roll
 Magnum Roll
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And, in the actual notice for the rollouts:

Updated 9:05am PDT, 18 July 2012] We will be performing a rolling restart on the Magnum RC server channel immediately after completing the BlueSteel and LeTigre rolls.

[Posted 8:02am PDT, 18 July 2012] We will be performing rolling restarts for regions on the BlueSteel and LeTigre RC server channels starting immediately. Please save all builds and refrain from rezzing no copy objects or making inworld L$ transactions at that time.

I think that was a little bit more than a mistake in the calendar 

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Despite what Maestro says there WAS a software version change on LeTigre (my home sim is on LeTiggy) today, so unless I misunderstand how these things work, a restart must have occurred, albeit later than scheduled.

Surely if it WAS just a config change, as happened a while back, the software version number would not have changed?

With so many changes to what was to be rolled to where and when, I wonder that anyone at Linden Lab actually knew what was going on?

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Well, all I can say is that I have servers on my LeTigre region that report to me any time the region is down for more than 60 seconds. I always get messages from the servers when a restart occurs, but today there were no messages.

Either there was no restart or it was a very fast one.

BTW, on your forum login problems, all I can add is that my symptoms matched yours exactly. I lived with it for a fairly long time, thinking it was the forum software. But once I cleared all my local files and cookies (for a different reason), the forum login problems magically disappeared.

I say that just because all the temp files / temp directories / cookies / other garbage that windows (and the browser) collects are likely scattered about and a closer inspection is warranted.

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@Triple Peccable

OK I am insane or just plain stupid.  You are correct, LeTigre did indeed have nothing more that a config update to "turn on" the features rolled last week, so there was no restart.

Why I thought there had been is a mystery...put it down to advancing senility!

What does seem odd is Nalates Urriah's statement of info gleaned at a Beta Server Group meeting that suggested that Pathfinding code HAD been rolled to SOME LeTigre sims.  That prospect leaves me baffled and aghast, as an occasional SL sailor.

Oh, and I have scoured all the temp files I can find on my system and it has made not one jot of a difference, but that's SL!

Update:It seems that Nalates mis wrote and that PF wasn't partially active on LeTigre.  For that I am mightily grateful.

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Ayesha Askham wrote:

@Triple Peccable

OK I am insane or just plain stupid.  You are correct, LeTigre did indeed have nothing more that a config update to "turn on" the features rolled last week, so there was no restart.

I *know* I saw it on the deploy information earlier this week as well. Ninja edit?

(Sure made me stupid, walking around with the wrong info this week!)

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