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Basic Functions and their consequences

Lydia Craig

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Probably the most basic function of any video game is logging in, and when log ins fail as they do constantly on the RC blue steel servers and elsewhere in sl online numbers will inevitably drop.  This apparently does not concern Linden Labs because they have let this situation go for a time now and done nothing about it, and instead pursued their current grand design to make everything right, which seems at the moment to amount to diverting more and more resources from player functions to whatevrer project LL is working on at the moment and not telling us about or perhapst to marketplace which has yet to become stable and apparently is demanding more and more of LLs time just to keep it going.  The result is and likely will continue to be a steady decline in online numbers, which are now in the 40k avg range and still falling.   This has gotten worse through out this week which has been marred with massive log in problems and crashes though LL has done its best to explain them away.  Unfortunately, the problems are real and unless they are fixed soon this trend which has already become critical will turn into a disaster and SL will be left with nothing but Lindens, newbies and bots, as the people who have been trying desperately to hold this economy together are fast loosing patience with LLs inaction and are starting to leave in frustration at the lack of basic service and support.  Hopefully, LL will come to its senses and fix this mess soon but I see little hope for that and expect rather to see a flood of "linden friends" accusing me of either not knowing what I am talking about or saying the fault lies in my isp a third party viewer, or maybe even in cookies or my computer.  The fact is anyone who spends time in SL knows this problem existed is touch by it frequently and likely is just a frustrated by it and LLs lack of action as I am.


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@Lydia, and incidentally @mikka

Online numbers, and especially peak concurrency has been dropping slowly but distinctly for over 3 years now.  On winter weekends it would not be unusual to see 75K plus online some 3 years ago.

So one point is undoubtedly true, concurrency has fallen.  40K is way under the average online, so keep it honest Lydia.

Several factors have combined to cause this decline and there is no doubt that an unwillingness to engage with residents about real issues has been a Linden Lab problem since the time of Mark Kingdon, who clearly did not respect Secondlife's userbase.

It is also true that Lindens do engage constructively with residents, and one has only to look at the Server release thread to see that.

What I find perplexing is that you, Lydia, never give any specifics about your location or hardware or ISP, so no one can verify your, sometimes a little hysterical, claims.

There are many in SL and at The Lab that would help you if you would at least give us some specifics on which to work.  Your generalisations, while they sound dreadful, are just that...generalisations.  We need specifics!

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You want to know what I consider a tell-tale sign that a poster of a thread with the sole purpose is to malign Linden Lab or Second Life is?  It's when the poster does not even know the correct name of the company they want to diss in their thread.  The name of the company that owns and operates Second Life is not Linden Labs.......it is Linden Lab (without the "s").

Small thing, I know.  But, if you want people to really pay attention to your post/thread you might consider, at least, learning the correct name of the company you are ranting about.

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What you should expect is honest people asking you to tell us where all this gloom and doom login failure is happening. I visit RC channels in SL all the time and nothing like what you describe happens to me. Unless you provide specifics on locations and your computer hardware I'm going to decide you're a troll and start ignoring you.

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mikka Luik wrote:

Agreed, and apologies for my flippant post..I was somewhat irked. Specifics would be appreciated.



Here are some statistics...


New user signups are increasing, while concurrency continues to decrease. As I've said before here in the forums, one could read this as LL working hard to increase the number of people who will never visit SL again.


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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

You want to know what I consider a tell-tale sign that a poster of a thread with the sole purpose is to malign Linden Lab or Second Life is?  It's when the poster does not even know the correct name of the company they want to diss in their thread.  The name of the company that owns and operates Second Life is
Linden Labs.......it is
Linden Lab
(without the "s").

Small thing, I know.  But, if you want people to really pay attention to your post/thread you might consider, at least, learning the correct name of the company you are ranting about.


Nobody cares. The fact LL left off the S is just another example of their ineptitude.:matte-motes-nerdy:

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:) Regular reader of that blog and well aware of the available figures :) The flippancy of my initial response rather masked my reaction to the other complaints made in the OPs post, many of which have been "aired" here before at regular intervals. A litany, in fact,  with no follow up or actual concrete examples.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Linden Lab or Linden Labs.

I think everyone would agree we all know who the OP was talking about.

Playing foolish games such as discounting a resident's complaint due to a spelling or mispellings is one reason why the overal numbers online has fallen so drastically.

Its just such an attitude from those at Linden LAB that cause people to say "Whats the use?" I log in, I crash. Nothing works correctly. Why bother?

But "HEY!! I can use display names to copy cat other well know avatars and cause all kinds of grief for them on the grid". "So maybe I will try to log in one more time." (Just one of the waisted resources that I can think of.)

I found that the OP did give some details. Most Specifically The BlueDog ( BlueSteel) Server. Or did I read that in there mistakenly? With the Lab/Labs controversy I think I must read it again to be certain. I for one have seen this issue many times and most significantly on the bluesteel server. With this being said. The operating system of the user is an insignificant detail and it is highly unlikely a mojority are running the same or even similar systems.

One would think the Shill's of Linden Lab/Labs would have more to say in the forums that is constructive. Instead they take the attitude of a jesture that most of the long time resident have determined to be the norm.


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Iam Runningbear wrote:


One would think the Shill's of Linden
would have more to say in the forums that is constructive. Instead they take the attitude of a jesture that most of the long time resident have determined to be the norm.



One would think an OP who claims to have as much Expertise as Lydia claims to have would  or could provide us a single shred of Data or information.  Essentially all she ever says can be summed up in this:

1.  Linden Lab sucks.

2. People are leaving in droves.

3. The Second Life Data base is a disaster.

4. Everyone's problems including hers are caused by numbers 1 and 3.

Yes, SL has problems.  None of us Including Peggy are saying it doesn't.  However, WE aren't having all the problems  Lydia is claiming to have.  Where is the Data to back up Lydia's claims?  We get Nada from her.

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