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Major change to Age Verification

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Linden Lab has made a major change to Age Verification. The Age Verification section of your Dashboard > Account has gone and the Age Verification KB was revised today.

Refer http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/Account-Age-Verification/qaq-p/1594679


It now states:

When you register for Second Life, you provide your birth date, because you are required to be at least 16 years old. If you are 13-15 years old, you may be allowed if you are restricted to the estate of a sponsoring organization. For more information, see Teens in Second Life.

To access adult content, you must be at least 18 years old.

Accessing adult content

To visit Adult-designated regions in Second Life or view Adult-rated search results, you must:

  1. Be 18 years or older.  We determine your age based on the birthdate you provide when you set up your Second Life account.
  2. Set your Viewer preferences to view adult content.  See Accessing Adult land and content for instructions.

For information on what constitues adult content, see Maturity ratings.

Limiting land access by age

Estate and parcel owners of adult-rated regions must limit access to Residents who are 18 years of age or older. Underage Residents are blocked from entry and receive a notification to this effect.

For instructions on how to restrict land access, see Age restriction parcel and estate management features.

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Wow! Thats a pretty bad change. I know, the previous method was weak and not secure too....but at least you had to do something before walking directly into A rated regions. Prepare for teens all over Zindra. :catindifferent:

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But shouldn't allow the new system to enter adult regions without any verification other than the birthdate?

And if he was age verified before, he must have a birthdate which makes him to be over 18. I'm confused.

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Syo Emerald wrote:

But shouldn't allow the new system to enter adult regions without any verification other than the birthdate?

And if he was age verified before, he must have a birthdate which makes him to be over 18. I'm confused.

could have just been account verified maybe?

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Nyll Bergbahn wrote:

We're all a bit confused.

Edited: The Account Verification page was also edited today by Linden Lab
   On reading that, I'm not sure account verified is enough now.

well when my husband made his account last year..he had to enter his birthday then..before ever going to age verification..

i think what they are doing is going by the birth date when you create the account and getting rid of the other..

still doesn't explain what happened to that other person in that other thread.unless they did not have to enter their birthday when they made their account..

that is all i can think of..i have heard in the past couple of months some saying they didn't have to..but that is just hearsay and not anything i had seen with my own eyes..

but it would explain it..

it sounds like they canceled out the age verification information and maybe they have to give that information elsewhere now if they didn't have to at the opening of their account..


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If you are already age verified I don't see any problems.

This new system I guess is for new signups but may catch those who were under 18 and said they were on signing up but falsely age verified via the dashboard.

What we don't know is if everyone who was 18 at time of signing up is now age verified even if they never actually age verified via the Dashboard or by the previous automatic or manual verification process. Also how does a teen, who is 17 now and turns 18 tomorrow for example, age verify or is that automatic.

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Nyll Bergbahn wrote:

If you are already age verified I don't see any problems.

This new system I guess is for new signups but may catch those who were under 18 and said they were on signing up but falsely age verified via the dashboard.

What we don't know is if everyone who was 18 at time of signing up is now age verified even if they never actually age verified via the Dashboard or by the previous automatic or manual verification process. Also how does a teen, who is 17 now and turns 18 tomorrow for example, age verify or is that automatic.

sounds like it would be automatic now

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This is so frustrating.  I'm WAY over 18 :P  and my maturity rating has been reduced to general & mature without any way I can find to change it back to adult.  I just don't get it :(  Nearly all of my friends have left SL because of these nonsense changes and here's another one... I swear I'm about to follow them out the door.  :(

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Nyll Bergbahn wrote:

This is exactly what we're afraid off, and you're the second person to confirm some accounts are being rated to G and M from G, M & A and nobody knowing what to do. I'm sent a PM to a Community Manager and asked for some clarification.

ya i'm thinking it's gonna be like usual..big change = glitch fest

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Long time player first time poster here, today i logged in to see my house behind banlines, upon checking things out i found things were changed.

Fine enough right?


I checked my preferrances and it still says : General, Moderate, Adult

My Land is Adult.


I tried TPing to another Adult sim where i RP in, and lo and behold, i can easily get there no problems whatsoever.

Yet when i try to get to my house it keeps telling me i need to verify my age, i got account details on file and my age was verified a long time ago, what is going on, all i want is to access 'my' own house :smileysad:

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Pieter Seelowe wrote:

Long time player first time poster here, today i logged in to see my house behind banlines, upon checking things out i found things were changed.

Fine enough right?


I checked my preferrances and it still says : General, Moderate, Adult

My Land is Adult.


I tried TPing to another Adult sim where i RP in, and lo and behold, i can easily get there no problems whatsoever.

Yet when i try to get to my house it keeps telling me i need to verify my age, i got account details on file and my age was verified a long time ago, what is going on, all i want is to access 'my' own house :smileysad:

you can make an alt and give them privies to turn age verify off..

that or if anyone else has them..

wow  it sounds like there is gonna be a storm coming with this change..


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Kotekru Teskat wrote:

my maturity rating has been reduced to general & mature without any way I can find to change it back to adult.

Do you have Payment Info on File? Adding a Credit Card to your account used to to be a second tier verification method for proving your age; it may fix this for you in-lieu of finding out an official method.

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Pieter Seelowe wrote:

Long time player first time poster here, today i logged in to see my house behind banlines...

Yet when i try to get to my house it keeps telling me i need to verify my age...


There are two systems for allowing access to Adult Land. The first allows you onto Adult Land itself, the second allows you into parcels flagged to Allow Access Only to Residents Who Have Been Age-Verified, found on the Access tab of About Land (you may need to right-click the ground of your parcel if you can't get on to it). If you have this option checked, uncheck it and see if those banlines disappear.

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I just checked, this option is indeed turned on, im waiting on the GF to get home so she can turn it off.

Though still, i have Payment Info on File, and when we needed to verify our age through drivers license etc i did just that.

Why all of a sudden is it changed for me, it makes no sense, isn't the Payment Info on File not enough anymore?

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Thanks for the idea!  I didn't as I just spend what I earn from my store.  But, I gave it a shot.  Unfortunately, I wans't able to change back to adult on either the SL or the Phoenix viewer :(

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