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So some people consider Griefing to be a form of RP?

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This is a bit odd because I have heard it before in Second Life by a couple of people and I thought I would share the experience, and how odd this is but it seems to be true, and nothing I can do about it.

So without names way back I know a friend who talks to me sometiems about people who like to RolePlay griefing in Second Life, and that they consider griefing people a form of Role-Play, i find this an odd nature aka people using huds to do orbits, script attacks and such so they come over to their land and shoot little balls all over it and the owners of the land fight back with huds blah blah, etc.

Well some people might not mind playing with people who do this like for example if the owner of the land doesn't want to ban the griefer but would rather play back I see no problem with it, however there is a fine line that should be drawn when Griefers like to RolePlay griefing in SL.

Okay so I know I have mentioned this a few times, but it keeps getting more interesting. So I have had this one person who RP's in this cluster of 11 sims or a small community grief me simply because they have a few friends and power there first it started with a basic eject from group over a personal vendetta they had on me, tried to work it out, and then it got worse because after I filed an appeal on their site like 2 weeks into the appeal those 11 sims mysteriously got griefed by someone pretending to be me aka the person who wanted me banned from all 11 of the sims griefed them with a bunch of objects to disturb the peace, and spam my email full of text messages from Second Life type of grief.

Okay so finally after debating with this griefer who claims to be a little perfect angel who did nothing at all she has the Manager of these sims believing her that Goth did this Goth did that absolutely no proof of anything other than some false logs which are easy to make up or their friends creating drama with notecards etc.

So I quit SL because of all the drama, but I returned for awhile because of some of my friends, and then I notice they are back at it again but this time its the Admin/Mager, and the Griefer spreading rumors they can't prove to others in SL.

But not only did I notice this, Like awhile later I get a notice from a Creator who designs homes in Second Life, Complaining to me about how they believe I CopyBot their stuff, so anyways I get to checking into the incident, and I notice that in one of my groups which has no owner and I for one don't have any ban eject rights had notices sent out with this creators goods CopyBot their name as the creator on them. I talked to the creator and he said he would let LL deal with it and all that he claims he filed a DMCA, and he wasn't pissed over a game that I would be pissed if I got banned and all that.

But anyways that isn't what got me the most, so days go by, and I get a notice from one of my Anti Grief groups that a person is griefing the sandbox I go there to check it out and sure enough the griefer is back handing out boxes of stolen content again over a bunch of Sandboxes in SL, I don't accept any of it because I have no need for stolen goods, and most of all I don't want to get my account suspended and checked again over a stupid griefer.

Well anyways I looked at some of the builds from what people had already accepted in SL and rez in the sandbox, and sure enough I recognized the builds in SL from that one creator and possibly some from others I don't know of I try to keep up to date on every developer in SL, but there are so many I don't know them all.

** So maybe like 7 days after this person who is the creator of all the stolen goods Plus griefed me in SL multiple times with rumors, and has some admin's and people who never met me in SL beleiving their lies etc.** They return to SL after erasing their profile completely, except this time  they have a picture similar to another griefer in 2011 who had their account and all their alts kicked out of SL for stealing a bunch of stuff and giving it to people.**

( The intersting part of all of this is that the builds that were CopyBot from that creator were used on this RP sim by someone else I used to somewhat know, he had legally purchased them though but looking back through my snapshot I saw the builds there, so is it not a mystery to why this person would choose this creator in particular.) I knew of this creator since early 09 and I know he does very good work, I am a bit upset that he would believe lies of a griefer, but at the same time trying not to loose my cool with someone who designs very good content in SL because a griefer wants me to rage which I am not going to do. * Yes this person has made a mistake believing some lies they know nothing about but really it would be worse if I played into the griefer as well and raged at him or something.*

So After looking at like lots of logged information on my computer and we are talking about hundreds of griefer incidents, this person who is causing all the drama and using similar tactics to that griefer in 2011 who sent out a NoteCard with the title named something like "Here Take A Good Skin You Need It" and put my name in the notecard, and LL suspended my account to check for this. Given the fact they have a very similar profile picture and are now griefing themselves it makes me believe that this is another one of their insane alts, and using a different tactic like this.

1. Piss off someone you hate to create a (Reason) for them to want revenge.
2. Get others to believe you are a little Angel.
3. Grief yourself so that they believe it is the other person doing it.

So here is the question I ask.

I have reported this griefer, and the ones she has been using to grief me for many months spreading rumors, defaming residents, or groups because of their lies they were giving around to people, and Nothing happend, and they continue to do it.

Now a week  ago or something, I filed Abuse Reported the obejcts I saw in the SandBox created by this resident spamming a object fill full of stolen goods to everyone who came near the box, and I reported the builds to LL, Nothing  got cleaned up for weeks I believe the group notice expired already on some of them, and the items in the Sandbox auto returned, however LL did not clean them up.

I don't know if this is because of SL9B, and the lindens might be busy or what, but this user is still in SL today, and joining a lot of other RP community sim's in SL, places I have never been myself, but I can only imagine what they are up to creating more drama for others or spreading more rumors about me.

I have seen 800 day old griefer accounts, and how griefers create litterly hundreds of alternate accounts from all different IP addresses, and then they let these accounts sit there for years before they do anything illegal in SL like theft, or Griefing.

I am greatful to LL support over the years, even at times when I have done something stupid myself and got into trouble for it, but I am asking when is LL going to do something to help prevent griefing of other residents like.

1. Age Verification, Back in SL or fixing it so people have to provide an actual ID to Linden Lab to get access to simulators that require it, this would not be shown to anoyne and would stay on file with LL but it would sure the hell prevent abuse and so many griefer accounts.

2. Is there not a way to provide stronger content protection to those who make content or something I have seen two DMCA's filed recently in SL by like 4 different creators, the content was still stolen and being used on the persons land over a week later. * I know systems like Red Zone & CDS and not the answer.*

3. We also all know how easy it is to bypass these LL hardware/IP bans, and account registration bans by using hundreds of thousands of proxy servers avalable, while proxy servers, or free internet can be a great thing, and I am in support of Free WI-FI at hotspots it can also be abused, but there has to be something that can be done to prevent those griefers who like to RolePlay Griefing, they call it for many months even years they continue to do it, I am not sure why, but it drives me nuts.

So the biggest question is RP as in RPG is fun, but when you have a griefer using huds, griefing other people and doing what they like to call RolePlaying Griefing in SL, how does one deal with this when AR's have already been filed and it gets nowhere.

I mean great RP is one thing, but when you take a vendetta against one person, and turn it into something else that hurts hundreds of people in SL or more then there is a serious problem that RP has gone way too far. I know some people call griefing a form of RP, I don't understand how or why people would even want to play such.

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Greifing is NOT roleplay at any time.  The people that are claiming they are just roleplayig know they are doing wrong and just using this as an excuse to justify their actions to other people, maybe even themselves.   Its the same kind of false logic that criminals and little kids use to excuse themselves.


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I'm just a little more than confused about what your question is.  It seems that you like this "griefing as roleplay" thing that you sent so much time explaining to us.  So I guess you are correct.....some people do consider griefing to be a form of RP.  At least you appear to be one such person.  If you don't consider it RP then why the heck do you continually expose yourself to it?  You got suspended in the past for this RP passion of yours.......it's your choice to remain in the invironment where you can continue to be involved in this role playing theater of drama.

It's funny that I've been in SL for a very long time and have never found myself in such a situation.  Yes, I've experienced a few instances fo griefing.........they were isolated happenings and were easily dealt with by the Abuse Report feature.  I would define each instance as annoying but not SL destroying for me (sort like ants at a picnic)........you deal with it and move on.  It's my choice to avoid those annoyances.  It appears your choice is to embrace those annoyances.  So have fun with your griefing RP.  I'm glad you're having so much fun with it.

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I'm kind of surprised at myself that I am answering this but here goes.

1. If a land owner wants to allow 'griefing' as a form of roleplay on their property, that is their right and their business.

2.  The moment a person Griefs anywhere else they are in violation of the TOS.  There is no justification possible under the rules of SL.  No song and dance or anything else that will make it acceptable under the TOS.

3.  Results of Abuse Reports.  I will give this a mixed bag.  There are many people who report successful results here but we do get the occasional person here screaming bloody murder that Linden Lab did nothing.  Also look at the number of people who have posted in the Forum that they were 'disciplined' by Linden Lab after being tricked by a Griefer into griefing themselves.  So yes, we do know that Abuse Reports work although there may be some inconsistency in the results.

4.  DCMA Reports.  Linden Lab absolutely has to act upon a correctly filed DCMA report, following the letter of the law or they risk losing their Safe Harbor Status under the Law.  There is no way the Lab is going to play around with this.  The law as I understand does allow a slight level of discretion by Linden Lab.  If Coca Cola were to file a DCMA on an image of Pepsi Cola, the Lab could rightfully deny the DCMA.  But they have to clearly document the reasons for the denial or again they are at risk of losing their Safe Harbor.

5.  As far as your whole experience with the Griefer(s), The supposed false copybot accusations, etc, at a minimum or bottom line, for what ever reasons, the SIM owner and the Creator chose their friendship with your 'accuser(s)' over their friendship with you.  It's time to get over your butt hurt or whatever word you want to assign to it and move on.  It's in the past now.  Go somewhere else and play.  Start a new account. Something other than continuing to travel down this road over and over again.

6.  I really do mean this nicely but I've been reading your Posts for a long time now.  If the way you post is any indication of how you interact and deal with people In World, I'd be happy not to see you again either.  You just whine on and on and on and on with no end in sight.   It's not that we don't care, but it really gets tiring.




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To some people it is a way of life, they can only get worth out of life by making people feel worst than them, sl has more that average, as many are antisocial in sl so will feel bad about themselves so want to make others feel worst than them, weekends are worst.


Example this happened to me a few hours ago, I am making something in a beta sandbox, this guy comes along at stands on it, he sees it upsets me as I am making it, so he stays there and tells me it is a public sand box and he can stand there, I report him, nothing happens and I have to pack up and leave, and this is were the lindens fail big time, I make things for sl, without the likes of me sl would be nothing, yet this guy who's only reason to be in sl is to **bleep** over keyboards gets all the support and is allowed to do as he pleases, think that sums up SL and why it can't grow.


Once someone said, get your own sim then you wont get greifed, it reminded me of the mafia, so it helps the lindens to sell sims if people like me are greifed, lol, i will NEVER buy a sim, just for the hell of it, cos i know that's why the lindens don't act, they think it forces the likes of me to buy a sim, how brain damaged and inbred the lindens are, no never will I buy a sim from the lindens, never.

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06-30-201212:31 PM

To some people it is a way of life, they can only get worth out of life by making people feel worst than them, sl has more that average, as many are antisocial in sl so will feel bad about themselves so want to make others feel worst than them, weekends are worst.


I'm constantly amazed at the number of people in SL who have all this phycological expertise about the workings of individual SL users' minds.  The know so much about the users' motivations that they can accurately pigeon hole every one of the users into neat little sub-groups.


Example this happened to me a few hours ago, I am making something in a beta sandbox, this guy comes along at stands on it, he sees it upsets me as I am making it, so he stays there and tells me it is a public sand box and he can stand there, I report him, nothing happens and I have to pack up and leave, and this is were the lindens fail big time, I make things for sl, without the likes of me sl would be nothing, yet this guy who's only reason to be in sl is to **bleep** over keyboards gets all the support and is allowed to do as he pleases, think that sums up SL and why it can't grow


.Again, I'm amazed at just how important so many of the users are to SL (and all it's users) because the "make stuff".  Nearly every single user of SL "makes stuff".  Some sell their stuff, some don't but even if a user does nothing more than dress themselves, they are making something in SL.  Why is anyone more important than anyone else?  You are saying that because you "make stuff" you more importance to SL than others.........that's about as egotistical as it gets.  You choose to "make stuff" in a puble sandbox........a public sandbox where anyone can come and "make stuff" (or even stand around and pester those who are "making stuff"........though preferably not on top of what ever it is you are making).  You don't like that then go to a private sandbox (or get your own piece of land where you can get rid of the annoying users who get in your way..........you don't need to own a sim, just a chunk of land either mainland or estate land).  People who brag about "making stuff" who use public places to "make stuff" and complain about the inconvenience of dealing with people who annoy them amaze me at their self importance......how dare LL allow people to come to a public place where people (who are so important to SL) are trying to "make stuff".  You want to make stuff and not deal with the people who pester you then do something about it yourself......you have the choice.


Once someone said, get your own sim then you wont get greifed, it reminded me of the mafia, so it helps the lindens to sell sims if people like me are greifed, lol, i will NEVER buy a sim, just for the hell of it, cos i know that's why the lindens don't act, they think it forces the likes of me to buy a sim, how brain damaged and inbred the lindens are, no never will I buy a sim from the lindens, never.


If you live in an apartment complex where you have to deal with some person you pay to have maintain done, or redecorating done, landscaping done for you, you know you are at the mercy of that person you are paying for that to be done.  The way around it is to purchase your own place to live.........then you are the one responsible for all that stuff to get done (you don't have to depend on someone else).  If you refuse to purchase your own place to live then you are forced into depending on someone else.  It's a choice.  There is a solution but you refuse to use it........you're complaints are falling on deaf ears.

In conclusion I've noticed that there is always going to be complainers about the way life is (both in RL and SL).  They always find a way to blame all their problems on the people in charge (the government of RL and LL for SL).  But, in most cases, there are options and choices that will make life easier.........but they absolutely refuse to take those options or make those choices.  They'd rather complain.

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

To some people it is a way of life, they can only get worth out of life by making people feel worst than them, sl has more that average, as many are antisocial in sl so will feel bad about themselves so want to make others feel worst than them, weekends are worst.


Example this happened to me a few hours ago, I am making something in a beta sandbox, this guy comes along at stands on it, he sees it upsets me as I am making it, so he stays there and tells me it is a public sand box and he can stand there, I report him, nothing happens and I have to pack up and leave, and this is were the lindens fail big time, I make things for sl, without the likes of me sl would be nothing, yet this guy who's only reason to be in sl is to **bleep** over keyboards gets all the support and is allowed to do as he pleases, think that sums up SL and why it can't grow.


Once someone said, get your own sim then you wont get greifed, it reminded me of the mafia, so it helps the lindens to sell sims if people like me are greifed, lol, i will NEVER buy a sim, just for the hell of it, cos i know that's why the lindens don't act, they think it forces the likes of me to buy a sim, how brain damaged and inbred the lindens are, no never will I buy a sim from the lindens, never.

i would of built the thing right on him..

now for my next trick..watch me pull an E Peener out of the hat i just made at the sand box lol

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Another trick I saw someone do back in the days when I visited sandboxes.  Sacrifice one of the prims in the build (unlink if it's linked to the prim set)........the one the annoyor is standing on.  Change the Z axis to 3000 meters and hit enter.  Rez a new prim and keep on building.

It was funny when the annoyor finally figured out what happened and fell to the ground. :)  He was like "What did you do that for?"  And the builder told him "to get you out of the way so something wouldn't fall on you."  The annoyor figured out what he'd done that was annoying and apologized.  He really didn't think he was in the way (he was a newbie).

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1. Well I have seen newbies accidently rez an object in a sandbox which griefed a simulator, and if it was indeed an accident, if I file an AR I make sure to include someone gave them the objects please remove it etc. If they are doing it on purpose they are a griefer.

2. I am not butthurt over the issue, There are rules on the SL forums sadly, and in SL which I have to follow, otherwise in general I will expose this griefer for who they are outside SL, and I could careless what happens to this griefer SL, or RL that is just the way this person gets under my skin, but I am not actually crying over it I am very pissed off however because if rumors were not bad enough copying other creators to bring more people into the drama, and griefing other people to bring others into a drama is way worse. What I can't understand is why LL has done nothing from the begining of the report on the issue. * Believe me I would like nothing more than to hear a I am sorry for being a bitc* Shake hands and move on but sadly in 3 years of my entire SL Life I have only seen this once.* I understand people do stupid things, sometimes they don't know how to make up for what they do or how to say it.* But believe me I would like nothing more than to put griefer issues like this behind me than to have rumors poping up in my face sometimes weekly or daily at the worst.* Doesn't mean the person or I have to be friends or anything like that either, but no more griefing would be great.*

3. DMCA, Over a week ago some people I knew filed a DMCA over stolen goods copy by a resident on their land, LL has not removed the items for over a week, and the resident who did copy them is still in search and its on the land they own. This isn't even related to the RP grief or anything, but leads to that. The second DMCA was filed by another creator i somewhat know of in SL, and his stuff was not removed from SL yet. * Maybe it takes a big company like Coca Cola to actually get LL to move faster?*

4. For the people who think I whine too much, keep in mind this. I want the issue exposed, and I want LL to do something about the issue, I don't actually whine about the same exact thing or forum spam, or anything like that, and believe me I wish this griefer would just pack their bags and go away, however this person has been doing this a year and continues to get on my nerves and laugh it all off with their friends. I am just really shocked that LL allows clear violations of the Community Standards, I mean its up to them to disolve friendship, this person was never even on my Friend list, its up to them to do what they want on their own land, but its not okay for them to join a bunch of other RP community in SL and spread around rumors, or rumors to other players to cause drama, or let alone Copy other peoples Intellectual Property.

* LL could actually do something not only to stop this one griefer, but to stop many other griefers from harming other residents too.*

In General there are many forms of griefing, using a gun for example in a private region where people are only allowed to use Bows is considered griefing, but not something that I think would get a person perma banned from SL maybe banned from the sim yes, or a warning from the people running the sim. However the type of griefing I talk about is the Toxic kind, where the same griefer creates 100+ alternate accounts which are X number days old for the sole purpose of spamming a sandbox trapping/orbiting/graphics card crashers, or things like botting without the fear of ever getting their main account banned by LL. * I believe LL could limit this so it makes it harder for people to do such by giving us an option to only allow Age Verified Accounts with ID into a simulator, or something.*

Yes I write on my free time, generally I have all day too, and if these so called griefers want to tie this kitty to a pole and try to stone me, I am going to bite and claw back while they try to tie the kitty. Inside SL & on this board as I said there are regulations, outside there are not, and with that said my profile picks I would say pretty much explain the rest about me and who I am.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JyWGMv7ROo&feature=related See I kinda think of griefing in SL as a White Hat / Black Hat type of griefer. Just because a person can crash a sim, or do something to a person doesn't mean they should, but there are those who abuse, and those that abuse the abusers which to me is always amusing to see a griefer get taken down to size because they end up Rage Quitting SL for a entire week and being emo, even some griefers in the sandbox using griefs until all of a sudden someone comes up and hai buddy and kicks him offline and griefer gets griefed by another griefer. Its just pretty funny to see don't get me wrong either the way I see things no one really deserves to get griefed, but this is where and why it would be good if LL actually enforced rules listed in the CS to prevent griefing like this and people from how should I say it taking the LAW into their own hands by buying a hud and using attacks back on griefers for example.

Some people think I am a Crazy Kitty,  well I honestly don't know maybe I am a big Crazy after all. I believe in so many conspiracy's, After all sometimes I think the Government is watching, perhaps the illuminati, or some other wierd stuff. So belive me I can be a very crazy kitty some people are into it with me, some are not just depends who and never really know until you actually meet people in world, hell I meet a lot of different people in world which is great people from all around, and honestly for the most part if I avoid the RP sims, or avoid joining someone elses group I generally don't end up getting the griefer issues or anything. I find that the griefer thing is due to bad LeaderShip in groups like such that brings power hungry griefers. Don't get me wrong I am sure there are some great places in SL I have never been to, but I am not interested in having this Griefer follow me over and cause problems the reason I am sticking to people who know me until LL does something or it blows over who knows when that will be.

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Its not roleplay. People who say its roleplay doesn't know what griefing means OR they try to find a weak excuse for their behavior or the behavior of their friends. The difference between roleplay and griefing is, that all people involved agree on it as roleplay. Griefing is a violation of the TOS, roleplay is not.

The behavior of an evil character in a roleplay is always part of the setting, the player enjoys the character he created and not the act itself. In another roleplaygame I am playing a Sith (its obvisiously a Star wars roleplay). My character isn't mean to other characters, because I enjoy being mean, but because its part of the role. And this is the next point: Roleplay is always a think between one roleplay character and another roleplay character, but never between someone just coming around the corner who doesn't even know whats going on.

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In all the years I've been reading SL forums the vast majority of complaints about griefing has something to do with role playing.  In almost all the cases the act of "griefing" is brought on by some other (related) act of role playing........it turns into a drama fest that litters up the forums on a regular basis.

Every legitamate case of griefing that I've AR'd has been dealt with by LL in relatively short order........no, not every case recieved instant attention but a couple hours at the most.  And I'm only talking about severe cases of griefing such as self replicating prims bringing a sim to it's knees or porn being distributed in an inappropriate place.  For someone simply caging me and sending to some strange sim I don't even AR........it's so much easier to just brush the dust off and move on since the place where it happened is probably a place I wouldn't care to return to anyway.

It's all drama just as this thread.......frame the argument anyway you want and put a nice little twist to it like I'm just wanting some action so all can enjoy SL  It's BS.  Griefing happens but it does not have to spoil your SL........but, of course, you can make it something it isn't.  AR it and move on.........believe me you'll find your SL will survive.  Whining and crying about itmakes you miserable (and, apparently, if you're miserable you believe you should burdon everyone else with your misery).

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Yes and see this particular griefer has been making hell for me for the last year along with their friends.

I have done as people have said already, I Reported the griefing when it first started, and LL did absolutely nothing about it. This was when the Griefer, aka RolePlayer with a vendetta went around to all their friends suckered up to them and lied people came to me with her rumors and she got reported. I ignored it and let the issue go, but then maybe few weeks later people came to me iming me with stuff similar to why are you griefing our sim Red Zone will IP log you and catch you blah blah all things going leading back to this person.

Then finally rumors traced back from a Big Gorean group where I myself was accused of being a griefer/bot, it was tracked down from two creators and finally back to the RP sim where it came from every person was a member of the group, One Cat Leads To Another, Another Cat Leads To Zippo Cat thingy, so I knew where it came from I AR with logs too. * Again LL did nothing.*

Then finally the biggest incident, this griefer her friends or her alts with a bunch of ripped content being given away in the sandboxes, and in groups inspected the stuff, and reported it, the Griefer is still here in SL today.

Yes I understand LL doesn't respond to complaints or Reports right then, however this to have gone on an entire year, and proof of this because they were on their account and sent the rumors LL should be able to look this up and do something about it to begin with, but this person and her friends have only got worse. * I have seen this a total of 3 times in SL, this being the worst out of all of them, but they did all involve similar griefs, and out of 3 of these griefs I have only seen LL do something about one of them, I guess because this person didn't cover their tracks too good and LL closed like 5 of their accounts, although they still do play SL and have a ton of more alternate accounts, I have even reported two accounts in search that are accounts which were created by a griefer claiming to be my account in their profile LL still didn't remove those yet. * Of course this only includes the griefs which I was there to see and where I was actually caused serious problems*

I don't know maybe LL  didn't do anything because of SL9B but its absolutely isnane the amount of grief some of these people cause and I still see them logging into SL daily, sometimes I don't have to deal with griefing from this person's drama and I am happy when I don't but other times someone Im's me or something because of their drama and there we go again more AR's nothing gets done as usual.

Whats gets me the most is I know other people with similar situations like this as well, not only that but  out of my entire SL I have seen hundreds if not thousands of griefs, while sometimes griefing is mostly random in sandbox for example, there are sometimes when RPer's make things serious, and then they get it confused or something. There have actually only been a few of these griefs that actually have became as serious as this, most griefs I have seen only last ad ay or two at max and then were over and done with.

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And my entire point revolves around "Role Playing".  For whatever reason, role players just can't get along......someone always gets butt hurt and does crap to "get back" at the person who butt hurt them.  It's childish.  And it's so easily resolved......just find another group or whatever for your role playing.  Don't take the role playing so seriously, Grow up!! 

My experience (and I believe it's more than your experience) has shown me that LL does act on legitamate AR's (not as fast as we might wish but they do act).  Filing an AR that is, at best, marginal in the area of a violation (as opposed to a resident to resident dispute) is not going to get far........and you're unhappy.  Fix it......move on.

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in a game: someone wins. someone loses

winning for you personally seems like it means crush/destroy them. like in a shooter game

the other people in the game (the ones you keep referring to) arent playing to crush you. they playing to make the high score

in a game can either:

a) compete against your opponent for high score

b) appeal to the referee and try get them disqualified from the game

c) can play defense as an offensive strategy and prevent the opponents from scoring. a game of yards

yards work by closing down the lines that opponents can run to score points. you grind them out of the game. in a grinder game of yards the score can only ever be Nil All or No Mas. No Mas they quit. when they quit then you own the arena and are the winner of the game

SL is particularly suited to the game of yards. so play that way. if you actual do want to win

if keep playing a) or b) then you cant win. is just a ongoing succession of high scores and new players entering the game

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I agree and it is stupid that people always have to get butt hurt over something. I mean for example people don't always RP correctly, they leave out details, or are completely new or something happens a little bit of RP Drama here and there nothing big take a break whatever.

My problem isn't this group however, I have not been in the group over a year, I could careless about being part of the group as long as she is there unless they could come to terms or something which 90+% of the time these griefers like this person are the stuck up kind, I have the power to do it and so I will do it, and I dont give a crap kinda thing.

I have plenty of groups, and this person hasn't been targeting me personally for the last maybe 6 months or so now I have not got any griefer spam from their alternate accounts which I abuse reported months ago, however my problem is that they are using multiple IP addresses/proxies, and griefing others claiming to be a friend of mine, an alternate account of mine, and or illegally cloning other peoples goods and griefing sandboxes then waiting for her friends to question her about it and saying the classic line of it wasn't me, and her friensd oh poor angel you get what I am saying?

My second problem is quite simple.

There really isn't anything that can be done about this, however I will mention it. This group of sims which this griefer hangs at proudly all the time 11 sims advertises itself as a MMORPG on YouTube, and its site to everyone and it really bothers me because its not really a MMORPG. its a RPG, no MMO in it because of the Admin  also known as a GM who helps this griefer by spreading the rumors around. I know there is nothing offically that can be done you see, but I would love to see nothing more but this griefer who has made my SL life a hell for a year, and finally started to grief others with alts dealt with by LL, and most importantly for these sim GM's to get their heads on straight because believe it or not I have reported the GM too for the rumor spreading nothing got done either. See when a MMORPG gets a corrupt GM, we gladly expose them for who they are look at MORTAL Online with the corrupt GM's there and told T4C series god the drama was intense its what tears MMORPG's apart and we frown upon this.

While there is nothing that can be done about this in SL, in the MMORPG community this community will be BlackListed  they are not welcome here as long as they have corrupt GM's helping griefers that simple in SL they can do what they wish, but outside of SL is a different story.

I generally don't take RolePlay seriously people make mistakes and believe it or not I got tired of everyone throwing up their hands into the air and yelling INVALID its a common thing in some RP's and believe me it gets insane, although I have never seen much griefing or drama over any RP compared to the few who actually grief RP.

While there is nothing that can actually be done about this I guess all I can do is wait for more crap to come my way and then I will file another Abuse Report and hopefully when SL9B ends they will finally have something to be able to get rid of this griefer and maybe it will be enough that they wtill stop messing with me or something.

And offically I am not butthurt, but I am pissed that such a community in Second Life an entire community could have bad GM's/LeaderShip like this, and call themselves a MMORPG. Not only this but they restrict my access to land which friends pay for, and other friends play in and in a real world MMORPG such as any listed on MMORPG.com they don't ban anyones account unless they have some actual proof of hacking or a really bad breach of TOS, I only mention this because its a fact in the MMORPG community I have never had an account in any MMORPG banned, and while in SL they have the right to do so this doesn't excuse all the Drama they have brought on others, and thrown my way even after I was out of their groups, their land, and all the rumors they feel they had the right to pass around and still do with their friends and pass them down to others through big admin groups etc, and we all know how that works in RP when you get a bunch of rumors sent around, I have spoken to some who are nice people and say they won't allow false rumors to come into their RPG, and I respect that, In general I was told that unless they see me myself on their land griefing, or breaking rules I will not be held responsible because of rumors or any of that, and this is the type of community I feel we need more in SL until LL can deal with these griefer problems.

See I know plenty of places to RP at and I have plenty of friends currently to hang with so I really have no problem.

I just want to see.

1. This griefer to be dealt with unless they are going to stop griefing and being so childish because their teacher said hey son, you are in charge of the class for 5 minutes.

2. For this so called MMORPG, and it's GM's to stop being corrupted and see what is really going on otherwise its their choice can't make someone do anything in SL however I can blacklist their community outside of SL for griefing/trolling other residents and GM corruption good enough for me.

3. Most importantly I want LL to wake up and see how this drama has effect myself for over a year as a player of SL, not only myself however they have spammed hundreds of residents with alt's in the sandbox, given out stolen content to a lot of people, and spread so many rumors which got sent to so many groups that it isn't funny and its been a year nothing has been done from the begining had it have been it wouldn't have came this far today.

So if you call this a resident to resident dispute.. then..

You are telling me that if I went around and used X person's name here is a griefer and then took that name and sent it out in a big admin's group with a bunch of false information or information that could no't be proven that it wouldn't be illegal under the TOS/CS under defaming a specific person or group?

Believe me I have no problem with people warning others if there is an actual griefer proven to be griefing a sim or something Report them, but the moment you decide to throw in my name for example without any proof then I have an issue.


And believe me this has not been one little incident either, or I would just ignore the whole thing it has constantly went on in SL by this person, and lets not forget that this MMOPRG covenant in SL, actually breaks the TOS by saying they are allowed to share your Logs to moderate GamePlay. Basically I had personal logs which were shared without consent of all parties to begin with and was told by the GM that IM's between players were also included in that rule too, so lets not forget they are breaking the TOS/CS there too, why LL allows all this is just beyond me, but I even AR that to them as well because god forbit a new player to SL ever have a personal dispute with anyone from that RP community even if they have never been or played there someone just mite decide to drag it inside and disclose logs without consent and sucker up to the GM yelling harassment so they get into trouble too.

I know some people think I am nuts for debating this issue, but I feel it is worth debating, and I know you are all right saying  Grow Up, and Move On.  because that is the only thing there is to do, but believe me I hope nothing more but to see this community fall under this GM's name while he is a manager. At this point speaking RP I Wish a bad curse on all their lands and I hope they all burn in a giant volcanic disaster I would just totally laugh. This is how upet I am.  But hey as some already said SL RP is always full of Drama, I have noticed for the most part if I avoid community's whose owners I don't know as friends, or just avoid RP all together I have no issues. (( Yes when someone griefs in SL and calls it RP and just won't stop I take it seriously.))


Oh btw guys if you want to get some laughs here is something a friend sent to me on YouTube.

This person is an Elite Warrior don't you agree?


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Hm so generally you are saying that  this griefer and their friends are playing to sit back on the couch drink coke, eat lots of potato chips, and possibly a lot of $5 foot logs get fatter and laugh at me by doing things to get on my nerves and laugh at my response?

Yes I am a very destructive kitten when I rage  I would love nothing more but to have the option for a nuclear bomb similar to that of Modern Warfare 3, I would totally use it take out all them griefers, hopefully the innocent would get in their bomb shelters before it happend, but once the sims turn red I would totally laugh at it knowing I got that one or two griefers they were dead, then I would take over all the land for myself claim it in the name of the Furious Kitten :3.

Is there not a nuclear bomb option for when all else fails );?

I would so love to meet these trolls on Xbox Live I would send them over to FUOS.

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I really don't need LL to fight a war for me or anything, it is actually listed right there in the TOS/CS which says that people are not supposed to spread rumors on the grid, or grief other residents, but yet they do this too much have been reported and nothing done. Some say it just takes time meanwhile I have to put up with their drama simply said, but most importantly they are dragging other innocent people into the drama.

For example it is just easier for me if LL upholds the rules, see I really don't care either way it is just a lot simple if LL deals with it, however if they want for it to get messy then I am sure there are a lot of internet Trolls out there who will read a /r/ on a MMORPG board and they will go have some fun with these griefers.

See I am a peaceful kitty, I believe SL is about Peace, and enjoying and I really hate to see things like SandBox griefers, spamming and griefing innocent residents, however I can do the following. I can either AR the situtation and try to clean up the griefs, or B. I can wait 60 seconds while the griefer crashes the sims and the neighboring sims and then report it 30 minutes later just turn my back pretend I didn't see it get what I am saying.

Offically I can't do anything illegal in SL break the TOS/CS, however I am sure there are plenty of griefers who take /r/'s. Anyways like I was saying I believe in Karma, and I really don't care if this griefer or their friends what happens to them in SL or out of SL their problem and I pray to the Unholy kitten for such bad upon them. (RP speaking of course.)  However I am sure that The Internet is full of Cats, and Hats, and that Justice will be served to them griefers where LL helps or not will only be easier because if LL Doesn't help  I can say that it is likely this griefer will do a lot more grief to others, and well its like someone spamming hand grenades in the game counterstrike with a room full of hostages people get hurt in the crossfire and I don't like that too much. Unoffically when I am given the power knowledge, and position I do whatever the F I please, I just choose not to be an Evil BlackHat griefer who targets innocent people or griefs sims or anything like that, but dealing with other griefers it takes 2 to tango lol.

Point is I am saying it is best if LL helps deal with griefers rather than Residents taking matters into their own hands to deal with griefers and duking it out it can get very messy.

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

No.  What I'm saying is:

Gothgirl:  Bobby Griefer pulled my pigtail.

Bobby Griefer:  Well Gothgirl stuck her tongue out at me first.


It's that silly.........really it is. 


Yep sure is silly and if it were that type of RP I would totally be laughing and having some fun with them good times ;)

I really don't understand why people like to RP Griefing in SL it makes no sense it just really isn't ever fun but hey it takes 2 to tango rite, and 2 can always play that same game? ;)

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I give up............I have a niece who is 6 years old and I can talk to her in a somewhat intelligent manner and she comprehends most of what I'm saying.  But, you?  I'm not sure it's sinking in.

Like I said in my previous post.......have fun with this game you insist on playing.  :)

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

I give up............I have a niece who is 6 years old and I can talk to her in a somewhat intelligent manner and she comprehends most of what I'm saying.  But, you?  I'm not sure it's sinking in.

Like I said in my previous post.......have fun with this game you insist on playing. 

Yep I think I get what you are saying something like this.

1. AR the person.

2. Move on find something else to do in SL.

3. I think you are trying to tell me the only winning move is not to play, well that is easier said than done at least for me.

Sadly its not as easy for some as it is for others some people choose to fight Totoh & Claw until their name is clear ^^.

But still Griefing is consider RolePlay for some dear Mother Kitty save me. ;)

Well I am off gonna go play Skyirm I guess so I can Fus Ro Dah some zombies.

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