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Keep the marketplace clean!

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I like browsing the marketplace for animated animals and pets.

And all I find, in every category is breedable animals, may it be dogs, horses, fantasy creatures.

There is a separate category for it: "Breedable pets", please use it!

Bildschirmfoto 2012-06-27 um 07.37.02.png


So about 90% of the listings in the category "horses" are breedables. 

Same with cats and dogs. Ok, I have to admit the category "rodents" is not infested by breedable listings. Yet!

Creating is a listing is very simple these days, and though I keep wondering why can't you merchants of breedables can put them into the category where they belong? (I'm not saying everyone is listing their items in the wrong category, but when you have to click through 13 pages of the same merchant of breedables in the "horse" category, something went pretty much wrong!)

So yeah, it would really be cool and all that if you could put

breedable pets into the breedable pets category!

Sounds simple, eh? Evidently it's not, have a look at the marketplace...


And before someone whines "But nobody will find the breedable I'm selling among all the other millions of listings!"

(btw that's the reason why this breedable concept will hardly have a future, but anyways...)

Linden Labs: please make more categories under "Breedable pets" so people who are interested in that stuff can find what they are looking for.

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Rarely are do Lindens read the forum and it is not a place to ask for this. 

You can file a JIRA  for you suggestions about adding search features.. You can also flag any items that are in the wrong category.  To be fair, if you flag an item, be sure your right as flagging an item will take it off MP until the seller puts it in the right category or convinces LL that it was in the right category.

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Also really they shoould add a option that filters all these 0-10 L$ demo's creators sell it gets really annoying when I type for specific keywords and get a bunch of demo's when I don't want demo's I want actual full products or freebies for 0-10 L$ not demo's.

There should be an option to filter this.

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'Breedable Pets' is a category that was added very recently (last 3 months or so), so consequently there are likely to be many listings still using the old categories they had to be assigned to when no alternative existed.

You could, if you wanted to, flag all these listings for being in the wrong category, or why not flag 1 or 2 from the each merchant so they get the message.

Schdeuph Rosca wrote:

(btw that's the reason why this breedable concept will hardly have a future, but anyways...)

LOL !  didn't someone say something like that about Rock 'n' Roll?. The concept with hardly a future has been going strong for 3 years, involves well over 100 creators supporting (or not) about 120 breedable systems, has around 15000 very active users, including many who own markets, stores, auction houses, magazines, web sites, and third party creations and tools, represents a significant portion of the SL economy, having brought tens of millions of RL dollars into the system and is probably the only retail sector in SL that has grown year on year since 2009.

Most importantly breedables allow people with no traditional digital creation skills to take part in SL commerce. 



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Since the "Breedable" category is only recently added, it's likely that at least some of the sellers of breedable don't know it's there, and anyone who flags breedables that are in the the wrong category would be doing them a favour because people who are looking for breedable horses, and see the "Breedables" category, won't look in the horses category. The only way that listed a breedable horse in the Horses category is beneficial is if it also listed in the Breedables category.

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horses would actually go under livestock or horses rather than breedable pets..

they really should add another catagory under horses and livestock to add breedables..

also..there is a script that makes searching the MP a lot easier..it's called greasemonky..you can make much more defined searches with it..

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Melita Magic wrote:

/me pencils on back of hand, "no breedable rodents - yet..."

Well they'd be leaving Second Life about now anyway, wouldn't they?

But I kid.


just in case anyone is interested, there are breedable rats and breedable hamsters and I think that although Meeroos are so far unclassified they are probably a rodent : )  

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