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Billing info

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Does anyone know why on the secondlife website it displays as I have "no payment info on file", but inworld it says "payment info on file"? I'm not sure when the website started displaying that, because I provided payment info like 2 years ago. o.o




This is kinda annoying because it's preventing me from uploading mesh. >.>

Yeah I know I should submit a ticket for this but I kinda want an answer in a few hours not a few weeks lol. So if anyone is familiar with this situation thanks for your help.

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i had something going on with mine a couple months back..

i went to buy lindens in world and  it wouldn't let me..then went to my dashboard to see what was up and it wouldn't let me use my current information then either..so i updated my information and it was fine..

but it happened again like two weeks later..only it fixed itself that time..so it was buggy for a little bit..because i wasn't the onyl one it was doign it to..it dragged up our old information rather than using what we had..so it may have been reverted like ours was..

although they never did mess with my husbands..and it didn't happen to everyone..

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My bank got hit with a fraud alert a few months back and sent that on to everyone, and then Paypal locked my account...

Took me a month to get everything cleaned up (had to literally borrow money to pay for gas, rent, food, and SL while my bank tried to hoard my funds...).

But one lingering result was that not long ago when I went to buy lindens I found out that despite relinking paypal to my account, it was NOT linked individually to different payment elements od SL. Look further down from your screenshot for a 'use for inworld, use for website, use for $' series of buttons... You have to link your payment method one by one to each of these now.


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