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Defense against grievers.

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I am noticing a lot fo griefers lately in sandboxes and am wondering about how to defend one self. For example, if someone sends you orbiting inot the air, how can you tell who did it? Everyone says just report them but that is hard ot do when you don't who the attack is coming from? Is there a way to figure it out?

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Some good suggestions have been offered. Can I add some other general ones....

-If being mobbed with particle spam, turn off particles in your graphics settings. Then you may be able to find the prim emitting them easier.

-Mystitool will also tell you what is colliding with you,and who it's owned by.

-Muting works a treat on objects and their owners. Derendering also is helpful.

-Turning yourself phantom can be as effective as box-sitting. (Phoenix has this on it's toolbar, but I'm not sure about other viewers.)

-Use control+alt+T to locate hidden transparent prims.

-Area search (Phoenix) can search for object names and owners. This is helpful if you've found a prim causing trouble,and want to round up any others.

-Not all sandboxes are equal. Well-managed ones are much nicer, and there are plenty around. Try Builders Brewery if premium ones aren't available to you.

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Tiffy Vella wrote:


-Mystitool will also tell you what is colliding with you,and who it's owned by.
-Not all sandboxes are equal. Well-managed ones are much nicer, and there are plenty around. Try Builders Brewery if premium ones aren't available to you.

I still think the Mystitool is one of the most ingenious SL tools.  Ricky (and anyone else), there is a free Mysti available at ummmm...well look up the name Mystikal Cookie in People Search or Mystitool in products to find where.  The free one has less features but is still good.

I used to wear my Mysti 100% of the time.  Now with Phoenix duplicating some of the features I just wear it on certain occasions, but for those occasions it is invaluable.

At sandboxes (and I second the Builders Brewery sandbox as well as the ones at the Ivory Tower of Primitives and ICE) I use the Mysti feature to rezz a sky platform, send it up at least 1000m, then put walls around it and voila!  I'm in my own building skybox.  I prefer that to just the platform because that discourages the "high flyers" dropping in.

Mysti also has a Move Lock feature that is great in crowded places so you don't get pushed around...literally.

A great protection device within Mysti is ... hmmm...trying to remember what the name is, but you click the menu item and blue sparkles appear in front of you.  You "sit" on that and are then surrounded by an invisible "shield."  Walking is sometimes clumsy in it because it is a vehicle, but no one can do anything to you while in it.  (Funny anecdote - years ago I was in a store...the only person in the store AND on the sim.  I was cammed in very closely to whatever I was looking at, but I noticed a green dot appear on my mini-map and a name on the Mysti radar appear - and the person kept getting closer.  I finally cammed out to see a guy with his "freenis" hanging out and the most charming invitation to, well let's just say it rhymes with "puck."  I immediately stepped into my protective bubble and activated my point & laugh animation.  This guy tried to step closer to me and bounced off the invisible bubble.  I was laughing so hard in RL; it was akin to a bird flying into a window (that makes me sad) but this guy kept bumping into my bubble and I could almost "see" his mind thinking...wth?)

The very few times I stay at ground level in a sandbox I just rez a cube and sit on it.  That eliminates orbiting and if someone cages you while sitting on a cube, simply click the cube while sitting on it, edit, and move yourself out of the cage with the positioning arrows.

If anyone tries to verbally annoy me, they get muted and eventually realize they're talking to themselves and leave.

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Just sit on something. Prevents all. (if not in a damage enabled sim - hehehe)

More advanced than a prim to sit on is a NPV. You sit on it and it allows you to move around. Perfect for building. There should be free ones.

You can switch off particles and sound but a swarm of prims gathering around you will surely make you want to build somewhere else or if you have to do something in RL like shopping, thats a good time, but stay logged. Will keep the griefer busy for a while. Of course if there are visible objects you can right click and file an AR.


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An easy way to protect against being orbited is just to pull up a chair and sit. If I have to use a non premium sandbox for some reason, I pull the basic chair from the inventory and sit down. Of course, they can still harass you, but not that way.

Also try to find a less busy sandbox. I try to find the ones with almost no traffic and use those if I have to. The busy ones just attract bored griefers.

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