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I want the kind of SL and the kind of RL in which people who claim to be a friend don't get all up in my business without a permission slip and a lot of lube.

Verena Vuckovic wrote:

Is that really the sort of SL people want ? Or is it not more likely to be a factor putting a lot of people off ever joining in the first place.

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Rosemaery Lorefield wrote:

There is no reason to get that bent out of shape unless you are taking SL way too seriously.


Ceka: I love your stories (I always do though.) They are so funny. And I so agree the way to deal with it is just get past whatever happened and it does become a funny story to tell some day.

When I was renting my first apartment in SL, the manager logged in as his alt to test the door security. My door was letting anyone in and I couldn't lock it or put permissions on it. Of course now I know it was all about group roles they hadn't set the roles properly. I couldn't change media streams either and they couldn't figure out why. But he logged in as his alt and was on voice as both of them arguing with himself. It was hilarious. I was sitting in RL with my mouth open and laughing. One of my funniest days in world.


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Verena Vuckovic wrote:

I think in the end the whole issue boils down to this......

One should not have an SL that is more absolutely 'private' than RL could ever be.

Why so ? Well, because in RL, even though people have their privacy there are always ways round it.........
which is precisely how we find out that people are up to no good
. Imagine a real world where nations could not spy on each other, wives could never determine that husband was cheating, employers could never find out that an employee has a criminal record, and so on etc etc. A real world where everything was so private that one could NEVER know anyone was lying, cheating, stealing, etc.

Well.....that world is increasingly what we have in SL. The problem is......while the real world always offers
means of finding things out even if doing so is not easy......in SL, there are no get-arounds.  In the name of so-called 'privacy'.....what one has is a world where people can lie and cheat with utter impunity !

Is that really the sort of SL people want ? Or is it not more likely to be a factor putting a lot of people off ever joining in the first place.

Hahahaha, I think that is one of the factors that gets people into Second Life :P

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Innula Zenovka wrote:

Well, one good thing has come out of this.   

I've been inspired to make a simple gadget using RLV, containing two notecards.   The device has three options when it's turned on.  Block IMs from and to everyone, block IMs from and to everyone except the people on the first notecard, allow IMs to and from everyone except the people on the second notecard.


is a really good idea this

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jejejejeje (:

mine sometimes breaks. it only happens now and again. i think has something to do with bad lines that some people always seem to get. dont know why bc it works really well when other people call me

even when i get a new phone it does the same thing. dont know why either. am just unlucky like that


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Verena Vuckovic wrote:

I think in the end the whole issue boils down to this......

One should not have an SL that is more absolutely 'private' than RL could ever be.

Why so ? Well, because in RL, even though people have their privacy there are always ways round it.........
which is precisely how we find out that people are up to no good
. Imagine a real world where nations could not spy on each other, wives could never determine that husband was cheating, employers could never find out that an employee has a criminal record, and so on etc etc. A real world where everything was so private that one could NEVER know anyone was lying, cheating, stealing, etc.

Well.....that world is increasingly what we have in SL. The problem is......while the real world always offers
means of finding things out even if doing so is not easy......in SL, there are no get-arounds.  In the name of so-called 'privacy'.....what one has is a world where people can lie and cheat with utter impunity !

Is that really the sort of SL people want ? Or is it not more likely to be a factor putting a lot of people off ever joining in the first place.

Actually your dead wrong. LL can find out about anything that goes on in SL if they care to look at their logs and records so we don't need busy bodies like you prying into our lives to determine if we are behaving in a way that you approve of.  That is the sort of world I want SL to be.  If people are put off by that then they are welcome not to join.  There are plenty of places on line where they can let all the nosy people examine every detail of their lives for approval.

As far as personal relationships in SL,  I tend to take people at their face value until they give me reason not to.  Then , I'll defriend, mute, ban, derender etc as appropriate.  I actually never had much problem with this in the almost six years I've been here since I choose who I'm closest to wisely.  Its easy to get on my friends list but very hard to stay there as anything more than an acquaintance or stay there at all if you do something to me I don't like. Yet oddly I've made some wonderful friends that I have now known for years and feel as close to them as I do my RL close friends. 

 I suspect that you really don't have a life, SL or RL, if you have to be so concerned with what other people are doing and dictate rules to everyone else.  You can argue until your blue in the face, but the huge majority of people here or in SL are going to disagree with you and your never going to convince them to your way of thinking.  My suggestion is to stop acting like a drama queen, associate with a better class of people, hang out in nicer places, and give up the sick and twisted notion that you have that what other people do is ANY of your business unless THEY choose to let it be. You'll be much happier in the long run.

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