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Bagnu last won the day on January 20

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    Prudence is best when seasoned with a touch of madness.

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  1. Other than building or occasional inworld shopping, I rarely do anything inworld by myself. It's hard to fall asleep when I'm spending time with people I enjoy being with.
  2. I was an active participant in the discussion, so I wasn't going to fall asleep. Plus I went with @Cinnamon Mistwood. Maybe I'm coming across as overly negative. I DID enjoy the discussion. I would go back again. I just don't like pompousness.
  3. Meetings are really about conversation, not visuals. I agree with you about "puffing up knowledge" as a weakness. Especially when google is just a fey keystrokes away. The best professors in University were the ones that simplified difficult concepts. In SL it seems it's not as much about learning or teaching, but about how impressive someone can look. But in all fairness they are discussion groups, not lectures meant to teach. We also don't know what people's credentials truly are, so everything has to be taken with a grain of salt.
  4. I never plan or even think about the shot. I just click, shoot, and save, and look at the proofs afterwards. I wish I could decorate as amazingly well as you can though.
  5. Yes. That clicked in my mind now that you said it.
  6. I didn't know you in 2017. We were looking for a place to get married in the accounts we were in (which we never did). You are remembering getting married to someone else. I can't remember his name.
  7. I have every pic I've ever taken saved. This was November ‎24, ‎2021, ‏‎8:23:43 PM EST. Well, the two pics weren't that exact same moment, but close enough.
  8. Cinny and I in the national Blab HQ. We DO have to keep it scandalous!!!
  9. Cinny and I at a scientific discussion group today. I am a little disappointed at how much people try to prove they are scientifically literate to each other. No one attends a discussion group about science if they don't have a solid background. It was about "what defines life". As in a what defines a living organism. That is still an open question. Cinny looked hot as hell though!!!
  10. A serious discussion with @Cinnamon Mistwood
  11. I was there with you in one of your old accounts, years ago. At least it was at Notre Dame, unless that was another recreation.
  12. I have often wondered through the years, if artistic style is due to the limitations of the artist, or deliberate. For instance, could the Egyptians have created realistic perspective? Would they have wanted to? Did the materials they had at hand dictate what was possible? Van Gogh and Picasso, for example, could paint in a style considered "realism", and then went on to drastically different concepts. It's clear it was deliberate on their parts to depart from "realism", and try something different. But going back further in history, does anyone really know?
  13. Well, the last prim I created was sculpted, and it was a close approximation of a rock that came with the house Cat and I have. I created it to replace the mesh one(s), and reduce prim count. Yes, Cat and I built the Island to address a very serious RL issue she and I both have: We aren't wealthy enough in RL to own a tropical Island, or have a house as extravagant as what we own in SL!!!
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