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Istelathis last won the day on December 19 2023

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    Residential sock thief

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  1. If you were reliant upon only a mobile device, in a pinch I believe you could make payments with speedlight (Not entirely sure, because I don't have linden on my alt to experiment with) Speedlight in my experience is slower than mobile, but has more functionality such as access to your inventory. In fact, if all one wanted to do was sit in the same spot, I would hazard a guess speedlight would probably be a better experience, with that said, it has concerns around chat because messages are stored on their server, but having a gold membership does encrypt the messages as explained in their faq https://docs.speedlight.io/viewer-features/im-history-encryption It doesn't look too bad either. You can see the fps is pretty low though, it is better in other locations. If in the event, for some reason I lost access to my computer, I would use both devices in conjunction with one another, speedlight for inventory management, and paying rent at my hotel room, and if I wanted to, to go shopping and SL mobile for exploring. For IOS users, I would suppose speedlight would make a good alternative for when they want to visit adult regions, to go shopping, and so on. Because I have access to my inventory, I also have access to all of my landmarks, which is nice. Another bonus of speedlight is that you can minimize your viewer (or even close it) while browsing the web, and come right back to where you left off, because speedlight will keep you logged in. Above is a comparison of Second Life's viewer, which is much quicker. Notice how the textures are not quite right though, it is still a bit buggy.. and sitting on the sofa caused my alt to be yeeted somewhere 🀣 Very cool features, which I hope mobile will eventually have in it as well.
  2. The outline is the result of your avatar not being rendered, I usually have it for a few seconds when crossing a region, it could just be a connection issue, your phone, who knows? Here is a shot I took yesterday, while exploring destinations, there were parts that looked lousy, but I did enjoy this area of the region I had stumbled in. I believe it was raining, which doesn't translate very well in the viewer (yet) at least this version of rain doesn't. It usually displays pretty well on my side, there are bugs, it is not as good as the desktop viewer, but it does a pretty fine job. When I woke up, I laid around in my bed while playing on it in SLB, moving around in the maze and it did pretty good.
  3. It was built this way, it has a little rezzer in it that rezzes furniture as well. I looked for a link to the original product, but could not find it. It is called "MicroWorlds - Edition Old Home (with accessories)"
  4. Bah, I missed that entirely 😳 I'll have to find or build a smaller home if I want this to work then, the house in there takes up 60 Li. Edit: Yay, the house was set to prim in it's physics, I changed it now it is down to 37. Three prims to work with! Woot!
  5. I was bored so I played around in the sandbox creating a little 12x12 setting A lot of stuff can be packed in here, this yard is huge! I've used 68li.. I'm not sure what I am going to do with all of this empty space... 😡 It helps to have a tiny avatar πŸ˜‹πŸͺΏ I think I'll try to put in a lake next, how much Li can I use in a 12x12?
  6. It is simply convenient, I pay once a year and don't have to worry about it for the rest of the year. I get my 1024 land allowance, which I have split into two properties, and $300L a week. It might be cheaper to simply purchase the linden, and rent, but then I might get bored of SL for a few weeks, do something else, and come back to a bunch of returned items, so it becomes a bit of a chore to ensure I am always feeding some rental payment. If I were really trying to save a few dollars for second life, I probably would not have a subscription, not that I spend a lot of real world money here.. I spend $99 a year and that is usually about it.
  7. I really enjoyed the vegetarian fish filets from Gardein, those are delicious Everything in SL is meat free, but I don't know about bot free. If our SL fishermen in the blake sea are casting their nets, I assume we might end up with some bots in our tuna. I see a business opportunity here Love! πŸ’°πŸ’° We could make millions!
  8. Now I am thinking of bot free tuna, thanks guys. πŸ˜‹πŸͺΏ
  9. Exploring destinations on mobile πŸ™ƒ "Firestorm Ghost Town Outer Limits" And a picture from Firestorm It looks pretty cool, it appears to be a game that I will have to come back to later and play, for now I am just wandering around on the desktop viewer and making comparisons. Bleh, rotted fruit. I never knew this region was even here, I look forward to exploring it a bit further in the near future and trying to play the game.
  10. Geesh, I just left a review and was reading through the other reviews people have left on google play. We are a tough crowd I tells ya, 3.1 average rating on google play It is weird, because it frustrates me, and I don't even have any stake in it 🀣 I'm really impressed with it, but then I guess I am easy to impress 🀣 I gave my review based on the fact that it is beta, not a polished product..
  11. It is good to be safe, but a lot of it falls in our hands. I think, this forum itself is more of a risk than primfeed, because it is open to the public. Someone could easily comb through our posts and generate information about us, and it is up to us to ensure we get the privacy we want from this site. With AI driven sites such as perplexity, I can ask who my avatar is, ask follow up question, get responses on the fly. Doing a search for my avatar, then asking what my political views are: Because the only access primfeed has of yours, is what you put on the site, I actually feel more secure posting there, than here, because it is only accessible by residents of Second Life, with that said someone of course could just have an army of bots scouring PrimFeed for information to feed into whatever means they would like to sort through personal information - it is just easier to do on Second Life's forums. The easiest solution to this, would be to use an alt if you are concerned I think. I heavily recommend people never to share more than they would feel comfortable with others knowing in the first place. As far as tying your real identity to your second life account, I don't know, I mean they clearly can not get it just by your SL account alone. Beyond that, I am not a security expert, I am not sure if they could somehow link your SL account with, say, a facebook account by use of any tools that various sites use these days. I know searching for something in Google will unfortunately, generate results in facebook for ads, and probably other social media sites. So perhaps, if they have the right trackers on their site, you could start seeing ads depending on what you post there.
  12. Playing around on mobile againπŸ™ƒ This is a lot of fun. For a free phone, this pixel is surprisingly capable of doing a lot. The pictures were enhanced using the phone's tools. Unfortunately, mobile doesn't seem to have a detachable camera, so I changed my avatar so I appear to the right a bit more.
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