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    2D Art Graphic Designer

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  1. i would be interested in helping buuut.. i'm not online everyday unless i must be online. I do have Marketing experience as well as being in sl for a long time. And i do have powerful friends i can count on that CAN help YOU get started. I'm just taking a hiatus from SL.
  2. i would be interested to try and help if position is still open.
  3. do we have a landmark to visit your city first?
  4. @Sasy Scarborough use dark mode for the forums. the post is very visible on my opera gx browser with dark mode enabled. good luck
  5. I can be your roommate too if interested. 😁
  6. well congratz and wish you best of luck.. and less drama.. (sl is full of it)
  7. they must have not liked what skills you got.
  8. Hey ,linden labs changed its ToS on forums. I think this posts go under wanted instead. I suggest let this topic die in background slowly and come back in wanted section with a better post. Basically they changed so that people can only post job offers in the inworld employement section but not job requests. There is even a video about this on the main second life youtube channnel but i can't link it here.
  9. do yourself a favor and not embaress yourself and make a gofundme page.
  10. no bumps needed. I already recommended you to the guy below your post.
  11. Ok , how much per hour you willing to pay for this part time job?
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