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How can I make a complete report abuse and how long does it take to resolve it?

MariaCristina Lowey

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I've made some report abuse against the same avatar that has violated the Linenlab law sending my IMs to third parties and also third parties' IMs to me (always without our consent and also through notecards that I still keep), creating some conflicts among other avatars and me. Last time I made the report was 2 days ago against this avatar and another one that were hitting, coercing and insulting me at the presence of another avatar, owner of the house where all of us were in. This avatar was asking them to go away but they still remained there hitting, coercing and insulting me. There was not to much space in the report abuse window to send all they have written to me and I was not able to insert the photographs I made while I was being hit. I'd like to know if the report abuse is considered as complete if you send the local IMs, and the nature of the abuse without indicating the place an hour in which the abuse took place due to the lack of space on the report abuse window. In positive case, I'd like also to know how long does it take to resolve against these avatars and if the reporter of the abuse is informed about the resolution. Thank you so much.

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It can take more than a couple of days to deal with an AR, and I suspect that LL put griefers who are running around crashing sims closest to the top of their action list.  If you included good, clear documentation (logs of IMs, photos, etc. with times and places indicated), then they have all they need to go on.  They will not act on issues that are conflicts between residents, but TOS violations are another matter. You will never hear the resolution, because that's a privacy issue, but you should get acknowledgement that LL has received your AR. 

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If the abuse is continuous then it helps to keep sending more ARs as it builds up a pattern of abuse and helps your case. It also helps if more than one person reports them if they are abusing multiple people.

You do get a reponse for ARs but it will not tell you what punishment was given, because that would be against LL own privacy policy not to share information about our accounts with other people.

There used to be a blotter that showed all the punishments that had been given to people without mentioning the names, but you could usually work out which was the right one from the times and locations, but I dont` know if that exists anymore, I haven`t seen it for a long time.

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I agree, very little space in Abuse Report forms so try what I do. When you get the automatic email acknowledging the AR submission, reply immediately sending additional information and photos you could not fit in on the original form although try and keep things to a minimum. I don't honestly know if this does any good or is simply ignored but my ARs were successful. You will not get any emails back.

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I  have tried, so far, unsucessfully to get SL to force avatar Aspen Diesel to remove a massive object from my land, rendering it unusable.  I have filed at least a dozen Abuse Reports and several Support Incidents. So far, they have not acted and had the audacity to bill me for this period!

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im lookin to report a whole sim for makin fun of somebody and they do it all the time

 i  hear it come out thier mouth 

isnt that cyberbullying and if so  why does the  sim owner allow that

 and im there everyday  doesnt matter what hr i play the game they make fun of mefor no reason and i havent done nothng to none of them


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5 minutes ago, babyd Abbot said:

im lookin to report a whole sim for makin fun of somebody and they do it all the time

 i  hear it come out thier mouth 

isnt that cyberbullying and if so  why does the  sim owner allow that

 and im there everyday  doesnt matter what hr i play the game they make fun of mefor no reason and i havent done nothng to none of them


You can file an AR for each and every person there but chances are, LL will do nothing as it's a resident to resident issue on a private parcel.   What YOU can do is stop going there.  Problem solved.

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Linden Lab does not police cyber-bullying for the most part. There are some types of discrimination they may act against, but often your best recourse is to mute and block the offender(s), then just avoid the offending sim. You can try to AR the sim owner, but SL won't tell you if they do anything about the problem or not.

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