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Kwakkelde Kwak

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Everything posted by Kwakkelde Kwak

  1. It's a long shot, but it's possible there's a "wall in front of a wall" with a semi transparent texture with shadows on it. I haven't seen this setup myself, but heard people use it to keep detail on the real wall. Changing the texture on such a wall could certainly cause the colour change you describe. Changing the texture on the wall behind a shadow plane is a bit tricky, I'd check the "edit linked parts" box and move the shadow plane out of the way, then texture the wall like Rolig described. Then select the shadow plane again and hit ctrl Z to make it pop back into its original position. An even longer shot (if the building is mesh) is the creator made use of a bug in the 2012 autodesk exporter to SL process. I haven't played with it, but some people use it to apply multiple layers to a single surface. I have no idea how to treat one of those walls.
  2. It shouldn't be your hardware (unless one of the components is broken) since I have virtually the same system you have, same card, 16GB of RAM and a 3770K (not overclocked) instead of your 3770. Never had issues like you describe. I highly doubt it's your memory aswell, since SL can't use more than 2 GB out of your 16. Are all your drivers up to date? I have Windows Graphics Driver Version: 9.18.0013.0697, I'm not sure if that's the latest. Are you monitoring your temperatures? It's a long shot, but the GPU could get too hot. I'd expect the entire computer to stall or crash then, not just SL. Did you open the Secondlife log file to see if it contains any clues? You can find it in C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\logs
  3. Maybe this helps with the DNS issue: Mac Second Life DNS Error FIX
  4. MyAlt4099 wrote: And almost all the "template" items designed to be modified are designed for store owners, and priced as such! I mean, seriously? What about the people who just like customizing their own stuff I totally agree, those builder packs cost a whopping two dollars, sometimes even five! How are we going to eat and pay our mortgage? Seriously, try buying 3d models for that price anywhere else, are you insane?
  5. - Open the file. - Click Ctrl-F to search - Search for <Name_array id="upperBodyMeshController-Joints-array" count="12"> - Change 12 to 26 and add the missing 14 bone names I don't know why your file is such a mess, I only get that when I open it in wordpad instead of notepad.
  6. Masami Kuramoto wrote: The other half is content creators uploading unoptimized, lag-inducing, framerate-killing high-poly meshes straight out of Zbrush or Marvelous Designer. True, that makes some mesh as bad as all sculpties, sometimes worse, if people upload 4 high LoDs of an already overbuilt piece of clothing. That's really an exception though and lowering the draw distance to normal settings should get rid of this "too much detail in the distance" issue. It still has got nothing to do with people claiming their computer can't run a mesh enabled viewer, which is absolute nonsense. And a Linden? wow.
  7. First make the model like you did, then export from 3ds max to dae. Open the dae file with a text editor (the one you named "HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"), not the xml file. search for the part where the bones are, change the value to 26 and add the missing ones.
  8. You asked this a couple of days ago and I answered then. You need to add the names of the bones to the DAE file with a text editor such as notepad.
  9. Rolig Loon wrote: My own impression -- not wholly uninformed, because I spend a lot of time fielding questions in the Answers forum -- is that the overwhelming majority of SL residents now have machines that can run a mesh-enabled viewer. I wonder if there even is a single resident with a computer that can't run a mesh compatible viewer. If there are any, I wonder how old those things are, 15 years, 20 years? How could you run SL on a machine like that?
  10. It's not as easy as you might think. An iPad or any tablet for that matter can't be compared to a pc or even a laptop. The entire viewer will have to be rewritten. For android there is one, mentioned in this thread. It would be good for the SL community if there was an official tablet version, but I wouldn't keep my hopes up and if LL ever makes one, it won't be as fancy as the pc version. Quad core graphics? A high end graphics card has thousands of cores. It doesn't mean anything since all those cores are completely different. A6X processor? That runs at speeds we had in mid range pc's about ten years ago.
  11. builders aren't normal but it would be a challenge to keep the transitions fluid and details crisp, I won't deny that.
  12. I'd estimate it at no more than 5, but it will have to be mesh and have some clever LoD models.
  13. I'd say make it mesh, but if you insist on using a sculpt, you'll have to fold the plane in two and you'll have a double sided one. You can't merge two sculpts as its geometry is fixed to 4x256, 8x128, 16x64 or 32x32.
  14. I know how I would do it, but I don't know if you're talking about sculpts or mesh and Blender or Maya or Lightwave or 3DS Max or .... If it's mesh you're working with I think in any program you can copy the plane in place and flip the normals. No need to stitch anything, since Sl will break it apart on upload anyway. btw, since a plane is one sided and the two sided view is merely a trick, UV mapping has got nothing to do with it.
  15. Just the "Reset XForm" under utilities or "Xform" from the Modifier List. (You can turn the object back to editable poly or mesh again after that) It will reset all your mirrors and rotations.
  16. Most if not all 3d game engines don't support double sided planes, that includes the one SL uses. The way around it is to make two planes and push them together.
  17. The global rotation of the object in 3ds max should be the same as the rotation in SL. Did you try to reset XForms before upload?
  18. I think you can only export a body shape that has your name as creator, but I'm not 100% sure. For the clothes you need to add the missing bones to the dae file by hand. From the wiki: Once Collada .dae file is created, open it with any text editor (its an XML type text file), and find a string that looks like:<Name_array id="DefaultClothingItemController-Joints-array" count="26"> Add whatever bones you didn't weight after the ones you did weight (which should be there). The importer has been requiring all the bones listed. That may also have been fixed, but to be sure list them all. Ones you actually use go first, then the rest in any order. Here is a full list: mHipRight mKneeRight mAnkleRight mFootRight mToeRight mHipLeft mKneeLeft mAnkleLeft mFootLeft mToeLeft mPelvis mTorso mChest mNeck mHead mSkull mEyeRight mEyeLeft mCollarLeft mShoulderLeft mElbowLeft mWristLeft mCollarRight mShoulderRight mElbowRight mWristRight
  19. Orca Flotta wrote: But stay away from shadows for daily use, use shadows and DOF only for making photos. High end computers have no problem at all with ultra settings. I had to throttle the fps because they were too high, in most places anyway. In other places turning off shadows doesn't make a real difference either from what I've experienced. On low(er) end systems the shadows have a big impact, that's very true. @OP That computer will run SL just fine, possibly on the highest settings. More important than a wired connection to the modem might be a wired connection for power, so your laptop doesn't go into power saving mode, which will kill your performance. If you want to spend a little extra, I'd suggest as fast a CPU you can afford. SL performance really benefits from that.
  20. What version of 3ds max are you using and what is the version of the exporter?
  21. It could be packet loss. That's more likely to occur in objects with a lot of geometry. No idea how complex your model is. Connection issues don't have to be at your end, so a stable internet connection doesn't guarantee a perfect transfer of data. The easiest way to check if your normals are facing the correct way in 3ds max is turning on backface culling. It's in the object properties, or when you let the layer control those, in the layer properties. (it's what I did in the upper picture in my previous post where I detached half a box)
  22. My first guess would be you used 10 materials instead of the allowed 8. SL simply ignores everything over 8. Could also be a connection issue, lost packets can cause anomalies in a mesh, such as spikes or holes. The first would leave you with entire materialised parts missing, the second probably with some very random patches.
  23. Gromlok Landar wrote: then I went back in to view the preferences to see if it actually set to meters and it says it is G Did you check both system and display units? Did you also check the units in the dae exporter? 3 places which should all be set to meters.
  24. Did you test that on the same computer? (same CPU/motherboard/memory) If so, it seems to more or less confirm what someone recently tested (not scientifically, but still rather extensive), that the CPU speed has a much much bigger impact on SL performance than the GPU.
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