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Kwakkelde Kwak

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Everything posted by Kwakkelde Kwak

  1. Your problem is not in the import to SL. Your problem is in the size of your skeleton. First make sure your 3ds max units are set up as meters: Like I said in my previous post, the scale in SLAV needs to be 1.0, not 40.0: Finally make sure your units are set up as meters in the DAE export aswell:
  2. Gromlok Landar wrote: Kwakkelde... no offense but do you 3d Design at ALL ? Only for the past 10-15 years or so. Detaching seperate faces won't affect your UV work in any way, it might affect some smoothing groups, but that's not very noticable on a 170 meter object. On the left a UV mapped box, on the right half of it detached, no changes to the UV layout at all. If you can't simply detach certain faces, there are various modifiers and tools that keep the UV mapping intact, slice is one of them, it should work on any model, I bet including yours.
  3. How hard can it be to seperate the object into 3 pieces? Just select a part of the object in max and detach it...doesn't take more than I don't know, 5 seconds? If you built 4 seperate LoD models ad a physics model it will of course take a bit longer, but by no means very long compared to the time you already put into the model. And yes 64 meters is the limit for objects in SL, anything larger is not prohibited, but also not officially supported by LL.
  4. I don't know what's going on, could you post the file somewhere so I can have a look?
  5. OhMy Shalala wrote: You only need to tell 3ds where to retrieve the textures from it's materials list and poof they can be applied. In other words, 3ds max can't find the textures, just like SL can't. Only difference is you can pick the textures on upload in 3ds max. It doesn't really matter. What's important is your UV mapping and you don't need to upload the textures for that. You can upload them seperately, that's what I always do. If you are having trouble keeping the UV data on export from max/import into SL, the problem could be in the exporter. What version of max and what dae exporter do you use? OpenCollada doesn't work, Autodesk Collada does.
  6. I don't understand what you mean by "unseeable faces". Other than the two white surfaces I don't see anything wrong in your picture. If you want the object in 3ds max to look like it does in SL, with only one sided faces, you can turn on backface culling. It's in object properties (change "by layer" to "by object" and tick backface cull, or change that same setting for the layer properties) Not sure if that's what you mean. For the materials, how did you name them? Did you use long names or spaces in the name? I think someone had issues with that.
  7. The proboolean itself usually gives me pretty clean results, but I'd turn it into an editable poly or editable mesh before export. Did you by any chance export the object still as a boolean? In that case you're likely to run into issues because both the base object and subtracted object are still in the modifier. (Check the poly/vert count by pressing 7 before and after turning it into an editable poly and notice the difference) You should be able to see how many different material IDs are assigned if you select the object as editable poly (or editable mesh) by selecting individual polygons. So first the boolean oprerations, then convert everything to one editable poly, assign a multi/sub with 7 IDs to it and assign the IDs to the proper faces. Alternatively you could do the boolean operations for the seperate boxes, assign the single slot materials to them, then turn the lot into one editable poly. You can then check the IDs under surface properties. I hope that helps.
  8. Did you pick the material from the object back to the material editor to check if you really only have 7 materials?
  9. Why do you say mesh objects will heat up the GPU? Did you measure the temps? I'm not an expert on the subject by any means, but as far as I know the GPU will just transform vertice, texture and shading data into pixels on your screen. If that's the case, mesh objects should be no different to the GPU than any other object SL supports. It should even be a lot easier on the GPU than sculpted objects which are usually far too polygon heavy for what they represent. It's possible mesh items cause issues such as crashing, but I'd blame that on poor server/viewer or even driver coding before I'd suspect the GPU load. I never experienced any issues with mesh myself other than not being visible sometimes or not loading the highest LoD. This doesn't happen very often either. Pretty much every 3D program around uses mesh, so I don't see why it would cause any fundamental issues.
  10. The dimensions of your skeleton are too big, if you used SLAV to import the skeleton, try a smaller scale when you run the script. It is set to 40.0 by default, when you have the units set up in meters, it should be 1.0
  11. This is what works for me: - Run SLAV and set the scale smaller than 1 (I used 0.2) - Export your mesh as you normally would, with (animation and?) deformations checked in the uploader - Import to SL with an offset of -0.475 or so I think the clue is in the skeleton. If you scale down the normal skeleton and apply xforms, all bones except the hip will pop back to their original size. Instead you can scale the bones with the bone scaler and move them into position. much easier is using the smaller scale in SLAV.
  12. I'm not arguing at all let alone tring to discredit you. I simply said getting a dedicated GPU makes more sense to me and computers with them can be found within budget.
  13. I said that normally euros convert to dollars 1 on 1 when it comes to computers. That's why I suggested a search, not this particular computer. They seem to be out there. Here one in the US, 9 dollars over budget (and a slightly slower GPU than the Dell has): Newegg SONY VAIO And within budget (with a gpu comparable to the Dell I think): Newegg lenovo Slightly faster GPU: Newegg Toshiba Plenty of computers with a dedicated GPU within budget.
  14. Mery? I don't know what that means. Just to be sure, what are you trying to do? Are you trying to upload a very large avatar and can't get the offset right or.... Are you trying to upload a normal sized avatar and can't you get the size of it right?
  15. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: I was just speaking about a laptop in the $500 to (possibly) $700 USD range. For a laptop that's a pretty low end machine. A laptop in that price range will almost certainly not have a discrete graphics card in With 5 minutes of browsing I found a Dell inspiron 14z for 649 euros (on sale from 749). It has an i5 and a 1G AMD Radeon HD 7570M. Not the fastest card, but a lot better than the Intel onboard. Unfortunately it is not on the US site, I found it on the Dutch one. Prices here in euros seem to match US dollarsr pretty much when it comes to computers. What I mean to say is with some searching you can definitely find such a laptop within the budget. It might take some time to find it (longer than my 5 minute lucky shot), but it's worth the efford. EDIT I thought the task manager showed memory use including allocated, unused memory.
  16. There is no defect, you simply can't use such a big avatar, as you noticed the offset is limited to 3 meters.
  17. Hard to tell, first of all look in the logfile (different windows versions use different locations for that): Finding log files Force the error and look in the logfile (secondlife.log), all logs are timestamped. One thing I notice is the boots look like they are made with maybe 1000 triangles, yet the uploader sees 15000. So probably something is wrong with how you made the boots or with how you exported them to the dae file. It would help if you could post how you made them and which program you used.
  18. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: Did I shed any light on it for you? Thanks for the lengthy answer, but unfortunately, no I probably wasn't clear. What I was wondering about was how windows (or any other OS) swaps to the HD when there is still RAM available. Does having more RAM make any difference in this process, does it affect performace of your open programs at all? Does the OS only swap when it thinks you are going to run out of RAM or does it do it always with programs running in the background? I'd like to add that even though 4GB of RAM doesn't cost a fortune, 50 bucks is still 10% of the price of the budget in question. That's a lot if it will make no difference. You can always put in some more RAM later on afterall, you can in a desktop at least, I guess the same is the case for a laptop. I'd rather spend an extra 100 or so bucks on a laptop with a dedicated graphics card which will both speed up the graphics and free up about 1GB of RAM than spending half that on something that doesn't make a difference.
  19. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: I would suggest you do that upgrade from the 4 GB it comes with (though the 4 GB will work but I think you will wind up wishing you had gone with the 8 GB instead once your wife gets on SL) I always wonder about that, maybe you could shed some light on it. Second life itself won't use a whole lot more than 1G plus 1G of video memory if the memory is shared. So that leaves you with 2G to run the OS and everything else if you have 4G. If I understand correctly SL can use up to 2G, but I've never seen it that high. I occasionally have a 2d graphical, 2d CAD, 3d CAD, one or two SL viewers open and 1G in use as RAMdrive. Still that only uses 35-40% of my 16G From what I understand windows will swap even if not all physical memory is in use, but do you really need 8G to run SL? Isn't it wiser to invest that money in a dedicated GPU? I'm honestly wondering how this works, just thought I'd add that before yet another conversation spins out of control
  20. I was cleaning out my inventory this week (what a pain!) and noticed that I have a duplicate of all my calling cards. All calling cards older than august 6th 2010 are duplicted that day it seems, all calling cards after that are duplicated on their initial creation date. My calling cards are in two folders, "Calling Cards\" and "Calling Cards\Friends\All\" Deleted friends aren't removed from both folders, only from the "All" folder. My friend standing next to me even has 70 copies of most of the calling cards. What's going on? Some V1/V2 conflict? Some TPV conflict? Some server bug?
  21. I have an i7 myself (3770K) , it has 4 cores, all with two threads. Second Life 3.3.4 (0) Jun 23 2012 19:35:46 (RestrainedLove viewer v2.08.03.03 ( uses all cores, but just one thread of each of them. Not sure about the official viewer, but I think it does the same.
  22. The fact that there ar more than 2 bones in the dae means the skin is weighted to more than 2 bones. So you can't just replace the bones in the dae, all you can do is add. As far as I know the avatar is imported orientated the correct way by SLAV, no need to rotate it to the front (unless X is front) What would really help (for anyone to be able to help) is posting a screenshot of what's going on.
  23. I'm not 100% sure, but I think that only works with a shape you made yourself. Make a new shape in your inventory, wear it, then try again.
  24. I'd also say look at the wireframe, but not in wireframe mode. Edit the object, rotate your camera in such a way that you're looking at the back of the object (the invisible side) and on a sculpt you'll see nothing, on a mesh you'll see all the individual triangles.
  25. Digging through the forums and the archives I found a bvh exporter for 3ds max that works with the SL skeleton, originally made by Abu Nasu, a couple of years ago. The script works, but only with a specific skeleton setup. I was wondering if there's anything that works with the SLAV skeleton setup, both importing and exporting bvh files. On youtube I found this: I can't find those scripts or any reference to them at all though.
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