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Kwakkelde Kwak

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Everything posted by Kwakkelde Kwak

  1. Chic Aeon wrote: Also, I read in the wiki (I think - somewhere official anyway) that the uploader REMEMBERS your last perameters and tries to upload the same mesh by looking at Aditi and Agni numbers and giving you your last one for that file as a default. It does, that's what the slm file is for. But the numbers you are talking about are estimations. The real calculation is done when you hit the calculate button. I haven't thourougly tested this, but I got the impression that if you use files instead of those estimations, you get matching results. Either way, I would never use the generator, I (and you and all others) can do a much better job myself.
  2. Carbine wrote: I've been having the same problem too, I have a brand new computer and it happens on it as well as my old computer. It's not me that's the problem, it's Second Life. That's a blunt statement. I can tell you not everyone, that includes me, has this problem. If I drew my conclusions as fast as you do, I would say it can't be SL. I'm running Win7 Pro SP1 btw.
  3. Chic Aeon wrote: STILL, I sometimes get varying upload numbers. And yes physics and size are set the same. It may be a Firestorm thing, I know not. To make a fair comparision between your uploads, make sure not only your UV mapping and size are consistent. Also make sure the actual shape is just that. The uploader doesn't reduce the polygons the same way every time, this is the case for both LoD and physics shape. If you want to make a fair comparison, do what you should almost never do for a final product and use your highest detail for all slots, including the physics slot. (or make some custom models, but for a test this would be a waste of time) No idea if analyzing has some randomness to it, but you might want to avoid that aswell and use the triangle based shape..
  4. Not only that, everyone would see everything on another place on the sim than the rest of the residents after a couple of collisions. How impossible would that be for a shared experience? Edfred, just take it from us, it is IMPOSSIBLE. There is something that in theory might be possible, but it would be completely unworkable. The server would have to determine the owner of every object that is about to collide with you before it actually does that, then it has to send a message to your viewer, your viewer has to check if that person is on your ban list then it has to send back a message whether that's the case, then the server has to determine whether to ignore the collision or let it happen. That should all be done in zero seconds or every collision in SL would be lagged.
  5. Holes can have a number of causes, from the top of my head: - inverted normals, the faces should show on the opposite side then - too many polygons in combination with a bad connection (if you have a terrible connection, in theory 2 faces could be too much). Check your connection and try again. - too many materials. SL only supports 8 materials per mesh. Anything over will simply be ignored by the uploader. Either combine materials or split your mesh.
  6. Anyone else would have seen you falling through all those things aswell, so no it is absolutely not possible.
  7. System clothing? are you insane? All the natural shapes of the avatar body would show! We need barrels, lots and lots of barrels. And we need system hair, we can't live without that visual treat!
  8. Since you are still a premium resident, try the live chat, that's one on one. If you rather want to write Linden Lab that's also possible. Contact Support This forum is a residents forum, so addressing LL here won't do you any good I'm afraid.
  9. That really depends on what you mean by "ripped off". Linden Lab doesn't interfere with resident to resident issues. So if you bought something and it's just not quite as nice as you thought it would be, there's not a lot you can do about it I'm afraid. You could IM the creator and explain your problem. If someone scammed you out of your money however, you can file an abuse report. You can read about that in this article: Linden Lab Official: Scams I don't think that will get you your money back under normal circumstances, but it might get the person banned from SL. (If you can post what happened exactly it would be easier to give a to-the-point answer. Just edit your post.)
  10. Edfred Jungsten wrote: Correction, they should be "invisible and phantom" if theyve been derendered. That's impossible. Visibility is viewer side, physical presence is server side. So the collisions between two avatars can't be changed for one particular resident.
  11. I had the same issue a couple of days ago, last resort is the character test and it seems to do the trick. However this time I managed to materialise by removing my worn items one by one.
  12. From what I recollect, the strange triangulation happens on dae export, not on obj. I could be wrong though. Anyway, if it's the case, the Blender workaround should work.
  13. Mizana Imari wrote: So, we make a closed shed without an inside just like this that is still 400 polygons, and it has a land impact of 2. The closed shed wouldn't have 400 polygons, because you can leave out all the geometry for the outside. That's what can cause lower landimpact. But I think you mean something else. Maybe the LoD (a model that shows when you are further away) is what you were thinking about. If you only need to see the inside, you are never further away from the object than half its length. So you can leave out all the lower LoD models. That can save a lot of data, causing the lower LI. Usually I find SL has broken up each quad into 4 triangles or some such, quadrupling my polycount. As you may guess, this isn't good. If your quads are broken into 4 triangles something is seriously wrong with your model. Every quad is two triangles by definition. Graphic cards can't render quads, they render triangles. Even in you modelling software you don't have actual quads, you can see for yourself by making a single quad and then pulling one of the vertices away. You'll see two opposing vertices are connected, you just don't see the edge. You can triangulate before upload to have more control over how this "invisible edge" is positioned, since it can be two ways for every quad.
  14. WolfBaginski Bearsfoot wrote: As far as Poser and DAZ are concerned, the basic technology of figure movement and of clothing is the same, and there have been deformers to match clothing to non-default figure shapes for five years, at least. It's a mature technology, which is part of why Qarl could get as prototype out so quickly. It then also means looking at those two apparantly wasn't enough for a good working deformer in SL. Of course the base is the same, rather than tracking the bones, the skin is tracked. That's the basic technology, but my non scripting non coding gut tells me there's a whole lot more to it. From my experience with Poser, I also have some idea of the problems of making good clothing, and Second Life adds the LOD problem. Good low LOD meshes don't come from an automated process. Making a good Mesh garment is a lot of work, and making good low-LOD meshes adds to that. I have a feeling that Oz Linden has a poor appreciation of that complexity. He almost-whispers a plea for test clothing, and then complains more loudly when it doesn't appear within a few days. And, if you want to make a good low-LOD model, you need to know what the low-LOD avatar looks like. I'm glad there are people who see this issue, but to be honest, none of the clothing I have bought has hand build LoDs. Changing the morph data doesn't have to change anything else. Textures would look the same. The Lindens could have improved the AV without breaking anything. Changing the morph data changes the...morphs. So it would change every single avatar on the grid that doesn't have all the settings at 50, so that's every single avatar minus one or two jokers. Some morphs could do with a touchup though, for example one vertex of the breast pokes out.
  15. Medhue Simoni wrote: Do you really think 2 more months or any amount of months will change anything, other than thousands of more annoyed clothing customers? Was the deformer vastly different 2 months ago? How about a year ago? If anything, all the improvements have been minor, at best. I do know that Qarl made a major change in what the deformer used as it's reference, but beyond that, it is still the same deformer he created a year ago. I haven't played with the deformer myself, so to be honest I don't know what changed. But I do know that when things change, the end user (creator in this case) also has to change things. It's not a process of making the base then making it a bit better every time. It's a process where there's a base and things get changed every time. So if someone makes clothing that is optimized for version 1 it might not work properly in version 3. Sure, you don't have many issues with mesh clothing as is, but do you consider that the creator had to do 6 or more times the work? Forgive me if I'm wrong, but we are men, not women, and women have infinitely more issues with mesh clothing. I'd rather the merchants and creator spend their time more productively and put out different types of clothing rather than repositioning verts on 1 mesh a dozen times, not to mention reweighting them all. Yes people have to make several sizes, but UV mapping, texturing and even the weights can be copied from one to the next, so it's not 6 times the work. I have several avatars, I only bought mesh for females and like I said I didn't have any issues finding a proper size. Mesh gloves? Seriously? Any1 that knows anything would never even consider mesh gloves on a morphed hand. How this is even something any1 in management would allow to hold up the project, blows my mind. I recently read about others trying to deal with the facial morphs too. This seriously pisses me off that these things are even considered, because when the jira was originally created, I mentioned that It would be smart to create the deformer in a way that even mesh avatars could use it to take advantage of all the sliders, making our mesh avatars just as versatile at the SL Avatar. I mentioned this because then there would never be a need for SL avatar 2.0, as all our mesh avatars would be SL avatar 2.0. Immediately after I mentioned this, the red notice to keep the comment on topic was put up. Dealing with the hand morphs and the facial morphs is outside the bounds of why the project was started. Yes, anything is possible, but if we are going to deal with those issues, then we should go all the way and do what I mentioned. The proper way to handle the hand and facial morphs, is to allow creators to retarget the morph regions on our meshes. You misread what I said. I said anything attached to the hands besides gloves will give trouble. Making gloves shouldn't be an issue, since the mesh gloves will follow the morphs. The problem occurs with all other things. Can't think of many purposes, but the SL community as a whole is a whole lot more creative than I am. I can think of robot hand attachments for example. Allowing custom morphs would be nice, but it wouldn't solve the hand issue unless you can turn off the morphs on the "avatar 1.0". If you make enough morphs btw, you could scrap the entire deformer. I brought up Daz and Poser because the issue is exactly the same. The only difference at all is the realtime aspect. In both situations, they are trying to accomplish the exact same result, and in both situations, they are having the exact same problems. In the case of Daz and Poser, they dealt with this years ago. LL could learn alot from them and how to handle the problem. Same issues same problems doesn't mean you can use the same solutions, not always anyway. Let's say the SL shadows don't look realistic enough. I can fix this easily in a non real time renderer by using raytracing or light bounces. The problem is a scene I render can take up to hours for a single frame, not 0.02 seconds. That of course doesn't mean LL can't learn from other programs, I won't deny that.
  16. Medhue Simoni wrote: I don't think the core of how the deformer works is going to change much. This would be the only thing that would create havok. You can think all you want, but can you be sure? So sure it's not worth waiting another couple of months? As for the avatar, yes it still works reasonably well, but you are completely missing my point. The point was any rushed decision can lead to problems down the road, some minor, some major. It's better to wait a few months now than to have years and years of stacking issues. Anyway, the avatar was just an example since its problems are so well known, but if you want to bring it into this specific discussion, there are a couple of things. If the topology wasn't so strange, the deformer would work a whole lot better. Nobody in their right mind would use the same topology for their clothes, so it's hard to match the avatars movement. If you could more or less use the same topology, everything would stretch very predictably. From what I recently read, the hands on the avatar are a huge hurdle in the deformer. Had LL used bones instead of morphs, we wouldn't have any issues. The problem in the thread I am referring to wasn't described, but it's pretty obvious it's anything besides hands or gloves attached to the avatar hands getting mangled in all sorts of ways. I completely disagree with there being any problem with mesh clothes being sold with the knowledge those clothes will be both easier to make and easier to fit in the near future. I'm not exactly a daily shopper, but litterally all the mesh clothes and hair I bought came in enough sizes to make them fit perfectly well without changing my shape. Some people might have problems, but the majority will be fine. If knowing your product will be easier to make in the future and it will look better in the future, we can all close our stores. I mean all of us. There isn't a single thing on sale that will look or perform as good as the same item will in the future after future upgrades. I don't understand the comparison with poser and DAZ. Neither are realtime environments and neither is made for the masses. If something is off in anything I build here on my computer, I know very well how to either fix or avoid it. That's not an option for the SL residents for various reasons. Nice vid as always btw and kudoes for updating all your animations for free. Not everyone has, wants to or can make that time though. I'm sure your customers really appreciate it.
  17. 16 wrote: it really didnt help at the start when people went pffftt !!! i can do that easy. even take money off other people to do now is a whole bunch of other people, like not lindens even many of them, trying to clean it all up. and them that are know that this is not easy and never was has been way overhyped has the deformer. gleeful overhyped even by some people who think they are/were uberleet awesome and linden engineers dont know nothing. dont hear nothing from them anymore now tho. them uberleets. only people left in the game now are the serious engineers and codeys who knew what a pita it was going to be right at the start As far as I know it was Qarl who started the deformer project and as far as I know he is still the one working on it.
  18. Medhue Simoni wrote: Daz adds a first frame to your animation, so when you bring it back into Daz, it will have an extra frame added. Can't you just uncheck "SL compatibility" and leave the t-pose in the first frame? Sory for being lazy and not trying myself...
  19. Sianna Leissa wrote: I feel that Linden Labs, since they have the time to make it so we cannot uplaod mesh without this infomatoin and due nothing to the large amount of lag land problems and other issues that tehy havnt fixed could find another way to get real life infomatoin and let us uplaod meshes. As for illegal meshes I am sure that there is a large amount of residents In second life who would have the good mind to report these meshes to linden labs so they could take care of the situatoin. Reporting to LL directly is useless and won't be acted upon. People can report infringement to the IP right holders. They then can file a complaint with LL and LL will remove the content. That's what LL does. The person offering the illegal content can then demand LL putting it back. If that happens, one of the IP right holders might want to sue the infringer. In that case LL might have a serious problem if they can't point them into the right direction. From what I understood, that's the reason they want your CC or paypal info. I rather hand over that info than my drivers licence, insurance card or passport. It's still not watertight, but it's an extra possibility for SL to identify the infringer and stay out of trouble themselves.
  20. Medhue Simoni wrote: Basically tho, just putting the deformer out to the public, will drastically improve the buying experience for the vast majority of shoppers, and the merchants will handle the rest over time. I think you're right by saying that. However, I think you are overlooking one huge issue. If anything holds back SL it is the poor decisions made in the past, especially in relation to the SL av. Odd topology, poor UV mapping and by the looks of it rushed weight painting on the skin. As we all know this can't be easily fixed without breaking a ton of content, something LL always tries to avoid. Imagine all the animations you made over the years becoming clunky because LL improved the weighting on the avatar. I bet you would be upset to say the least, even outraged wouldn't surprise me. If the deformer is released right now as is, before it's properly finished, imagine what would happen if some changes are made in 4 months. It's very possible all content made in those 4 months is either not working right anymore or not working at all, unless LL puts more patches and sticky tape on the deformer, slowing things down. The least of my concerns is the creator having to redo a part of all items made in that time period, then again, I don't build that much for SL anymore, if any. People doing this for a living or others pumping out a new product every week will have a ton of screaming customers. We lived without deformed mesh for almost 10 years, a little longer isn't that big a deal is it? Let LL do it right instead of right now.
  21. I see more problems with AMD cards on these forums than with NVidia cards. That's about all I can say about that. I agree with Peggy about the overkill. I have a GTX670, which is nearly as fast as the 680 and if the circumstances in SL are bad, and they often are because of the sheer amount of data to process, I don't get more than 20 fps on the highest settings.The load on the GPU is very low in those cases, maybe 25%. If the circumstances are right, a well designed sim and not too many overloaded avatars around, I have seen fps rates of over 200 on ultra settings. This is even more reduculous. In fact I have capped my fps at 60 so the GPU doesn't heat up too much. Anyway, at a certain point the GPU is no longer the bottleneck and anything faster will be useless. Make sure you have a serious CPU and a solid internet connection. Those will probably do you more good than the most fancy graphic card you can find.
  22. Chic Aeon wrote: So is there a technical reason that you would NOT want items to be viewable from a longer distance and as crisp as possible? There is no reason, even besides the technical ones not to have your items look as crisp as possible from any distance, (except for up close). The thing is, at a certain distance, lowering the polycount will not affect your "crispness" in any way. If you zoom out on an object so it is let's say 10x10 pixels, there's no need for it to have a whole lot of triangles. You just need to make sure you don't use more geometry than needed for a nice shape at any distance, for the reasons Drongle described.
  23. You need to click on the texture tab as shown above, then click on the plywood square where it says "texture". You'll be able to pick any texture from your inventory then. As for the exporter, 2011.3 is old news. You need it for pre-2012 versions of 3ds max and Maya. For 2012 you need the standalone converter with that version number. All 2012 FBX versions and 2013.0 and 2013.1 don't work. I use 2013.2 without any issues. Anyway, as far as I know there is no 2011.3 exporter available for post-2011 versions of 3ds max and Maya. There's a catch on material and object names in your scene though with 2013.2 (and 2013.3 I suppose), they can't contain any spaces or you'll get an error on upload. (Mind you this is all information for 3ds max, but I'm pretty sure it is exactly the same for Maya which uses the same exporters.)
  24. It could be as simple as a faulty exporter that loses the UV data. You should be able to texture your hat like any other object in SL. Just select the object and edit it, go to the texture tab and place your texture there. I don't use Maya, but suspect the dae exporters are the same as the ones for 3ds max. 2013.0 and 2013.1 do not work. 2013.2 does so I guess 2013.3 (the latest) will aswell. Maybe you need an update. I never managed to upload model and texture combined btw, not that I tried very hard. I think it has got something to do with absolute and relative paths for the texture in the dae file. Uploading seperately works fine. Autodesk FBX
  25. It's just a game, it won't affect your inworld experience. Your name will go into a public database though, so people can see your soul is (already) taken and by whom. You can read more about it on this page: SL Bloodlines I should warn you though. as soon as you give someone permissions, those permissions will stay for the particular script that calls for them. For the vampire bite that is just the bite as far as I know, but people could make something that looks like a vampire bite but actually is something else completely. The permissions system could allow others to put you in certain poses for example, at their will and there's nothing you'll be able to do about it. There is no real security risk, like personal information, your balance or your inventory, but a script as I mentioned can be very annoying to say the least. Personally, I wouldn't click that accept button if I don't know the person asking permissions.
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