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Lucia Nightfire

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Posts posted by Lucia Nightfire

  1. 13 hours ago, bigmoe Whitfield said:

    I am watching the superbowl,  I noticed "Meta" had an ad for their "virtual world"  why is the lab not making ad's like this to promote one of the oldest worlds in the metaverse?   I know some of us old timers will have some things to say about it, but SL should be at the top of the list for worlds out there. 

    Because they blew 8 figures on Sansar, which failed. Then they had to sell that platform. Then had to sell this platform.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Peter Stindberg said:

    Simulator release  2023-01-27.577942 was rolled out last Tuesday, but quickly showed some annoying side-effects, so an emergency rollback was made. I posted a workaround on the Talk page (https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Talk:LlReplaceSubString  ) which you can use to prepare for the new feature. We'll see if it gets rolled out properly tomorrow.

    Please do not post script examples/snippets on the wiki using Firestorm's preprocessor as it is not officially supported.

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  3. 3 hours ago, Signal Linden said:

    If anyone wants to give the new llHMAC , llVerifyRSA, llSignRSA and expanded llGetSimStats LSL functions a shake on Aditi, the next release candidate build has been provisioned to the following regions:

    - Cloud Sandbox 2
    - Cloud Sandbox 3
    - Cloud Sandbox 4

    Release notes are the same as 2023-01-27.577942, but there is a different build ID, replete with fixes for the bug that caused Wednesday's RC rollback.

    Is there a region on aditi that is NOT running version 2023-02-02.578100?

    I want to test a specific vector that causes scripts to be set to not running, that was NOT mentioned in the bug reports.

    [EDIT] NVM, found one. Said vector "seems" to be fixed as well.

  4. 10 hours ago, Cinos Field said:

    I will never understand Belleza's scripting.

    Because the scripter they keep commissioning has rarely ever evolved their practice over the years.

    And they won't ever seek other talent because they equate their current one as "family", so they're doomed.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, Caleb Kit said:

    I am sorry but enough is enough!  Does Linden Labs no longer have any Quality Assurance person or group?   They roll out new server software and ooops! we got a problem. The we that has the real problem are the creators, and land owners, and the active residents.  Teleporters are broken.  We can't rent homes, parcels, or stores because the rent boxes don't recognize the resident we are trying to rent to and they go away.  We can't run fishing contests, huggers aren't working, and every few minutes here comes another report from a resedent or a potential resident.  Group officers and land managers can only log off and wait. But oh lord help us if we don't pay our tier on time.  Seriously Linden's you have to do better. 

    Caleb Kit  

    Fight the machine! 🦼🚽♻️

  6. On 1/30/2023 at 1:52 PM, animats said:

    True. There's a list of upcoming events. They're just repeated ads for the usual clubs.


    Due to lack of interest...

    To be fair, LL shot them self in the foot with the Adult user group as they wouldn't let you talk about specific products nor would they let you talk in detail about acts/fetishes.

    It was more geared toward Adult policy Q&A.

    It was doomed before it even started.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

    Yup, as you say it's very easy to update. The main problem, I suspect, is that the people who operate the most troublesome sites are using scripts written by some long-forgotten scripter.  They have no idea how to change anything and, in fact, may not even have mod perms on their own scripts (strange as that seems).  There are also a lot of old freebie scripts out there that are still being grabbed by individual users. We see the same thing with builders who still use freebie door scripts that have been obsolete for over a decade. The technical problem is easy to fix, but the social one is likely to be with us for a long time. 

    My comment was mostly towards the ones that charge to change your name in a system, when that system could just be updated.

    I think there is an incentive not to change the format to be more efficient.

    • Like 1
  8. 18 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

    Sadly, not if the person who scripted the fish system decided to store each person's name in a local data file.  If so, then each time someone clicks to get access her name will be compared with whatever was saved. Grid-wide updates to Linden Lab's name files won't touch files that are saved in a local server or an external database. As the Friendly Lion says, the smarter approach would have been for the scripter to save UUIDs instead of names but it's too late to do that now, I'm sure. The way it's set up now is an inconvenience for everyone.

    It isn't too late to correct the data. We now have https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlRequestUserKey

    It is, essentially, an official, remote Name2Key means.

    I use this function with old names to get current names, via uri.

  9. 14 hours ago, Rick Daylight said:

    It also happens just when simply sitting an avatar which is given the menu; I use the system to quickly TP or move to seats around my parcel depending on the menu selection. All that is happening is the avatar selects the seat from a dialog, the menu script messages the seat which does the llSitOnLink(). The viewer is, of course, not minimised; I'm driving it normally.

    It's happened twice like that, yesterday and today. Both times the avatar was first zapped to <0,0,0>, yet the seat reported that the avatar was sat on it correctly. Trying to get the avatar back this time didn't work; camming and click-TPing back to my parcel ended up with the avatar being zapped well off region in the opposite direction, stuck at location something like <400,400,30> and unable to do anything else. I needed to relog.

    After a relog, I tried sitting again and it worked. I can't yet see anything different that would have caused the occasional failure.

    Edit: Possibilities:

    1. AVsit is incorrectly setting the sit position, randomly. I doubt it, but I've added debug code to AVsit to read out the sit offset every time.

    2. The link is somehow being left with an incorrect sit target otherwise, and this is being used before AVsit takes over. Again I doubt it, but I've added code to read out all the sit targets before seating the avatar.

    3. There's a bug somewhere in the llSitOnLink() function, or just in the viewer or SL in general that is causing this and no debug lines can catch it. This is my bet.

    I find it curious that the failed-to-sit avatar's viewer shows the avatar at <0,0,0>, while another viewer shows the avatar seated where it should be. Both viewers being not-minimised at the time.


    Is the sit object within the target's FoV, IE, close by and in their interest list (on-screen)?

    Is the sit object in a location in the region, that when an agent who is not alt-cammed on anything, camera is following them, draw distance is low enough to not load other regions, get sat causes an adjacent region to load when their camera position changes?

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Dorientje Woller said:

    Oh, that script function should be removed, coz it's painting a target on the back of premium users for posible scams.

    The means was made official because there were already other ways of determining someone's account level.

    I, myself, was using one of at least six other known means before LL added OBJECT_ACCOUNT_LEVEL to llGetObjectDetails().

    What do I use the data for? Offering discounts/points/perks to those with Premium accounts that use my in-world services.

    Also, PIOF and/or PIU is all one would need to be considered a target for scams, but really, the ones who commonly fall for them are the newest to SL, MMOs or the internet in general.

    • Like 5
  11. 2 hours ago, Elisabeth Ohmai said:

    Hi! How i can get access to these regions?

    For the "A" regions, you need to be Premium or Premium Plus.

    For the rest, you need to be a member of the group, "Second Life Beta".

    IM me in-world and I can send you an invite to the group.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 5 hours ago, Count Burks said:

    Where did you ask for permission to come and scrape data on the servers I lease from Linden Lab? Ever heard about the Data Protection Act and the fines it comes with? 

    I am tired of seeing your bots teleport in all the time and having to mass ban them. You are disturbing Second Life residents who are paying money to rent or lease their virtual property. You are doing this without asking permission for your own entertainment. 

    @Linden Lab @Keira Linden 

    This strongly reminds me of redzone and it didn't end very well for Redzone. I did have to ban around 80 bots so far this week after opening a ticket with Linden Lab. In recent months bots have become a pest. I have an increase in complaints from residents asking me about who these strange avatars are that hang above their land and not answer them. Every morning I need to filter through reports from bot accounts who have been visiting islands for no reason.

    @Linden Lab has a bot policy stating bots cannot become a nuisance in welcome areas. But bots can become a nuisance to paying customers? Linden Lab Official:Bot policy - Second Life Wiki

    You are scraping user data without being given permission. You violate people their privacy by entering their region or parcel to collect this data. You are putting increased load on the grid and hammering Linden Lab their servers with all your needless teleports day in day out. Resources for which other people need to pay absurd taxes and fees.

    You are also not contributing to the resident experience in world with your bot farm, which leads to less income for Linden Lab, so you are in fact costing Linden Lab money.

    Bots are fine if they are being used as an npc, during roleplay or to model avatar skins and clothing or as a tool to help people in world. What you are doing is scraping data with your bot farm by spying on people and their whereabouts in world. Invading their regions and parcels just because you think you can.


    I'd be more turned off at businesses using bot clusters to generate 95% of their traffic rating than I would at random survey bots coming and going all day.

    It might be nice if Scripted Agent status could be read by script so visitor alerts and/or moderation could be more "efficient".

    Also, aside from the horrible practice of forever equating an IP between a RL entity and any one user, something that other systems like Voodoo and CDS use, the final nail with Red Zone was the discovery they were harvesting incorrectly inputted passwords on their website with the hidden data field "possible Secondlife password" or something similarly titled in each user's account data.

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  13. jTk4mT4.png

    LSDRead is 10x slower than List2*

    LSDListKeys is 6.5x slower than ListFindList

    LSDFindKeys is 13x slower than ListFindList

    This also means LSD generally uses more script timing.

    With this in mind, unless you're saving a significant amount of script memory and/or script timing, you probably shouldn't convert EVERYTHING from list handling to LSD, else I predict in the years to come, that LSD could become a new concerning source of region script lag.

    My 2 pennies...

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