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Kampu Oyen

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Everything posted by Kampu Oyen

  1. >To be fair to LL for once they've been telling us this was coming since Friday. Where, exactly? Of all the thousands of emails they sent me, this wasn't one of them. I guess maybe because it's not useless information?
  2. Maybe LL could resolve the discrepancy just by buying out all the TPV's and gradually destroying their utility.
  3. >fixed yet? I understand what's in it for you to get it fixed. But what's in it for them?
  4. No effect. For people who are having this problem, the unassociated phantom items will continue to appear even if the box is deleted and the pertinent item has been eradicated from every possible corner of inventory. It's there to stay.
  5. >Page loads should be much faster now More subjunctive solutions from LL. I'm also still delighted that so many other things also would work better if they could work at all.
  6. I can actually see some logic behind Linden being very agressive with DMCA. It's probably going to be easier to settle for wrongly disallowing something than for wrongly allowing something. And, of course, they can subrogate.
  7. Then why assign anything to Commerceteam Linden at all? Commerceteam Linden is to Brooke Linden what account 88888 was to Nick Leeson. I can hardly wait for LJM Linden and Raptors Linden to get into the act at this point.
  8. >Another one of my products was flagged for absolutely no reason (the official reason was keyword spam). I checked the keywords, and all of them were appropriate. So? Me and my alts could do this all day, but what would it say about me? Right, that's also my opnion. Even items that use no keywords get delisted when flagged for keyword spam. Really, instead of providing a keyword spam reporting function, they should just have a button that says "delist item arbitrarily". It would be easier on everybody.
  9. >It's pretty messed up that merchants, or anyone, would flag items or give bad reviews just to mess with the competition. A good solid 1% of any general population wouldn't feel bad about doing such a thing, provided that they expect to get away with it. Until LL finds some way to inject carefully selected stem cells into the amygdalae of these unfortunate people, they really should look for some other way of managing the problem. I agree it's messed-up that some people are like that, but it's not really within LL's capacity to solve as a societal difficulty. What's really messed up, though, is that LL is pretty consistently, through action, sending these people the message that they almost certainly will get away with it, quickly, and as many times as they like.
  10. You DO just have to live with it. Trust me on this.
  11. I don't see Brooke on the list. Didn't Brooke also used to handle some of them, too? Such as: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3583 Whatever happened with Brooke and JIRA's? Oh, that's right... "CommerceTeam Linden"; 204; 20% Nevermind.
  12. I think you can expect your competitors to care a lot more about such price differences than your customers will. If I should ever get flagged for such a thing, I would just assume a merchant had done it... or a Linden alt.
  13. They clearly did something with the search functions, which I appreciate. I'm just sorry they can't say that they did, since that would be admitting that there was some kind of problem to begin with.
  14. What happened to the missing items, and why did it happen immediately after the DD conversion? A paranoid person would go beyond the facts in this case. The facts are that the "impossible" has happened and is happening regardless of why. So now the facts, themselves, are paranoid? ... BTW, I'd much more like it if you would call me "Kampu", "Ralph" or "Brooke".
  15. >And this is why serious merchants maintain an inworld store. How much does it pay just to be serious?
  16. >I thought the MP would not be tied to our inventory for delivery If I remember correctly, this was among the very first fears articulated about DD, and one of the very first things that we were told could never possibly happen. If I remember correctly, the notion that it was even possible was characterized as something like "paranoid fantasy".
  17. If the idea is to maximize total revenue, they should be less interested in price than in how quickly the thing sells in relation to its price. One simple algorithm could just be to rank things by how much average commission they have generated per day since they were listed. I've seen some things recently that suggest the algorithm might really be rather close to that.
  18. >Why kill it off intentionally like they seem to be doing? The interested people inside the company don't need to kill it. They just need to drive the company's value down to some point where a controlling share will be affordable. And THEN they can fix everything.
  19. No one is paying me to flag the items or threatening to punish me if I don't. So I won't flag them, EVER. I wouldn't even flag a shameless and abusive direct competitor for such a thing. Having a stupid rule we have to agree to is one thing, but expecting us to do anything to enforce it for them is another.
  20. >Well, this sentence right there...saying it's free but then saying they ask for a small percentage. The listing is free, and they only take a percentage if the total order is over 9L. This is one of the few areas where I think LL walks the walk as much as they talk the talk.
  21. There's no reason to be jealous unless they're somehow influencing the grade of the playing field. Probably very few of them have any such influence, and they wouldn't necessarily even be the most successful ones. In fact, people who really know how to make money here legitimately should probably be the last ones to want to tamper with anything and produce weird new variables. A thing that some lesser merchants are probably right to resent, though, is being characterized (pejortively) as "hobbyists" or "amateurs". It seems to me like there are plenty of other places in the world for "professionals" to make money with the skills being applied here, and that SL is one of the few venues truly open to the creative efforts of less established designers and developers. Why some "professionals" choose to come here and complain about the "inferior" work of their "incompetent" competitors kicking their asses in terms of meeting consumer demand doesn't make all that much sense to me.
  22. >Let's say money is not a problem (which is a very big assumption). What would you do? The first thing I would do is stop making users pay monetarily for LL's mistakes. Even if it's not clear what went wrong, LL is responsible for allowing the ambiguity to be produced, so I would direct my underlings to pay off as quickly as possible anything that is not clearly 100% a user problem. In fact I would have at least 1 person on staff 24/7 specifically to act as an investigative, proactive agent of compensation for LL's errors. If, after that, such a new policy were costing too much to maintain, I would try to reduce the cost by producing fewer errors and through better documentation of user action.
  23. >I'm with you, Medhue, I'm halting all production as well. I think if you ask around even a little bit, you'll find that the list has not ended with the 2 of you.
  24. >Apparently Direct Delivery means to be administered as a suppository. That's not a suppository as such. Now that they've taken your temperature, they're going to take your barometric pressure.... and then... Be patient, though; they've promised they're almost done. "What does this next object feel like to you?"
  25. >Why on Gods green earth would anyone want to control what a person prices their products at on SL? I can start giving you a list of possible reasons, but they're almost all "paranoid". That is, "paranoid" and very well precedented in pertienent legal annals.
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