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Griffin Ceawlin

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Everything posted by Griffin Ceawlin

  1. You can see your whole Xcite! account history on their website. https://www.getxcite.com/accpurchases_v2.php ETA: If you don't have a password for the site, visit one of their kiosks inworld to get one: https://www.getxcite.com/kiosks_v2.php
  2. gunmaker wrote: ^he already HAD cancer **bleep**ING RETARDS the trials are to CURE it. :robotmad: pot headed multi drug using :robotmad:sons of :robotmad:. Nine of 11 young boys treated for a fatal immune deficiency widely known as bubble-boy disease were able to leave the hospital and take up nearly normal lives. But now two of them have developed the condition resembling leukemia. Hmmm. Sounds like the treatment may cause cancer. unfortunatelty (though i am american) americans are way to **bleep**ing stupid Some of 'em, anyway...
  3. Is that a LL-run premium-only sandbox? Doesn't sound like it... You'd have to ask the owner(s).
  4. Who is Self-Employed? Generally, you are self-employed if any of the following apply to you. You carry on a trade or business as a sole proprietor or an independent contractor. You are a member of a partnership that carries on a trade or business. You are otherwise in business for yourself (including a part-time business) http://www.irs.gov/Individuals/Self-Employed
  5. In general, you can receive income in the form of money, property, or services. If you receive more income from the virtual world than you spend, you may be required to report the gain as taxable income. http://www.irs.gov/Businesses/Small-Businesses-&-Self-Employed/Tax-Consequences-of-Virtual-World-Transactions
  6. LaskyaClaren wrote: The forum software has addressed this to me, ... Well, it wasn't originally. It is odd that the software decided to address it to you instead of, say, Madelaine (instead of removing it altogether when the the survey request was). What was it about? No email notifications for you, then? Some budding sociologist wanted help with their homework instead of going inworld and speaking to the natives like they were probably told to do.
  7. Nah. I just happened to notice them before the tantrik black magic/astrology and Mumbai/Lucknow call girl threads started.
  8. LOL. OK. Maybe just a temporary glitch. Let's hope so, anyway...
  9. Dresden Ceriano wrote: ... you'd do better if you started your own thread about it. No, she wouldn't. She's started five more after glomming onto a couple other existing threads, all in inappropriate sub-forums.
  10. I've just recently noticed that clicking Spell Check has absolutely zero effect. It doesn't suggest corrections or tell me that it's found no misspellings, like it used to. Is it just me? Something I've changed? In my browser, maybe? (I reinstalled Firefox last week, hoping to fix some very annoying crashiness, to no avail.) Can we fix that, please? I mean, I can get by without it, but some people need all the help they can get. :smileyvery-happy: Edit: Typo. :smileyfrustrated:
  11. Ya know, usually when people post requests for other people to answer surveys such as this, it's easy enough to ignore. Just scroll on by to the next topic. Posting such requests to an existing thread and violating my inbox in the process is just OBNOXIOUS.
  12. The avatar very often has to be deformed in order to fit inside a prim avatar such as the LL robot. It looks like you're stuck in that state. A relog should fix the problem.
  13. No, they have to be in the same region (sim). ETA: A region/sim only allows 15,000 prims. You can't "add" to that number.
  14. Yeah, you should be more careful. And "as someone who has been playing computer games before computers HAD hard drives", you should know that by now, one would think... LL did what they were supposed to do, based on YOUR abuse report. They locked the account. How can you fault them for that? Transferring your REAL trove of L$s to that account after the incident? Well, that was just silly and most unwise.
  15. I've changed my mind about the paper dolls. Maybe you'd enjoy one of these.
  16. A lil tip: SL is not IMVU, and thank gawds for that. ETA: Not enough meat puppets here. Bring in some more of your friends.
  17. SuzettaLatonya wrote: And yes a saved pic of what u are wearing and added to a folder would be so much better. Dress yourself up, snap a pick, save it to your inventory, and move it to the folder. Also if i could only have back all the Lindens from bad buys i have purchased well could have been prevented had there demos. I think there should be demos for every single thing you buy some how LL can make this happen because it is not fair to have to make bad buys and if you do buy things that have no demo then there should be a 24 hr return or something. 1. Become a more discriminating shopper. 2. Realize that not everything in SL is "demo-able". 3. Understand how permissions work. If everything was transfer/no mod/no copy, that might be feasible, but that isn't the case, is it?
  18. No, it's not a marketing scheme. It's called SPAM.
  19. I'm sure somebody, somewhere, uses the equivalent of a litter box...
  20. LaskyaClaren wrote: *pointedly ignores Griffin's post* :-o Believe me, I've been on both ends of that. They don't seem a lot more friendly on Reddit either, where Palmer Luckey's attempts at damage control are being met with rotten vegetables. And I thought the SL forums could be nasty. Most of the people posting here would be eaten alive in the real world on Reddit.
  21. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: ...being big helps, until you're too big. How true. ...Dres *speaks from experience* HAHA! That look of terror in between "Mmmmm. Let's" and "Wait, I don't think it's a good idea" is priceless.
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