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Freya Mokusei

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Everything posted by Freya Mokusei

  1. As mentioned above, LSL doesn't directly provide functions for this. However it DOES have the ability to interrogate web-forms using querystrings, by using llHTTPRequest. In order to control something via USB using this method, you need three things: The SL object, with a script that calls llHTTPRequest to update the desired status of the device. Depending on the controls available via the interface (some commercial applications similar to this have a variety of speeds and patterns), it will probably require the use of llDialog menus. A webpage (typically PHP or ASP) coded with forms (probably with a MySQL/MSSQL/SQL database running behind it), when a query is recieved from the in-world it will update the database to the desired state. An application running on the 'client' computer (the one with the USB device connected), with the ability to check the webpage (in order to retrieve updates to its state) and access to the connected device. This will allow you to use an object in world, to talk to the webpage. The application then queries the webpage in another method to retrieve the status, and update the connected USB device. I use several systems like this personally (though sadly, none that sound as fun), and can certainly give further advice on the first two parts. I'll be watching this thread with interest, should you need to know anything further. Best of luck!
  2. In the standard LL viewer (it should be the same for FS) it is:- Advanced Menu > Show Debug Settings CameraOffsetRearView FocusOffsetRearView Set the X, Y and Z co-ordinate to other numbers to change the angle. (Make sure you're viewing from the camera angle to start with ('esc' to reset camera), so you can see the changes as you make them)
  3. MOTD = Message Of The Day. It's a long-held standard on IRC and some other chat services. SL has one (which LL or TPV developers can set) when you log in. My presumption would be that it would work similarly to a Busy auto-response. People who start a group IM would be greeted with the message in some kind of unshared manner. For example "Please keep your messages courteous and friendly" or "Remember that our sim is having a party starting at Xam/pm SLT", visible prior to sending a group IM. It's not compatible with the current implementation of groups; LL (under Rod) have implied that they will be looking at the group system, but as yet nothing has been announced. I would say that this feature is unlikely - even unnecessary - since it's likely that group notices will become more visible instead.
  4. I sure hope you've asked them to do so; SL is fairly noticable if you have a limited usage Internet agreement with your ISP. Wireless will never be ideal for SL, and of course your throughput depends also on the classification of the reciever as well. Glad I could help.
  5. Are you using Wifi? Are you using a poor quality/pre-installed/aging NIC? Does the rest of your connection cut out for a moment as you crash out from SL? If so, SL is likely overloading your NIC. Wired interfaces do better, but in some cases the problem can only be fixed by purchasing new hardware. Bear in mind that SL uses considerably more bandwidth and open connections than most services, and purchase accordingly. As mentioned above, the Answers section may yield a better response than General Discussion.
  6. The shortcut to toggle the Second Life UI is:- Ctrl+Alt+Shift+1 As far as I can recall. It's listed somewhere in the Advanced menu.
  7. Mira Kamiguwa wrote: Items fail to deliver from inworld stores, some times appearing after a restart. I'd also like to metion I am using Phoenix Firestorm Release v4.2.2.29837. It may not be mesh directly causing the issue but all was well until the latest update. Another thing I just remembered was turning off HTTP textures allowed much greater sim crossing stability. From crashing 60% of the time to 0%. I am not familiar with Firestorm directly, however it seems considerably more likely that your viewer and network configuration are far more likely to be the cause of your problems than mesh is. I do notice that some TPVs use different code for rendering mesh (if this is the case with Firestorm, you'd need to speak to someone involved with it). Especially considering the 'until the last update' part of your post. I've heard a lot of people recommend doing completely clean installs prior to updating Firestorm, but I can't say for sure whether this would improve your issue. HTTP Textures is poorly implemented. Some people find benefits by using it, many more find they are better disabling it. Problems with it can point to network issues, also.
  8. Mira Kamiguwa wrote: Teleport fails Items not rezzing; especially mesh clothing Crashing while crossing regions Items failing to deliver Teleport fails have nothing to do with mesh, they've been failing recently due to continued development on the simulators, and some behind-the-scenes network improvements being carried out by LL. Crashing while changing regions is related. Items not rezzing (having to right-click to view rezzed objects) is a recent simulator issue, unrelated to mesh. Mesh clothing not rezzing is generally caused by a buggy connection/transfer pipeline. Mesh is affected, but not the cause. You can also generally improve this by increasing the the value of the Debug Setting 'MeshMaxConcurrentRequests', but that's not a solution to a problem that is mostly caused by the viewer. Items failing to deliver are to do with the Marketplace, and are also unaffected by mesh. Marketplace - as I understand it - isn't designed to work reliably. Most of these problems are on-par with 'life as normal'; it is possible you have networking bottlenecks or a router that doesn't enjoy changing regions, but that is typically less common. Bear in mind that to use Second Life reliably you should be getting approximately 500-1000kbps downstream (assuming 10:1 upstream), using wired Ethernet. Your ping should remain under 200m/s (assuming you're connecting from US/EU), with low packet loss (approx. 1-2%). Shared connections, dense packet-switching through old/insufficient hardware (NICs are especially good at failing under SL's load), daisy-chained/poorly-implemented DHCP and wifi will all provide sub-par SL experiences.
  9. Sounds mostly like your viewers are failing to send sensible messages to the regions you're visiting. -- What viewer are you each using? Version number/build date as well. Do you get better/different results with a 'stock' LL-released viewer? Are you wearing any tattoo layers? If so, remove them and try to rebake. (Tattoos are buggy with regard to the rendering pipeline, some will continually fail until removed/added) It's also possible that this will iron itself out over time. Clear cache, then try logging directly into (via the 'my last location' combobox) a mainland sim like Pooley/Brown/Omidyar and waiting for 10-15 minutes for things to rez. Ideally do this separately from your SL husband so that you two can test each other.
  10. The functionality exists, and the concept is simple. Anyone who wants this feature will continue to have access to it, simply by design. The sim knows where everyone is + The viewer allows you to TP to any co-ordinate = TP to any user on the sim. There's nothing else to it. Respect isn't something that software understands. Making this function any more difficult to access would only create the illusion of a type of privacy that has never existed in SL, and never could. Moreover, a required use-case for this function is obvious. It helps people every day (customer service, moderation, land rental, socialising, building assistance), I would imagine at least as often as it upsets people. -- With that said, Exodus Viewer allows people to send and recieve TP-to-me requests via the mini-map, provided both users are running Exodus. It won't ever prevent anyone from using the direct TP method, but it may be worth considering if you want to encourage 'polite TPs'
  11. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: prims do not lag a sim - or more precisely, their effect on lag is miniscule compared to the two things mentioned above. Scripted prims cause lag; unscripted ones do not - relatively speaking of course." Sorry to be correcting this twice; 'Lag' is a general (and broadly over-used) term. Scripts affect servers, transfers affect clients, and both are connected to clothing. If an item of clothing is made of 200 prims, each with 512 x 512px textures, it will definitely cause those around it to experience some degree of lag (simply because loading all those textures will slow down the length of time it takes to fill the scene); but it won't affect the server. Mesh attachments can have less impact to nearby users than prim and sculpt attachments, and the download is usually faster than multi-prim attachments/sculpts. It depends on the size/quality of the textures used, the number of faces with unique textures, the number of polys in the mesh (known as 'optimisation'), and several other factors. Some factors are within control of creators (i.e., they can, to some extent, improve how quickly their clothing is downloaded), other factors depend on LL, or the individual users ISP, network (hardware and software) and computer (also hardware, and software). It is thus incredibly hard to prove how much 'lag' any one object causes, mesh or otherwise. The cheapest to render of course is clothing layers, since they're limited in transfer size to 3x 512x512px textures.
  12. xigaro wrote: it looks like TPV permission revoking is officially supported. I just need to find a viewer capable of doing it Duely noted, thank you! I'll strikethrough my post above.
  13. No legitimate viewer would have this functionality, as far as I can understand. It's against the Third Party Viewer Policy to allow features that affect permissions any differently than LL viewers do. I'm unable to find the source for belief in this however, so would happily accept being wrong. You are welcome to Google for the TPVP. If you have the name of the person who did this, I would recommend filing an abuse report explaining the situation, and ideally giving the region where it happened. That way LL can determine whether the ToS or TPVP were violated. ETA: Strikedthrough as the information in my post is incorrect Mea culpa and etc!
  14. Me > Movement > Stop Animating My Avatar. If it starts again, teleport to a different sim and repeat.
  15. Boudicca Littlebird wrote: One only needs to prove something if they want to be recognized for it in the current day, that is not what drives me, what drives me is to make a statement then wait for the rest of the world to catch up, call it a game, because what I am doing is taking away glory from thinkers in the future, because when they do discover the truth they will only find out that it was discovered years in the past and see the reaction it created amongst the people of that day, thus proving that stake burning is a popular sport. ...Congratulations in advance? Although I am reminded of those thousand monkeys with typewriters. I imagine you'll get one right eventually. Good luck to you though, I have certainly noticed that you enjoy the heat.
  16. Boudicca Littlebird wrote: I keep telling you that for you I give no proof. why should I try to prove anything to people not able to understand it, Tells me everything I need to know about this thread. My time, certainly, is more valuable than wading through Internet-peoples' Timecube-style wild speculation. The Burden of Proof I hope this helps you define your point.
  17. Sephina Frostbite wrote: Have you had this happen before??? It's common enough. I would say it's commonplace that people find someone they like, except for a couple of smudges on their character. Rather than accepting them for who they are, it's fairly easy (and successful) to wait until emotions begin to be shared, and you begin to value their opinion. At this point it's considerably more persuasive to say "Look what we've spent time together making; you wouldn't want to have wasted our time and effort, would you?" It uses guilt, behaviour-shaming, and emotional manipulation to 'change your mind', or risk losing something that they want you to want. It makes it sound as though you're to blame for his unhappiness, and that it will be your fault if the relationship fails. It's all a lie. There's plenty of good, decent ways to discuss serious subjects without resorting to these under-handed tricks. Find someone who respects your decisions, and isn't betting on playing you for a fool.
  18. Phil Deakins wrote: You're the next owner. Which also confirms (to state this explicitly, in addition to Phil's explanation) that these images were sent via inventory transfer, and not from logging into Mayalily's account.
  19. Alpha layers. The icon looks a little like a chainmail t-shirt, and they often accompany mesh items. Check your inventory, in the same place the shoes/clothes are found. If it's not alpha-related, take a pic and post it here so that people can provide better help.
  20. LosAngelesGraff wrote: The groups name is "lindens united". A lot of people have given you criticism on your plans already; however let me tackle the issue of your chosen group name. 'Lindens' are not just L$ (Linden Dollars), they are also employees of the Service Operator, Linden Lab. There is significant wording in both the Community Standards and Terms of Service that relate to not impersonating employees of the Lab. Further, there is a branding agreement that is necessary to understand before deciding on a name for your brand, group or collective; it's important that you don't step on anyones' toes, especially where trademarks are already registered ('Linden' is one such trademark). It is not unknown for Second Life users to lose their groups, time, money and accounts by failing to understand the risks of ignoring any of the three documents linked to above. (This seems fairly basic, as far as Group Promoting goes.)
  21. You may manage better results from the LL billing system by using the Opera web browser. Or you can set up a PayPal, link your card to that, and buy L$ via PayPal instead.
  22. JeanneAnne wrote: if content creators have every right to decide how their content is used then i have every right to regard their cartoons as worthless .. & to laugh at them when they become irate over copybotting & IP theft Jeanne Of course you have that right, I doubt anyone in this thread (except you) is arguing about whether you have a right to act as you choose. There is, however, a name for people who don't afford this right to others. There are names too, for people who casually discard others' values, career decisions, and lifestyles as irrelevant, to the point of criticising them in public. I remain curious regarding why you are proud of these attitudes.
  23. Toysoldier Thor wrote: Because if the $L has proven value and if there is enough shouting about it on the open threads that LL is trying to pretend that their practice of running a virtual economy using a $L currency that can actually be exchanged for true $US currency as not only endorsed by LL but actually promoted and run by LL.... enough RL attention might be drawn to this that LL would have to deal with RL litigation and Government scrutiny as to "what is LL doing here and maybe these so-called virtual currencies need to be better regulated". ... Rodvik absolutely does not want to draw the attention of government regulators that find out that LL is running a virtual currency that has real value and that poor LL practices are causing potential fraudulent activities to happen due to negligence on the part of his staff. I sincerely hope you're joking about this being your strategy. Take ten minutes, think it through. Is this something you want to have said in this thread?
  24. Eve4Blue wrote: if I Touch Something it says Touched in The Chat for all too see This is usually caused by clicking the 'New Script' button while editting an object. Take a look inside any objects that say 'Touched' when clicked: Right-click Edit. Then look in the Contents tab for a file called 'New Script', which you can then delete. (Keep a spare copy if you're worried about accidentally deleting the wrong thing). I'm not certain of the remaining causes of your problems. If you see this post today, and you're likely to be in-world after 8am SL Time, feel free to IM me and I'll see what I can do =]
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