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Freecilla Kuhn

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Everything posted by Freecilla Kuhn

  1. Gotta love those scripts with the commenting in them, that's the best idea ever!!!
  2. You all make really good points here and I would like to go to V2 so as a builder I can see what new users see but... One person mentioned that more people seem to be using Phoenix than V2. The latest version of V2 has a lot of complaints about being not able to download or login. There also seems to be troubles with V2 if one uses a mac and I do. So all in all I am at a complete loss as to what to do... try V2 no no... try Phoenix or um stay with 1.23 for now? Yeah. How could things get so messed up like this? It's just a program, I mean I understand adding complication to say a Photoshop program so they can charge more for it in it's next release but the viewers are free so why not just make it user friendly so no one would even think about using any thing other than the SL viewer?
  3. If you understood what Peggy said then yay there you go. But for next time if you want to change the texture on one prim you don't have to unlink it to do so. You can edit the entire thing and then select 'edit linked parts' and click on the one prim you want to change the texture on and change it but if you only want to change the texture on one side of one prim then select 'select texture' or 'select face' and click on the one side of the one prim and change it's texture, close editor, done.
  4. Seems to work fine for me... you could try to open the script and click on the Reset button at the bottom, close script, close edit and sit on it ok.
  5. Perhaps they changed V2 since but the three times I also tried it, (three different fixed versions at the time) we had to... Hover over a symbol of two lines beside the speaker and wait for a menu to open > click More > click the music button > click ON.... OK now it's not four clicks but it's still four moves. It's actually easier to click than hover and wait for a menu to open but yeah I'll count it as one. You can only use one click in V2 if you first go into preferences and select music on and media off, if you do not and you one click the speaker both media and music come on. In 1.23 you either one click the music button or one click the media button to turn either on or off individually. But please remember they have fixed V2 about 8 times now so yes it might be easier now that it was in the versions last summer, fall and winter. But that is only ONE of the many many controls that has a longer path, when adding them all up it has nothing to do with comfort it's all about what is practical, logical and efficient. For myself when I am not building I am building meaning I always have the editor open and I am usually using the IM window very often so right there I am at my limit of being able to see what I am building. Opening the side bar means I have to stop building completely because I simply have no view in the viewer.
  6. Cool, you might want to try it out here too. We have the terra chutes and smoke but you can use what ever you like. Stand on the blue floor and click it to fall. You'll fall from 1200 m. and a long the way you'll pass our sky beach, 360 global racing, Stonehenge, the CN Tower and land in our mini city or on the beach, yay! http://slurl.com/secondlife/Sialimonus/168/32/1201
  7. Try the URL you want to use in a web browser to see if it works... or try this one in your sim and in a browser to see what happens... http://streams.slcn.tv/music.mov
  8. I find 1.23 easier to use, it's not about comfort for me but functionality. The fewer clicks to do things means I can do more things at a time and I often do. If want to hear music on 1.23 it is one click, V2 requires four, that makes toggling between stream changes to hear different artists a so slow process. While some things can be edited to reduce clicking or you can tear off menus each time to make it easier to do other things this is all extra unnecessary clicking. I want to do things inworld not in the UI. I also find the UI of V2 to be too obstructive of what is going on inworld, I thought the viewer was intended to view the virtual world not the random controls of the UI splashed all around the view of the virtual world. Oh, actually I have an update for the new viewer 3.0.0 . . . As for missing the new features that are being added I feel most of us don't know what we are missing because we don't see it so it doesn't matter. The marketplace web site has removed customers from inworld so so there's not a lot of people adding inworld internet since there's no one there to see it. Sculpties are still so slow to load if they have any complexity so we already see huge balls all over the place a few more balls of mesh wont make much of a difference. I think it all depends on if you are a user and want to use the system as a pastime to play or if you are a resident and you want to be in virtual reality to socialize and/or work.
  9. SLCC is the Second Life Community Convention August 12, 13, 14 http://schedule.slconvention.org/
  10. It has some thing to do with computers being set up to read bits in those numbers faster 16, 32, 64, 128, 512, 1024, the same reason they recommend pictures being set at those numbers as well for upload. Also prims larger than 64x64 take longer to load but if we need bigger thank goodness we still have the megas. I have a race track in a 100x100x100 sphere and anything smaller just wouldn't cut it... I guess we can't say it is 100 meters squared if it is a sphere right?
  11. Sure, stand exacty where you want to teleport to, go to World at the top of the screen and select Create Landmark Here or open the map and select Copy Slurl to paste it on a web page. For either of these to work the Land will have to have it's Land Point settings set to 'Anywhere'. You can do this in About Land >>> Options or ask the sim owner if they can do it for your area if you do not have access to the About Land controls.
  12. It seems they are waiting until they get a version of V2 that actually works before considering cutting off 1.23 so the complaints are not more numberous than they are now... smart move. After all you never hear anyone complaining about 1.23 other than they hope it does not go away any year soon and they know this.
  13. You can do what ever you like.
  14. It looks good so far, very basic but that's fine. As long as they don't go clutter crazy like they did with the viewer. Although I don't see the logic of calling the message board the Home page. Hopefully they do NOT go the way of facebook and make it a massive spamming program with games, multi tagging, requests, pokes, invites, you have been added to a group with out being asked and the list of user inducing spamming goes on and on... just to try to keep people on their wed site longer. You want facebook? Go on facebook. You want social networking? See you inworld.
  15. The older ones are here... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Old_versions
  16. Bumpy works fine for me but only on certain textures. Test them out you'll find textures with medium color difference work best, too low of a color difference and the effect can be too intence but ones with a lot of contrast will move the bumpy too far away and it could look bad.
  17. "We are not responsible for comments..." is a perfectly valid disclaimer that really should not be needed. We should all already know having comments will attract goodies and baddies and individuals will take advantage of this which ever way they see fit. They are responsible for representing themselves meaning it is not the comment or the web site but the person we are learning about that wrote it. Limiting this will only limit learning the true nature of all humans, their development and their interactions with others. It's usually young internet users that make nasty comments with name calling and hatred, I can not say kids since they are not always only kids. It's a passing phase, like any bully their actions will stop out of sheer boredom or when a little maturity comes their way. It takes a community to raise a child and ignoring or banning someone does not help them grow, it can in fact stunt their growth. Negativity will always hurt and it does not matter who it is directed to or if it comes from the child or the adult. It is not a matter of us against them, it is matter of us helping them, no matter who or where they are when we encounter them including on the internet. Being civil is not an action we do when everyone is getting along, it is a way of responding to all individuals in any situation.
  18. Right now prims with flexi can be linked to other prims but if the other prims are linked to the end that sways the linked prims with not move with the sway, they will stay at the center center link point. Also sculpties can not be made to be flexable. Since mesh is a more accurate and detailed sculpty I can not imagine they would add features that they still can not add to normal prims or sculpties.
  19. Just get the exact same program your mother has... or Google photo editing programs, I just did... About 7,550,000 results. Many to choose from. I think most people out here would be using photoshop, paintshop or gimp but these all do a lot more than just rotate and crop.
  20. Linden Homes http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Linden-Home-overview/ta-p/700103#Introducing_Linden_Homes
  21. I have noticed many older sculpties load extremely fast, so fast they are unnoticeable, they are just there. However other sculpties take an extremely long long time to load. Is this because they are made using a less effective program? I use as few sculpties as possible because of this long long loading time. Will some Meshies have this long loading time too? Gosh I hope not!
  22. From everything I know a sim is a sim is a sim and they all have their own controls, prims, billing etc. If a HS is a home stead I can only assume it is real just a sim with again it's own details. With that no you can not have the prim limits combined or exchanged in any way... they may each be in a separte server, (computer) after all. As for the customer service not knowing the answer, well if they do not know they do not know, if no one else is availible then no one else is available, try again later on. Calling Chat is usually for what can they do to help you at that moment not so much there to tell us any and all information about SL. There's so much infomation in so many different areas I don't think anyone can know it all.
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