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Lucretia Brandenburg

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Everything posted by Lucretia Brandenburg

  1. Relationships in SL move along at a faster pace than those of the typical teenager today.I've known people who got together and moved in the next week and are together years later. I think Amethyst put it very well. It all depends on the expectations. I know people who have been together for years here who are very happy in SL, and maybe they do wish it would lead to RL but for whatever reason, that is never going to happen, so they have their happy SL marriages. It all depends on what each person expects out of the relationship and if their expectations match up well. SL relationships work best (regardless of how short an acquaintance before the wedding bells) if both parties are in the same chapter of the same book, if not on the same page. Anyone who's been around SL long enough knows people who were involved with someone for whom the relationship was meant to be a RP only didn't bother to tell their SL spouse. "OMG HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME YOU CHEATING SLIME?" "Huh?? What are you talking about?" As long as both parties know what the other expects, knowing someone a few hours or a few days before tying the knot doesn't have much to do with the longevity of the relationship or feelings involved.
  2. I have seen sims listed under more than one category. Under any category, you can also request that it be listed as newbie friendly, but there are hoops to jump through for a place to be listed that way.
  3. After you manually change the quantity of the item, you have to push the UPDATE QUANTITIES button at the bottom of the shopping cart.
  4. You also have to go to your dashboard and reduce your land use fees to 0 or you will keep getting billed every month even if you do not own the land. Otherwise you are giving permission for them to bill you, whether you have land or not. I know, it makes no sense, but that's how it is set up. So, reduce the land use fees to 0 and if you can't do that, contact LL and ask that someone do it on that end. This is assuming the land was abandoned during a previous billing cycle. Otherwise, if you divested yourself of your land holdings during the current billing cycle, yes, the fees come out for that month. I wouldn't expect a refund for the land use fees if you didn't set it to 0.
  5. I never thought to photograph things. i rez it and look at it and if I don't like it, I delete it, but since everything goes into subfolders, I have a pretty good idea. For instance, Home and Garden -> Landscaping -> Trees And Shrubs -> Spring Flowering Trees -> cherry tree. That's the cool thing about organizing inventory, picking up tips from different people!
  6. Hmmm that isn't too large an inventory. I LOVE organizing my inventory. First thing I do is get rid of any notecards and LMs I don't need that are stuck in outfit folders by searching for keywords MAIN, FLAGSHIP, STORE, SHOP, PLEASE, READ, IMPORTANT, FAQ, INSTRUCTIONS, TOS, EULA, HELP. By the way, I read the notecards and delete the basic ones, anything more complex I hold onto. I never keep LMs, if I like a store, I just search for it. Then I search for bald hair bases that come with every hair, I only need one. I delete the extras. I also make subfolders inside of subfolders for all my categories. However, I find that rezzing a box and naming it and putting everything in that category in the box and then opening the box and copying back into inventory is easier than dragging things into folders. As for the categories I REALLY love my subfolders. For example, in the BODY PARTS folder, I have SKINS, and I have folders inside that one PALE, FAIR, GOLDEN TAN, DARK TAN, ETHNIC, FANTASY. I also have a folder for HAIR. I categorize it by color first - BLack, Red, Other. In each color folder, I have Formal and Casual, and in those folders, I have short, medium, long, updos, ponytails, other. And so on. BTW, before I unpack the boxes I made to create the folders, I make a copy of the box when possible. Once I have everything sorted into folders, I take all the copiable boxes and sort them ... all the subcategories for hair go into appropriate boxes for the hair color, and THOSE boxes go into a box named ALL HAIR. Then I save a copy of the box in inventory, pop one into inventory storage, and leave one rezzed out in world. Not that I'm paranoid about losing things :matte-motes-wink-tongue: However, i don't do that until I've had a chance to actually try things on or rez items and see if I still like them or want them. Some things I remember LOVING and then I rez them and think WOW that is soooo '07 and in the trash it goes. When I have the time, I try on hair, clothes, eyes, shapes, etc and delete anything I don't like. That includes things in fat packs. While it irks me to have to pay say, 350L for a pack of 6 or 8 shades of black hair when I only want 1 and would rather just pay for 1, I don't have any issues with deleting the ones I don't wear. Some people are like "I paid for all 8 of those and I don't care if I never wear them, I am not deleting them" So once I do all that, then its just a matter of keeping up with it. After every shopping trip, dragging boxes and folders where they should go and sorting them so it doesn't get out of hand. I know it sounds like a lot of work but really, the keyword search takes a half hour and can reduce inventory by thousands in that short time. And when you start opening folders you'll find more notecards and LMs that the first sweet didn't catch. I delete any photos that are named snapshot because if its something important to me, I name it when I save it to a flash drive or in my inventory. An hour a day for a week can trim a large inventory down extensively and it gets to be fun I think. I have a friend who is hmmm 7 or so years old in SL and never lets his inventory get above a few hundred items, everything goes into inventory storage. As for storage devices, my first choice is Closet Queen, my second choice is ProLine, third would be Inventory Butler. I've tried others, never been too thrilled. If you have a lot of textures, getting a Kinex texture organizer is a good idea, though with only 17k in inventory, I'm thinking you might not do much building, most builder friends of mine have ALOT more than that in textures alone.
  7. I would suggest writing to the merchant from whom you purchased the item and explaining the error message you received. I don't know if that would show the item as delivered or as a failed delivery, but regardless, most merchants, when approached politely, are understanding of SL glitches (though it helps if it is a copy, no transfer item I've found).
  8. I have tried to purchase the same item for me and as a gift. The shopping cart will not allow it. You can purchase more than one of the same item if they're being delivered to the same person in one transaction but not the same item to two different people without sending one and returnin to the market and ordering another for yourself. if you didn't do this, are you sure the item for you was actually purchased? If it's not in your transaction history, then the sale didn't go through.
  9. Unfortunately, if you've taken all the recommended steps to recover lost inventory and it fails to return, there is nothing further to be done. Sections 10.2 and 10.3 of the TOS spell it out ... LL does not refund SL residents. http://secondlife.com/corporate/tos.php#tos10 Gone is, unfortunately gone. I know it is not pleasant, I've lost expensive things from my inventory over the years, and it really does not feel good at all, you have my sympathy.
  10. If you feel awkward declining friend requests, I suggest saying something along the lines of "I'm sorry, I don't accept friend requests on such short acquaintance" or "I don't accept friend requests from strangers" Anyone who does not accept either of those answers is being pushy.
  11. Hmmm it will do that, you have to set the range on the orb. We have one set for 20m, for instance. If someone is say, 21 meters away from the orb, he's safe. When you click on the orb, you should get a blue drop down menu and you can choose various features from that. I'm not inworld at the moment but I'll log in and see about walking you through it.
  12. Most security orbs have a ban list as well as a white list. When I've used security orbs, I always go for Thomas Conover's Land-Security ORB. It's very easy to set up and there's always lots of support available. You can set it so it boots only those on the ban list. There are cheaper and pricier out there, this one is 300L but IMO is a very good one and quite versatile.
  13. If you don't want to just set things out for sale as is or box them up and set the boxes for sale, but are dead set on using a vendor, your best bet is to contact the creator of the vendor if you've read the instructions that came with it and still can't figure it out. Vendors vary widely, it's impossible to answer that question here without more detail. Instruction manuals, links to websites explaining products and inworld support groups for the product are really the best way to go with that.
  14. This happened to me, I didn't lower my land use fee to 0 after abandoning land. I did not get a refund, despite pointing out that I could find no clear cut explanation or instruction on the SL website explaining that this was necessary. It just never occurred to me that they would keep billing me for land I did not own. However, this sounds like a one last bill situation, since without a premium account, the land use fee does not come into play.
  15. It looks like what you're seeing are rentals of full sims. If you go to the land forum and look at land for sale, there is a wide variety available. With a premium account, you can purchase land in which the tier fee is paid directly to Linden Labs once a month. With or without a premium account, you "buy" or rent land from a landlord, and pay a weekly, biweekly, or monthly fee to the landlord who then pays Linden Labs. 20,000 a week sounds like you have been looking at full regions, they cost a lot. There is a vast number of smaller parcels available though, you just have to look around. The land forums and classifieds inworld should provide more of a variety. Try searching for "parcels for sale" rather than land.
  16. This is with all shoes or just a particular pair? I have had two pairs of shoes that I could not fit properly, but that was years ago. Are you wearing the shoes or adding them or choosing an attachment point? It sounds like the point to which they're attaching is the wrong one. I would suggest putting on the shoe base and the alpha layer, and getting on a pose stand. Then add the shoes to your respective lower leg attachment points and manually move them to line up with your ankles.
  17. My impression of the phrase "This is not any of your business" isn't that no-one can offer critique, but that thread after thread complaining about a business decision that isn't anyone's business but LL's is getting to be a bit much, in the OP's opinion. Not .. don't offer opinions about it but enough already, we all know that plenty find the ads objectionable, how many threads complaining about the same thing one after another are going to be started? As I stated, I don't think the ads make it look cheap, many big name retailers have ads, social media sites have ads. If the website and marketplace had had these ads all along, I don't think anyone would have blinked an eye at them or complained. I did notice the same that Teagan had while on the marketlace , about the ads being targeted to searches and providing links to sites to purchase RL goods, which struck me as funny and rather useless. Oh yes, I want to purchase a diamond tiara for a formal occasion in RL, I wear them so often. Alot of people seem to be figuring that LL must be desperate for money to have these ads. I don't know that people assume that about other sites that do the same thing, because they're so commonplace, that's pretty much the way it's done nowadays. Maybe LL is just getting with the times so to speak, who knows? Regardless, I think anyone who thinks they cheapen the look of things might be a bit out of touch regarding how prevalent this sort of thing is online. Yes, there are cheesy, tacky sites with ads, but there are also very nicely done sites that doen't look desperate or cheap.
  18. Most websites I visit have ads of this sort, which is far better than pop up ads. I never bother to block them, heck, occasionally I see one of interest and click on it. It's a fairly standard business practice nowadays online. People speculate about the loss of sims, of LL losing revenue, gloom and doom. Then when they institute something that could bring in revenue, people complain about it. If ads had been there all along, from the beginning, no one would be complaining about them. As usual, when something new is instituted, people have a difficult time adjusting. When viewer 2 came out, I switched over immediately and hated it for the first week, until I got used to it. Now, I would never want to go back to that old interface. Yet there are still people complaining about not having that familiar interface. Two years from now, people will still be complaining about the ads. The argument of "I'm this or that, why should I be subjected to ads" seems a bit silly, it's not like anyone is say, shoving sharpened ads under your fingernails and torturuing you, they're just ads, once the eye grows accustomed to them, they're barely noticed.
  19. Sometimes those auto expression things are part of something else, like hair or jewelry, I know that sounds odd. It could also be in a gesture that's being triggered when you type. You would need to take off every prim and look at the contents, and deactivate all your gestures and see if that helps. It could also be a wonky gadgety HUD like Mystitool or Doohickey that has the emote menu.
  20. Hi Marcus, if you notice, the male mesh avatars that are most popular now have the HUGE pecs and very large nipples ... it's a very "Tom of Finland" fetish look created by a man with a ... you guessed it ... a thing for big musclebound guys. The information regarding these avatars is freely available to clothing designers, because yes, each shape must have clothes custom designed to fit that shape. I have a friend who can't even bring himself to look at his partner when his partner dons his mesh shape. I think it is a look that you LOVE or HATE, just like with RL body builders who are huge and bulky, with bigger pecs than an average woman's breasts. I always thought one of the coolest things about SL is the abilty to look just exactly like you want to, to customize your avatar to suit you. i don't quite "get" why people want to give that up. In a blog post, a friend of mine wrote something along the lines of "your world, someone else's imagination" in regard to rigged mesh clothing. That's what runs through my head every time I see one of these mesh avatars. I have seen shorter "normal height" guys wearing them, and they look just as bad. Like going to the gym in RL and seeing a very short, very musclebound man, like he's overcompensating in muscle what he thinks he lacks in height.
  21. Tonight, after a two week absence, DJ Rylan Sirnah returns to Skinny Dip Monday at Poseidon Reef. The Reef is a cozy underwater spot, not a club, just a place to come hang out and listen to great tunes spun by one of the few DJs in SL with genuine charisma AND a vast music library. Gorgeous men, a great DJ, a fun and flirty time at one of the most fun bare as you dare events on the grid. Adult avatars only, please, human, fae, furry, etc .. all good. Hope to see you there! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cabria%20Lagoon/127/70/8
  22. That is very true, Perrie. One major advantage of living on a private estate instead of mainland is being able to roll back a sim to an earlier configuration if things get messed up. Like if someone accidentally auto returns thousands of prims, or if terraforming is mucked up in a huge way. Call LL, ask for a roll back to an earlier time when all was right with the sim and voila! Though that's only done if t here's a major problem. once in a blue moon, but it can be done if needed.
  23. I'm an estate manager for an ever dwindling estate. Last week, two renters on 3/4 of one full sim left abruptly. We decided to rent the entire sim to one person rather than carving into odd shaped parcels and looking around for new tenants on such short notice. That meant the people renting the remaining 1/4 sim had to move. The one area available to them on another sim would not work, the guys like to terraform and like to rez what they like, and the tropical theme and terraforming there has to be maintained or long term residents of THAT sim would be unhappy. I felt awful, REALLY awful for essentially kicking two nice guys, long term, reliable renters, out. I knew it would be hard for them to find a 1/4 sim at the price they were being charged. the cheapest for nice land on a well run private estate I'd seen was 250L more than they had been charged by us. However, I thought, nothing ventured, nothing gained. I IMd Damienthor, the owner of Stargazer Estates. He was happy to match the price our tenants had been paying, and showed me a lovely 1/4 sim. He also arranged the rental for daily payments so I could hold the land for the guys for a few days until they were back inworld. He and his partner Maddy and their staff are awesome and honestly, I can't say enough about them. Given the circumstances and RL economics involved, there was just no other way to do things, but it did not leave me feeling very good about it, and I'm grateful to Damien and Maddy for their help and kindness. ps. As to why the estate for which I work is shrinking, renters up and leave without word and without giving enough notice for us to find new tenants. As we tend to rent large parcels at very reasonable rates, the profit margin is more of a break even situation, which is fine with the estate owner, but it means that rents won't cover his tier to LL, so when a region is empty, he will sell before the next tier is due. People will do what they will, of course. However, this irks me because he is the nicest guy, bends over backward for tenants, and isn't out to make a killing. It would just be nice if tenants were as considerate and neighborly as the landlord!
  24. Another thing you can do is use more similar textures in the same color family. There was a thread about this long ago, I can't remember now, probably in the archives. The more contrast among the different textures, the more patches you get. The only problem with prim grass (an excellent solution to it, btw) is that the darned patches aren't always in the same places, so you'd need pretty big patches of prim grass, depending on the size of a parcel. We had a landscaper terraform and landscape one of the sims and she was so frustrated by this, she'd been a landscaper for years and never encountered the issue precisely because all her terrain textures are so very close to one another, if it happens, it really isn't noticed.
  25. On private islands, it's more about having good neighbors with common sense who pay attention when land settings are explained to them, as well as the sims being surrounded by water. Only twice have there been issues, and that was when someone didn't have their land set properly. No one can go to one of my neighbors' parcels and rez a thing unless in that neighbor's land group. No one on my parcel can rez without being in our land group. Since (I like to think) we're all pretty nice people and neighborly, griefing doesn't occur.
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