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Arielle Popstar

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Everything posted by Arielle Popstar

  1. https://www.torontosun.com/news/provincial/former-ontario-chief-medical-officer-sides-with-roman-baber-on-lockdowns Interesting medical perspective on Lockdowns after an MPP of Ontario broke rank with his own government to call for an end to lockdowns. A former provincial top doctor has sent a letter to Ontario Premier Doug Ford siding with Roman Baber, the MPP who broke rank with his own government to call for an end to lockdowns. “MPP Baber made five key points (in his open letter) and I believe he was correct on all five items,” writes Dr. Richard Schabas, who served as Ontario’s chief medical officer of health from 1987 to 1997. He notes that Baber “deserves great credit” for opening up the discussion on lockdowns. “Lockdown was never part of our planned pandemic response nor is it supported by strong science,” adds Schabas, who notes he helped train current top doc David Williams. “Two recent studies on the effectiveness of lockdown show that it has, at most, a small COVID mortality benefit compared to more moderate measures. Both studies warned about the excessive cost of lockdowns.”
  2. If it is any consolation, I too had a researched post I was going to post but at the last minute decided it would only inflame more in spite of being correct historically. As I see now, it likely would not have made it in before the lock anyway so all good, wasn't meant to be in either case.
  3. The viewer encodes your password with the hardware ID of the machine the viewer is on. Even some Window updates can change the hardware ID so it's not just changing computers that will generate that message. It's a silly setup imo but has been relevant for years and many have complained about it so not likely they going to change how the viewer encodes the passwords.
  4. Guess some would just like it if they stuck playing in their own sandbox. Go figure.
  5. Crazy isn't it that in spite of agreeing with his points here, we will still continue to bicker among ourselves over the differences between left and right and let the Oligarchy continue on uninterrupted.
  6. Eww, though i like driving the golf carts, I don't like the golf. These leaders get to share all the skeletons they have in their closets and if there isn't enough, always people out there willing to toss in some fabricated ones.
  7. At the same time there is evidence on the internet that the one you voted for has some creepy habits. I suppose it is just unfortunate that there is just not better choices available for leaders.
  8. I think he is meaning that the social welfare programs are the problem and I agree with that as too often and I know this from social worker friends, they try hard to keep a decent case load so they don't work themselves out of a job. There is also the problem that the programs have a budget they need to spend each fiscal year or they will be reduced the next. So the social workers don't try to get people off the system and into a self sustaining job or career but keep them on the system. I know plenty of people on the system who are lifers and will never get off of it as there is no motivation to from the Welfare programs to do so. They simply go through the motions.
  9. I don't know tbh but do recall something about 30 states. Is that the same as a jurisdiction in the US?
  10. He is being unclear there as the BMD's don't have a "modem" but do have either ethernet ports and/or wifi to be able to communicate with the Central Count System.
  11. According to reports: The potential for hybrid systems to add fraudulent votes without detection was identified by Professor of Statistics Philip B. Stark of UC Berkeley, an expert in postelection manual audits, in September of last year. At the time, he told TYT Investigates that the ExpressVote hybrid, which Johnson County, Kansas, had purchased a few months before the 2018 gubernatorial primary, could be maliciously programmed or hacked to create an entirely fraudulent machine-marked “paper ballot” because the machine includes an option that allows the voter to “AutoCast” the ballot without first printing and inspecting it.
  12. From the page I linked, before it seems the ES&S machines are more vulnerable to hacks though it does mention one Dominion model also having some. https://whowhatwhy.org/2019/03/19/permission-to-cheat-audits-cant-detect-fake-votes-on-new-hybrid-voting-machines/
  13. It sounds good but the reality I see after reading the following page points out that the newer machines are vulnerable to hacking that will leave no trace of any evidence. Some of these states even knew these machines were bad and purchased them anyway. Small wonder Trump kept going on about it being rigged. https://whowhatwhy.org/2019/03/19/permission-to-cheat-audits-cant-detect-fake-votes-on-new-hybrid-voting-machines/
  14. So sounds like an electronic device that could theoretically create more registered voters who might be deceased and then send in a mail ballot for them? https://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/electronic-pollbooks.aspx https://whowhatwhy.org/2019/08/15/hackers-expose-vulnerabilities-in-popular-e-poll-books/
  15. He mentions about being able to take out what I assume to be the database and then reupload it to the machine after modification. Two way communication.
  16. Yes just came across that one too. Looks like Luna was right....darn that hurt In any case it looks like he might have accomplished what he said he did which puts elements of doubt in the claims of the manufacturers. Doesn't mean that they were hacked during the election but bet it is being investigated nonetheless.
  17. I think you found the wrong guy as he doesn't look like the Stanford IT Researcher in my video. Nice try though.
  18. OK I have another one needing fact checking and since you are adept at it, I thought maybe you could prove it is bogus too because if true it does raise questions: https://t.co/GUQxYgAQ8Z
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