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Arielle Popstar

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Everything posted by Arielle Popstar

  1. Well I am in that position too where my own 25 year old Hep C diagnosis is not far enough advanced to warrant being covered by Canada's health care but at least these generics at $550 US are low enough to be within reach of most when life or death is on the line. For those to whom it isn't, there are avenue's that can be tried like FundMe sites etc. I would be open to donating to such a cause for one in such a strait.
  2. From another site I found the other day when searching for generic sources geared to Hep C cures itself: The cost of generic Sofosbuvir + Daclatasvir is US$550 for 12 weeks treatment (2 pills per day for 84 days). https://www.generichepatitiscdrugs.com/hepatitis-c-medication-prices/ If only 2 weeks supply is needed then I guess the cost would be about 1/6 th of $550 or $91 approximate.
  3. Well yes, I understand that and just pointing it out as I am sure there are many hoping for that. There is some study showing that Hep C drugs actually fulfill that aspect. https://www.worldhepatitisalliance.org/latest-news/infohep/3548907/hepatitis-c-drugs-may-offer-inexpensive-treatment-option-covid-19
  4. But the vaccine only appears to prevent it in those who have not had it before, not cure or speed up recovery for those who already have it.
  5. Meh Putin seems to be disagreeing with you here: And even if they interfered, how much of it was made possible by Clinton's emails and the DNC's lax network security?
  6. Well why not, it is what Clinton did for a couple years after her loss.
  7. Nah, doesn't really matter to me. After 4 years of a volatile Trump it might be good to have 4 years of "sleepy Joe".
  8. Think it will be less about what he can do then just holding the fort till the Dems can muster up someone who can.
  9. Not from what I saw the last election. Trump won in spite of them, not because of them. He trolled them like a professional angler.
  10. It is from the perspective that Trump scuppered himself in the past couple months. Had it not been for that, I think he would have stood a good chance of another term.
  11. Well why don't you share what you feel is his best point as I am not likely to be reading it as my list is already way too long,
  12. And yet the dems were incapable of fielding a candidate capable of beating him in 2016 and are just scraping by for this term even with all we know of Trump. Therein lies the real horror for the American people in my opinion.
  13. Further with big pharma there is this article about a low cost alternative cure for Hep C but only for middle income countries like Malaysia and Thailand: That license allows them to charge $55,000-80,000 in Canada and over $100,000 in the US and yet $100,000 vs $300! Even in Canada with our national health care they can't afford to pay for treatment for everyone affected due to those sort of costs: https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/hepatitis-c-1.3538623 https://dndi.org/press-releases/2016/dndi-pharco-hepc-malaysia-thailand/
  14. But there again, the malpractice insurance costs are likely a reflection of how many and much payouts they have had to put out. Shouldn't that be blamed on sue happy patients and courts awarding huge sums to plaintiffs?
  15. To me that isn't an issue with insurance companies but with the medical profession itself. Can't blame insurance companies for making deals to pay the lowest rates as it helps them to keep their premiums somewhat manageable. The problem I see is that doctors make such deals where the disparity between the insured patients visit is so low that it is actually the uninsured patients costs that are supporting that doctors office. When I was looking into the liberal health care platform I ran across an article that pointed out how a a dose of insulin that costs $8 to manufacture and costs a diabetic in Canada $35 but costs an American $300, I realized somewhat the extent of the problem faced by Americans when they are paying such exorbitant sums for what is fairly basic medicine. The real problem I see is not insurances or governments but the medical and pharmaceutical lobbies in being allowed to charge the sort of rates they do for their products and services. That is what makes healthcare unaffordable.
  16. I tried this but the problem remained. I should point out that it isn't a problem with the alt herself searching or buying Adult content but that no one else can gift her Adult content. That is what makes it a bit strange. She is allowed to buy it herself but not have it gifted to her.
  17. Fallin', yes, I am fallin'And she keeps callin'Me back again
  18. Well not exactly as my male alt only needs a change annually to keep up with the average S/L man, my gender confused alt changes once a month but takes advantage of freebies and low cost clothing. My main account is a popstar so she is definitely a lot more costly then the other 2 combined by a factor of 10x+. ☺️
  19. Oh yes, I'm still waiting for a response to whether I have a secret tentacle/pentacle fetish from back on page 2!
  20. Oh ok, didn't realize that's what it was. I looked into the puppeteering a few years ago wondering why it was shelved. The answer I finally got about it was that they stopped developing it due to a number of commercial animators in S/L who having invested quite a bit in motion capture equipment, kicked up a fuss. The fear being that no-one would buy their animations if the puppeteering was added by default.
  21. I have set all that for my alt and yet still get this when either my main account or someone else tries to gift her an Adult item. Adding to cart as gift ***** ******** can not accept items of this maturity level Enter recipient's first & last SL name
  22. Can you test if your other alt can gift that alt an Adult item?
  23. Think you are wrong New UK coronavirus lockdown 'from Wednesday'
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