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Meep UwU

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  1. Okay, so fine, it's within the borders of it, even though it's not part of LPR or DPR. We can agree and disagree at the same time on why this shouldn't be how they handle it. However, it could be an oversight by the US Government as a whole, not LL. The other issue is that they were not currently living there. They were living in Kyiv.
  2. Again, this person is not from either of those. He literally circled KRAMATORSK, which is visibly not in LPR or DPR.
  3. The US law sanctions target Russia, not Ukraine. LPR and DPR have been hot spots for Russian funded separatists, thus why they are included, but I won't get in to the deep politics of this. If you read, the person they've incorrectly sent this e-mail to and suspended does not live in either of those regions, is not a part of DPR or LPR and is for all intents and purposes, most likely going to become a refugee as they've had to flee their home, which he said, was in Kyiv. LL needs to thoroughly review who they're suspending. Taking away someone's income at a crucial moment when they may need it is devastating.
  4. Felt like being a moth I guess. Censored cause top is a bit revealing.
  5. Wasn't sure which random recent picture of myself to throw at this, so, I'll go with this one, lol.
  6. Warehouse Sale has me vibing Cyberpunk again. Ignore the breaking mesh, my shape does that to a lot of things, lmao. Photoshop makes it all better.
  7. Another demoness kinda day. August is close enough to October, right?
  8. Been trying to work on a picture for the past few days. This isn't the outfit, or anything I intend to use, so I'm obviously procrastinating.
  9. I'm just gonna chime in and say, other people's opinions don't matter. The picture is fab, but even my opinion doesn't matter, haha. It's if you like it that truly matters. Also, as a woman who gets pleasure from being an "ornament", I think the picture is very well done and the women all look like they are consensual adults who may be in a happy poly situation. I'm really tired of "feminists" telling me, a woman, that being submissive or enjoying the idea of being on a "chain" or "sister-wives" is wrong. Isn't feminism supposed to be women supporting women? It's 2020 and if a woman wants to be any if this, my god, if she's happy, let her. Even more so, it's Second Life! Let people safely explore.
  10. Me and my white hair, and random animal bits go way back (I'm on the right). The date on this is 03/27/2009! I rezzed on 06/2008, but didn't actualy do anything until around 11/2008 hahaha
  11. So pretty! I did one as well! They're all over Flickr right now! I look like a wet noodle with a trouty fish mouth but what can you do, lol!
  12. Been on a demon-y kick as of late. Edit: video of the outfit: https://i.gyazo.com/642d8a920244232e52af27df5cb3787f.mp4
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