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Frigga Freidman

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Everything posted by Frigga Freidman

  1. Have you not heard of Mount St. Helens? (That sounds snarky - not intended to be!)
  2. Question: As new regions are being released, do they still show (however briefly) as red/offline on the World Map?
  3. Not for me. Living in one for real is enough of a pain. (The 10 year old next door plays the drums, and her mother always nervously queries whether we have "animals in the loft" whenever I go up there to fetch a suitcase.)
  4. Just so people are aware of this issue! In addition to being rotated, the Overlook has lost all its original colors. I'm sure they're working on this. Has this been happening elsewhere?
  5. There are clearly issues with Magnetic Falls right now. I had my SL window minimized for a while, and when I went back just now the house had disappeared, though the furniture is still there. (As far as I can tell, the region wasn't restarted, or I would've had to log back in.) Have logged out. Stll no house when I loed back in. N n u thh prcel so wil s tight and see if anythig hapens. Damn keyboard playing up again. Looks like the Overlook was the only one having problems. Still no house on second login, but I rezzed each of the others, and then the Overlook, and it worked. So I guess this is fallout from the jumbled houses problem. Just standing there and the house disappeared again. IF YOU'RE HAPPY WITH YOUR PARCEL, DON'T GIVE IT UP! Update: I re-rezzed the Ovelook - it took over 2 minutes for it to appear, and because I put some furniture in the living room I can tell that the house has moved about '2 meters' to the left! NO, THAT'S WRONG - IT'S BEEN ROTATED 180 DEGREES!
  6. Keyboard not working properly - ignore post as I made a hash of it.
  7. Looks like I'm out of it for another 5 hours or so 😕
  8. Oh, no - I've had 15 tries since they were released, but 4 consecutive with the jumble! None by water.
  9. Looks like it *is* a rather widespread problem - an alt just got 4 houses in succession in different regions, all with the bug. None of them were in locations I wanted so I just abandoned them. I guess we'll have to wait until next week before they come up with a global/regional fix.
  10. <sad rant>Sigh. I have never had such a hard time finding a home I like in a theme - 4 consecutive tries and all of them jumbled houses, all abandoned because not one of them had even a sliver of a water view. With so much water in these regions, how can it be so difficult? </sad rant>
  11. Whatever you do, don't log out! (See my comment.)
  12. Well, that sucks. An alt got one of those jumbled houses in Alderley, I tried to reset the mailbox, but that resulted in only being directed to a web page (couldn't hold Touch for the 20 seconds). Everything ground to a halt. I logged out, logged back in 2 minutes later and now the house belongs to someone else Feh. Didn't see Quartz Mole's comment. Have just discovered that the system still thinks the parcel belongs to me, so I can't even try again for another. Update: Logged out and went back for a 3rd time - this time the parcel was again set to my name (and the other resident had disappeared from the site) so I was able to abandon. But, whew, hope this isn't happening on a large scale!
  13. One of the houses mentioned is in a very prime location - narrow strip of land between 2 bodies of water. Claimed on April 1st, but no decorating at all. (So as not to draw any attention?) Generally, when a region is released, the houses have been allocated in order starting from the top left of the region. This one is in the top right. I do recall reading once upon a time that LL staff had to take their chances in the Linden homes pool like the rest of us, though. LittleMe's comment about so many regions being released that houses are randomly in the pool doesn't square with what I've observed with any of the major theme releases; regions have been populated one at a time, sometimes in quick succession, but there has been a definite sequence, even during the mass Victorian release.
  14. I'll update my original post. May re-write it into a vertical list a bit later if I have time.
  15. As I'm timed out until later today I've been TPing around to see what regions have already been released (based on checking where I've seen green dots in the last half hour or so). All of the A-named regions have been released, except Azulejo. Other confirmed releases: Backside, Big Sky, Brides Wish, Brokilon, Dallarna, Doggywood, Faraday, Figgy, Manywoods, Precious Wilds, Rhodegate, Waterbury, Widogast, Winged Prayer. Can't promise to keep this up to date as RL isn't great right now, but this is a temporary escape. No discernible pattern now.
  16. Have been away for a couple of hours - does it look as if more new regions are being released, or just abandons from earlier today?
  17. Aconti below Abrin also released, so it does look like an alphabetical release. Also Adelay.
  18. Note: the Log Homes are now appearing, but in the drop down and under "see all homes" - possibly an Abrin abandon.
  19. Abrin, in case anyone still thinks this is an April Fool's joke
  20. Abrin is the first of the new regions, alphabetically. That would be like me getting one of the first Vics in Abrus on their first day. Then there was a lull of about a half hour before regions started being released in alphabetical order.
  21. Ancient Mole after dodging a cow at the Millbank Volcano!
  22. Facing down the storm in Innside - had to do something as the poor puppy is howling!
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