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Frigga Freidman

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Everything posted by Frigga Freidman

  1. I'll be releasing a waterside parcel in Travelers Way at 5:08pm SL time. (Water on 2 sides, but really only visible from the back porch of the Overlook and its upper window.) Still unclaimed 2 minutes later. Update: now gone. At 5:15 - abandoned again, if anyone's interested.
  2. Before seeing this I created a new folder in Program Files and installed the viewer there successfully. With SL open, I looked in the Task Manager and saw 2 instances of dullahan were running. But when I closed down the viewer, both disappeared from the listing. Curiouser and curiouser.
  3. Now having the same problem as I originally stated with today's forced download of SL Viewer - 3 attempted installs. Norton AV and Malwarebytes say that the file is clean, so I guess I'll try disabling the AV for the actual install. Fingers crossed. EDIT: Nope, dullahan still refuses to install after disabling my AV software. Looks like it's back to Firestorm.
  4. I'm downgrading an alt to Basic so will be releasing this very pleasant west-facing waterside (small pond) parcel in Manywoods. Lovely view from the Grandview. Will abandon it at precisely 3:38pm SL time.
  5. Thanks, Sandi, I knew that, but have never seen this message before. The implication is that there are different fees for different levels of membership, with no indication of what the fees are or what categories of photos they apply to. I was wondering if this yet another bit of current SL weirdness (along with some of the glitches with houses in Bellisseria, or disappearing controls within the SL viewer). Or maybe there are new hires poached from Facebook, where they like to 'move fast and break things'
  6. I was just going to take a few pics (using the LL SL viewer) and noticed this for the first time. Anyone know what this is about? I did take one pic and save it to my pc and didn't see a change in my balance.
  7. Purslaine appears to be newly released, although it does look like at least one house was claimed a while ago. EDIT: I see that it was actually released some time ago - but there are 2 unowned waterside parcels next to the near-waterside one that my alt returned!
  8. It didn't show up in About Land> Objects and didn't fully rez. Knew I would abandon the parcel immediately, so didn't go inside to check for any other 'ghosts'.
  9. There may be an issue with the region - at least 2 of the Scranton Woods riverside houses have disappeared from their lots. (My alt just got the same place in Beaverdam (?) 3 times (!) and yet another Jerife Blando riverside parcel - this one with a piece of furniture still inside! - before being knocked out. Internet here has been slower than molasses for the last 2 days, which just adds to the frustration.) 'Night all.
  10. I have another Jerife Blando riverside plot to release - this one directly opposite the river from the one I posted last night. Backs onto the river looking north, though water is only visible from the upper floor, or back yard. Will let it go at 1:30pm SL time.
  11. Off-topic: Some serious weirdness going on. Just logged on with my alt to go to a newly-acquired house and there was an on-screen message: "Choose a male or female avatar. You can change your mind later." Is this a throwback to the early days? (I shut it down immediately, so didn't see what changes my avatar may have undergone.)
  12. I will be abandoning a very nice riverside plot in Jerife Blando - the Overlook in the middle that faces south towards the island. Will let it go precisely at 4:58pm SL time.
  13. A possible explanation: I think if you have re-rezzed your home after setting up the security system that it needs to be re-set.
  14. I'm amazed that that parcel was actually abandoned. (Would have preferred Samandjanet Evening because of the name, but I'd settle for that Frumpkin plot!)
  15. By my reckoning, there are still 2 unreleased Samandjanetevening clones: Frumpkin and Healthy Grove.
  16. Nonsense. It's all down to luck and perseverance. It took me 18 attempts with 2 premium accounts over 3+ days to get my first waterside loghouse parcel. Since then I've landed 5 more, 3 of them abandons from regions released a day or two earlier, and 2 fresh releases. I'm currently holding only 1. As the other alt is already paid for for the month, I've been grabbing what I can, and getting some really lovely abandons (Vics and loghouses), which I've released after publicizing here. No one is being targeted for success or failure.
  17. Coastal Vic in The Elms on a green plot at the end of a street, elevated above the water to the east. Pond behind the house. Will release it at precisley 10:02am SL time.
  18. Houseboat on LP now. ANd I will be releasing a coastal Vic - details as soon as I can get a decent photo.
  19. All the lakeside ones are now claimed, but I will release mine as I have a west-facing lakeside elsewhere. With so many houses in the system it's not likely that knowing the exact time I abandon it will help, but I will do the final 'click' at precisely 10:54 SLtime. Good luck to anyone interested! (Gone in 5 seconds)
  20. Falconer appears to be a release - just got one of the lakeside plots, one on the other side of me also just snagged and the other lakeside neighbor is still reading Linden Home. (I will be returning this one, but will wait a while and announce here.)
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