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Frigga Freidman

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Everything posted by Frigga Freidman

  1. I can't see the official listing yet, but Kazza has two (separate) sale items for Happy Weekend this week: Nuit De Noel fireplace, 5LI - unclear if it includes any of the nearby decor, but probably includes the 2LI fireplace tools (not shown) Nuit De Noel deco - appears to include only the 8LI tree and 1LI pile of wrapped prezzies, but may include a lantern with candle
  2. For 25L$, take your chances on these gacha chairs at Six O'Clock.
  3. Available now for this weekend's Saturday Sale - the 4LI Essentials Chair at Consignment - 4 colors available, but each must be bought separately for 50L$.
  4. Are you missing the thrill of airport security queues and at-seat mini pretzels? Then this 'airplane window wall art' just might be what you need to tide you over - 7 designs, 2LI each for 50L$ at KraftWork.
  5. 😉 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-54908642?fbclid=IwAR2Wm7UJnPdkA0MfCOLF1gofU2vf4cNNmq_mwcIpIIrxPPsT6sm59pTarZI 😉
  6. Another bargain I've just discovered behind Lisp's main showroom - this garden arch/gate/fence panel set - in 10 colors - all for 20L$! Just the thing for a trad that wants some extra curb appeal: arch 3LI, gate 2LI, panels 1LI each.
  7. Not a sale item, but just a reminder that Lisp has lots of inexpensive, well-designed furniture - like these 4LI Prairie chairs - 50L$ for all 4 colors. (I can't see any weekend sale items on display right now.)
  8. Looks like Zerkalo will have 3 sale items this weekend, but only the one for Happy Weekend is currently set up - a 4LI car bumper bench, for 60L$.
  9. For any plant-loving percussionists out there, KraftWork has these drum planters on sale for 75L$ - empty drums 1LI, with plants 3LI. The official photo advertising these shows them being different sizes - not sure if you need to resize them yourself (in which case the LI may increase).
  10. On sale at Muniick for Manly Weekend is this vanity/toilet set - all for 50L$: Cabinets and sink - 6LI, cabinet colors: brown, black, white pink; countertop also color change Jars - 1LI each Wall lights - 2LI each Mirror - 1LI Toilet - 5LI Toilet paper holder - 1LI
  11. In case this gets lost in my other comment: 10:50SLT And Patch has succeeded in logging into Chat. He just announced that 100% of the regions on the grid have now been uplifted to the Cloud! The team still has stuff to do - immediate timeline for release now after Turkey Day.
  12. EDIT: Chat servers currently undergoing maintenance - maybe this will fix the issues of the past week! More stilt regions now coming back online, FWIW. Also, FWIW, at 10:38 SLT neither Patch nor Whitney appears on the BelliCit chat list. (Too busy elsewhere, or just given up trying to get chat to open.) All stilt regions back online and 2-3 green dots scattered about. 10:50SLT And Patch has succeeded in logging into Chat. He just announced that 100% of the regions on the grid have now been uplifted to the Cloud!
  13. This is all proving very educational - thanks to all of you for sharing info about the technicalities!
  14. With the Vics we were alerted to the imminent release first by the appearance of the visible bridge between “north and south” Bellisseria - I recall it being announced in the When Did You Last See thread by a few of us at the same time. During the Log home release, many of us were too distracted by tornadoes, tumbleweeds and the volcano in Millbank to notice whether Patch’s announcement or a visible bridge to the new regions appeared first. (Personally, I was too busy dodging flying cows 🐄 and watching Ancient Mole dance at the top of the volcano.) But, in any case, the notice is a matter of minutes before/after the actual release. EDIT: I should say those two releases began with a single ‘test’ region; the full release happened maybe 15 minutes later.
  15. Despite becoming a GOH addict over the last year or so, I stayed in my original Meadowbrook quite happily for 8 (?) years, and nothin's gonna get me to move from my Innside trad barring bankruptcy! Had my eye on two parcels in 11 cloned Log regions, *finally* got one and am staying put there as well (though it'll be in the queue to go before the trad should the bailiffs knock at the door). The camper was only intended as a temporary home after abandoning a Vic, but I like it so much that it'll stay in the collection until that alt's premium runs out in February. Have high hopes for the Stilt environment - grew up near the coast and I miss the sound of the ocean and seagulls - so if I get one of the parcels I've so-far identified as a dream location, I expect I'll be there for an extended period of time. (None of the speculation for theme 7 has whet my appetite.) But, I'll be cheering the rest of you GOHers from the sidelines!
  16. Probably just as well that the release won't happen imminently - I've been having a helluva time TPing anywhere for the last couple of days... but still waiting eagerly to put down stilt-roots.
  17. But doesn't all the scheduled maintenance to other parts of SL (4-5 hours worth starting ~7am SLT on inventory and profiles) make it unlikely? Looks like the other very large releases happened on Monday or Wednesday.
  18. This sofa by Nutmeg is new at The Outlet. Even though it's 50% off, it's still expensive, but the texturing is absolutely gorgeous. 11LI (I'm assuming the 1LI book stack is included, though it's not specified.) PG = 375L$, A = 475L$.
  19. On sale at Muniick for 25L Tuesday: Half-Moon table - 2LI Vase with peonies - 4LI Framed photos of peonies - 1LI each
  20. You've been missed! (People have been using the 'S' word liberally in an attempt to end your (perceived) silence. )
  21. According to Dyna (?) or Quartz (?) Mole, the average number of parcels per region is slightly more than it is for other themes. Will have to go back to my tally of regions to come up with an estimate.
  22. The SSP regions in Logland are offline NOW, so you may find out very soon!
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