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Frigga Freidman

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Everything posted by Frigga Freidman

  1. If you keep tabs on the world map you would be able to deduce exactly what Matthieu has said - there has been steady work on the part of the moles filling in the areas at the periphery of the log home regions.
  2. Check out this site for a tremendous collection of natural history images that work well as framed prints: https://www.flickr.com/photos/biodivlibrary/albums
  3. We can’t remove the Linden homes. There have been a number of reported instances of those homes disappearing because of problems with the house controller. Looks like someone has found a temporary solution, but it is against the Covenant.
  4. Thanks for the tip - I tried creating a 'rez platform' on my deck and set it to the group, but while my main account can edit and move it, she still can't rez anything on it. When/if I can figure out what's going on, with Quartz's help, I'll report back!
  5. Thank you. It didn't work so I'll contact you after the weekend.
  6. Thanks for your response, Quartz. I’ll give that a try when I get back to my computer, but in my many attempts I tried rezzing objects in 3 different parts of the house (though not yet outside it), where the parcel’s owner had no difficulty, and where my main was successful when build rights were changed from Group to Everyone, and then unsuccessful again when changed back to Group. Same story with another alt also in the group. (Both of the parcel’s visitors *were* able to move and tint objects set to the group, though. Weird, eh?)
  7. On sale at Muniick this weekend: pair of chairs (PG or A) 5LI each, 60L$, and the sofa from the same range, also 5LI but only 50L$.
  8. Unofficial Stilt Home Update: As of 7:15pm SL time 31st December, there are 83 regions where the parcels have 'Protected Land' status. (I have not included any houseboat regions that may still be in the queue for release.) Wishing a safe and happy New Year to all!
  9. I've already re-rezzed the security orb 3 times, using a brand new one from a new Content Creation pack, and an old one from the alt's previous trad! I intended to leave this alone for a while (RL stuff to do) but had another go. This time the security system is working - a different alt TP'd in wearing a wrong tag and was booted out, all OK when the correct tag was activated, but still no rez rights. Tried again with Frigga after insuring she was removed from Admin and Access whitelist - booted out when wearing the wrong tag, allowed in when that was changed. Still no rez rights, yet she can edit/move objects shared with the group. It's an enigma that will have to wait.
  10. So, my alt removed Frigga from having access to doors and windows via the Control Panel, removed her as an Admin and from the Access list in the security system, and set access to Group only. Made sure of the settings and that the system was on. Then TP'd Frigga - wearing an 'incorrect' group tag - into the parcel, and she wasn't booted out. Will try with another unrelated avi who has never been listed in any way on this parcel.
  11. Thanks for the first part - I wasn't aware that being an Admin overrides any Group tag. I'm going to remove Frigga from that and try to TP her into the parcel with an 'incorrect' group activated to see if the Security System is working at all. As to the second part - yes, the land settings were very definitely set to Group for build rights - I'd checked the Parcel Details > Options screen from both accounts when I first found a problem and have double-checked it throughout all these attempts. (The one thing that had escaped my notice was the Landing Point being set - I've never set a Landing Point for any of my houses, so once I cleared that the TP issue was resolved.) Before giving up last night I checked out other parcels in the region - only 1 of 7 in the vicinity of my alt's house booted me off their property. It *could* be that they just haven't set up security, or it could indicate a problem in the region.
  12. Have tried afresh this morning with the same results as last night. (Frigga does have access to doors and windows via the Control Panel at the door; via the Security System she should have rez rights as being a named person on the Access List and/or being a member of the allowed group - I've tried named Group only, Access whitelist only, Group *and* Access list - none allows Frigga to rez objects. One thing I did note when checking the parcel details is that a Landing Point was set - this is not something I've ever done, so once my alt changed the setting to None at least Frigga was able to TP into the house as intended, rather than under it! I've temporarily allowed Everyone to Build, so that Frigga can rez some stuff, and will then request a region reset as your friend did. Many thanks for letting me know that I am not entirely alone in this weirdness!
  13. Hmmmm. I just TP's somewhere else, changed my group and TP'd back to the Stilt house - and *didn't get ejected*! Clearly the security system isn't working as it should. Will go back and re-rez it instead of just re-doing the settings. Fingers crossed! UPDATE: Nope. Something is clearly not right. My alt deleted the security system (the LL one), took a fresh copy of the Content Creation pack, rezzed a fresh copy of the security system, set it up for access to the group and designated Frigga and 2 other alts as Admins. Then Frigga used the landmark with the same result as before, arrived under the house and had free access via the open door, but no joy rezzing anything. Then, for the hell of it, I changed Frigga's group while in the house, which should have resulted in a warning and being booted out, but nothing happened. I think the alt may have a trad content pack, so will try the security system from that instead. Apologies for going on about this in this thread.
  14. It's deffo set to the right group though. Have done it twice, just to make sure Will have to try it with another alt tomorrow.
  15. The parcel is set to a group and I activated that group before using the Landmark that my alt created and sent to my main. (If I'd been wearing another group tag, I wouldn't have been able to enter the house without being ejected by the security system.) My alt then logged in to her stilt house and reset all the permissions in the security system, allowing the group and designating Frigga and 2 other alts as Admins, just to make sure it was all done the same as my other homes. (This is the same group used for my log home, and Frigga has just been there and experienced no problems with rezzing items, and then went back to the stilt house a third time with the same unsuccessful result.) Thanks for the direct answer to my question. I'll try live chat tomorrow if it's available.
  16. I know that if this is a problem for my accounts only I should file a ticket, but just want to know if anyone else is experiencing problems with alts in a parcel's designated group rezzing objects in the Stilt homes? (My main avi - Frigga - has gone to my alt's new Stilt home for the first time tonight and all attempts to rez objects receive the "the owner of this parcel does not allow it" message, despite all permissions being set up as they are for my other alts' parcels. I've tried in both Firestorm and the official SL viewer.) Just checked with my log home, same settings and had no problems rezzing objects. (Also, when I TP'd to the Stilt house, despite having the correct group chosen and the landmark having been created inside the house I wound up under the house. Was able to walk in with no problem, though. Odd.)
  17. I only started using Firestorm a couple of months ago - this is one of the few times “clicking on buttons to see what happens” has actually worked for me 😉
  18. I goofed and my answer appears as part of LittleMe’s question above! PS- To keep things manageable, once I verify that a region’s been released, I delete it from the tracking list.
  19. There’s a much easier way if you use Firestorm - track lots of unreleased regions and then order the results by the number of avatars present in them. If the numbers get above the odd one or two (likely to be people checking the lay of the land, or water) you’ve got a release.
  20. Agua Fresca was one of the first regions released on December 23rd.
  21. There are another 90 or so stilt home regions waiting to be released "after the holidays".
  22. Unofficial Stilt Home Status, 6:00am SLT Dec. 26th: 92 regions with 'Protected Land' designation (~2300 homes) These regions with 'Linden Home' designation, in which all homes are still unclaimed: Bootleggers Atoll, Backwash, Cape Marlin, Belldowne. Corderosa had 1 home claimed when I checked. Many OL homes available throughout all the released regions.
  23. Also now released, but many parcels still available: Tea Time, Long Pier, and Lorelei. (I've checked a dozen of the regions where parcels were listed as 'Protected Land', and none have changed status. I expect those will not be added to the pool until at least January 4th. Fri: Edriss released, and Shore Thing
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