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Frigga Freidman

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Everything posted by Frigga Freidman

  1. Looks like unpainted wood to me. Have we (or has Patch) discounted the possibility of Mock Tudor? (As I live in one, I can tell you that anything goes in terms of door furniture.)The salient characteristics are the visible timbers on the façade, either black or brown, and the render (external plaster). Fancy shmancy examples will have (fake) internal beams and leaded windows. And most have a bay window at the front of the house.
  2. Getting tired of waiting for Stiltland to open? On sale today at Muniick: Shelves (4LI) with assorted crates (large, small and double, 1LI each) 25L$ Decor items including lamps (5 color options, 4LI), potted plants (2LI, 4LI), books with magnifying glass (1LI) and rug (2LI) 60L$ Coffee table (2LI) and round side table (1LI - not shown), 5 color options - 50L$ for both Silver tea set (4LI) 50L$ [Apologies for the overly-dark photos.]
  3. Your delivery guys were far more obliging than ours! May your washing machine have a long and healthy life!
  4. Ah, but did your building have an elevator to get it up there? (And, being in a small British semi-detached, our washer/dryer - capacity 1 pair of jeans, 2 shirts and some underwear - is in the kitchen. Our fridge used to be even smaller, though now we have one that's maybe 40% the size of an average "American-style" fridge/freezer.)
  5. Three green dots in various locations 6:46 SLT Currently only one green dot spotted in Stiltland. (6:25am SLT). Fingers crossed for absolutely nothing to happen for the next 90 minutes as I'll shortly have a kitchenful of groceries to 'disinfect' and put away... ADDENDUM: FIVE (5) bags of carrots! [insert facepalm emoji here]
  6. So, 20 minutes ago there was a visible region with a tiny island between Logland and Stiltland, but now that I've come back to my pc, it's gone... Only see 4 green dots, not all together. Never mind - that region still visible when zooming in.
  7. With strays in Barbaria and Fort Mesa...
  8. Green dots in the 3 Stilt regions closest to Logland - Blackchapel/Fort Mesa/Barbaria. (Patch and Whitney logged into Belli Citizens)
  9. A washer and dryer on an upper floor? Ha! (Too many leaks, too many creaking floorboards, and you'd never get someone to hump it up the stairs in my part of the world. Sometimes it's just too difficult to suspend one's disbelief )
  10. Not only the fridge with all those decor items for 50L$ *BUT* for another 50L$ you can pick up this matching mid-century kitchen table (2LI) and chairs (3LI each) with the round rug (2LI) - with the same color-change options as the fridge!
  11. The secret is, if it's a math question, the answer is usually 1 or zero I'm good at amassing and retrieving trivia (which stands me in good stead with Pointless as well), less good at lateral thinking, I guess.
  12. I only saw them a couple of times, but heard them half a dozen times. Was never quick enough to get a good photo.
  13. A maddening programme. I do well with University Challenge, but Only Connect flummoxes me often.
  14. That was mine until mid-July! Hope you got to witness a few trains while you were there!
  15. For boat owners, the three *all-water* stilt house regions (i.e. not attached to a boardwalk) are Ambergris, Boomer Shoal and Stranger Tides.
  16. This appears to be the only non-repeating group of regions.
  17. I put together a spreadsheet of all the new regions last night, and started looking at which regions were clones - the grouping that (to me) looks like a bird embryo has 4 copies as does the one that looks like a capital C, one of the HB regions has 3 copies, and then other HB regions appear twice. No region actually mixes HB and Stilts. And one all-water region (Ambergris) has 24 parcels. The map's not loading well for me at the moment, but I don't think anything additional has been added in terms of regions since last night. (My spreadsheet includes all 193 named parcels, whether they include HB or are 'just water' blue/pink, and gives their row number - 1-18, and I'm working on lists of cloned regions. Just because. [Eyeroll] Procrastination is the bane of my existence...) Won't be able to get back to it until the wee hours tonight/Sunday morning.
  18. Another Saturday Sale item for the (aspiring) artists among us - Kei's watercolor easel, with a choice of paintings and a blank canvas for your own. 4LI, 75L$.
  19. They're a little on the large side as well, but scale down OK. I have extra copies of no. 4 and 10 to trade for no. 8
  20. It looks like this will be Kazza's Happy Weekend offering, though there's not much if anything showing yet for the Christmas decor. The sofa is 12LI, and each version of the chair is 5LI. Each table lamp is 2LI (and the difficult to see side tables are 1LI each), the coffee table is 1LI, the bells 1LI, the candles 2LI and the chocolates 1LI. Two wire ceiling lamps are 2LI.
  21. Available now at Consignment/Brocante for the Saturday Sale, this record player shelf with all the decor items shown is 50L$ and 6LI.
  22. On sale now at Commoner, this 'Tulip' chair 3LI, 50L$ (does *not* include the pillow, which costs 100L$!) and the Peace & Love tic tac toe, 1LI also 50L$.
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