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Jordyn McGregor

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Everything posted by Jordyn McGregor

  1. I have to side with SassySam on this one. I don't see it as cultural appropriation, and in fact have seen people of other cultures (Asian, American Indian etc) saying that they see it as cultural appreciation. We're taught to treat everyone as equals, to accept people of different colours, cultures and races, and when people do this by immersing themselves in it, they are jumped on and have the ole "omg cultural appropriation" finger waved at them. Now as for my example of things that are seen as negative in RL and accepted in SL...walking into someone else's home. People seem to think there is nothing wrong with just waltzing right on into someone's home in SL, even fornicating in their bed, and you would not do this in RL. I was once enjoying some "adult time" with a partner in my skybox home and had a couple TP in. The male told us to hurry up cos he wanted to use MY bed. After profile checking, I noticed he was partnered...and NOT to his companion. His partner received a screenshot and copy of the convo, along with a "please let your man fornicate with his skanks in his own bed and not mine." I noticed he was single not long afterwards.
  2. I'm tapping out. I'm done trying to express my thoughts and opinions only to be shouted down and told I'm "torturing" everyone because I don't agree with the incredibly vocal few. So I shall leave you (the collective "you" who know who they are) to your virtuous circle jerk of self righteousness, "wokeness" and virtual signalling, and just remind you that having a differing opinion does NOT make one a fascist and does NOT make one wrong.
  3. I'm happy with my Lona from Catwa and Ella from League. Maybe it's because I don't like change or I get attached to how my avatar looks and take it on as "this is me". I admit I think I do look a bit ditzy and cartoony at times, but like I said, this is me and I like her. That being said, I do also own the Strong (the gift one and the one I bought when it first came out) and Classic Face from Genus, May and Erin (Evol) from LeLutka, and Neve, Scarlet and Ivy from Laq. I use them when I have to blog different appliers of hairbases etc. I'm not a fan of how I look in any of them and struggle with the HUDs, so sticking with my Catwa! I do second what has been said about hair making a difference in how you can look. And keep repeating - eyes! It's a huge deal to get gorgeous realistic eyes. They can make such a difference.
  4. Disagreeing with something does not make me a fascist. But thanks for sinking to the lowest form of debate...name calling.
  5. I agree that it's hard to make friends. I've tried going places, being more active here, even joining AVMatch and approaching people there....nada. I guess I am destined to be a workaholic hermit loner forever sorting my inventory on my skypad.
  6. So now engaging in dialogue is torture just because I am not American. Noted. That is a completely insulting and degrading thing to say. Keep fiddling whilst your country burns.
  7. I have seen many black people speaking out about BLM. And just cos some say it doesn't exist doesn't mean it does. It goes both ways ya know. I shall wait here for your replies about Uncles Toms, the evils of conservative black people denying their race blah blah blah.
  8. I know, and understand your analogy. I was trying, in my own weird way, to lighten the mood a little. Although nothing could ever convince me to eat brussel sprouts!!!
  9. I disagree. It wasn't the way of the world to exterminate an entire race of people, just one madman's.
  10. COS BACON IS YUMMY!!! And I am praying it is NEVER a vegan world. I love steak waaay too much! Like I said, weird analog, but I was simply trying to equate something that is normal and accepted in our time maybe being seen as barbaric and something to be scorned 100 years from now.
  11. Yeah I was gonna say I did not post the video you are talking about...collectively or not...so I am unsure what your point is here.
  12. I disagree with you on so many points here, including how white people helped free slaves and worked the underground railroad too - in fact, it probably wouldn't have succeeded without them, but the only thing I will address is the part where I bolded your words. Whilst I agree that slavery was a hideous part of history, I am throwing it out there that it is unfair to call people villians who in their point in history were just people living their lives the way the world was back then. Maybe not always in the nicest way possible, but it's just how life goes. A weird, but only way I can make my point, example. Let's say 100 years from now, the vegans finally got their way and eating meat is looked on as barbaric and people who did were worse than Hitler. Would you like people from the future calling you a barbaric villian because they are pushing their values and way of life back onto us as we live today? (This is assuming you are a meat eater of course.)
  13. RL I AM a tall pale blonde with blue eyes...with the occasional bimbo moment! Not insulted at all!
  14. I think most SL addicts have had an SL dream at one point. I dream about it frequently. My most vivid one was a dream I had where I was moving out from where I was living with a partner because he'd been cheating with anything remotely female...and it turned out to be an accurate prediction.
  15. I will never be "woke" because I was never asleep.
  16. I have a question that may be a bit rude, but asking it anyway. Are you black Luna? And if not, why do you feel you have the right to speak for what black people do and do not want and what does and doesn't irritate them?? Cos from stuff I have read and seen, they HATE when white people speak for them, however well intentioned it is. And since you ALWAYS ask me to back up what I say... Here we have a policeman...a black man who speaks about his experiences when speaking to other BLACK people and WHITE people jump in to speak for them. Around 4 min mark in case you don't want to hear the sanity this man speaks.
  17. The L is for Leo. Let's see what you can do with a W.
  18. According to an online celeb lookalike generator...I look like Gemma Ward. I don't see it myself.
  19. Just finished binging all three series of Anne With An E. Despite loving the Megan Follows mini series...I HATED this version. It was so woke and totally ruined what could have been a great show. Worst theme song ever too!! And yes I could have stopped watching at any point, but I refused to give in and quit.
  20. I have a folder in my Objects folder I call "Boxed. When I buy an item and open it, I move the unopened copy to that folder. Once a month I will box everything in that folder up into another box named by the month and year (ie July 20). That then ends up in my 2020 box, and that in the big box of everything boxed - cos I am a total hoarder!!! Now the opened folder...I will delete the body types I don't use and sometimes even the colours (if it's a fatpack cos ick pink, and doesn't use a HUD). Deleting the LMs, NCs and Logos from the opened folder does help keep the inventory number down. I do recommend keeping the pictures of the items. I get twitchy when it's missing from the purchase and I have to track a copy of it down and then spend another 10L uploading it.
  21. TheAbyss for sexy boots and I had a gorgeous halter I loved from here. Blaze for sexy gowns. Deviance, Wishbox and Evie's Closet were great for fantasy - and they are still about today I believe. Icing for awesome vintage wear. Nymphetamine for scrumptious lingerie. Nyte N Day for great casual wear. WoE for the best jeans on the grid. I still have everything boxed and stored in my inventory from these, and other stores. I'm a hoarder!
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