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Jordyn McGregor

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Everything posted by Jordyn McGregor

  1. I swear my inventory is out to get me. I have been working for days now to sort through everything and box up stuff I wanna keep (cos hoarder!) but don't really need, and finally got it to just under 195k items. So I looked at my count today and it was just under 150K and cue freak out, cos there is no way in heck I have gotten rid of over 40k items, and I didn't think my inventory was in need of a cache clear, cos no folders were showing as empty....but I did one anyway. And now....back to just under 195k items. ^&*%$#%^ inventory!!!
  2. When you are such a hoarder that you box up original packages after you unpack them in boxes by the month you purchase them (ie Jan 23, Feb 23 etc) and you're wanting to add stuff to the Feb box....and its not in the "Box Stuff" folder!!!! So you do an inventory search and it is not there ANYWHERE, so starts the major freak out thinking you have deleted it, along with everything you purchased in February so far...only to finally notice that you already rezzed it ready to start packing.
  3. When you have a buttload of store credit and half the stuff you wanna buy using it isn't set up for using store credit!!! And then gift giftcards that are a certain amount (ie 300/400L) but everything instore is 250 or 299L so you are left with an odd amount on them you cannot use or have to top them up for finish using them. Nice way to get some extra sales out of giving a gift I guess!
  4. So in an effort to *try* to get my inventory back under 200K...I'm FINALLY opening everything I have had lying around for years (ie Shop & Hop and other event gifts etc)...and sorting through them, keeping what I like, deleting what I don't, and all I have to say is... OMG ENOUGH ALREADY WITH THE CHOKERS AND DRINKS!!!!! I know its not nice to rip on free stuff...but OMG!!!!
  5. Probably 5 mins after I log in. Thank God I have an out of control inventory to keep me occupied!
  6. Ugh....Farmer chick isn't even online anymore...and she left her farm up at the fricken sandbox. I hope I am still here to see it auto-returned to her!!!
  7. So I'm sandboxing on one of my alts who needs her inventory tidied bigtime....and there's a couple of people who are hogging the place. One with an obnoxiously huge build and the other looks like she is starting her own farm here. Peeving!
  8. The Tinseled sim has plenty of stuff for men. My M-Alt stocked up on shirts there, that's for sure!!! Couple of good finds...this dress from United Colors and bracelets from Kunglers.
  9. I hit the dreaded 200,000 inventory items mark and so have been desperately trying to slim it down, yet "somehow" I always end up with a higher number when I do. I really need to stay away from the weekend sales!
  10. Spawnage spent $1600 buying herself a 24in drawing tablet last week so she can enjoy doing her drawing on something fancy and bigger than her tablet. It arrives and turns out it needs to connect to a device (tablet or laptop or desktop etc) cos it's really nothing more than just a big monitor she can draw on. No probs as she has a chromebook, laptop and tablet...but typical, it isn't compatible with any of her devices....so there goes another $1200 buying a new and fancy laptop. Peeve: Nowhere in the vids and info we looked did it say or imply anything along the lines of being "just a big monitor". And we looked at a LOT! At least this will keep her happy and quiet...and I scored her Chromebook!
  11. Sitting outside McDonald's at 12:40am in Spawnage's bright orange car...cos she has a job and her own car now - just needs to get her license so I dont need to supervise anymore! Anyhoo...peeved cos it's making me want a burger, but they closed 10 mins ago!
  12. They have done that here...which is why one of the two grocery stores in town have had NO EGGS AT ALL for a couple of weeks now, as well as (I have heard anyway) made it illegal to sell or give away eggs from your own chickens.
  13. Just because I am dancing near you at a club does not mean I wanna jump in and replace the chick you were dancing with who just left...
  14. When people feel the NEED to passively aggressively point out something that I have peeved about in another thread where they post...cos we all know the forums TOTALLY revolve around you!!!
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